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06-20-2015, 10:18 AM
Ok so on the sneak peek thread we learned that you can gain tokens from the "new locked" if I can call them this. I've spent the last 25-30 mins just reading through all the posts in that thread. What I have learnt is that their is a massive uproar about the way tokens can be gained I just wanna say that I COMPLETELY agree with MOST of the post there.

A few people (not mentioning names) say that dropping a few hundred dollars/pounds on the game is easy for most...ummm.... NO! Ok..just..no...
I have burned through 10k+ plat and that's is loadsss for me and so I'm not gonna be able to spend any where near that amount of money any time soon.
Yes suggestions are going towards the right direction, such as quests, but weekly....weeewww
Daily quest: 20 tokens reward but make it harder maybe 30-40 ren'gol bosses, even if you manage to kill that many every day it would still take almost 2 months to afford an arcane...and not everyone has the time to kill that many bosses, or the patience.

Just saying that tokens shouldn't only be available in crates via mass collection...farming needs to be revived with a way to get a good amount of tokens by hard farming... I.e. A quest to kill elite bosses maybe 10 a day gives u 10 tokens, a long side the other normal boss quest...

Just my opinion! :)

06-20-2015, 10:39 AM
Yeah there should be a weekly quest that will give you 10 tokens if you kill xxx amount of elite bosses. I think Madnex had that suggestion in the original thread.

06-20-2015, 10:48 AM
I agree.. +1.

06-20-2015, 10:51 AM
Yeah there should be a weekly quest that will give you 10 tokens if you kill xxx amount of elite bosses. I think Madnex had that suggestion in the original thread.

Indeed. It has already been suggested but I'm saying daily because if it was weekly then 10 tokens a week means it would take 2 years almost to afford a Mari for example if it was a completely f2p person then that would be ridiculous due to the drop rate of certain chests...

06-20-2015, 11:08 AM
Aren't there also free to open crates as well that have the new currency?

06-20-2015, 11:12 AM
Aren't there also free to open crates as well that have the new currency?

Well...yes there is HOWEVER considering the fact that we will have to farm these and then they are most likely a drop its again, based in luck and probably won't be a considerable amount either.

06-20-2015, 11:13 AM
Depends how the drop rate is.

06-20-2015, 11:17 AM
That is a major factor agreed..but look at EVERY single other thing based on luck in this game...what conclusions can we draw from that? Lel

06-20-2015, 11:41 AM
the golden orc chests will have a "chance to drop a crate token"

06-20-2015, 11:48 AM
"chance to drop a crate token"

Key words being; CHANCE and A...
I rest my case :)

06-20-2015, 12:16 PM
"""A few people (not mentioning names) say that dropping a few hundred dollars/pounds on the game is easy for most...ummm.... NO! Ok..just..no...""""

I see what you did there "Just..NO" LOL

06-20-2015, 12:18 PM
"""A few people (not mentioning names) say that dropping a few hundred dollars/pounds on the game is easy for most...ummm.... NO! Ok..just..no...""""

I see what you did there "Just..NO" LOL

Hehe Indeed :)

06-20-2015, 12:32 PM
If the gold orc chest drops a item+a chance to grant a token, i am fine with it XD

06-20-2015, 12:50 PM
There needs to be a sure way for free players to farm tokens... Not just a "chance" based one. For sure

06-20-2015, 12:58 PM
But then again theres always a catch. Instead of gold orc crates it will probably be limited to just elite gold crates considering how the thread changed everything. Now consider your chances of looting an elite gold crate, 1 out of 15ish or so runs? Lets make that 10 for those with high hopes. Now consider the chance of ONE SINGLE TOKEN dropping from a crate... Its probably not even at a 12% chance, maybe 5% if sts decides to. Now consider all the gold you will use for ankhs and pots for these ELITE runs. And now repeat this process all over again 999 more times. It will take probably years to get even a single arcane.

06-20-2015, 01:12 PM
If the gold orc chest drops a item+a chance to grant a token, i am fine with it XD

It's still a chance though...and only from gold crates!!

