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04-18-2011, 10:28 AM
The "Main Spine" of content is now free: Balefort Castle, Fathom Crypts, Lost Expedition, Ancient Swamps, Alien Oasis Trilogy, and Balefort Sewers.

Anyone that purchased any Main Spine content within the last 3 days will have their Platinum refunded.
All accounts that have previously purchased the Main Spine will be automatically granted the "Shield of Gratitude", a limited-edition shield given to those that have supported our efforts up to this point. If you qualify, the shield can be found in your Stash.
Festive Party Hats are now available in the store.

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Wave at someone wearing one to receive a smaller party hat and help us celebrate our first year.

Characters can now only enter a campaign dungeon if they are within 2 levels of the minimum recommended level requirement for that campaign.

Players of all levels will be able to enter any towne.
Attempting to host a dungeon your character does not have minimum required level access to will put you in the last towne you were in.

Added 3 "mega-combos" that require all 3 character classes to perform. These mega-combos stack onto existing combos. Give them a try!

Nature Strike + Hellscream
Shatter + Break Armor
Crushed + Drain Life.

Elixirs can now only be purchased with Platinum.

Skill respecs now cost 2 Platinum again.

Magic Mirror faces are now all 5 Platinum.

Wyldwood, Croc Feud, and Shadow Caves are now paid access campaigns. Players who already have access to Balefort Castle, Croc Swamp, and Alien Oasis 3 should be granted these expansions for free.

NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us for at least 6 months, look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming Wednesday. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!

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04-18-2011, 10:30 AM
Sweet thanks devs woot

cant wait to see the shield of gratitude

04-18-2011, 10:31 AM
•Elixirs can now only be purchased with Platinum.
=>>Omg!!!! wich elixiers?? no more xp, dmg, tank elixiers for gold??? O-o... i hear the flames come...

•Characters can now only enter a campaign dungeon if they are within 2 levels of the minimum recommended level requirement for that campaign.
=>>end of era powerlevel!?! u write about host, but what about joining??

•Added 3 "mega-combos" that require all 3 character classes to perform. These mega-combos stack onto existing combos. Give them a try!
=>> wooooot!!!!!

NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us from the very beginning (accounts started from April through June), look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming later today. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!
==>>i will grab it! :D

04-18-2011, 10:33 AM
Aw stinks that only apple users get the hat :( and +1000000000000000 for the minimum level needed to enter a campaign dungeon. Seriously, +infinity!!

Also, regarding elixirs for plat, I was skeptical of it at first but realized its great for stimulating the economy. Remove the major gold drain, encourage more buying and selling.

04-18-2011, 10:34 AM
Nice overall!

Wow on elixirs. There goes speed runs :(

04-18-2011, 10:34 AM
cant wait for almost all of them!

but all elixers costing plat? seriously?

04-18-2011, 10:34 AM

04-18-2011, 10:35 AM
wish I qualified for a helm but at least I can get the shield! :)
I love this already...

04-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Wow! Awesome job! :)

04-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Yay, I finally can get a shield.....
I always thought that elixirs should cost plat....great jo on the level hosting too...
Will the founder's helm be added to our main?

04-18-2011, 10:37 AM
woooohoooo!!! Great job Devs !! cant wait

04-18-2011, 10:38 AM
Wow lol elixers ftl.....

04-18-2011, 10:39 AM
Does through June mean the whole of June till the 1st July? Or just until or just till the end of march?

04-18-2011, 10:39 AM
Awesome on everything.....but a big fat "boo" on plat-only-for-elixirs.

04-18-2011, 10:39 AM
sweet updates! Can't wait to get the shield! YAY~~~~ Happy Birthday Pocket legend!!!!

04-18-2011, 10:40 AM
I like everything, except elixirs only being able to be bought with plat. Can prices at least be lowered?:/ IM SO DANG EXCITED FOR THE FOUNDERS HELM AND GRATITUDE SHIELD! AMAZING WORK DEVS!!!!!!:D

04-18-2011, 10:40 AM
Awesome on everything.....but a big fat "boo" on plat-only-for-elixirs.

i agree on the Plat for Elixirs :(

04-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Does this mean no xp elixirs for gold too? Oh no, for going to 61! D:

04-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Awww, I liked using elixirs, but otherwise, awesome job PL!!!

04-18-2011, 10:43 AM
Elixirs only for plat = I won't buy elixirs = it will take epic long time to get from lvl 55-56 :-(

04-18-2011, 10:43 AM
I just had someone point out to me....plat-for-elixirs = 0 people in Shadow Caves. Or at least even less than there are now :rolleyes:

04-18-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm 9K away from 56. So much for hitting it today;( but eh, oh well. Great job devs. I can't wait to see the update!

Omg! Idea!: Only enable elixirs to be bought with gold at 55-56?:D

04-18-2011, 10:44 AM
Great job! Can't wait to see the new vanity items :)

But... Plat for elix?

04-18-2011, 10:45 AM
I'm 9K away from 56. So much for hitting it today;( but eh, oh well. Great job devs. I can't wait to see the update!

Omg! Idea!: Only enable elixirs to be bought with gold at 55-56?:D

Only allow elixirs for gold at 56! :p

04-18-2011, 10:47 AM
Elixirs only for plat = I won't buy elixirs = it will take epic long time to get from lvl 55-56 :-(

i can tell ya: a month

04-18-2011, 10:48 AM
I'm 9K away from 56. So much for hitting it today;( but eh, oh well. Great job devs. I can't wait to see the update!

Omg! Idea!: Only enable elixirs to be bought with gold at 55-56?:D

I am 9K TOWARDS 56 ;)

04-18-2011, 10:49 AM
i can tell ya: a month

I already got 25k ;-)

04-18-2011, 10:51 AM
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Thanks devs! I'm grateful for the Gratitude shield!

Hmm...40K of XP away from 56 just took a bit longer to achieve and my now ex-Warrior-elixir-happy playstyle in Catacomb is going to take a bit of an adjustment. Here's hoping it's just a typo! *grin*

04-18-2011, 10:52 AM
Very good job, nice!
I love this game!

04-18-2011, 10:52 AM
Sigh...... looks like my mage isn't hitting 56 anytime soon lol.

A big thumbs up on everything else, and congrats on a great first year (although I wasn't here for all of it), here's hoping for many more!

04-18-2011, 10:54 AM
woot woot new hat yeah

04-18-2011, 10:55 AM
i always thought devs want us to spend our gold in elixiers to keep prices of items low in the future, but it doesnt seem that was the target of it..

04-18-2011, 11:01 AM
Nice update! I look forward to the shield.

Out of curiosity though....why elixirs for plat now? Is this just a move to eliminate faster leveling, or is it a business decision to earn for income?

Not saying I fault you for either choice, but I'm curious about the logic behind the choice.

04-18-2011, 11:02 AM
NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us from the very beginning (accounts started from April through June), look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming later today. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!

Well, i'm glad i'm only about 80% OCD at collecting things. :)

04-18-2011, 11:03 AM
i always thought devs want us to spend our gold in elixiers to keep prices of items low in the future, but it doesnt seem that was the target of it..

I think it'll really slow down content consumption too.

Slower levelling since no XP pots AND damage/armour pots.

04-18-2011, 11:04 AM
looks like no more elixirs for me...

anyone know how long the festive hats will be up for?

04-18-2011, 11:05 AM
I think it'll really slow down content consumption too.

Slower levelling since no XP pots AND damage/armour pots.

wont lvl 45 (especially new players) come in trouble defeating OL without tank pot...? :/

04-18-2011, 11:05 AM
Excited about the founder helm and shield. :)

04-18-2011, 11:06 AM
wont lvl 45 (especially new players) come in trouble defeating OL without tank pot...? :/

True, unless they've changed him. :)

04-18-2011, 11:08 AM
its not working! im on an iphone 3g and it wouldn't load it would get stuck on contacting server. i deleted and re-installed and now it says servers are down for maintenance!

04-18-2011, 11:10 AM
I think it'll really slow down content consumption too.

Slower levelling since no XP pots AND damage/armour pots.

Yes I agree, this will have a significant impact on leveling. Probably a good decision. Oh and by the way Happy Birthday PL!!!

04-18-2011, 11:12 AM
Hmm... I wonder if I will receive the Helm... My first character has been created around April 2010, but after some time I deleted it :(

04-18-2011, 11:12 AM
All looks great, but not sure what effect Plat only Exliers will have on the game, apart from the obvious. Longer levelling times for infrequent Plat users, etc.

Also, regarding elixirs for plat, I was skeptical of it at first but realized its great for stimulating the economy. Remove the major gold drain, encourage more buying and selling.

Won't the prices of things increase if there is more disposable gold in the game??

EDIT: Am certain the devs will see a significant drop in Elixir use so not sure it'll be a vastly increased revenue stream?? Wondering if there is a different reason....

04-18-2011, 11:13 AM
its not working! im on an iphone 3g and it wouldn't load it would get stuck on contacting server. i deleted and re-installed and now it says servers are down for maintenance!

iam sure we will have to download and install the new version of PL... just nothing on store until now..

04-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Great Update, Thanks. Keep up the good work.

The only issue I have is Elixirs for plat. I don't like this concept.

04-18-2011, 11:14 AM
Sooooo pumped on the powerleveling nix. LOL even if I was in the process of leveling my two Alts.. I think its better for everyone. And even the elixirs. Don't mind any changes and love most of them. Good job devs! Wish I coulda gotten crown tho :(

04-18-2011, 11:15 AM
ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! I was hoping to see the update before I had to go back to work. Now I have to wait 3 more hours dangit.

04-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Awesome can't wait to get on and play. Thanks STS!!!

04-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Y'all gave away some secret dev alts in the screenshots:D

04-18-2011, 11:16 AM
All looks great, but not sure what effect Plat only Exliers will have on the game, apart from the obvious. Longer levelling times for infrequent Plat users, etc.

Won't the prices of things increase if there is more disposable gold in the game??

EDIT: Am certain the devs will see a significant drop in Elixir use so not sure it'll be a vastly increased revenue stream?? Wondering if there is a different reason....

the gold ammount wont sink and rise in dungeons like BS... u spend practically the gained gold for pots.. i will go equal then..

04-18-2011, 11:17 AM
Aww pity august not part of founders club... :(
You guys could be awesome and make it the first 6 months

04-18-2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks STS for all the goodies! And I am really happy for all the early adopters that are recognized for their effeorts and fidelity to a great game. Congrats to all you oldies out there!!!

04-18-2011, 11:19 AM
ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! I was hoping to see the update before I had to go back to work. Now I have to wait 3 more hours dangit.

i would like to have a 3h work too ;) (but same money haha)

04-18-2011, 11:20 AM
this is what they put on their facebook : "Hey everyone, our apologies that today's server maintenance is running long. Should be up soon!"

04-18-2011, 11:21 AM
Aw stinks that only apple users get the hat :( and +1000000000000000 for the minimum level needed to enter a campaign dungeon. Seriously, +infinity!!

Also, regarding elixirs for plat, I was skeptical of it at first but realized its great for stimulating the economy. Remove the major gold drain, encourage more buying and selling.

Hey Physio... thats what I always do... buy and sell in on CS... then make the gold to buy Elixirs... now i can only make the gold buy other items :)

04-18-2011, 11:24 AM
great update. But the idea for the elixiers is only s**t.

04-18-2011, 11:24 AM
There goes getting my bird to 55, and I'm sure as he'll never getting to 56 on red anytime soon.... Otherwise the other stuff is pretty official. Can't wait for the servers to be back

04-18-2011, 11:25 AM

04-18-2011, 11:27 AM
Its online! No new app download required!

04-18-2011, 11:28 AM
Hi ty gor update id like to point out that pocket legends was available for android starting in november, imes sure youll take a look andr rectify.as for elixers there must b a compromise. I look forward to hearing what you have to say

04-18-2011, 11:28 AM
I really like the update features. Great job devs. Can't wait to get it up and running. I am a little torn on the elixers for plat, but I am sure a lot of thought went into the change. Hopefully the price is tweaked a little to make them a little easier to afford if we do choose to use plat for them. My favorite pot in the game is that little red damage pot. Thanks guys for the update!

04-18-2011, 11:29 AM
The elixers are really expensive at only platinum prices

04-18-2011, 11:30 AM
yay finally remembered my password for here lol also yay new items!!!

04-18-2011, 11:31 AM
woot server is back online

04-18-2011, 11:35 AM
So where can the shield be found?

04-18-2011, 11:36 AM
the balloons are a target, but they dont explode lol ;)

04-18-2011, 11:38 AM
i never bought Main Spine but got anyway the "Shield of Gratitude", ty! :)

04-18-2011, 11:39 AM
So where can the shield be found?

In your stash.

04-18-2011, 11:40 AM
Lol. I did buy everything but received nothing -_-

04-18-2011, 11:41 AM
Lol. I did buy everything but received nothing -_-

Look in your stash.

04-18-2011, 11:44 AM
man i want a founders helm! pl could you pls give me one?

