View Full Version : Mapping New Skills

04-16-2011, 05:01 PM
Hey all,

Recently I have leveled up to 10 with my Warrior, so I've learned crippling slash and super mega strike. The problem is though that I can't map more than 4 skills. When i tap the skill then the slot I want it in, nothing happens. Additionally, the button in the top right corner of my interface doesn't allow me to do anything either.

Am I just missing something, or is something actually wrong?


04-16-2011, 05:06 PM
Have you added skill points to them? You can't map a skill unless you have at least 1 point in them. The first 4 get added automatically, after that you can choose where to put the points.

04-16-2011, 05:24 PM

Thanks :)