There needs to be a sure way for free players to farm tokens... Not just a "chance" based one. For sure


But then again theres always a catch. Instead of gold orc crates it will probably be limited to just elite gold crates considering how the thread changed everything. Now consider your chances of looting an elite gold crate, 1 out of 15ish or so runs? Lets make that 10 for those with high hopes. Now consider the chance of ONE SINGLE TOKEN dropping from a crate... Its probably not even at a 12% chance, maybe 5% if sts decides to. Now consider all the gold you will use for ankhs and pots for these ELITE runs. And now repeat this process all over again 999 more times. It will take probably years to get even a single arcane.

Ikr :/ it's gonna be ridiculously hard unless STS change it...

06-20-2015, 01:59 PM
just make it like planar arena chest with guaranteed tokens lol. those chest value are still good since the release of elite tombs. make the chest cost more to purchase with fragment etc etc ^^

06-20-2015, 02:13 PM
I never liked the luck-based middleman aspect the game turned into.

1. Be lucky enough to loot a chest.
2. Be lucky enough to loot something valuable from said chest.

If someone asked me would you rather:

1. Farm 500 tokens that have a 'random' chance of dropping.
2. Farm 1000 tokens that have a guaranteed chance of dropping

I would probably go with the guaranteed farming.

06-20-2015, 02:52 PM
Lol I think they got our hopes and now we will see if STS can take a hint after 2 years :')

06-20-2015, 04:46 PM
Anyway,more teers for people who
Dont use plats,much much more time spend on "luck"farming,and probably noone from free players will not be able to buy stuf arcane rarity.....like most other games,but who know....

06-20-2015, 06:29 PM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?

06-20-2015, 07:18 PM
I believe plat users dominate this game since the locked crate was introduce.Spend platinum=shortcut.This condition will not change,that's the reason people spending money.
2 years playing this game,I haven't found a way to get best items without hardwork or without spending real money.

06-20-2015, 07:20 PM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?

You do know they make millions of dollers every year right ? You sound like they are starving or something . This isn't about getting paid its about greed

06-20-2015, 07:23 PM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?

Plat users should get benefits to an extent. Sts makes a ton of money, more than most think actually. They indeed are not on the verge of being broke. Why do you think they made level 77 on pl 300k xp? To squeeze the last amount of money they can before shutting it down. Why do you think theyre being so generous now to plat users? More than they have been?

06-20-2015, 09:24 PM
You do know they make millions of dollers every year right ? You sound like they are starving or something . This isn't about getting paid its about greed

Lmao spacetime studios doesn't make a millions of dollars per year... That's extremely exaggerated. Although I agree with fade on the game runs on money and they have every right to. I think it's sad that finally we were about have a new age of farming and now I'm regretting not buying that imbued set for a great price and waiting for new "farmable" mythics... if they ever make it "farmable" it's gonna be like teeth... and 1000-3000 of those and I'll just quit AL cuz 150 itself is a joke...

06-20-2015, 10:49 PM
What abt putting them tokens on elite chests like elite gold rengol chest drops 3 tokens, silver 2, copper 1... it will still take hundreds of runs to get an arcane and weeks, since new elite maps are hard.

http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/chandra7plav/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_1428811885348_zpsxpktgrgj.jpg (http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/chandra7plav/media/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_1428811885348_zpsxpktgrgj.jpg.html)

06-20-2015, 11:12 PM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?

The quest that the OP is proposing will take about 4 months for most hardcore-ish endgame farmers that play completely f2p.
The full on hardcore players I doubt have enough time to play 15min*30bosses= 450 minutes/7.5 hours(no break) a day to this one game, and even if they do it will take them 2 months to earn.

Then we have the smaller plat spenders and the whales....
The smaller plat spenders are not likely to continue to support the game if they see that it will take them so much time to obtain the tokens for one arcane item....
The plat-whales will not even consider this option unless they are opting this as a challenge. They may do it additionally, but unlikely play completely f2p.