04-18-2011, 11:46 AM
I never received the shield in my stash. o.o;

04-18-2011, 11:46 AM
with more armor would be a mega build haha

http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/8189/img0206.png (http://img508.imageshack.us/i/img0206.png/)

04-18-2011, 11:47 AM
Look in your stash.

Ah right, I looked over it I guess.

04-18-2011, 11:54 AM
the shield is great for twinking,
Thx pl now i can start on my twink xD

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!Y!YY!Y$@$@!$@!$@!$!@$!@@!#!@ :o

04-18-2011, 11:54 AM
Aww pity august not part of founders club... :(
You guys could be awesome and make it the first 6 months

I started game in June so i hope to be a part of that somhow though i have purchased all dung. Since june in order to play am not eligible for new shield. But cheers to all who are not elegible yet make a big diffrence in the game YOU ALL deserve a recognition and thanks :)

My bad it seems my first purchase was in october.... Very strange i thought i started in june.. :0 ....

Congrats pl for a sucessful year!!

04-18-2011, 11:55 AM
Party hat and shield of gratitude on mage. Ty STS :)


Bug report: some people seems to be missing quests after the update. My gf (ign: darkphoenixx) for example has many incompleted missions now, while she had them all before the update.

Edit: after she uninstalled and reinstalled the game again, all missions show their correct status again :)

04-18-2011, 11:57 AM
Everything is good for this update except the elixirs. I regret not been able to level my archer before now I need 26k exp thats gonna take a week instead of 2 days of hard farming.

I was seriously expecting a bigger update but its kool apart form what I stated before and thanks for the shield.

04-18-2011, 11:58 AM
Happy Birthday Pocket legends
I love you guys.

04-18-2011, 12:03 PM
I bought every map except Balefort Sewers and I got no shield :( sob.... And I only bought them a week ago!

04-18-2011, 12:03 PM
Sounds like a great update, I can't wait to try it.

Curious about the decision behind elixirs, though. It was generally considered a poor idea to buy them with platinum before, but of course that also took into account that you could purchase them for gold. Still, I doubt you'll see much in the way of platinum-based elixir usage.

04-18-2011, 12:04 PM
Mega combos here :


04-18-2011, 12:06 PM
I dont have the shield, why? i play pocket legends since the first day that the game was available on iphone
Edit: i have my shield, thank you, but you can only buy elixir with platinum? why?

Olli Walli
04-18-2011, 12:06 PM
I previously bought all of the campaigns but did not get a shield...

04-18-2011, 12:07 PM
TO GET THE SHIELD: check your stash (the NPC Darada in Balefort Castle)

04-18-2011, 12:08 PM
Cool update, I like.the bday themes but 3 plat for one elixir is a bit excessive.imo. Maybe 1 plat, that way you can use free plat to fund a decent amt. Also Shadow Caves are officially an unplayable map. After GCD, there was at most 1 or 2 games goin on per DAY. This was mainly because you essentially have had to.pot now to beat.it. Now that pots cost.3 plat.each (I can just spend plat on a ring instead.of pots), Shadow Caves should just be deleted.or renerfed. Outside of.this, great job!

04-18-2011, 12:10 PM
TO GET THE SHIELD: check your stash (the NPC Darada in Balefort Castle)

goin straight there... shield and helmet for me :D (& party hat!)

MEGA combos are v cool for teamwork. ;)

04-18-2011, 12:12 PM
A week ago I just bought platinum and did the free offers to purchase every one of the maps n I did not received the shield I think the reason y is because my stash was full. Can u please fix the problem and for others I'm sure other people have the same problem, actually I talked to a few and they do. Ide appreciate it I basically just wasted my money because everything free now that I bought n I just purchased the maps a week ago. And I did buy every single one.. Please help my email is cheasybread10@gmail.com n my charcters names are gerbzzz n gerbzzzz

04-18-2011, 12:12 PM
I think they should cut the price for the xp elixir down to 5, make it last an hour, through death and levels. I would spend muchonplat then. Not so much now thou

04-18-2011, 12:14 PM
Will the helm be lvl 1? Btw lvl 1 twinking ftw ^^

04-18-2011, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


04-18-2011, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


No one really cares asommers. We got party hats!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

04-18-2011, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


That means they will stay after death? or last an hour or two and stay on till the time expires?

04-18-2011, 12:19 PM
Will the helm be lvl 1? Btw lvl 1 twinking ftw ^^

My level 1 has 25 armor and 56 dps :D

04-18-2011, 12:20 PM
hey developers.

I do not want to say about your game statement update...but I have to say this..

I have joined this game since november and I bought all the towns.

And now you have said only for the players you joined during last april, may and june? further more only you guys give the players who purchased the towns recently?

how bloody annoying us....

how about the bloody play times? instead of the bloody luckily joined this game since damn april and may and june of last year?

how about the all d guys who already purchased all d towns? "i saw the anouncement before you guys changed it...it was not gift but refund isnt it? I am the update translater of my country community, so I know it."

you guys have said thanks us to support the PL? how betray the us who really have given you royal ....and only celebrate for only lucky guys....

04-18-2011, 12:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


What was the thought process of making elixirs cost plat, besides the obvious revenue stream? Offset by now-free campaigns (which most of us here paid for happily)?

Shadow Caves will be a ghost town, moreso than it already was.

Overall, nice update though!

04-18-2011, 12:22 PM
hey developers.

I do not want to say about your game statement update...but I have to say this..

I have joined this game since november and I bought all the towns.

And now you have said only for the players you joined during last april, may and june? further more only you guys give the players who purchased the towns recently?

how bloody annoying us....

how about the bloody play times? instead of the bloody luckily joined this game since damn april and may and june of last year?

how about the all d guys who already purchased all d towns? "i saw the anouncement before you guys changed it...it was not gift but refund isnt it? I am the update translater of my country community, so I know it."

you guys have said thanks us to support the PL? how betray the us who really have given you royal ....and only celebrate for only lucky guys....

You get a shield mate. Just be glad you got it since now no one after today will get it again... ever

04-18-2011, 12:23 PM
You get a shield mate. Just be glad you got it since now no one after today will get it again... ever

And you get to buy a party hat!!! :D

04-18-2011, 12:24 PM
i hope shadow caves gets an overhaul been wanting to run it for sometime now.

04-18-2011, 12:24 PM
And you get to buy a party hat!!! :D

I heard the Party Hat means an automatic pink! And disables the Keeper's shield :rolleyes:

04-18-2011, 12:25 PM
We'll have a new thread on persistent elixirs in In Development soon. We will also take a look at existing content to see how it needs to change with regard to free content, level range dungeon locking, time to level.


04-18-2011, 12:25 PM
What was the thought process of making elixirs cost plat, besides the obvious revenue stream? Offset by now-free campaigns (which most of us here paid for happily)?

Shadow Caves will be a ghost town, moreso than it already was.

Overall, nice update though!

I agree with moog, no one will enter shadow caves now unless you are rich. Elixirs should be a lot cheaper since you will need them a lot for leveling and speed runs.

Thanks again for the Mega Combos, this should reward good players a lot. Party hats are nice thanks.

I heard the Party Hat means an automatic pink! And disables the Keeper's shield :rolleyes:

Moog don't start rumors lol now we will have everyone booting for wearing party hats lol.

04-18-2011, 12:25 PM
75 plat for all the maps. lets say 3 map are still paid maps. and take 10 for each. so 45 plats for main spine. now for free. we spend plats because we want to play the game to max level as we love the game. now you get to max level for free. and we who buy the map initially gets the shield. so its 45 plats for that shield. seriously, this totally disappoint me. some kind of shield that is useless for high levels. collection purpose? sorry man, its not even worth collecting it. unique? yeah because you created it and call it limited edition (10HP 20AMOUR please slap me and wake me up from this nightmare). People may like it but i don't. i am getting ready to delete the game anytime because of this. i just feel like the money i spend is for NOTHING. my friend is blaming me for introducing him this game and spending money on it and then was told its free now. this is the 1st time ever i have such encounter where cash item or purchases turn free and was given something not comparable to a refund. if you seriously think that shield is comparable to 45 plats, i have got nothing to say.

04-18-2011, 12:25 PM
I heard the Party Hat means an automatic pink! And disables the Keeper's shield :rolleyes:

Little known fact. Hopefully it doesn't kill the economy... better start farming before they nerf it. :P

04-18-2011, 12:26 PM
We'll have a new thread on persistent elixirs in In Development soon.


Coolio thanks....I hope they don't cost as much as Trash Can Punch does now :eek:

04-18-2011, 12:26 PM
you got the really point dude.

04-18-2011, 12:28 PM
Will the helm be lvl 1? Btw lvl 1 twinking ftw ^^

I thought that we can't access stash until we're lvl 4?

04-18-2011, 12:28 PM
75 plat for all the maps. lets say 3 map are still paid maps. and take 10 for each. so 45 plats for main spine. now for free. we spend plats because we want to play the game to max level as we love the game. now you get to max level for free. and we who buy the map initially gets the shield. so its 45 plats for that shield. seriously, this totally disappoint me. some kind of shield that is useless for high levels. collection purpose? sorry man, its not even worth collecting it. unique? yeah because you created it and call it limited edition (10HP 20AMOUR please slap me and wake me up from this nightmare). People may like it but i don't. i am getting ready to delete the game anytime because of this. i just feel like the money i spend is for NOTHING. my friend is blaming me for introducing him this game and spending money on it and then was told its free now. this is the 1st time ever i have such encounter where cash item or purchases turn free and was given something not comparable to a refund. if you seriously think that shield is comparable to 45 plats, i have got nothing to say.

Lighten up...the Shield is just a bonus for having all of the maps which you had to pay for anyway, to play beyond Dark Forest. They could have given you nothing and your game experience wouldn't have changed.

Yes, agreed it is not much use for a higher level player, but for some lower levels it could be nice if they had bought all the campaigns.

04-18-2011, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


04-18-2011, 12:29 PM
wont lvl 45 (especially new players) come in trouble defeating OL without tank pot...? :/

And now there's even fewer uses for gold.
So basically... All gold gets you now is equipment from the CS?

04-18-2011, 12:30 PM
fizz fizz fizz
Happy Birthday!

04-18-2011, 12:31 PM
cant w8 for helm idk how long later means but i can hardly wait!

04-18-2011, 12:36 PM
I thought that we can't access stash until we're lvl 4?
I taught klemen the secret of lvl 1 stash and cs :)

04-18-2011, 12:38 PM
Like many others...I think the platinum for elixirs is wrong. This isnt going to be taken well probably by some...others may feel the same or more...so I'll just be blunt about this....need more money do you? You have really alienated a large portion of the community with the last releases and are continuing down the same path....bad business model. I dont have the money to continue to drop into a mobile game...and one that could end up costing me more than an xbox/playstation/etc game at that. And I have a good paying job, mortgage, etc. What about the younger audience who dont have their own income. If my kid came to me asking for $90 to shell into a game (and that they will need more later)...it would be deleted instantly from their device. Making the game more fun and giving more items to customers will make them want to spend more money. Not the other way around. Upset customers will just take their business elsewhere....and it looks like that is happening more and more. And if this is happening in PL....I have 0 interest or confidence in Blackstar not being the same way and there is no way I will even install that at this point.
On average...for someone who went from 55-56 ( i'm only 1/2 way there about)...how many exp elixirs did you use? Figure 50 cents (US) per 3 platinum(based off the lowest bundle of platinum because not everyone can afford the higher packages at one time). How much would that be? Then just what else can you buy for that same amount of money that you would have just spent to go 1 level?

04-18-2011, 12:39 PM
1 thing I don't understand is why they changed the backdoor access to Baleford Castle in last release and then drastically make the entire game free. At the very least, make the paid parts of map have better drop rates with new pinks. This is the first game on a phone, or first app rather Ive ever spent money on, and while Im happy that PL is so successful now that it can give away the game essentially for free so that new playedrs can have this wonderful gift that paying users like us have made.possible, I feel somehow a bit jilted. Maybe the gratitude shouldn't be in the form of a shield that most people aren't goin to use, but instead keeping elixir pots still purchasable with gold exclusive to people who spent money on a game they didn't think would just end up being free later on. I hate to complain and I'm not defecting the game, I just think that as paying customers who still continue to put money into it, that I can openly share my opinions about the game. I love the game after all!

04-18-2011, 12:39 PM
Like many others...I think the platinum for elixirs is wrong. This isnt going to be taken well probably by some...others may feel the same or more...so I'll just be blunt about this....need more money do you? You have really alienated a large portion of the community with the last releases and are continuing down the same path....bad business model. I dont have the money to continue to drop into a mobile game...and one that could end up costing me more than an xbox/playstation/etc game at that. And I have a good paying job, mortgage, etc. What about the younger audience who dont have their own income. If my kid came to me asking for $90 to shell into a game (and that they will need more later)...it would be deleted instantly from their device. Making the game more fun and giving more items to customers will make them want to spend more money. Not the other way around. Upset customers will just take their business elsewhere....and it looks like that is happening more and more. And if this is happening in PL....I have 0 interest or confidence in Blackstar not being the same way and there is no way I will even install that at this point.
On average...for someone who went from 55-56 ( i'm only 1/2 way there about)...how many exp elixirs did you use? Figure 50 cents (US) per 3 platinum(based off the lowest bundle of platinum because not everyone can afford the higher packages at one time). How much would that be? Then just what else can you buy for that same amount of money that you would have just spent to go 1 level?

