View Full Version : Am I the only one upset about this? D:

04-18-2011, 09:45 PM
I really DESPISE this platinum for elixir thing ;D just wanna hear fellow forumers thoughts! :D thanks

04-18-2011, 09:49 PM
Obviously not. But we all got tired of talking about it. We said our parts. I guess the money will have to speak now.

04-18-2011, 09:55 PM
I am not really not a fan of this elixer for plat thing, mostly because i have a lvl 14 bear, and i wanted to level him asap, so, I'm a little upset by this.

04-18-2011, 09:55 PM
Not a heavy elixir user but i sure won't pay plat for them. I think the persistent elixirs they've mentioned might make the cost more palatable to some extent tho. I want to buy more plat but not for elixirs at this time.

04-18-2011, 09:59 PM
All these updates are blatant attempts to try to make more money. By making the main quest line free, they can attract more players. By making elixirs cost plat and adding the minimum requirement to enter a dungeon, they are trying to make us be online and playing for longer periods. It will take so long to level now that lower level or newer players will be stuck grinding til they go insane. This is supposed to be a game that you can pick up, play for 5 or 10 minutes and accomplish something. That is gone now. Welcome to every other grind level fest game out there. Wowdoaceqlegends. No thx devs, until you focus more on what the players want and less on your pocketbooks, I'm out. Peace.

04-18-2011, 10:01 PM
I will not be using any elixers. Devs will hopefully repeal.

04-18-2011, 10:13 PM
Honestly I think it is a bad thing too. In my experience mmos NEED and I absolutely mean needs a currency sink. Otherwise the economy gets way over inflated and any new players can barely even hope to afford gear without looting it themselves.
Up till now the only gold sink was the elixers. MILLIONS of gold got removed from the economy and whether you realize this or not, this keeps items cheaper. When more people have more million's of gold gear prices will go up just because they know they can charge that. Gold for elixers was genius for getting to 56 it also helped stabilize the economy.
I just think now that gold is only used for trading for gear all heck will break loose.

04-18-2011, 10:14 PM
As much as I want the devs to make money, I won't pay real life money for a temporary buff. If someone else wants this, they can go ahead and buy it.
I don't mind paying for content or items at all, and I actually just bought plat to support the devs. The things we used to pay for, were with us forever (dungeons, vanity items, gear...). Asking real life money for a temporary buff is a confusing move for me.

I'm just happy that I wasn't using any elix to level up anyway, so to me it won't make a huge difference to be honest. I just wanted to state my opinion about it :)

Edit: 1 good thing I can see in all of this, is a reduction in power leveled mynas gens ;)

04-18-2011, 10:15 PM
Thankfully I pounded out 56 a few weeks back. That kinda gap with out exp pots could take 6mo of numbness from grinding. Ill miss the str pot while farming bosses but ill never spend a single plat on elixirs or instant revives.

Pretty soon itll cost platinum to keep the pinks that drop, then plat to sell them ;)

But hey, its a business and they are in business to make money. Just try not to ruin a good thing in the process.

04-18-2011, 10:17 PM
All these updates are blatant attempts to try to make more money. By making the main quest line free, they can attract more players. By making elixirs cost plat and adding the minimum requirement to enter a dungeon, they are trying to make us be online and playing for longer periods. It will take so long to level now that lower level or newer players will be stuck grinding til they go insane. This is supposed to be a game that you can pick up, play for 5 or 10 minutes and accomplish something. That is gone now. Welcome to every other grind level fest game out there. Wowdoaceqlegends. No thx devs, until you focus more on what the players want and less on your pocketbooks, I'm out. Peace.