People who have been worried to use plat will start to use some with the guaranteed token system.
Some people will start spending small amounts of money to obtain plat to spend with. However small this adds people who are buying and add profits to the company.

That said adding a daily will likely be far more profitable for sts then it will act negatively.

06-20-2015, 11:16 PM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?
The main aim is after all money-making...cant deny the cold hard facts
But, the game cannot just survive on the plat users right? That is the reason it is partially f2p; the player base would be too small of it wasnt, especially for a simplistic mobile mmorpg.
The answer is simple. Make it a sure shot drop off elite bosses. Imagining the huge length of these new maps, which will of course be the new best elites; its not going to be an easy deal...and 700-800 runs is going to take a loooong time; which is fine.
With this , i and im sure most of the community is still ready to accept the locks and the tokens from them if the f2p still has a fighting chance.
Rather giving farmablity a chance would increase competitiveness, thereby resulting in more lock popping. Just my opinion of course

06-21-2015, 02:03 AM
I understand the fervor but sometimes I think people forget... STS isn't developing, testing, and maintaining game code out of the goodness of their hearts (although many have a heart in the games) they do this to make a living and support IRL families. Also don't you think the people that support this with their hard earned money deserve to benefit from this support of sts that makes the game available for everyone?
yes i understand but plat spending should not be the main way to obtain those tokens. this way it seems like the only way to get arcanes is open locks and get tokens! buy arcanes with tokens. plat buyers should get an advantage but not this much. this way non plat buyers cant actually loot an arcane without buying it with gold after farming for so long. since this is prolly the last expansion before most quits and move to call of champions why not making stuff easier for us... put them tokens in elite chests pls.

06-21-2015, 04:26 AM
As many people have already said, I'm just going to reiterate it...
Plat is supposed to be to provide an advantage to people who WANT to buy it, to speed the process up. In this case it speeds it up however it also leaves the f2p players with nothing or months of endless farming. As the nub sorcerer said (lel) if we implemented the quest idea or something based around that people who don't like to gamble/buy plat may start to realise they are getting somewhere in the game and it can only get better indefinitely if they buy plat, therefore plat purchases will increase, increasing profit for STS and then everyone's happy!!!

-Compiled of many peoples posts on this thread. Thank you for your help/replies! :)

06-21-2015, 09:00 AM
I believe plat users dominate this game since the locked crate was introduce.Spend platinum=shortcut.This condition will not change,that's the reason people spending money.
2 years playing this game,I haven't found a way to get best items without hardwork or without spending real money.

You won't find a way to make gold without hardwork or spending money. You have to do one or the other in this game. It's been that way since I started playing and won't change.

There are plenty of games out there where you can be fully geared within a week and not spend money. But I can't seem to keep playing those games more than a month. It gets boring with nothing to strive for.

06-21-2015, 01:03 PM
You won't find a way to make gold without hardwork or spending money. You have to do one or the other in this game. It's been that way since I started playing and won't change.

There are plenty of games out there where you can be fully geared within a week and not spend money. But I can't seem to keep playing those games more than a month. It gets boring with nothing to strive for.

It's good to keep having things to aim for, but if the aim is to ridiculous then many people will just get despondent and eventually give up and therefore quit/take a break from the game...
I.e. If I was to "start saving" for a fossil then I would give up in a matter of weeks lol

09-05-2015, 12:16 AM
wait...doesnt it require plat to open lock ren gol crates..? if so that makes getting the tokens much more harder because not only is it rare to get locked ren gol crates(without lucky mythic
items) but then you need the plat to open them..just sayin..

Dex Scene
09-05-2015, 04:43 AM
True that!!
Gold orc chests are joke.
2-3 days for a chest which has very low chance to drop 1 crate token.
There must be daily quests to get some guaranteed crate tokens.
Or they can do some teeth vendor stuff like we have in trindin.
Who doesn't like teeth vendor.
Maybe we get to farm Orc teeth in here.

Dex Scene
09-05-2015, 10:19 AM
Orc have fangs not teef [emoji14]
Ok Orc fangs then :)

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