I personally do not use them. :D

04-18-2011, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


Cool. I still think elixirs ought to be purchased with gold (although perhaps at higher prices), but I'm not a big elixir user anyway.

04-18-2011, 12:40 PM
Happy birthday pl!!!

A nite for players... Look in your stash several times my grat shield just appeared in last few minutes.. So check again if you know you are eligable :)

Have fun all

04-18-2011, 12:40 PM
Lighten up...the Shield is just a bonus for having all of the maps which you had to pay for anyway, to play beyond Dark Forest. They could have given you nothing and your game experience wouldn't have changed.

Yes, agreed it is not much use for a higher level player, but for some lower levels it could be nice if they had bought all the campaigns.

i try to tell myself that 45 plats is worth-while for that shield but eventually i can't. every time i look at the shield, 10 HP and 20 AMOURS. yes for low level its useful but for us who already have main character, how long can that shield stay useful? i feel very hurtful about this. I trusted and love this game. I play it even at work. i introduce this to my friends. and now what i receive feel like they are just giving a sweet to an infant to stop him/her from crying. my friends are now just scolding me upside-down and inside-out.

i have no issue with the elixir because it optional case. but maps was once compulsory if you want to have full fun of the game and having to reach max level, now its free. the shield is simply the same as giving nothing from my point of view.

04-18-2011, 12:46 PM
so powerleveling is defintely killed!!! yessssssss!!!

04-18-2011, 12:46 PM
WOO!! I qualify for the founders helm!! ^_^ I think I already saw someone with one out there. Is it possible to get it now? If so, where/how?

04-18-2011, 12:49 PM
Lighten up...the Shield is just a bonus for having all of the maps which you had to pay for anyway, to play beyond Dark Forest. They could have given you nothing and your game experience wouldn't have changed.

Yes, agreed it is not much use for a higher level player, but for some lower levels it could be nice if they had bought all the campaigns.

hey, what about customer's choice right?

you just said cause you have already bought all? isnt it? whether it will be bought was our right before. now they got this right from us.

there was alternative things that if the joined character's levels are much different and the lower can not get experience point like this.

but they choose worst thing now.
(I also have several accounts and bought all d maps. I do not say only for my greedy.)

04-18-2011, 12:49 PM
Have to agree... Not too thrilled about this latest trend of making things freethat once cost plat.
The shield will be sitting in my stash, as I don't pvp/twink. I would much rather have the money back that I spent on it.
And I don't like the direction this game has just taken, instead of offering one-time-cost expansions, getting us to drop a continuous flow of plat/money on items we're all so used to using already and now have to either give them up or pay for with real money.

Kudos for putting an end to powerleveling, though.

04-18-2011, 12:55 PM
Lol he shield is much more useful as a vanity shield not a twink item.

04-18-2011, 12:57 PM
10 plat for waters of wisdom is highway robbery lol. It's not fair to those that didn't rush to 56 like myself... I'm at 11k with no hope of getting there anytime soon cause I am not spending that much plat on one elixir. Oh boy


04-18-2011, 12:57 PM
even if its vanity, its still not comparable to a refund.

04-18-2011, 12:57 PM
I'm a lot happier I got my 56 out of the way before this update. If the other two characters I have hit 56, it'll be because the farming took so long. Also, I'm glad I bought the big luck when the chance arose.

04-18-2011, 12:58 PM
hey, what about customer's choice right?

you just said cause you have already bought all? isnt it? whether it will be bought was our right before. now they got this right from us.

there was alternative things that if the joined character's levels are much different and the lower can not get experience point like this.

but they choose worst thing now.
(I also have several accounts and bought all d maps. I do not say only for my greedy.)

Well think of it this way. If youve bought all dungeons, you've paid $10.00 for them. One night at the movies costs >$11 (now that's a rip).

I'm more worried about what this is going to do to the in game economy. I see inflation on the horizon... I'll never be able to afford the uber gear, unless STS sells it for plat :p

04-18-2011, 12:59 PM
It is slightly unfair to us who attempted to purely level ( or had no funds ) to have such huge prices on elixirs. Frankly, the games are short, so 1 Plat for the lower quality pots is plenty.

04-18-2011, 01:00 PM
We'll have a new thread on persistent elixirs in In Development soon. We will also take a look at existing content to see how it needs to change with regard to free content, level range dungeon locking, time to level.


Umm... If you're just going to make everything easier to make up for this, then what's the point in the first place? Is there some reason you just want to limit usage of elixirs?

I suppose xp from mobs should be doubled to be fair to those who didn't lvl to 56 before this update?

04-18-2011, 01:03 PM
Well first happy b day pl. I gota say I never knew elixers only cost gold b4. Darn so that's not a big deal. But I gota say a shield that ill never use cause the stats r so incredibly low in exchange for me paying for all the campaigns kinda stinks. All im hoping for is that the gcd glitch got fixed in this update its really starting to be a big problem guess ill see.

04-18-2011, 01:04 PM
Umm... If you're just going to make everything easier to make up for this, then what's the point in the first place? Is there some reason you just want to limit usage of elixirs?

I suppose xp from mobs should be doubled to be fair to those who didn't lvl to 56 before this update?

Or you could make the xp needed for 56, instead of x10, x5.
I really doubt there will be a player out there that did that level potless and will complain.

04-18-2011, 01:08 PM
NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us from the very beginning (accounts started from April through June), look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming later today. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!

This is unfair to Android users.

04-18-2011, 01:09 PM
Lol he shield is much more useful as a vanity shield not a twink item.

not for lvl 1 twinks :)

I taught klemen the secret of lvl 1 stash and cs :)

ty man

04-18-2011, 01:09 PM
But I gota say a shield that ill never use cause the stats r so incredibly low in exchange for me paying for all the campaigns kinda stinks.
Be happy that you didn't purchase all of the main campaigns EXCEPT Ancient Swamps. Then u would have gotten nothing, like me.

04-18-2011, 01:10 PM
Well think of it this way. If youve bought all dungeons, you've paid $10.00 for them. One night at the movies costs >$11 (now that's a rip).

I'm more worried about what this is going to do to the in game economy. I see inflation on the horizon... I'll never be able to afford the uber gear, unless STS sells it for plat :p

hey. you should well think of this way. do not measure the cost of the money with your own way. this is not only belonged in The united States of America. isnt it?

It also can be found it the Television commercial. than now. how can you just measure the worth of 10$ for all of the users?

moreover although the cost is very cheap, you have to get right of customers. think about it..there is 1$ candy you bought..and it is decayed.

there are kinds of like you people just ignore it, cause it is only 1$. isnt it?

but there are also kind of people who would claim to the company. because the people like this, also like you people kinda think only cheap thought also can get customer service.

think over twice before you say son.

04-18-2011, 01:11 PM
hurry with the helms! i hope i get one, i think i joined in may, but played only for 5 min lol :) started hardcore in july o.O

04-18-2011, 01:12 PM
hey, what about customer's choice right?

you just said cause you have already bought all? isnt it? whether it will be bought was our right before. now they got this right from us.

there was alternative things that if the joined character's levels are much different and the lower can not get experience point like this.

but they choose worst thing now.
(I also have several accounts and bought all d maps. I do not say only for my greedy.)

I am only talking about the shield, I am not sure what you mean by the rest of your post, I'm sorry :(

But as far as customer choice, what does that have to do with giving a free shield to people who chose to pay for levels before they were free? Nothing, sorry.

04-18-2011, 01:12 PM
I just really hope PL isn't slowing down, judging from the direction it's headed.

As always, very grateful for the updates devs :)

04-18-2011, 01:13 PM
Pocket Legends is no longer a game that can be trusted. who knows next time, they will say all map are now free or everything will be free and those who have purchased plat will be given a limited edition something that is maybe 10HP 20AMOUR again.

04-18-2011, 01:13 PM
Very nice birthday update.. Now waiting for helm.. Shield is already nice. :)

04-18-2011, 01:14 PM
think over twice before you say son.

Number one, he wasn't attacking you at all, just making his opinion...there is no need to be a smartaleck to vol. He wasn't saying anything bad to you.

04-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Pocket Legends is no longer a game that can be trusted. who knows next time, they will say all map are now free or everything will be free and those who have purchased plat will be given a limited edition something that is maybe 10HP 20AMOUR again.

jealous? :rolleyes: be happy for those who received the shield

04-18-2011, 01:21 PM
I like to thank Tapjoy for giving me all the platinum I spent on all the dungeons. Free Shield for me

04-18-2011, 01:21 PM
jealous? :rolleyes: be happy for those who received the shield

Actually, I think it's the opposite -- he has it and isn't happy with it.

Unless you're a collector, you're not going to consider the shield worth the 15 bucks or so you spent for it.

04-18-2011, 01:21 PM
jealous? :rolleyes: be happy for those who received the shield

excuse me, i have that shield and i don't like it. at least start reading abit before responding.

and to add on, i feeling more and more negative about it. its like they planned to have this shield to be sold at 1st but knowing that nobody will buy it so they make the map cost plat. and then when they get enough people buying the maps, they turn the maps free and then give out the shield.

04-18-2011, 01:22 PM
I am only talking about the shield, I am not sure what you mean by the rest of your post, I'm sorry :(

But as far as customer choice, what does that have to do with giving a free shield to people who chose to pay for levels before they were free? Nothing, sorry.

that's also very annoying, isnt it?

my point is this. the update seems like only to concentrate about getting money from us.

they just packed with some sweet words and offers but we have to see the real reason, like others already posting here.

and have to hand in to them our opinion as we have customer rights.

Because I and all of us love this game. arent we?

if we just ignore it they would do more worst. probably.

Believe they recently have hired some cheap mind marketing planner.

04-18-2011, 01:23 PM
Things change. Just like many of the mobile apps out there, they start out expensive and eventually their prices drop or they become free. That doesn't change the fact that you've enjoyed countless hours of fun and entertainment already from the plat you spent. Who cares if someone gets it for free now. It doesn't change your play experience and the enjoyment you've gained from the money you spent.

04-18-2011, 01:24 PM
that's also very annoying, isnt it?

my point is this. the update seems like only to concentrate about getting money from us.

they just packed with some sweet words and offers but we have to see the real reason, like others already posting here.

and have to hand in to them our opinion as we have customer rights.

Because I and all of us love this game. arent we?

if we just ignore it they would do more worst. probably.

Believe they recently have hired some cheap mind marketing planner.

Ah okay, understand what you meant know, thanks.

04-18-2011, 01:26 PM
Actually, I think it's the opposite -- he has it and isn't happy with it.

Unless you're a collector, you're not going to consider the shield worth the 15 bucks or so you spent for it.

You would've spent the 15 bucks anyway to get all the dungeons anyway, and the shield is just a bonus thrown in. They coulda given nothing. Not saying I like the plat-for-elixirs thing one bit, but they certainly weren't obligated to give out a shield (or a helm) at all, and to complain about bonus-shield-that-directly-cost-nothing's stats is silly. Sure I wish it had better stats, as I don't twink, but again...didn't cost me anything I hadn't already spent happily.

04-18-2011, 01:28 PM
Number one, he wasn't attacking you at all, just making his opinion...there is no need to be a smartaleck to vol. He wasn't saying anything bad to you.

well mate. this is also my objection about his opinion. isnt it?

sorry for the last word on the posting, if it made you feeling bad or something.

04-18-2011, 01:28 PM
Lol he shield is much more useful as a vanity shield not a twink item.

Then it should be a vanity item.
I really don't understand this string of items (Crown of Persistence, this shield, community/PL shields maybe?), that are meant as vanity items, to show off, but are not usable as vanity items. And don't have stats that make them worth wearing outside town.
I'm not one of those people who changes clothing in town and in dungeons. So, it will sit in my stash.
If it's meant to be useful, make it useful. If not, make it a vanity item. Simple.

04-18-2011, 01:30 PM
If it's meant to be useful, make it useful. If not, make it a vanity item. Simple.

Ok, that I will agree with ya on (although it could be useful if you were say a lvl 30 who happened to have bought all the core campaigns already), as well as the Crown (with halved stats of what it is now, as per your suggestion :p)

04-18-2011, 01:34 PM
hey. you should well think of this way. do not measure the cost of the money with your own way. this is not only belonged in The united States of America. isnt it?

It also can be found it the Television commercial. than now. how can you just measure the worth of 10$ for all of the users?

moreover although the cost is very cheap, you have to get right of customers. think about it..there is 1$ candy you bought..and it is decayed.

there are kinds of like you people just ignore it, cause it is only 1$. isnt it?

but there are also kind of people who would claim to the company. because the people like this, also like you people kinda think only cheap thought also can get customer service.

think over twice before you say son.