Sad to say that I completely agree with this (except the part about leaving the game over it). This an obvious attempt to make more money off of the game, but it's understandable. The game has established itself as one of the best (if not the best) mmo-on-the-go, so now they are simply trying to cash in on their hard work and investment. The sad part is that players will most likely be turned off by the new developments and the direction the game is headed. Most of the vets will probably stay and just not use elixirs. Grinding is going to be a bit unbearable now! I used xp elixirs from level 55-56 because the grind was just a bit depressing; seeing your xp bar not even budge after multiple BS runs eventually got the best of me. With all of the changes, there are plenty of players that are leaving... I just wonder where this game is headed since all of these changes don't seem to be addressing the issues that the community have, but rather taking the game into a far too familiar territory. I used to think that this game was looking to break the mold and venture off into the untapped potential of the mmo genre, now the game is starting to give me déjà vu.

04-18-2011, 10:18 PM
Thankfully I pounded out 56 a few weeks back. That kinda gap with out exp pots could take 6mo of numbness from grinding. Ill miss the str pot while farming bosses but ill never spend a single plat on elixirs or instant revives.

Pretty soon itll cost platinum to keep the pinks that drop, then plat to sell them ;)

But hey, its a business and they are in business to make money. Just try not to ruin a good thing in the process.

You jest, but I would really like to know where that line is, bc it keeps moving.

04-18-2011, 10:22 PM
You jest, but I would really like to know where that line is, bc it keeps moving.

Exactly my thought.

How long before some irresponsible kid or even adult for that matter, starts to milk his/her credit card just so they can level up quicker o.O

04-18-2011, 10:27 PM
Yeah I am pretty disgusted with PL to say the least. These last few updates have pushed it down from what was a top notch game to err....not so good. Guess they weren't making enough money before. I've never played a game that made such drastic negative changes a year in...maybe they are trying to kill PL for b*?

Eta: I've actually been scared to voice my opinion for fear of ban bc I saw some from posting negative feedback. I would much rather they left things alone and paid monthly for the game. No way will I pay for a temp buff...idc if its a quarter...

04-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Yeah I am pretty disgusted with PL to say the least. These last few updates have pushed it down from what was a top notch game to err....not so good. Guess they weren't making enough money before. I've never played a game that made such drastic negative changes a year in...maybe they are trying to kill PL for b*?

Again, that theory makes no sense. What's more likely, is they'll keep the same business plan for B*, so we can probably expect these changes to be standard over there from the beginning. That's my guess.

04-18-2011, 10:31 PM
I work 12 + hours a day, I dont have the time to waste on pointless grinding, getting just 1 or 2 xp per kill. I have a lvl 42 mage that I was trying to get to 55. I'm not wasting my valuable free time on slow leveling. I mean give me a break, the devs made enough money to have tv spots made and put them on multiple channels, but they can't pay someone to handle customer relations or even post on the forums often enough to not seem like some shadowy figures in the background. I have a life, I'm not giving anymore of it to something that only sees me as a $.

04-18-2011, 10:33 PM
The game is starting to turn into a cash focused business, all of the updates have been to encourage players to ante up. It's starting to remind me of Microsoft, I mean we have even seen the banhammer come out.

04-18-2011, 10:33 PM
We understand this is not a popular decision. The elixirs are about to undergo an upgrade, including more persistent ones. We'll be making a range of them, and are considering bringing back gold for the lower-powered ones.

04-18-2011, 10:37 PM
Thanks justg- the one we need is the 1.5 xp, armor, str one. ;)

04-18-2011, 10:40 PM
Seems alot of the decisions you guys have made lately weren't popular...im just trying to figure the direction this game is going...a year in, a game should go forwards not backwards...just my HO of course, but I've severely lost interest. Between GCD being so glitchy and ruining gameplay to now we have to pay plat for buffs...I just am losing faith.

And good to hear you are thinking of bringing these back for gold.

04-18-2011, 10:40 PM
Its not just the elixirs, every recent change is transparently monetarily focused, justg. Dont we give you guys enough money from vanity, rings and faces? Doesn't the fact that all these recent patches are very unpopular, mean anything to you? You may lose a fair amount of your player base. I'm not the only one who has noticed that there were 3k people playing before xmas and like 1.9 k now.

