View Full Version : Guide for new players

04-18-2011, 08:25 PM
Im sorry i cant add pictures since my computer is broke so im going to do this by ipod anyway this is my guide on how to get a player started on pocket legends and a couple of tips i picked up while i was playing.

-First off i would always click the earn free plat 3 or more times a day you never know when there are new downloads (make sure you open the apps after downloading them i usually try the apps out too.)

-Second tip i picked up is if u actually do all the quests you will make alot of money and get great items to use. So always do all your quests because they sometimes give good items and cash and not to mention you dont have to go to cs(auction house) to buy your items.

-Third tip i picked up on pocket legends everytime u do a dungeon u will find little passages with no red dots(enemies) on the mini map still check back in the passage there may be a quest or a treasure cheat.

-Fourth tip on pocket legends when you finish a quest in a dungeon wait until the end to turn it in so your group isn't waiting for you and then when u come back u will have more quests to complete my definition of two birds with one stone.

-Fifth tip on pocket legends when you level up on your character every 2 levels you get a new spell and my opinion is read the spell description before putting your points in it or eles you will be spending platinum to respec same thing with your attributes except plan everything out first on how you want ur char to be.

-Sixth tip so believe it or not like every game there are scammers and there are common scams people do so be very cautious always check auctions for prices and use stash to transfer items.

-Seventh tip when spending your platinum be careful on what you get because u may need platinum for renames, respecs, or pvp packs.

-Eighth tip if somebody insults, annoys, or harrasses you its not a contest to win just ignore the player.

-Ninth tip if you need to message somebody when u dont have them added you can always type /tell (players name) message here
Example: /tell uniboom hey man want to pvp?

-Tenth tip try to sell your rares on auction house and other items just click sell on but make your items on auction a fair price and i usually put it on for 3 days and it should sell.

-Eleventh tip try to put all your attribute points in one skill
Example: put all points in dex,str,or int

After lvl 22 you get no more spells and respecing is now free.

Thanks to all helping me make this guide.

Hope these tips benefitted you sorry for not having pictures.

I hope my tips have helped you ane once again sorry i could not add pictures i wish i could.

04-18-2011, 08:31 PM
grat advice for newpalyers- i would add: tip 11, put all your points into one group for starters, be it all int mage, all dex bird or all str bear. after you learn to play your class expiriment with dexbear, palidan and other builds such as dual of certaint pvp builds

04-19-2011, 02:53 AM
Nice tips. Could be better. Such as its a skill rather than a spell (I tend to pick out the littlest mistakes, sorry), also its not every two levels. At the beginning u get a skill after every level, but after u get every two levels. You stop getting more skills at level 22, when you get your last skill. Respecing skills is now free. If you want to keep your rares, you can, as you should know they are "rare" and are something worth having. Conridan's tip is really helpful combined with the first tip of getting downloads so you can pay 2 platinum for the stat respecs. Nice guide overall.

04-19-2011, 06:01 AM
Thanks for the advice!

04-19-2011, 10:55 AM
Well then update your OP if you think the advice was useful.

04-19-2011, 03:45 PM
Ya i was going to but i got busy with rl things that im going through sorry i didnt update the advice quicker