I'm sorry and no offense but I understood not a one word you just wrote

04-18-2011, 01:38 PM
I never complained about the actual dollar amount I spent to get all campaigns. Its just the fact that I did and now its all free great for new comer but for the people who have been playing for along time (android user so not sense the beginning ) and helped make pl what it is today just kinda lame. Im not really upset about it and would b no more upset if I had got nothing. Just saying older players get a shield new players get all campaigns for free. I don't know guess it doesn't matter.

04-18-2011, 01:38 PM
Devs please make the helm a vanity item.

04-18-2011, 01:39 PM
Things change. Just like many of the mobile apps out there, they start out expensive and eventually their prices drop or they become free. That doesn't change the fact that you've enjoyed countless hours of fun and entertainment already from the plat you spent. Who cares if someone gets it for free now. It doesn't change your play experience and the enjoyment you've gained from the money you spent.

excuse me, mobile apps and online in-game items are totally different case to compare. you are like comparing an insurance package and a personal computer. the price of pc can drop as times go by. but the monthly payment of the insurance package (the return sum of money you get and the final cost of it) will never change.

You would've spent the 15 bucks anyway to get all the dungeons anyway, and the shield is just a bonus thrown in. They coulda given nothing. Not saying I like the plat-for-elixirs thing one bit, but they certainly weren't obligated to give out a shield (or a helm) at all, and to complain about bonus-shield-that-directly-cost-nothing's stats is silly. Sure I wish it had better stats, as I don't twink, but again...didn't cost me anything I hadn't already spent happily.

do you actually understand our point of view? the shield is not comparable to a refund. its just like if you sell someone a dish that was found spoil, you can refund him/her with just a pack of tissue paper? its either you make a same dish for him/her or a full cash refund.

04-18-2011, 01:42 PM
I love the shield ty PL, but i can honestly say i am crushed about the elixir/platinum deal :( i planned on getting my 53 bird to 55 in the next day or two and then focusing on my 55 tanks grind to 56 using alot of the cash ive been saving up on water pots. There is no way i can purchase enuf platinum to keep buyin waters :( and the grind to 56 is extremely tedious/repetative without help, ugh. I can see why they did it but they didnt HAVE to do it is all im sayin. Just got mixed feelings bout the grind now. Strictly my own opinion of course.

04-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Aw stinks that only apple users get the hat. .

Yeah disappointed and very suportive droid user... :( but enjoyed his initial holiday droid goodness...


04-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Happy Birthday once again!
Thank you for the birthday hat and for the bracer!
Unfortunately I wont be getting the helm (Droid user- I got here as quick as I could!).

Plat for elixirs? Hopefully the persistence elixirs come soon because I am somewhat addicted to damage pots!
I hope you guys get filthy rich! You deserve it! :)

04-18-2011, 01:47 PM
I'm sorry and no offense but I understood not a one word you just wrote

So, what is your point? I can not get it what you want to say....sorry..

04-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Yay! Awesome update!

04-18-2011, 01:48 PM
You would've spent the 15 bucks anyway to get all the dungeons anyway, and the shield is just a bonus thrown in. They coulda given nothing. Not saying I like the plat-for-elixirs thing one bit, but they certainly weren't obligated to give out a shield (or a helm) at all, and to complain about bonus-shield-that-directly-cost-nothing's stats is silly. Sure I wish it had better stats, as I don't twink, but again...didn't cost me anything I hadn't already spent happily.

I only spent the $15 bc it was the only way I could play the game and there was no indication of it ever being offered for free (just like the plat faces I bought).
It's not the same as a full game going on sale. Yes, I've bought games on sale and yes, I've bought games at full price that went on sale shortly after. But I made the decision each time to buy at full price or wait till it went on sale.
Just like I could do for any item that comes out. Buy it when it just comes out, or later for cheaper.

But this is different. What STS keeps doing is changing their entire pay scheme. Things that cost money for some are now free. And things that used to be free (ie. Bought with gold) now cost money. It's one thing to put something on sale after a while (like the dungeon packs) and another to just turn everything upside-down and topsy-turvy. And then assume that a less-than-useful item will make up for it all.

04-18-2011, 01:48 PM
I am also the one who get the shield but i am not happy. The shield is not cool at all. I don think I will see it around after a week. About the helm... forget it, I am using Android which NOT even a chance to "suit" in the April-June range. I tried to get use to the GDC in the pass week. Now I have to forced to accept a shield that I will never put on. And the Platium for pots ? OK, no XP pot is fine... but I look forward to see if someone can take down OL without tank, not to mention the Shadow cave. Major change is fine. Can the team plan about the "balance" before making such changes ? Happy Birthday to PL. All good things must come to an end, anyway.

04-18-2011, 01:50 PM
I love the shield ty PL, but i can honestly say i am crushed about the elixir/platinum deal :( i planned on getting my 53 bird to 55 in the next day or two and then focusing on my 55 tanks grind to 56 using alot of the cash ive been saving up on water pots. There is no way i can purchase enuf platinum to keep buyin waters :( and the grind to 56 is extremely tedious/repetative without help, ugh. I can see why they did it but they didnt HAVE to do it is all im sayin. Just got mixed feelings bout the grind now. Strictly my own opinion of course.

Its all about perception. I didn't make grind to 56 with that being my sole goal. I treated when i hit 55, I treated the following runs as farming runs for pinks that I potted xp for. You're going to farm anyways, so 56 will just come.

04-18-2011, 01:51 PM
Sweet I think I'm going to get the helm. My account was created in late April I believe. :)

04-18-2011, 01:53 PM
Things change. Just like many of the mobile apps out there, they start out expensive and eventually their prices drop or they become free. That doesn't change the fact that you've enjoyed countless hours of fun and entertainment already from the plat you spent. Who cares if someone gets it for free now. It doesn't change your play experience and the enjoyment you've gained from the money you spent.

I agree with Morawk. How many of us have paid money for stupid, lame, boring, throw-away games from the various app stores (I am looking at you Angry Birds fans)? I have spent far more on other games in total than Pocket Legends, but there are none I play or enjoy as much. In fact, I have spent more time in Pocket Legends than all others games on the iOS and Android combined. Truly, this is the best game on any app store. Naturally, the plat I purchased for the campaigns was well worth it. Period.

Obviously, Spacetime Studios decided to change their business model with the game. So What? If it keeps them in business so they can continue to add content to Pocket Legends and release new games like Blackstar, I am all for it. They are running a business. You have to make money to stay in business. If you still live with your parents, you have no understanding of what kind of expense is involved paying the bills and "keeping the lights on". If you have never owned a business, you have no appreciation for the costs associated with doing business, especially one such as an on-line gaming studio. Those two facts probably rule out about 99.9999% of the flamers from having a valid opinion here.

Calm down! It will be ok.

04-18-2011, 01:54 PM
well done dev
hopefully first 6 months can get in founder club too plz

04-18-2011, 01:55 PM
Thanks Dev's. As always love the update.

Now if we can just get an enchantress to pop out of the birthday cake in Balefort.

04-18-2011, 01:55 PM
i always thought devs want us to spend our gold in elixiers to keep prices of items low in the future, but it doesnt seem that was the target of it..
Yep. Prices are going to spike HARD now that gold isn't draining away into elixirs. Sux. I can't seem to get a beak in this game, ever. At least everyone is in the same boat ( except the mega-rich players and those who' ve already power-leveled to 56, of course, who totally WIN AGAIN with this update...)

Why do I keep getting the feeling the devs are continuously punishing those of us who are trying to play the game with an eye towards getting as rich/powerful as those who are already there?

04-18-2011, 02:02 PM
Well the only thing I hoped for in the update was that the gcd glitch where u have to push a button like 40 times for it to work would have been fixed. Nope still there. Any chance this will get fixed soon????? Srry to gripe about it but its a big problem.

04-18-2011, 02:04 PM
Ok....I've played for a bit and here are my thoughts and suggestions....

Elixirs for plat....not liking it at all. I couldn't find the thread on new elixirs that will stay though death and level change...but it's gonna take forever for me to hit 56 now. I'm halfway to 55 with my Mage...it'll be about 20 more hideout runs till I hit it! And forget about 56.

Shield....I suppose it's a nice gesture, but it serves zero function for a high level player. Most people who bought the spine are now high level... If it was a vanity item it might be kinda cool. Say if u could skin you good shield with a vanity version.

I love love love love the new combos!!!! They are a lot of fun and they require teamplay...which doesn't happen much anymore unless I'm with a group of good friends that know how to roll.

Really...if they tweaked the elixir issue I'd be a 100 percent happy camper with the update.

04-18-2011, 02:06 PM
The reason behind the change to free maps is new player experience. What was happening was new players limited in funds were having to choose between maps to purchase. They end up buying BS where they can't run because of booting and they can't earn money so they beg. It destroys their experience with the game and they never purchase plat again. With this model, they get all the maps for free, get the true experience of what PL has to offer. PL gets the chance to sink in the addiction claws and they eventually spend money on plat for other things and you have a longtime income generating customer that will refer new business. Good model.

For existing players, we paid the money to play the game when we did. We knew what we were paying for and enjoyed countless hours for the money we spent. That it's free now doesn't change the fact that we've enjoyed the game all this time. The shield is just a nice bonus as a thank you for being a loyal customer.

04-18-2011, 02:08 PM
I agree with Morawk. How many of us have paid money for stupid, lame, boring, throw-away games from the various app stores (I am looking at you Angry Birds fans)? I have spent far more on other games in total than Pocket Legends, but there are none I play or enjoy as much. In fact, I have spent more time in Pocket Legends than all others games on the iOS and Android combined. Truly, this is the best game on any app store. Naturally, the plat I purchased for the campaigns was well worth it. Period.

Obviously, Spacetime Studios decided to change their business model with the game. So What? If it keeps them in business so they can continue to add content to Pocket Legends and release new games like Blackstar, I am all for it. They are running a business. You have to make money to stay in business. If you still live with your parents, you have no understanding of what kind of expense is involved paying the bills and "keeping the lights on". If you have never owned a business, you have no appreciation for the costs associated with doing business, especially one such as an on-line gaming studio. Those two facts probably rule out about 99.9999% of the flamers from having a valid opinion here.

Calm down! It will be ok.

lol. 1st of all, we are not flamers. we as a customer have the right to voice out. and since you wanna talk about business, let me just enlighten you with a little gaming business. lets just talk about simple things here: cash item in any online gaming. any form of cash item in any online game can have the price decreased but will never go free. have you come across an online game that you need to pay to play now its free. if you do please name the game and its website. you can always change something that is free to become cash item but not the other way round. and that is why i have no issue with elixir turning from gold/plat item to plat only item. if any case of turning cash item to free, a refund or replacement of same value must be given. and that is why the shield is given. so let me get back to my point. the shield is NOT COMPARABLE to a REFUND or REPLACEMENT.

The reason behind the change to free maps is new player experience. What was happening was new players limited in funds were having to choose between maps to purchase. They end up buying BS where they can't run because of booting and they can't earn money so they beg. It destroys their experience with the game and they never purchase plat again. With this model, they get all the maps for free, get the true experience of what PL has to offer. PL gets the chance to sink in the addiction claws and they eventually spend money on plat for other things and you have a longtime income generating customer that will refer new business. Good model.

For existing players, we paid the money to play the game when we did. We knew what we were paying for and enjoyed countless hours for the money we spent. That it's free now doesn't change the fact that we've enjoyed the game all this time. The shield is just a nice bonus as a thank you for being a loyal customer.

well i totally agree to your point. yes making it free is a good thing for people who does not have income like those who are still studying or still very young at age. but you have to understand that by giving a shield that will sit in stash for most player doesn't serve a purpose of a refund. will you ever buy a pack of tissue paper with PL logo on it at the cost of maybe 9 USD? tissue player is much more useful than that shield too.

and similarly, for those who have no income or young at age, who still manage to save up pocket money to buy plats for maps, now finding its free and then just getting the shield, how would they feel?

04-18-2011, 02:11 PM
I agree with Morawk. How many of us have paid money for stupid, lame, boring, throw-away games from the various app stores (I am looking at you Angry Birds fans)? I have spent far more on other games in total than Pocket Legends, but there are none I play or enjoy as much. In fact, I have spent more time in Pocket Legends than all others games on the iOS and Android combined. Truly, this is the best game on any app store. Naturally, the plat I purchased for the campaigns was well worth it. Period.

I haven't read everything on this thread but this is the smartest post I've read in a while.

04-18-2011, 02:11 PM
... popped in and played for a few min...

1) For me LOVE THE COMBOS ... I like to see more skill and techniques as I suggested prior
2) Elixer changes... sounds like the appropriate changes forth conning to keep on plat, but who knows maybe enough back lash like GCD (which i didnt think was a big deal) to get gold prices back on um... but any nerf brings out the pitchforks and torches...
3) Many thanks for the shield... love the class model changes wish the mage got a new model though ... mostly just wish I qualified for the helm (android guy)...

