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04-17-2011, 10:06 AM
I think there should be more quest rewards other than lousy items and a wimpy amount of gold.
Maybe you could implement experience rewards so there would be less grinding. And I don't mean like 50 exp for a level50 quest, I'm talking about maybe 100-3000 depending on the difficulty. This will encourage questing more. - This feature has recently been updated to happen. Ty STS!
Also once you complete a certain series of quests you could get a pin. They would increase your stats or elixir time or stuff. Series could be like dark forest or the Tomes quest series from balefort castle.

Example: all forest haven quests done: rookies pin = permanent+2 armor
all cyber quests done: cyber badge = all cyber void/rift/ set gives extra boosts
finish all quests: savior of alterria pin = +10 damage(avian) +10 armor(ursan) +5h/s and m/s(elves)

Pins/badges could be like vanities but displayed on your armor. But like vanities you can only equip one at a time! Show the world your dedication! Not only could there be pins for quests but for killing certain monsters too!

Example: undead exterminator - kill 1000 undead - gives +1 h/s permanently!
goblins horror - killed goblin king - goblins are no longer aggressive(for corresponding campaign)
d'jinn assassin - killed Anubis and 15 lesser d'jinn - d'jinn drop rarer loot
ub3r pk3r - 30:1 kill:death ratio in pvp - nothing but a 1337 aura that surrounds you.

Also there could be a daily quest leader board. Only for the addicted where people would compete to complete the most daily quests!
Furthermore people could be granted prestige for certain areas.

Example: all forest haven quests done: Max prestige for fh. Vendors sell you everything for 50% less.
all lost expedition quests done: Max prestige for LE. Vendors will have a larger inventory with all kinds of cool stuff.

The reason I created this thread is because I find quests rather pointless. And the ones that are not take to much grinding anyway and way too tedious and I want to reduce the amount of grinding so people have more fun instead of just doing the same thing over and over(like runescape). I hate having to re-run plasma pyramid just so I can raise a whimsy 1/20 of my exp bar. Plus many people enjoy questing but the rewards are just pitiful. Add some more excitement to questing and give a good reason to quest plz.

Like my ideas? Please comment and leave constructive criticism. Edits will also be made.

04-17-2011, 10:07 AM
Reserved for edits

04-17-2011, 10:52 AM
Come on isn't anyone gonna read this? Reserved too

04-17-2011, 01:30 PM
Quests are definitely one of my favorite aspects of the game, and I would love more in-depth involvement of quests with the game! Like special vanity for completing all quests, or special monsters dropping special fun items in an area for questers only.

I love all your ideas. +1 ;)

04-17-2011, 01:31 PM
the only quest rewards ive ever really did the quest for and went out of my way to do it was the redbone quests

04-17-2011, 01:33 PM
this is a great idea. +3 forum points.

04-17-2011, 01:36 PM
the only quest rewards ive ever really did the quest for and went out of my way to do it was the redbone quests

What about the cyber quests? I did those annoying Keeper runs for days to get all 3 sets.

04-17-2011, 03:41 PM
This is awesome idea, specially the big amount of xp one. And no, my decision isnt being affected by my grind to 56 ;D but in a lot of games i play, comp, etc. quests give a great amount of xp. In those games, quests propel the game itself. Example Maplestory, i played many years ago. At lvl10, there were already a few hundred quests to do, quite big for PL really. But i found myself levling up and continue to play due to quests, unlike in PL, where people find themselves with nothing to do at one point.

04-17-2011, 04:10 PM
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! And now I will try not to sig all these compliments.

04-18-2011, 03:23 AM
I agree on your points OP! We need motivation (beyond mere xp gain, yes please give us xp with quest completion please :P) for completing quests.
+10 win points to you OP!

04-18-2011, 04:40 AM
Good idea, currently I feel like quests are just a bit tacked on. They are repetitive and pretty much pointless since the rewards aren't worth the effort. I think the most gold I can recall getting from a quest is ~500g, the quest items can't be sold/traded and the only reason I did the quests was because I'm a complitionist like that (which cannot even be shown off in game because the quest list only shows up to Ancient Swamps on the character page). Gaining xp, a respectable amount of gold or even an piece of gear that I'll actually use would be a very welcome change to the questing system. Once I reached level 56, I found almost nothing to do in the world of PL. Doing daily quests for crafting items is a bit boring (they can't even be liquidated), but I do a few dailies, so high five to the devs for adding a bit of new content that has kept me around just a bit longer.

Edit: Easy fix for the devs, swap the gold gained with xp gained for quests. 100xp isn't much, but it's a better incentive than 100g is!

04-18-2011, 09:13 AM
Some of this stuff has been suggested before. In my "Questius" trials, I've noted that items from quests tend to be mostly useless by the time you get them, even playing through the "story" as efficiently as reasonably possible.

On the whole, I don't mind individual quests having little to no reward per se, but the end of a "quest chain" should have a significant award that very few really do. Vanity items would be one approach. I was hoping that when they introduced rings that they would be available as "quest chain" rewards (bind on pickup) -- something to make questing really worthwhile that wouldn't be generally available to people who haven't completed the quests.

04-18-2011, 09:39 AM
I've noted that items from quests tend to be mostly useless by the time you get them, even playing through the "story" as efficiently as reasonably possible.

Agree. It is expecially true for low level boss quests; if I am with a good group we can travel from Lil Bill through Ernesto the Yeti to The Frost King in one multilevel run, but I should return to Aldo in town at each boss fight to get the new quest target. Nothing impossible, but a little annoying...

04-19-2011, 10:24 AM
quest are boring and not the main way to level up. they were added to give players something todo besides level and loot. i was here when quest were added, i have never liked th

04-19-2011, 10:29 AM
agree i hate that u get 400 coins for a quest u wasted so much time on

04-20-2011, 12:55 PM
We also need a lot more quests.

05-15-2011, 06:27 AM
Just saw this and wow I so want this!!!

05-16-2011, 01:46 AM
I was surprised how little reward there is for most quests. I enjoy getting every one done. It would be nice to at least get a vanity item for completing each area. I love the idea of XP or stat bonuses for taking the time to do these quests.

05-16-2011, 02:46 PM
I agree. We need more to make the game less monotonous. It gives us a goal to accomplish besides the next level. Then you hit 56 and have nothing to do. I think that's one of the reasons everyone rushed Sandstone Caves the day it came out. And did the rabbit ears quest. It gave them all something out of the ordinary to do.

I think the easier quests should stay with the same type of rewards, but the harder, more drawn out quest, i.e. 1000 snowballs, 1000 pelts, totems, etc., should give higher end rewards than they do. A small amount of xp for the easy quest, and a larger amount for the more drawn out quest would be a great bonus on top.

05-18-2011, 06:38 PM
well this is actually happening in 1.7.2

Completing quests can now grant experience.

05-19-2011, 06:48 PM
well this is actually happening in 1.7.2

Yeah I saw. I'm glad u all like my ideas but right now I gtg somewhere.

05-19-2011, 08:46 PM
i found out quests only give 1 xp regardless of area and zones with the new 1.7.2 update : /

05-20-2011, 05:19 AM
Love the pin idea

05-21-2011, 03:19 AM
the only quest rewards ive ever really did the quest for and went out of my way to do it was the redbone quests

I only did the quests to make my stats page look cooler and pro-er

05-21-2011, 03:28 AM
i did them till they made all the oasis quests, now I am just leveling without because it doesn't add someting