View Full Version : dballah's suggestions

04-18-2011, 10:53 AM
Let me start off by saying that I am not making demands, these are just a few things that I hope to see at some point. So, here are a few suggestions:

* Male/female genter switching in chatactor creation:
Perhaps a male and female model for all three races and the ability to switch genders in the magic mirror. This is not a huge issue but it would be a nice addition to the existing charactor creation menue.

* More items are sellable:
Though it is understandable that items like antennas and community/pocket legends sheilds are unsellable, I think holiday and purchasable vanity items should be sellable. When only the hooch hat is sellable, people dont really bother searching for vanity items. Holiday vanity items will be a hit if they can be passed around in the market.

* More hair for enchantresses:
The hair looks strange with the skull mask sometimes, especially when you are wearing a vanity item that shows some of the hair. This would be yet another great addition to charactor creation and the magic mirror.

I will add more suggestions as I think of them. Pocket legends is a great game, change or not. I just hope my suggestions will be considered, and a thanks to everyone that takes the time to reply.

04-27-2011, 12:01 AM
This thread is relevant to my interests. Bump!