Happy Birthday ... mash your face in a cake as is customary for a 1st .... THEN finish celebrating like it was your 21st...


04-18-2011, 02:11 PM
This update has many good things and the free maps is great for the overall player experience. There is no power leveling now so players are forced to play the game and enjoy it completely. If you paid for it then you must have enjoyed every bit of it, I know I have. They are changing their business model and I like how they are doing things so far. Only thing is elixirs and they said they where working on it.

04-18-2011, 02:15 PM
I wish the elixirs weren't platinum-exclusive items. They won't sell.

04-18-2011, 02:18 PM
I wish the elixirs weren't platinum-exclusive items. They won't sell.

Devs are working on the pricing and they will introduce elixirs that prevail after death or zoning. Lets see if they come up with a 1 or 2 hours elixir for 10 plat.

04-18-2011, 02:23 PM
Just ran a few hideout runs and managed to get a couple Mega combos off with some friends. Lol how rewarding does that feel when after u see those huge words pop on your screen, makes u feel more beast :) awsome touch to the gameplay and goes great with the GCD timing/precision oriented theme IMO.

04-18-2011, 02:26 PM
Devs are working on the pricing and they will introduce elixirs that prevail after death or zoning. Lets see if they come up with a 1 or 2 hours elixir for 10 plat.

Hopefully if that's the case, they will last even after finish and leaving a dungeon.

04-18-2011, 02:27 PM
Just ran a few hideout runs and managed to get a couple Mega combos off with some friends. Lol how rewarding does that feel when after u see those huge words pop on your screen, makes u feel more beast :) awsome touch to the gameplay and goes great with the GCD timing/precision oriented theme IMO.

I'm stuck at work and can't play, but looking forward to trying out what you already got a chance to!

04-18-2011, 02:28 PM
NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us from the very beginning (accounts started from April through June), look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming later today. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!

311 312 313

What about adding the Founders Helm for Android users that started when it was first made available to them? I think I got this the day of or the day after it was released. Just wondering.


EDIT: I just realized from when I opened this thread to when I posted, more than 10 pages were added. So if its already been suggested... my bad.

04-18-2011, 02:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We're still working on elixir pricing, and 1.7.2 will introduce persistent elixirs that will stay through death and zoning.


I think that's a really cool idea. I know you were waiting for my opinion. :)

04-18-2011, 02:35 PM
I agree with Morawk. How many of us have paid money for stupid, lame, boring, throw-away games from the various app stores (I am looking at you Angry Birds fans)? I have spent far more on other games in total than Pocket Legends, but there are none I play or enjoy as much.

Obviously, Spacetime Studios decided to change their business model with the game. So What? If it keeps them in business so they can continue to add content to Pocket Legends and release new games like Blackstar, I am all for it. They are running a business. You have to make money to stay in business. If you still live with your parents, you have no understanding of what kind of expense is involved paying the bills and "keeping the lights on". If you have never owned a business, you have no appreciation for the costs associated with doing business, especially one such as an on-line gaming studio. Those two facts probably rule out about 99.9999% of the flamers from having a valid opinion here.

Calm down! It will be ok.

I suppose I am in the .0001% then. I have never paid money to play an app game before, this was my first. I'm the head of my household not a child and self-employed professional, and here's my thoughts on the matter.

First off, I give kudos to the removal of powerleveling. Level 50-55 players with lvl 12 skill are not pleasant. I am very glad PL has enjoyed the success it has. Could the purchase of only XP pots cost plat?? The tank and damage pots are at times necessary due to the flighty nature of players in pick up games in the sewers.

As to the main spine of the game being free:
So when you paid for something that is now free, it's not uncommon to feel like you..... at the least, made a poor investment.

I believe that feeling could be lessened by a different form of gratitude (ie half the plat returned, or 3 free premium rings as our way of saying thanks)

Yet that being said, I do agree the game was worth what I paid, even though however the shield of gratitude seems a poor gift for those of us who don't pvp. I will not be quitting the game, but I am a little disappointed with it ATM.

This also changes one dynamic of the game. When you were in Sewers, you knew that the players there had at least some measure of commitment to make it that far (they also used plat to get that far), now that is no longer the case. I have studied this game because I put actual money into it, so I wanted to get the most for my money. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Would you consider making Balefort Sewers still a plat only campaign? Would you consider allowing all pots minus xp to be purchasable by gold again?
I don't mind the grinding without xp elixirs, I can see a fair case for that. I would certainly appreciate any thought you give to those suggestions. And I'm NOT saying this was an epic fail or anything of the sort. I greatly respect how you reworked GCD to make it appealing to play. I love this game (even with the latest changes), and have a few different ideas for what I can do to help what I hope will be many more new players filling the towns and levels.

04-18-2011, 02:38 PM
Hey the updates cool but just wanna say, not cool that only Iphone users get the helm. I've been here since it was avail on droid. I think you should include droid users who joined the month yiou made it avail on android...just saying. Plat for elixirs, okay, but pricing is too high.

04-18-2011, 02:39 PM
Really you have to be a certain level to go in a dungeon? This should be fixed and elixrs with plat. I loved this game till they decided to put gcd and minimum level for dungeons .

04-18-2011, 02:41 PM
wow this is great! now i got a shield that will wreckkkk
but my dreams of reaching 56 are now crushed >.<

04-18-2011, 02:43 PM
lol. 1st of all, we are not flamers. we as a customer have the right to voice out. and since you wanna talk about business, let me just enlighten you with a little gaming business. lets just talk about simple things here: cash item in any online gaming. any form of cash item in any online game can have the price decreased but will never go free. have you come across an online game that you need to pay to play now its free. if you do please name the game and its website. you can always change something that is free to become cash item but not the other way round. and that is why i have no issue with elixir turning from gold/plat item to plat only item. if any case of turning cash item to free, a refund or replacement of same value must be given. and that is why the shield is given. so let me get back to my point. the shield is NOT COMPARABLE to a REFUND or REPLACEMENT.

Skyler, about the shield, I agree 100%. It sucks. It is ugly and has poor stats, especially for long-time players to which it is geared. Oh well. I don't care.

Secondly, just because I reference the term "flamer", does not mean I am speaking about everyone.

About the business-side, Spacetime Studios is switching to a model that supports renewable income. It makes good fiscal sense. Additionally, as Morawk pointed out in his most-recent post, it helps new players (customers) get involved with the game long-term and hopefully, spend more money in the long run. Personally, I hope it succeeds so they stay in business for years, if not decades/centuries, to come. If you enjoy the game, you should support the people who bust their butts to supply it. You should appreciate their forward-thinking innovation in bringing such a quality MMO to mobile devices.

In the end, growing the audience of the game will lead to more money for more developers to build more content and more features. You will benefit whether you agree or not.

Skyler, I hope you understand that I am not "calling anyone out" here. I am personally satisfied from what I have seen that Spacetime Studios works hard to collectively make us happy. They are not seeking to rob or cheat you or me, but for a way to do business that allows them to continue to do business. What is wrong with that?

As far as the past goes, you and I purchased and spent platinum so the developers could make a living. These are people who ultimately have families and mortgages and car payments and such. They can keep my money for a job well done. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. :D

04-18-2011, 02:43 PM
I agree that week shield is no "thank you " for all the plat I would rather have my plat back not that stinking shield....or make it worth the plat!!!!

04-18-2011, 02:43 PM
Really you have to be a certain level to go in a dungeon? This should be fixed and elixrs with plat. I loved this game till they decided to put gcd and minimum level for dungeons .

There's a reason that dungeons had minimum levels. It's called no matter how good you are, your equipment/gear/skills/spells for level X are not suited to play at lvl Y.

04-18-2011, 02:44 PM
hey guys do you still get the shield if your banned?

04-18-2011, 02:44 PM
wow this is great! now i got a shield that will wreckkkk
but my dreams of reaching 56 are now crushed >.<

Lol ya. I was looking forward to making another character up to 55 or 56, but thats definitely not happening anymore. With GCD, plat for elixirs, and minimum level requirements for dungeons, I cant see this happening :/.

04-18-2011, 02:44 PM
75 plat for all the maps. lets say 3 map are still paid maps. and take 10 for each. so 45 plats for main spine. now for free. we spend plats because we want to play the game to max level as we love the game. now you get to max level for free. and we who buy the map initially gets the shield. so its 45 plats for that shield. seriously, this totally disappoint me. some kind of shield that is useless for high levels. collection purpose? sorry man, its not even worth collecting it. unique? yeah because you created it and call it limited edition (10HP 20AMOUR please slap me and wake me up from this nightmare). People may like it but i don't. i am getting ready to delete the game anytime because of this. i just feel like the money i spend is for NOTHING. my friend is blaming me for introducing him this game and spending money on it and then was told its free now. this is the 1st time ever i have such encounter where cash item or purchases turn free and was given something not comparable to a refund. if you seriously think that shield is comparable to 45 plats, i have got nothing to say.

Lets be honest here. 45 plat is the equivalent of what? $5 at the most? You pay around $30 a month for the data plan on your smartphone.

04-18-2011, 02:45 PM
I agree that week shield is no "thank you " for all the plat I would rather have my plat back not that stinking shield....or make it worth the plat!!!!

You paid the plat in order to have the campaigns...the shield is just a bonus item they decided to throw in. If you bought a new car to get to and from work, and they gave you a coupon to a store you never go to as a bonus, do you go back to the car dealership and demand your money back? No.

I will agree with you that the stats could have been more useful.

04-18-2011, 02:45 PM
Really you have to be a certain level to go in a dungeon? This should be fixed and elixrs with plat. I loved this game till they decided to put gcd and minimum level for dungeons .

If all maps are now free, they HAVE to put a minimum for dungeons, or the presence of low-lvls in high lvl maps will be worse than ever.

04-18-2011, 02:46 PM
Lets be honest here. 45 plat is the equivalent of what? $5 at the most? You pay around $30 a month for the data plan on your smartphone.



04-18-2011, 02:46 PM
There's a reason that dungeons had minimum levels. It's called no matter how good you are, your equipment/gear/skills/spells for level X are not suited to play at lvl Y.

But that's why the developers implemented the check box for level requirements a few updates ago, which I thought was brilliant. What if I want some of my friends to run with me to level up a new character? That option is no longer on the table.

04-18-2011, 02:49 PM
But that's why the developers implemented the check box for level requirements a few updates ago, which I thought was brilliant. What if I want some of my friends to run with me to level up a new character? That option is no longer on the table.

This is a good point, I will give you that. But I think they are trying to discourage any sort of power-leveling period, with friends helping or not....note the emphasis on the word "think".

If all maps are now free, they HAVE to put a minimum for dungeons, or the presence of low-lvls in high lvl maps will be worse than ever.

Les has an excellent point, at least as far as non-hosted games.

04-18-2011, 02:50 PM
you guys are no help

04-18-2011, 02:50 PM
Well, where to start. Happy Birthday PL! Great to see the decorations and all the party hats. I'm sure many new players will be happy about the free dungeons and I'm glad for them; it was very generous to make them free and I'm certain people will appreciate it. Haven't had a chance to perform the new combos but I think they're an awesome idea as well.

That being said, there are two things in this update that I am not so thrilled about.

The first is the level requirement to enter dungeons. One my favorite things to do in PL ever since my main character reached the cap back in the days, is to take a low level character into a more difficult dungeon and see how well I can survive. In fact it's one of the few things left to do for fun at the endgame. I think many of the dungeons are much too easy every since the rebalance, but I won't complain about it because I understand that the game has to appeal to general audiences and new players. But for those of us who are hardcore or who have characters at the cap and are bored, it was fun to do things like try tanking AO2 on a level 25 bear (and yes it's quite doable), or get together a group of friends and farm swamps with a group of level 15s.

Now players who find the game too easy, or who want to try a high level dungeon for challenge, or are leveling their second alts, will be stuck with a single dungeon choice whether they like that dungeon or not. I don't think taking away this much freedom and forcing people on a fixed path adds to the game.

Also this system will break up new friendships as some players inevitably play more and will level faster than others. I remember when I was leveling my first character, I wasn't that hardcore about the game and the few friends I made were the main thing that kept me playing. I joined them in AO2 as soon as I unlocked it even though I was lower level than them. I wasn't trying to take the easy route and in fact I would also join friends in lower level dungeons and wouldn't even care if I wasn't getting XP - I just wanted to be with people I liked. It's already hard enough to form friendships in a casual game like this where typing can be difficult. This is going to make it even harder, separating fragile new friendships because players are a few levels apart and can't play together.

I know a lot of you forum people are happy that this will take power leveling away. But have you actually looked around at what people are playing since quests were introduced? There's A LOT less grinding and power leveling. Most people seem to play all campaigns because they want to finish their quests. But for those who wanted to take a different path there was always another option there.

Not everybody playing in a dungeon above their level is power leveling either. I've seen teams of level 30ish people do fine in AO2. Why not leave them that option if, much like me, they happen to like AO2 better than AO1 or swamps.


Second thing I'm unhappy about: you guessed it, plat-only elixirs. First let me say I understand that developers have to make money and I fully support it. I just wish they would choose another way of doing it.

