View Full Version : The rageee...

06-17-2015, 02:31 PM
I get call of duty of rages on arcane legends .
1) I rage to the point of throwing my phone at a little girl .
2) I scream at my phone sometimes this is awkward in public.
3) next time I'm just gonna cry
I'm done I tried to be kind but I just lose it 😭😭😭

06-17-2015, 05:32 PM
Sounds like uve discovered pvp. Here are my tips:

1. Troll. Think of everything as just a game. If they trashtalk you say "Oh no please dont hut me with your pixelated sword" stuffs like that. Dont bother trashtalking. I tried trashtalking the trashtalkers and ive found my trashes too dark (to the point where i hurt someone whose mom passed away(sorry bout that, hope that teaches em not to trashtalk unprepared for comebacks)). Next is dont feed. If ure getting nailed, leave, feed and they just wont stop. Third, dont hesitate. You came fpr the kill. Do it. If everyone gangs and u say the game isnt fair, adapt so it will be. If everyone gangs, so do you, then thats pretty much even eh? Goodluck bro. Learn through experience. The more mistakes u do, the more things u learn ^_^

06-17-2015, 09:53 PM
I usually just start saying random scoreboard numbering if they are one of those guys that keep a score.

I also usually just mention the higher level and say how desparate they must be to have a level 25 vs a 17 bear.

Furthermore, if they say cry I say do you need a napkin?