View Full Version : PVP unplayable

05-25-2010, 12:35 PM
Sorry for the critic, but what's the meaning of pvp match that is soo long?
Don' t forget that we play on a telephone not a pc.
it Is not bette to listen feedbacks before changing things?
Better before patch.
Now it seems to play on bowling instead pvp.
Thank you

05-25-2010, 12:42 PM
I think between before and now could be perfect

05-25-2010, 12:55 PM
Realy booring now...click click on sword button for minutes...
I don't understand the logyc.
You spend days looking for pinks to be just a little bit different from the others (pink byoubow +2 dex then purple) and then arenas are 30 minutes long now..and win who has less phone calls...something does not work

05-25-2010, 01:00 PM
Do auto shot and go afk when u come back maybe one is death xD

but i seen with a 2 h sword u can do dmg but with a wand or staff u wont get kills.
played vs a tank (me with mage) like 10 minutes than he left 0-0
i healed his dmg without problems and he regged mine lol

05-25-2010, 01:01 PM
Guys it doesn't take long if you work together. Its a multiplayer game so communicate.


"All kill healer"

Or, "Use root and I will lightning strike".

05-25-2010, 01:11 PM
It does not take so long? In 5 against shield worriore took 3 minutes :-))
i would like to have your time.

Again, pvp has become one in front of the other clicking and waiting the other
is death. The worst patch never seen since i play this game ( from the beginning 3 hours per day)

05-25-2010, 03:19 PM
In Guild Wars (the only other MMORPG I really got into) if you had 3 or 4 team mates team up on a guy it would only take less than 30 seconds to kill him. 1v1 would take less than a minute too. Don't forget you have respawns, so it's not like you only have one life to worry about.

05-25-2010, 03:46 PM
Yeah, it's going to be a balancing act as how quick or how slow people die and what tactics are the best come out. We really appreciate the feedback - the more the better. Thing is, it's going to take a little bit of time to evaluate after every change, so thanks much for your patience.

In the meantime <auto attack on> I'll be trying to apply a beat down, however slow it is :)

05-26-2010, 06:35 AM
I appreciate the work you are doing do balance PVP, but is not better lo leave how it was from the beginning until you find a best balance on test servers?
Now with my archer if he has Healt regen, he increase healt faster then my damage, so he can not die, it means that 1vs1 is impossible.
In any MMORPG i saw 1vs1 should be possible,also if you always do PVP in group, its just an example for balancing.
Balance so that the ability make player win, not race, Warrior with bow can not loose a fight, or warrior with shield can not be killed.
Its not PVP in my opinion.

05-26-2010, 06:53 AM
Realy booring now...click click on sword button for minutes ..and win who has less phone calls...

ROFL that made my day... very funny! Yesterday and today we are moving offices, so things won't change quite as rapidly as they normally do, but we're still listening to you guys.