Elixirs were the only thing left in the game into which to sink game money, other than potions, and the only "luxury" on which players could spend their hard-earned money to have some fun, or speed up a grind they particularly disliked. Now there's truly nothing to do with in game money, and nothing to suck money out of the economy. I predict inflation, much like we had massive inflation in AO2 when most farming didn't require pots, and there was no massive leveling grind to buy xp pots for, or 6k elixirs to waste money on.

People don't just use elixirs to "cheat" or take shortcuts. It's a strategic choice that the game used to give you - choosing to pot to do a certain kind of farming run (and judging whether it's worth it based on the price of the item), or selecting one party member to pot a certain pot for a specific reason.

Also, it's just fun to use elixirs sometimes - to have a full party pot double damage and blast through things, or to pot speed and feel like you're skating through a dungeon. In my groups it's become a tradition for some of us to pot trash for our last run. It just feels like a little party, spending all that in-game gold (drawing remarks like "wow, rich haha!!!") and then blasting through the dungeon and the boss, doing celebrate emotes all the way. Now I can't imagine it ever happening, and if it does it will just draw an awkward silence (what are we going to say, "wow you're clearly rich in real life"??). It used to be a mark of achievement and effort to have enough gold to be able to pot. Now being successful in the game suddenly means less, and we are reminded that what really matters is how much money one has in real life. Bad news for those who used the game as an escape for reality, and a place where they could be rich and successful and forget about their real life status and finances. :(

I'm sorry post such negative thoughts on the PL anniversary, but I've always been honest with my feedback. I hope I managed to convey my reasons well instead of just ranting. I apologize for the very long post it took to do so.

04-18-2011, 02:52 PM
you guys are no help

Maybe if you waited longer than 5 minutes for a possible answer, you would get an answer.

Email the devs, they do not discuss bans/banned players/banned whatever publicly.

04-18-2011, 02:54 PM
I suppose I am in the .0001% then. I have never paid money to play an app game before, this was my first. I'm the head of my household not a child and self-employed businessman, and here's my thoughts on the matter.

First off, I give kudos to the removal of powerleveling. I am very glad PL has enjoyed the success it has. Could the purchase of only XP pots cost plat?? The tank and damage pots are at times necessary due to the flighty nature of players in pick up games.

As to the main spine of the game being free:
So when you paid for something that is now free, it's not uncommon to feel like you..... at the least, made a poor investment.

I believe that feeling could be lessened by a different form of gratitude (ie half the plat returned, or 3 free premium rings as our way of saying thanks)

Yet that being said, I do agree the game was worth what I paid, even though however the shield of gratitude seems a poor repayment for those of us who don't pvp. I will not be quitting the game, but I am a little disappointed with it ATM.

This also changes one dynamic of the game. When you were in Sewers, you knew that the players there had at least some measure of commitment to make it that far (they also used plat to get that far), now that is no longer the case. I have studied this game because I put actual money into it, so I wanted to get the most for my money. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Would you consider making Balefort Sewers still a plat only campaign? Would you consider allowing all pots minus xp to be purchasable by gold again?
I don't mind the grinding without xp elixirs, I can see a fair case for that. I would certainly appreciate any thought you give to those suggestions.

Duped, I hope you don't think I personally work for Spacetime Studios, because I don't.

Also, don't get me wrong, I see your points. You make a good and thoughtful argument, especially about the feeling of community in the sewers. Just keep in mind, that it will be a looonnnngggg time before you have to worry about anyone joining you in the sewers who has not made an equal or similar investment as yourself.

Ultimately, I don't feel cheated at all personally. I paid for a service that was rendered to me at a point in time. It was fair and square. I was happy. My happiness and enjoyment is not devalued because the same service is now free to others.

04-18-2011, 02:59 PM
Duped, I hope you don't think I personally work for Spacetime Studios, because I don't. Since this was your 5th post that thought hadn't crossed my mind :)

Also, don't get me wrong, I see your points. You make a good and thoughtful argument, especially about the feeling of community in the sewers. Just keep in mind, that it will be a looonnnngggg time before you have to worry about anyone joining you in the sewers who has not made an equal or similar investment as yourself.Agreed

Ultimately, I don't feel cheated at all personally. I paid for a service that was rendered to me at a point in time. It was fair and square. I was happy. My happiness and enjoyment is not devalued because the same service is now free to others.

Sorry, double post

04-18-2011, 03:00 PM

anyway, elixirs cost plat now? :(((

04-18-2011, 03:00 PM
Duped, I hope you don't think I personally work for Spacetime Studios, because I don't. Since this was your 5th post that thought hadn't crossed my mind :)

Also, don't get me wrong, I see your points. You make a good and thoughtful argument, especially about the feeling of community in the sewers. Just keep in mind, that it will be a looonnnngggg time before you have to worry about anyone joining you in the sewers who has not made an equal or similar investment as yourself.Agreed

Ultimately, I don't feel cheated at all personally. I paid for a service that was rendered to me at a point in time. It was fair and square. I was happy. My happiness and enjoyment is not devalued because the same service is now free to others.

I don't feel cheated, just that purchasing the dungeons wasn't my smartest investment :) And if they considered a different form of gratitude, I would feel that less

04-18-2011, 03:01 PM
Well, where to start. Happy Birthday PL! Great to see the decorations and all the party hats. I'm sure many new players will be happy about the free dungeons and I'm glad for them; it was very generous to make them free and I'm certain people will appreciate it. Haven't had a chance to perform the new combos but I think they're an awesome idea as well.

That being said, there are two things in this update that I am not so thrilled about.

The first is the level requirement to enter dungeons. One my favorite things to do in PL ever since my main character reached the cap back in the days, is to take a low level character into a more difficult dungeon and see how well I can survive. In fact it's one of the few things left to do for fun at the endgame. I think many of the dungeons are much too easy every since the rebalance, but I won't complain about it because I understand that the game has to appeal to general audiences and new players. But for those of us who are hardcore or who have characters at the cap and are bored, it was fun to do things like try tanking AO2 on a level 25 bear (and yes it's quite doable), or get together a group of friends and farm swamps with a group of level 15s.

Now players who find the game too easy, or who want to try a high level dungeon for challenge, or are leveling their second alts, will be stuck with a single dungeon choice whether they like that dungeon or not. I don't think taking away this much freedom and forcing people on a fixed path adds to the game.

Also this system will break up new friendships as some players inevitably play more and will level faster than others. I remember when I was leveling my first character, I wasn't that hardcore about the game and the few friends I made were the main thing that kept me playing. I joined them in AO2 as soon as I unlocked it even though I was lower level than them. I wasn't trying to take the easy route and in fact I would also join friends in lower level dungeons and wouldn't even care if I wasn't getting XP - I just wanted to be with people I liked. It's already hard enough to form friendships in a casual game like this where typing can be difficult. This is going to make it even harder, separating fragile new friendships because players are a few levels apart and can't play together.

I know a lot of you forum people are happy that this will take power leveling away. But have you actually looked around at what people are playing since quests were introduced? There's A LOT less grinding and power leveling. Most people seem to play all campaigns because they want to finish their quests. But for those who wanted to take a different path there was always another option there.

Not everybody playing in a dungeon above their level is power leveling either. I've seen teams of level 30ish people do fine in AO2. Why not leave them that option if, much like me, they happen to like AO2 better than AO1 or swamps.


Second thing I'm unhappy about: you guessed it, plat-only elixirs. First let me say I understand that developers have to make money and I fully support it. I just wish they would choose another way of doing it.

Elixirs were the only thing left in the game into which to sink game money, other than potions, and the only "luxury" on which players could spend their hard-earned money to have some fun, or speed up a grind they particularly disliked. Now there's truly nothing to do with in game money, and nothing to suck money out of the economy. I predict inflation, much like we had massive inflation in AO2 when most farming didn't require pots, and there was no massive leveling grind to buy xp pots for, or 6k elixirs to waste money on.

People don't just use elixirs to "cheat" or take shortcuts. It's a strategic choice that the game used to give you - choosing to pot to do a certain kind of farming run (and judging whether it's worth it based on the price of the item), or selecting one party member to pot a certain pot for a specific reason.

Also, it's just fun to use elixirs sometimes - to have a full party pot double damage and blast through things, or to pot speed and feel like you're skating through a dungeon. In my groups it's become a tradition for some of us to pot trash for our last run. It just feels like a little party, spending all that in-game gold (drawing remarks like "wow, rich haha!!!") and then blasting through the dungeon and the boss, doing celebrate emotes all the way. Now I can't imagine it ever happening, and if it does it will just draw an awkward silence (what are we going to say, "wow you're clearly rich in real life"??). It used to be a mark of achievement and effort to have enough gold to be able to pot. Now being successful in the game suddenly means less, and we are reminded that what really matters is how much money one has in real life. Bad news for those who used the game as an escape for reality, and a place where they could be rich and successful and forget about their real life status and finances. :(

I'm sorry post such negative thoughts on the PL anniversary, but I've always been honest with my feedback. I hope I managed to convey my reasons well instead of just ranting. I apologize for the very long post it took to do so.

I couldn't have said it better myself concerning these two points.

Also, related to the first part of her post, and like I mentioned earlier, you could have controlled for level requirements earlier by simply checking a box. Maybe it would be better to reduce the level requirements to 2 levels instead of 5 with a check?

04-18-2011, 03:01 PM
Maybe if you waited longer than 5 minutes for a possible answer, you would get an answer.

Email the devs, they do not discuss bans/banned players/banned whatever publicly.
i did thats why i asked you guys cause they didnt answer

04-18-2011, 03:02 PM
Lets be honest here. 45 plat is the equivalent of what? $5 at the most? You pay around $30 a month for the data plan on your smartphone.

Love. This. Post.

04-18-2011, 03:04 PM
Speed and xp pots should cost gold.

04-18-2011, 03:05 PM
i did thats why i asked you guys cause they didnt answer

And then you waited all of 5 whole minutes before complaining no one answered you. And since almost none of us here are banned in game, you might have to wait a while to get an answer. The end.

04-18-2011, 03:06 PM
The first is the level requirement to enter dungeons. One my favorite things to do in PL ever since my main character reached the cap back in the days, is to take a low level character into a more difficult dungeon and see how well I can survive. In fact it's one of the few things left to do for fun at the endgame. I think many of the dungeons are much too easy every since the rebalance, but I won't complain about it because I understand that the game has to appeal to general audiences and new players. But for those of us who are hardcore or who have characters at the cap and are bored, it was fun to do things like try tanking AO2 on a level 25 bear (and yes it's quite doable), or get together a group of friends and farm swamps with a group of level 15s.

If you are truly doing this for the challenge, then it can still be done, although it won't 'look' that way. A level 40 bear that only uses 135 stat points, 25 skill points and sticks to gear level 25 and under is equivalent to a level 25 bear. I know you know this, but just reminding people that is can be done, even if it is not optimal. It will of course take longer to get your 'level 25' bear to 40, and would cost 4 plat for both respecs. And of course, there is no way to tell if the whole party is using 'level 25' requirements, so documenting the achievement would be tricky.

04-18-2011, 03:06 PM
Ok so I might be a little late to the party (which btw went to the ‘fishing party’ in AO towne where nothing happened.. made me *sad face*)

Anyways, to touch on the elixir for plat only issue. I think it is a great idea, it will increase revenue for you guys hands down. Especially since right now you guys really haven’t seen any cash flow from established players since BS came out. My concern is two fold.

First for the individuals like myself… I purchase plat for 75 / 9.99 USD. Now I have two levels 55 and a lvl 51. My mage is about 50% to 56… to continue him without using pots will take an additional 2months of playing time (I only average 2 hours a night).

40k XP to 56
100XP / 6minute run (assuming PUGs) X 20 runs (to get to my 2 hour average) is about 2k XP per day..
So 20 runs x 20 days is ~400 runs to 56

so I am looking at 20 days if I only dedicate to my mage. This doesn’t take into account of time to play around or use an Alt. This is nose to the grindstone calculations…

So the alternative? Buy the Waters for 12plat. As stated above I buy plat with 75 increments. So I get 6 runs for every 10 dollars I spend. If you guy by my calculations above you get something similar to this:

With earning 3x the XP I will do my 400 runs and divide by 3 (rough calc I know)
400/3=134 runs.. wish means 134/6 runs (my purchased plat limit) would equal 23. So I would need to buy $230 worth of plat (assuming the same 75/9.99) to get to 56 with ONE CHAR!
Seems crazy to me…

Second concern… Inflation on economy…
While doing CTK, I earn between 2.5-3k per run. Previously this was going into my water/elixir fund. Now I will use all of this as bank. So I will be looking at 60k per day (from above 20 runs x 3k). So I will be looking at about 600k in gold that I normally would have earned. Just as the Federal reverse does to stimulate the economy, there will be a short term buying frenzy which will turn items that are currently priced at 700k-1m closer to 2-3mil. This is just from the CTK runs, not even thinking about doing the PP gold runs.

