View Full Version : Pocket Legends: Update Ideas (Open)

04-18-2011, 07:14 PM
1. Integration of guilds into the game's UI, for easier organisations.
2. Better instances w/ different areas for different levels.
3. A better looting system where you select bodies to view their inventory and take out what you need (for this, enemies will need to drop more loot)
4. More rewarding loot from bosses.
5. Elite bosses for group takedown and looting.
6. More open-world style gameplay.
7. Better, more fluid quest design. Right now quests are simply laborious and, frankly, boring. A better system with more variety would remedy this and stop people tiring of the game so easily.
8. More music tracks. It's getting annoying hearing all the same theme tunes over and over again.
9. Mounts and pets. Mounts could either work as a vanity piece or, with more open worlds, a means of transport. Pets would follow you, help you fight and carry items for you.

*Suggested Ideas*

Neoqueen: A tickbox in settings to disable the special effects on animations, to reduce lag in highly populated areas or dungeons and to make running the game on lower-end devices less demanding.

04-18-2011, 07:17 PM
Guild has already been suggested and it's comming. :o

04-18-2011, 07:18 PM
Suggest more ideas as a reply, if I think they are good I will add them to the list. Feel free to shout me down if any of my ideas seem a bit Extreme.

04-18-2011, 07:19 PM
Guild has already been suggested and it's comming. :o

Thank you for informing me of this :)

04-18-2011, 07:21 PM
Option to remove skill animation to reduce lag.

04-18-2011, 07:24 PM
Option to remove skill animation to reduce lag.

That would certainly be worth doing, so long as the animation wasn't completely removed. Just toned down. This would help in dungeons with a high enemy count.

04-18-2011, 07:45 PM
I will add all suggested ideas to my original post under *Suggested ideas*, next to the name of the person who posted it as a reply.

04-28-2011, 07:06 AM
CS available (reformatted) through online access or as a separate app.

04-28-2011, 12:46 PM
CS available (reformatted) through online access or as a separate app.
By CS you mean what?

10-14-2011, 10:56 PM
This game would BLOW UP if there were
1. Open world
2. Mounts and player HOUSES that you can store items in and pvp around the houses in the open world. So you could go to houses to find another guild you wanna kill( like ultima online was)
3. Pvp in game (not just in instances) like an open world of pvp( you can turn this option on or off if you want to pvp or not) like warring other guilds... Or maybe make it where you can become a murderer and not allowed in town. Murderers are only allowed outside of town. Players can choose if they want to participate in the pvp. I'm sure there are some people that would LOVE this and some that would not. Also an option to loot other characters when you kill them. There could be an option for this too. If you choose to be able to loot other players in pvp, then you can be looted as well.

Basically MORE PVP!!!!
And HOUSES!!!! and MOUNTS ( horses, llamas, ostards... Etc.)

A faction and warring system would be cool too.

And for the murderer idea you can put bounties on the murderers head that killed you or just cause you want to. And there could be stat loss or something for murderers.

10-14-2011, 10:59 PM
Or xp loss rather... And it only occurs if you die and resurrect while dead. If you dont resurrect, you can stay dead for a couple of hours to avoid stat loss.

This would only be a penalty for murderers that way EVERYONE does become one.

10-14-2011, 11:01 PM
doesn't become one***

10-14-2011, 11:14 PM
Addressing the suggestion of enemies having a lootable inventory: it would take so long to stop at every enemy and take their stuff. :hopelessness: And would it be on a first come, first serve basis? I'm a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series, so I have definitely seen the benefits of such a system but only in the 1 player sense. :wink:

10-17-2011, 02:29 AM
nah it wouldn't take long.. you would only take the items that you wanted off the corpse and only the person that killed the other person would be able to loot them... or it could be open loot. it's just a lot more fun ... if you die to another player, you should be able to be looted. it's an accomplishment to that player, and it would go the other way around also. so if you kill someone, you can loot their stuff. that way this game would not be so item based. pvp would take SKILL and EXPERIENCE in game instead of just having the best gear. and if someone does have good gear, they can have the option of not wearing it or taking a chance and wearing it. it would just make the game a lot more fun, when there is risks involved. if they don't like that idea, they could always just make it where only potions can be looted OR they could make it where there are regs and stuff for casting spells and those can be looted.

10-17-2011, 06:59 AM

10-17-2011, 07:20 AM
I definately digg the idea of a more open world, PvP option as 'always on' possibility and pets.
Houses are also cool. What with the guild houses, maybe a 'Guild Row' area where all the houses of the guilds are located?

10-17-2011, 07:32 AM
We have guild halls already, which are essentially guild houses. Open world would be cool, but it doesn't match the playing style of this game. I'm all for it, but the entire game would be reworked. Too much trouble for STS considering everything they have on their plates. A "guild row" wouldn't work either, given the amount of players guilds can hold, a public area like towns don't hold more than 25 players at a time.