04-18-2011, 10:42 PM
I'm never gonna make it to 56 :(

04-18-2011, 10:47 PM
Thanks G for answering! I would love those brought back, but my main aim of this thread was to find out WHY you guys chose this decision in the first place. Im not the type to complain at results of problems. From a good friend that has long left my life, I learned to first find the CAUSE of the question, as complaining about effects will have no effects whatsoever.

04-18-2011, 10:49 PM
BOOOOOOOOOOOOO to this update.


REal $$$ for something that lasts 5 minutes? For real?

$9.99 for 75 plat = $0.13 per plat.

20 plat for the good buff pack = $2.66 for 5 minutes of buffs. And god forbid you should lag for a second or two and die...

Get real you jackwagon.

04-18-2011, 10:51 PM
BOOOOOOOOOOOOO to this update.


REal $$$ for something that lasts 5 minutes? For real?

$9.99 for 75 plat = $0.13 per plat.

20 plat for the good buff pack = $2.66 for 5 minutes of buffs. And god forbid you should lag for a second or two and die...

Get real you jack holes.

heyhey.. dont flame D: And devs please dont lock this thread im still looking for feedback. My thoughts are the exact same as yours mikeb, and yes, the devs have gone a bit overboard, but dont insult them, they arent having easy lives down there in Texas (least hope there working hard for us players ;D)

04-18-2011, 10:53 PM
Yeah I started playing because PL wasn't the time sync WOW was. And when I'd recommend PL to friends, that would be my main selling point. I've been very disappointed in the direction the game has been going and it does feel like player opinion matters less now.

I have to ask why server stats were removed. Do they not want us to know how many players might have left at this point? I was playing tonight and my whole team was complaining about something caused by the latest set of updates.

I call the sum total of the major changes GSD, global slow down. its a shame for a game to change so drastically after we've invested so much time playing.

04-18-2011, 10:58 PM
Thanks G for answering! I would love those brought back, but my main aim of this thread was to find out WHY you guys chose this decision in the first place. Im not the type to complain at results of problems. From a good friend that has long left my life, I learned to first find the CAUSE of the question, as complaining about effects will have no effects whatsoever.

This is a very good point and seems to be eluded by the devs on every post. I have read many threads and many replies and it seems the community is starting to take notice of the focus/direction of the game, and not too many are happy. Every response I see by a dev is to calm the mobs of players with their torches and pitchforks armed, but none of them address the questions at hand.

1)Why are these changes being made?
2)Where is this game headed?

04-18-2011, 11:00 PM
I wasn't a big elixir user anyway. Now that it's plat only, it will be more likely never.

Good thing I bought 2 big luck vanity items when I did. Now I just need tank and exp vanity items, lol.

04-18-2011, 11:01 PM
1)Why are these changes being made? $$$$$$
2)Where is this game headed? To the BANK

BoooooooOOOOO I say!!!

04-18-2011, 11:02 PM
This is a very good point and seems to be eluded by the devs on every post. I have read many threads and many replies and it seems the community is starting to take notice of the focus/direction of the game, and not too many are happy. Every response I see by a dev is to calm the mobs of players with their torches and pitchforks armed, but none of them address the questions at hand.

1)Why are these changes being made?
2)Where is this game headed?

hit the nail on the head.

04-18-2011, 11:15 PM
This is a very good point and seems to be eluded by the devs on every post. I have read many threads and many replies and it seems the community is starting to take notice of the focus/direction of the game, and not too many are happy. Every response I see by a dev is to calm the mobs of players with their torches and pitchforks armed, but none of them address the questions at hand.

1)Why are these changes being made?
2)Where is this game headed?

tching! well said :)

04-18-2011, 11:42 PM
Honestly, all those saying this is a pure money making motive must see something I don't. Now that the dungeons are free, if I was a new player I could only see perhaps a few very small purchases (another character slot, and more inventory and maybe a ring). I have plat in my account, but there's no way I'd use it on elixirs. In other words, if I was a new player starting today, there's no way I'd have spent as much as I have already.