I think revamp the cost of plat and or the cost of elixirs (doing something like 3plat for waters would slowly drain a plat balance vs a massive hit like 12). And come up with another way to keep a handle on the economy is needed. Even considering to hold off on the plat only elixirs until the 1.7.2 update, so you actually get bang for your buck with the plat usage.

04-18-2011, 03:11 PM
When I first started playing PL, I didn't even know thatyou could pay gold for exp pots. I just counted about 60 plat spent on pots already.

04-18-2011, 03:12 PM
Well, where to start. Happy Birthday PL! Great to see the decorations and all the party hats. I'm sure many new players will be happy about the free dungeons and I'm glad for them; it was very generous to make them free and I'm certain people will appreciate it. Haven't had a chance to perform the new combos but I think they're an awesome idea as well.

That being said, there are two things in this update that I am not so thrilled about.

The first is the level requirement to enter dungeons. One my favorite things to do in PL ever since my main character reached the cap back in the days, is to take a low level character into a more difficult dungeon and see how well I can survive. In fact it's one of the few things left to do for fun at the endgame. I think many of the dungeons are much too easy every since the rebalance, but I won't complain about it because I understand that the game has to appeal to general audiences and new players. But for those of us who are hardcore or who have characters at the cap and are bored, it was fun to do things like try tanking AO2 on a level 25 bear (and yes it's quite doable), or get together a group of friends and farm swamps with a group of level 15s.

Now players who find the game too easy, or who want to try a high level dungeon for challenge, or are leveling their second alts, will be stuck with a single dungeon choice whether they like that dungeon or not. I don't think taking away this much freedom and forcing people on a fixed path adds to the game.

Also this system will break up new friendships as some players inevitably play more and will level faster than others. I remember when I was leveling my first character, I wasn't that hardcore about the game and the few friends I made were the main thing that kept me playing. I joined them in AO2 as soon as I unlocked it even though I was lower level than them. I wasn't trying to take the easy route and in fact I would also join friends in lower level dungeons and wouldn't even care if I wasn't getting XP - I just wanted to be with people I liked. It's already hard enough to form friendships in a casual game like this where typing can be difficult. This is going to make it even harder, separating fragile new friendships because players are a few levels apart and can't play together.

I know a lot of you forum people are happy that this will take power leveling away. But have you actually looked around at what people are playing since quests were introduced? There's A LOT less grinding and power leveling. Most people seem to play all campaigns because they want to finish their quests. But for those who wanted to take a different path there was always another option there.

Not everybody playing in a dungeon above their level is power leveling either. I've seen teams of level 30ish people do fine in AO2. Why not leave them that option if, much like me, they happen to like AO2 better than AO1 or swamps.


Second thing I'm unhappy about: you guessed it, plat-only elixirs. First let me say I understand that developers have to make money and I fully support it. I just wish they would choose another way of doing it.

Elixirs were the only thing left in the game into which to sink game money, other than potions, and the only "luxury" on which players could spend their hard-earned money to have some fun, or speed up a grind they particularly disliked. Now there's truly nothing to do with in game money, and nothing to suck money out of the economy. I predict inflation, much like we had massive inflation in AO2 when most farming didn't require pots, and there was no massive leveling grind to buy xp pots for, or 6k elixirs to waste money on.

People don't just use elixirs to "cheat" or take shortcuts. It's a strategic choice that the game used to give you - choosing to pot to do a certain kind of farming run (and judging whether it's worth it based on the price of the item), or selecting one party member to pot a certain pot for a specific reason.

Also, it's just fun to use elixirs sometimes - to have a full party pot double damage and blast through things, or to pot speed and feel like you're skating through a dungeon. In my groups it's become a tradition for some of us to pot trash for our last run. It just feels like a little party, spending all that in-game gold (drawing remarks like "wow, rich haha!!!") and then blasting through the dungeon and the boss, doing celebrate emotes all the way. Now I can't imagine it ever happening, and if it does it will just draw an awkward silence (what are we going to say, "wow you're clearly rich in real life"??). It used to be a mark of achievement and effort to have enough gold to be able to pot. Now being successful in the game suddenly means less, and we are reminded that what really matters is how much money one has in real life. Bad news for those who used the game as an escape for reality, and a place where they could be rich and successful and forget about their real life status and finances. :(

I'm sorry post such negative thoughts on the PL anniversary, but I've always been honest with my feedback. I hope I managed to convey my reasons well instead of just ranting. I apologize for the very long post it took to do so.

100% agree. What drew me into PL and made me take that first move to buy plat, was that I only needed to spend plat to unlock maps. This has been gradually changing (I saw it happening with Big Luck, but most people were in denial). Now, instead of paying for the ability to playthe game and the rest being based on your own time/commitment/skill, it all comes down to how much money you have and/or are willing to spend on a game.
Since I, personally, cannot justify spending real money on virtual items, each update keeps pushing me further and further away. At least before, I felt that I made an investment in the game by buying all the maps which I can use as much as I want. But now even that feels like a bad investment.
I was looking forward to B*, but if the same business model is implemented there, I will not put in much time. What Used to be so great about PL was that your time/effort/skill got you far, not your RL money. Sad to see this changing so drastically and so quickly.

04-18-2011, 03:16 PM
When I first started playing PL, I didn't even know thatyou could pay gold for exp pots. I just counted about 60 plat spent on pots already.

How's that possible? You started in June. Plat-for-elixirs has only been around for a few mos.

04-18-2011, 03:16 PM
And then you waited all of 5 whole minutes before complaining no one answered you. And since almost none of us here are banned in game, you might have to wait a while to get an answer. The end.

why do you have to be suck a jerk dude it was a simple question and i wasnt asking you for an answer i was asking to whoever knows the answer

04-18-2011, 03:17 PM
How's that possible? You started in June. Plat-for-elixirs has only been around for a few mos.

There was always an option to buy them with plat, maybe you didn't notice it

04-18-2011, 03:19 PM
There was always an option to buy them with plat, maybe you didn't notice it

Really? I distinctly remember how we were all surprised/annoyed when the "buy with plat" button appeared, and so close to the gold button -- causing many to buy with play by accident. I distinctly remember a time when there was no "buy with plat" button. Was it hidden somewhere?

04-18-2011, 03:20 PM
the dumpster punch is 20p...


04-18-2011, 03:22 PM
Dang, I can't stand the whiners. Oh no, you payed $5 for a game that now people can play for free. How about you look at it like paying $5 to be apart of the elite group that got to play the game before everyone else. The real release was today and you got to play it for a year before people joining now who get it free, for ONLY $5!

Actually, I want STS to make more money because then they will have more manpower to develop more content and make the game better. If that costs me, god forbid, another $5, then I'd be happy to pay and I hope they get as many others who love the game to pay as well.

That being said, making the entire chain all the way to BS free is a bit confusing to me, at least from a business perspective. The entire idea of offering a "free" game is to get them to see how great it is and then put in money later. If someone plays 30+ levels, I'm pretty sure you are going to get a good conversion rate of people who only wanted to try it cuz it was free, to people who realize how great the game is, have made friends and want to keep going. They could have made a few of the lower campaigns free and kept Alien Oasis and BS paid, or even just BS paid if they want people to get more "addicted" before making the pay vs. quit decision.

The other reason for keeping some of the later campaigns paid would be that it would take the revenue earning pressure off of the elixirs. Obviously, if you make one portion of the game that used to generate revenue free, you must make it up in another way. I don't think making all elixirs cost plat is really the best way to go in this version of the game, but I am 100% confident that STS will adjust the game appropriately. I am sure they will introduce a cost-effective XP Pot (persistent through death and zoning) which will make sense for people to use. Also, they will either change the tank/damage elixir purchase method/cost or adjust bosses to not require them.

After my initial dislike of the GCD, I stopped playing for a few days. When I resumed, the GCD "fix" was implemented and I resumed my usual 3-4 hour a night consumption of PL. I am a happy customer and believe they will adjust everything appropriately. Right now, actually I'm just excited to go try those new combos!

04-18-2011, 03:33 PM
If you are truly doing this for the challenge, then it can still be done, although it won't 'look' that way. A level 40 bear that only uses 135 stat points, 25 skill points and sticks to gear level 25 and under is equivalent to a level 25 bear.

Yeah that sounds like fun - not. Even I'm not hardcore enough to do that. As you say, part of it is the bragging rights of pulling it off as a low level. I remember, one time Badtee, Chantilily and I put together a level 14ish team and did bayou boss brawl. We then ended up teaching a couple of random 30s who joined how to pull bosses for efficient farming. They said we were awesome XD - and we didn't ever tell them we had higher levels.

Also for April 1st I made a level 30 twink, told my BS farming party I had to leave and then came back as the level 30 they didn't know. The host was in on the joke and told the party she felt bad to boot me because I potted. I then proceeded to roundup in Stronhold - no tank pot! - and actually managed to pull it off, although I did die after I beckoned. Then proceeded to run through the rest of the map, rounding up in all the places I knew I should - just to see if I could do it, and yes it worked more or less and with a good few deaths. Finally one of the people said, this had to be a joke because I was too good for a level 30. :cool: That's the kind of stuff that keeps me in PL once I reached the endgame.

Anyway, non-twinks might also want to take a different route than the default one. Don't see how this would be a better game if it were more linear. It's an easy casual game after all, why not let people wander around and join friends who are of a different level, or get a taste of the higher level dungeons even if they get killed, so they can tell themselves "I'll come back to that terrible boss one day and kick his behind!"

04-18-2011, 03:36 PM
why do you have to be suck a jerk dude it was a simple question and i wasnt asking you for an answer i was asking to whoever knows the answer

Well, "Dude", I can't stand ppl who can't wait for an answer for more than 5 minutes without complaining nobody had answered their question in 5 whole minutes! When you say "Wow you guys are of no help", which is a "jerk" thing to say in the first place, after 5 measly minutes, you lose the right to call anyone a jerk.

04-18-2011, 03:41 PM
Ok, to be completely honest, the update was kinda disappointing... This is supposed to be the BIGGEST event of the year for this game- let alone any MMO. I was hoping for a new anniversary campaign. Where the loot was level capped, so we could farm for twink items. I was in a rush to make a level 10, 15 and 20, JUST for this event. And secondly, plat only for elixirs? This is reminding me of the GCD. If it ain't broke, dont fix it. I cant believe that I've used around 400k on exp elixirs trying to level up to 56. Now I dont even feel like trying to level up to 56 now, I'm halfway there.

Now onto the good stuff, I was happy with the shield and helm reward for us veteran players. However, the helm design is quite bland, just a different paint job than the BS helms, which I have seen countless times from STS. I'll probably buy the party hat, I'm a sucker for these kind of things, lol.

On the whole, I was quite disappointed about this "BIG" birthday bash update. Hopefully more additions will come out tomorrow.
Happy Birthday Pocket Legends!

04-18-2011, 03:41 PM
I've updated what we're going to do with the Founder's Helm here:


We are also discussing what to do about elixirs and are considering having some (but not all) elixirs available for gold.


04-18-2011, 03:43 PM
You people just cannot watch your words. I am done here. I see people calling other whiners, flamers and many. No matter is it against me or with me, is it so difficult to write with a bit of manners? Anyway, however the case is, i am still with the protester side. Call me a whiner, flamer, loser or whatever you can think of because everytime you call someone a bad name, it just show how much manners you have.

I've updated what we're going to do with the Founder's Helm here:


We are also discussing what to do about elixirs and are considering having some (but not all) elixirs available for gold.


Thanks for responding but i see no answer about those who are concern about a more appropriate refund or replacement regrading maps turning free case.

04-18-2011, 03:46 PM
I've updated what we're going to do with the Founder's Helm here:


We are also discussing what to do about elixirs and are considering having some (but not all) elixirs available for gold.


Thanks devs, hopefully I can continue my journey to 56 without breaking the bank (IRL)

04-18-2011, 03:51 PM
I still feel that this update punishes mid-echelon players and has made the gap between super-rich (in game) players and ppl who have already power leveled up to 56 very unfair.

With the elxir-gold-drain gone, CS prices are going to skyrocket and 55 lvl players are going to suffer.

04-18-2011, 03:53 PM
hey guys do you still get the shield if your banned?

LMAO... Seriously?

If you really are banned from the game (don't know why, so I'm not judging) worrying about whether or not there is a shield sitting in the stash of your banned account seems like the least of your problems. I would worry more about fixing whatever you need to (and stop flaming people here, calling moogerfooger a jerk, etc) so you can keep playing - then worry about the shield. Complaining and being impatient probably isn't going to help get you unbanned, I'm assuming.

04-18-2011, 03:55 PM
I heard the Party Hat means an automatic pink! And disables the Keeper's shield :rolleyes:

Mooger, put that in the in-game rumors thread please! :P

04-18-2011, 04:04 PM
We are also discussing what to do about elixirs and are considering having some (but not all) elixirs available for gold.

Sweet, thank you for letting us know that you're thinking about it.

