View Full Version : Kite shield

06-17-2015, 09:48 PM
How many people have the level 40 kite shield im not sure the rareity of it but i have one and i dont see them really. 134665

06-17-2015, 09:50 PM
How many people have the level 40 kite shield im not sure the rareity of it but i have one and i dont see them really. 134665

I have one.

Suentous PO
06-18-2015, 09:15 AM
Lots of people could have them, some still drop from pvp barrels. I have a few versions, some disc. some not.

06-18-2015, 02:12 PM
Lots of people could have them, some still drop from pvp barrels. I have a few versions, some disc. some not.

ok cool i didnt really know..

06-18-2015, 03:06 PM
Lots of people could have them, some still drop from pvp barrels. I have a few versions, some disc. some not.

Wot? They still drop from barrels????

06-18-2015, 04:13 PM
When I started I ran with a bear no lix so I spent lots of time in AO (I bought the dungeon and played there ALOT) I always used to get kite shields... Now I'm sad that I liquidated them.

And I thought they only dropped from AOII barrels (but disc) not pvp ones...

Suentous PO
06-18-2015, 07:32 PM
You need scaled lv toons to drop them.

"Actually, it's not discontinued it drops from trash can in PvP. But if you guys are gonna offer that, I have 6 kite shields available "

"The level 40 Kite shield is NOT discontinued HOWEVER! The level 32 and 34 variations of the same kite shield whether it be grey Kite shield, Ursan's kite shield or elf guards kite shield ARE Discontinued.
(Level 40 and 36 not discontinued, Level 32 and 34 are discontinued)

The level 32 and 34 Kite shields used to scale from AO1 and 2 Barrels/chests however now that these items no longer scale in those specific maps they are no longer obtainable at those levels.
The level 40 Kite shield is worth no more than 100k as it is a common drop and easily obtainable.
Level 34 will be around the 200k mark as the 34 shield isn't as popular as the 32.
I personally have sold various variations of the 32 shield for over 5m in CS.
These kite shields are the same as Starry armours, starry armour level 32 and 34 are discontinued however 36 and 40s are still obtainable"
-Makka pakka


07-07-2015, 08:28 PM
I have one too