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View Full Version : How to solo keeper with a bear

04-16-2011, 11:15 AM
Trying to do the AO3 quests on my bear. Determined to do it solo as I think you get more satisfaction out of it that way but this guy has beaten me!

He just pushes you back constantly so I can't get a hit in. I stood for a good 10 mins just getting knocked back and running up and couldn't get near him!

Only way I could find to do any damage at all was to either stomp when I got close just before he pushes me away or to use a bow, which is useless as I amostlu str with a little dex so could only use a noob bow, best dps I could get with bow was 96!

Anyone got any tips or suggestions? Much appreciated :-)

04-16-2011, 11:23 AM
Ya the keeper can def be tricky with only a bear, if not impossible, cuz like you said he always knocks you back. About the only thing you could do is use range attacks, or get him into the little alley way type place, so that you are right beside him and the wall so when he hits you, you will just hit the wall right behind you. Of course he always moves though so that might be tricky as well lol. Just a suggestion anyways lol.

04-16-2011, 03:44 PM
Does dodge have any effect on his ability to shoot you back? My buffed dodge rounds out to 42 or so but I still feel like I get knocked back every other shot or so. I've beat him before solo as a bear but it requires some precision beckoning and stomping. I usually aggro him quickly, and then pull him to one of the small (usually on the right or left) little pathways leading to him. And then I attack him with his back pushed to the wall and me facing him, so if he shoots me back I still am right in front of his face landing my slashes. Have two loadouts - 1) dodge/tank 2) attack. First loadout to avoid his initial shots, and to position him correctly, and the second to lay your attack on him until he gets dislodged to which you have to switch back to your first loadout to reposition. Rinse repeat.

04-16-2011, 08:19 PM
Here's how you do it, but honestly, it's not worth the hassle / cost / time or health pots.

1. Get a damage and tank elixir (cheaper than the pots you'll need to stay alive
2. Beckon him near barrels and stomp.
3. Keep doing it until Jesus comes or you actually kill him.

As a bear you will NOT beat him in the hallway because you need the explosion of the barrels to break his shield. When his shield is up you won't damage him (That's why he says "you'll never get thru my energy shield!")

04-16-2011, 08:22 PM
Here's how you do it, but honestly, it's not worth the hassle / cost / time or health pots.

1. Get a damage and tank elixir (cheaper than the pots you'll need to stay alive
2. Beckon him near barrels and stomp.
3. Keep doing it until Jesus comes or you actually kill him.

As a bear you will NOT beat him in the hallway because you need the explosion of the barrels to break his shield. When his shield is up you won't damage him (That's why he says "you'll never get thru my energy shield!")

Wrong boss. That's OL

04-16-2011, 08:23 PM
Ya i was gonna say lol...

04-16-2011, 11:41 PM
Cough Cough.... That keeper shield sure is tough....

04-16-2011, 11:44 PM
Go bow bear :)

It's impractical to try and fight it as a melee, he pushes you back and me moves away from you. The only real damage you'll be doing is when you beckon and stomp, and the time that he's next to you.

Yes, dodge lets you dodge his pushback as well.

If you can get a nice spot on a corner, you against a wall and him against a wall, should be much easier.

04-16-2011, 11:47 PM
BaH! Not worth the time and effort soloing....just holler to a friend and get it over with... Range attacks or what duped said....also helps to dmg pot....we er um a little.....

04-16-2011, 11:50 PM
Make sure u constantly hit him with beckon, stomp, and the slash that stuns. Also u might be able to get to him faster if use a speed elixir so u can get mor hits in. When he chases u around the square u can up middle then when he turns corner u can beckon him. That's all I can think of. :)

04-16-2011, 11:53 PM
Need archer to break shield

04-16-2011, 11:55 PM
Need archer to break shield

That's OL.

OL shield isn't the same as Keeper shield. Looks, yes. How to remove it, no. There's no way to remove keeper's shield other than time.

04-17-2011, 12:07 AM
Really.sweet ty. I was wondering when the king of the bears was gonna post.

04-17-2011, 12:07 AM
Elly, don't forget a mage can't use Magic Shield on keeper or he takes it! lol ;)

04-17-2011, 12:08 AM
Really.sweet ty. I was wondering when the king of the bears was gonna post.

The king of bears is in Stronghold :p

Elly, don't forget a mage can't use Magic Shield on keeper or he takes it! lol ;)

Hahaha, love this. Don't forget to give your teammate a pink too, so you'll get one for sure.

04-17-2011, 12:12 AM
I wasnt trying to be noob.

04-17-2011, 12:13 AM
I wasnt trying to be noob.

Elly was joking ;D
And yeah, elly you gotta teach me how to become a better bear.. right now my opinion of bears are down lowww

04-17-2011, 12:15 AM
Elly was joking ;D
And yeah, elly you gotta teach me how to become a better bear.. right now my opinion of bears are down lowww

Yeah I was. I really don't know how to take compliments like those, because I don't see myself as that.

The real king is really in Stronghold, he even has a queen to prove it :p

Gia, sure, post a thread or send me a message any time. Thread would be better so others can read :)