If I had a vote I'd go for having the normal (less effective) elixirs be gold and the premium ones plat. This wouldn't change gameplay too much and would still let people who have too much money burn it to get that little bit of extra advantage. And please keep some sort of XP elixir for gold, even if it's just the 2X one. It's so useful for people getting their friends to level their twinks (less of a grind and more of a fun few runs chatting with friends), or for endgame players who have nothing to burn money on except leveling to 56.

On an unrelated note, to the people who keep complaining about having spent money on maps before: have you ever bought a newly released non-mobile video game only to have it go on sale a few weeks later? If you ever bought a new videogame then I'm sure the answer is yes, because that's how they all work. Same thing with PL. You paid for having access to the maps early. Now that it's been out for a year it's gone on sale. You don't see other videogames that have been out for a year offered at the same price as the day the came out, do you now?

04-18-2011, 04:05 PM
I've updated what we're going to do with the Founder's Helm here:


We are also discussing what to do about elixirs and are considering having some (but not all) elixirs available for gold.


Thanks this is great (ahem*xp elixirs*ahem)!

How about the dungeon level requirement?

04-18-2011, 04:16 PM
Looks like a great set of changes!! Thanks again, STS!

I think the only one I'll grumble quietly about is the change so elixirs can only be purchased with platinum. That's going to slow my extremely slow leveling down to nearly a halt. However, does that also correspond to the change where elixirs were going to last a fixed amount of time, regardless of death and zone changes?

Even so, I doubt I'll ever use elixirs again. This will make some bosses much more difficult. Though, with the change in levels in the areas, perhaps they'll be less needed as we won't have to make up for weaker party members anymore. We'll see. Too busy to go play at the moment.... :(

But, there's no way that, for instance, 3x experience for only 5 minutes is worth 62.5 US cents to me (the $50 pack reduces the price per platinum to 6.25 cents a piece, the $90 pack is even better). And for those who can only afford the $5 packs, we're talking $1.66 for 5 minutes. And that's just for the XP elixirs, never mind the tankers and warriors ones that allow some bosses to be far more doable.

I'm still liking the 1 platinum revive cost, but I've wasted it a few times, though not purposefully. A full party will have died, I'll have used it to revive them, then they just leave... no etiquette, I tell ya! But that's 6 cents. If I'd just spent a buck or two in elixirs for a boss and the party left, I'd be a bit peeved. Certainly a lot more peeved than when that's happened when I've spent gold on them.

Update: Reading a few others posts, I hadn't even thought about the extra gold that I'd have if I wasn't spending money on elixirs. Realistically, it's about the only thing I do spend gold on, aside from a few CS purchases. Even pots are split between gold and farming them and no where near as much money goes into them.

04-18-2011, 04:22 PM
This is unfair to Android users.

I agree, and sent a pm to STS. Regardless of their decision, I'll support it. If Apple users had not made this game successful than an expansion to the Android platform may not have happened. That being said, from what I've read Droid users generate more of a revenue stream than Apple users - unsure if it's because we have less options for Tapjoy or because Apple market options for games make it that much more competitive - either way I think Android users should be recognized as well.

***I am NOT trying to start a debate about APPLE vs. everyone else, so please withhold those comments, thank you!***

04-18-2011, 04:26 PM
I'll mention a little bit of what I said in chat,

There are people out there who will be willing to spend plat on elixirs, but it will solely depend on how it is packaged.

As an example, imagine running SC with a group that all has a persistant dumpster elixir that lasts for one or two hours.

04-18-2011, 04:28 PM
Unfortunately my characters are not leveled enough so I did not bought Balefort Sewers and others too high levels on time. And as I use Android, i'm ineligible for the Helm. Is it possible to buy the missing levels in some way and get the shield ?
Happy Birthday PocketLegends, I wish you a long life !

04-18-2011, 04:29 PM
I'll mention a little bit of what I said in chat,

There are people out there who will be willing to spend plat on elixirs, but it will solely depend on how it is packaged.

As an example, imagine running SC with a group that all has a persistant dumpster elixir that lasts for one or two hours.

And in that case, unless something is changed, only those who spend the plat will be able to enjoy/survive those maps. Or at the very least have a huge advantage over those who don't.

04-18-2011, 04:31 PM
Thanks for responding but i see no answer about those who are concern about a more appropriate refund or replacement regrading maps turning free case.

Sorry, updated the original post with text that was already in the game patch notes:

Anyone that purchased any Main Spine content within the last 3 days will have their Platinum refunded.


04-18-2011, 04:33 PM
Yeah that sounds like fun - not. Even I'm not hardcore enough to do that. As you say, part of it is the bragging rights of pulling it off as a low level. I remember, one time Badtee, Chantilily and I put together a level 14ish team and did bayou boss brawl. We then ended up teaching a couple of random 30s who joined how to pull bosses for efficient farming. They said we were awesome XD - and we didn't ever tell them we had higher levels.

Also for April 1st I made a level 30 twink, told my BS farming party I had to leave and then came back as the level 30 they didn't know. The host was in on the joke and told the party she felt bad to boot me because I potted. I then proceeded to roundup in Stronhold - no tank pot! - and actually managed to pull it off, although I did die after I beckoned. Then proceeded to run through the rest of the map, rounding up in all the places I knew I should - just to see if I could do it, and yes it worked more or less and with a good few deaths. Finally one of the people said, this had to be a joke because I was too good for a level 30. :cool: That's the kind of stuff that keeps me in PL once I reached the endgame.

Anyway, non-twinks might also want to take a different route than the default one. Don't see how this would be a better game if it were more linear. It's an easy casual game after all, why not let people wander around and join friends who are of a different level, or get a taste of the higher level dungeons even if they get killed, so they can tell themselves "I'll come back to that terrible boss one day and kick his behind!"

Keep in mind that your pro team at Swamps/Sewers/anywhere else is an extremely small minority; I'd bet that nearly 95% of low-leveled characters at higher-leveled campaigns are first-time players that shouldn't be there, or don't even know where to go so they decide to just pick a random campaign to join. I for one think the minimum level to join campaigns is a great idea since it does push players into playing areas that they're supposed to.

The other option to combat power-levelers and/or "noobs without direction" is to only restrict XP in each campaign to a certain level limit but keep the campaign open for everyone (like if the recommended level was 35-40, then levels 33 to 43 would receive XP). I can see this as a viable option to those who want to experience a challenge like yourself, and also to combat power-leveling and leading noobs to the right area to level.

04-18-2011, 04:51 PM
Mooger, put that in the in-game rumors thread please! :P

oops, already done it earlier.....

Also appears the Founders Helm is now available to people who joined 6months ago... see http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?23926-Pocket-Legends-Founder-s-Helm

04-18-2011, 04:52 PM
Keep in mind that your pro team at Swamps/Sewers/anywhere else is an extremely small minority; I'd bet that nearly 95% of low-leveled characters at higher-leveled campaigns are first-time players that shouldn't be there, or don't even know where to go so they decide to just pick a random campaign to join. I for one think the minimum level to join campaigns is a great idea since it does push players into playing areas that they're supposed to.

The other option to combat power-levelers and/or "noobs without direction" is to only restrict XP in each campaign to a certain level limit but keep the campaign open for everyone (like if the recommended level was 35-40, then levels 33 to 43 would receive XP). I can see this as a viable option to those who want to experience a challenge like yourself, and also to combat power-leveling and leading noobs to the right area to level.

Agreed. This is actually one change I think I've mentioned in other posts. I'm happy for it. Should improve the game for everyone, whether they realize it or not yet. :)

As for those looking for a challenge of seeing if their Lvl 1 twink can solo the sewers... well, a simple enough change would be to check the max level on the account rather than the player. That way we'd also know that if we saw a level 30 in a 50 zone that they also had a 50+ around and might actually know how to play.

Disabling XP on the lower end in combination of that would keep the [players] skill level somewhat in line with the zone while still preventing power leveling in the high areas. (Though, there is nothing stopping power leveling on lower levels. High levels can still join low level areas and race folks through. Doing that, the low level might even get items suited to their level!)

04-18-2011, 04:54 PM
Also appears the Founders Helm is now available to people who joined 6months ago...

Is there a join date in game anywhere? No idea when I joined. Forum join came long after I started playing casually.

04-18-2011, 04:58 PM
I purchased the "main spine" content and I didn't recieve a shield. I checked my stash and the inventory of both of my characters. :( Please help

04-18-2011, 05:02 PM
Ok first i wad just ticked off but now i am totally pissed off!!!!...the ones that bought the campaigns in the last 3 days get their plat back but those of us that have bought them long ago get a crappy no good shield!!!!!! I went out on a limb with this game buying stages and wut not with real money and this is the thanks i get or should i say we get !!!! Good job on looking out for the ones that made your game what it is!!!!!!!!!......space time studios u can take ur sorry shield of gratitude and shove it!!!! Or better yet why not give it for free to new players too!!!!!!!

04-18-2011, 05:09 PM
oops, already done it earlier.....

Also appears the Founders Helm is now available to people who joined 6months ago... see http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?23926-Pocket-Legends-Founder-s-Helm

LOL, and AWESOME about the helms!!!! ****backflip and blows kisses to the devs***

04-18-2011, 05:11 PM
Keep in mind that your pro team at Swamps/Sewers/anywhere else is an extremely small minority; I'd bet that nearly 95% of low-leveled characters at higher-leveled campaigns are first-time players that shouldn't be there, or don't even know where to go so they decide to just pick a random campaign to join. I for one think the minimum level to join campaigns is a great idea since it does push players into playing areas that they're supposed to.

I see what you mean but I'm going to disagree on this one. I think the game is very easy right now and for new players who are nevertheless reasonably good, moving on to campaigns a bit above their level is a good learning experience. A game that's too easy can also lead to bad players, and sometimes I think that's why some new tanks in BS have no idea to spam pots or gather mobs - they've never had to because the lower level maps are such a breeze.

For instance, I saw a random group of mostly <40ish people run into the Sobek room in AO2 with no particular strategy in mind and just rambo through him and the 2 djinns without much difficulty. That's a prime example of how a map that's too easy can fail to teach you anything. That boss used to wipe whole teams of 45s. You had to know exactly where to stand to pull him out and away from the djins, and then the tank had to do his best to keep his attention and even then he would often kill mages with his aoe. I was on my tank and would have known how to pull him perfectly, since I had practiced it so many times at the 45 cap - but as it stood my services were not needed and probably never will be in that map again. Then you wonder why some bears in BS can't tank...

Anyway, point is as the game stands now, I see nothing wrong if people go a few campaigns above their level. And I wish they'd leave the earn XP option in place too. Even for me, yes I do it for the challenge but gaining XP gives me a progress bar to look at, even if it's on a twink that I'm not really planning to do anything with. Makes no sense but that's how the human brain works.

Also, I wish they would at least test the theory that making the maps free would lead people to choose wildly inappropriate areas. Some people are saying that's what would happen, others are saying there's no incentive for people to skip campaigns now so we'd see less rather than more power leveling. So how about removing the level requirement for now and seeing what happens?

And if it does become a problem, there could be ways of dealing with it that don't take that much freedom away, like implementing vote booting for public map instances, or just giving a random level-appropriate player in the group the boot power, etc.

04-18-2011, 05:12 PM
it is a bit unfair to the new players yes lol give them the shield as well or give me the change to give mine
can some one tell me what to do with that shield? i cant use it and its not that good looking!

it seems a bit unfair all these changes, giving away maps for free, elixers thats cost to much man i thought this ended with the gcd.
this is a bit to much changes in one game.

04-18-2011, 05:14 PM
NOTE: As a special thank you to players who have been with us from the very beginning (accounts started from April through June), look for an exclusive “Founders Helm” coming later today. We know we couldn’t have made it so far without the help of our early adopters!

NOT FAIR! I DIDN'T GET MY PHONE TILL CHRISTMAS! even though I downloaded the game less than two hours after i got my phone (connection issues and no wifi), I still don't get the crown?!?!? NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!

and plat for elixers? no offence, but ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? you just lost pretty much all elixer use.

but other than that, I agree with the rest of the changes

04-18-2011, 05:16 PM
Ok first i wad just ticked off but now i am totally pissed off!!!!...the ones that bought the campaigns in the last 3 days get their plat back but those of us that have bought them long ago get a crappy no good shield!!!!!! I went out on a limb with this game buying stages and wut not with real money and this is the thanks i get or should i say we get !!!! Good job on looking out for the ones that made your game what it is!!!!!!!!!......space time studios u can take ur sorry shield of gratitude and shove it!!!! Or better yet why not give it for free to new players too!!!!!!!

Nice rant dude. There is a way to voice feedback without throwing a temper tantrum. You didn't even know that shield existed until today, they didn't have to give it to you at all. It was just an added FREE bonus as a 'thanks'. You paid for the levels and probably used them anyway, they never promised you a bonus shield for buying all the levels in the first place. Most game companies would have give you NADA to begin with.

04-18-2011, 05:17 PM
I purchased the "main spine" content and I didn't recieve a shield. I checked my stash and the inventory of both of my characters. :( Please help

i give u mine if i could