All these changes seem to me more to minimize plat purchases more than maximize them while appealing to a larger audience. Only thing I could see is if PL started having ads and could make more on them because the base was larger, but honestly, I don't think that's where they're headed

04-18-2011, 11:45 PM
Totally dissapointed in the recent movement. Glad I waited for the aniversary update before investing in more plats. I'm pretty sure gold for low end elixirs would be brought back as Justg mentioned because this plat for elixir thingy makes no sense for the community.

And many people would probably not start or continue their alternates anymore if we have to play from scratch. Leaving us with our 55 and 56 main which in due time, will be bored with it, and we fade away from the game faster... Already have friends telling me let's stop playing alternate and just do main...

Is there a chance that lv lock to be implemented only for new players who do not have a lv55 -56 char? Once they have a character that reaches 55. Alternates from the same account will not be bounded by the lock? After all, we did pay for the maps using plats prior to this update. You can have my gratitude shield and helm back in exchange for this.

04-18-2011, 11:57 PM
Hope it is made by mistake or forgot to put...
Also, Why they not focuse on "join" function? it still not working!!
IMO i really want them to stop update if they keeping like that ---->> $_$
or quit is the only option... at least for me

04-19-2011, 12:00 AM
I think they are trying to slow down consumption rates with these updates. The elite 56 level was meant to satisfy players until the next level increase, but a lot of us grinded to it in a week or two. I think the devs didn't expect this. I think they want to slow the game down so they eliminated powerleveling and put a big price on XP pots. It sucks in a way, but with the changes affecting all of us it wont be that bad, IMO. I doubt that this change was exclusively motivated by profit. I have a hunch that they are producing more revenue now by other means than just plat. Just an uneducated guess though.

04-19-2011, 12:13 AM
@duped I see your reasoning, and now that I think about it, it makes sense in a way. But you gotta remember that there are more "old" players than new players NOW. This is why I mentioned about it killing the population now, but not affecting the to be huge population later on. Were annoyed cuz they destroyed our customs/traditions.
@Genes everyones had moments where they want to ditch alts and just stay on mains, I definetely have had that thought. But hey, PLs fun, enjoy it ;D and I dont quite understand what you are saying the last paragraph.
@k123654 They fixed join button already, but its a client issue, so it requires Apple to verify/confirm it before they allow it to be applied to the app.
@Plasticrproject But what does what us players do after essentially "finishing" the content have to do with them? As you pointed out yourself, only a few hardcore players do that, and hey, theres still the other over 3000 players who arent hardcore.

04-19-2011, 12:18 AM
@duped I see your reasoning, and now that I think about it, it makes sense in a way. But you gotta remember that there are more "old" players than new players NOW. This is why I mentioned about it killing the population now, but not affecting the to be huge population later on. Were annoyed cuz they destroyed our customs/traditions.
@Genes everyones had moments where they want to ditch alts and just stay on mains, I definetely have had that thought. But hey, PLs fun, enjoy it ;D and I dont quite understand what you are saying the last paragraph.
@k123654 They fixed join button already, but its a client issue, so it requires Apple to verify/confirm it before they allow it to be applied to the app.
@Plasticrproject But what does what us players do after essentially "finishing" the content have to do with them? As you pointed out yourself, only a few hardcore players do that, and hey, theres still the other over 3000 players who arent hardcore.

Well Cinco has been SCREAMING how he wants to make the game more challenging. Restricting the use of elixirs would help do so. More challenging to play, more challenging to level up.

04-19-2011, 01:01 AM
You can lvl very fast in lower levels. I used an elixer a few times and I am lvl 55. This game is only hard trying to solo. If they wanted just to make money than they would of kept the maps so you had to buy them. Its a casual game but its not chutes and ladders either.

04-19-2011, 01:15 AM
Last paragraph is with respect to lower levels not being able to go to higher level maps.

And yes, I've read many people talking about skills improvement for noobs, good learning curve for noobs etc... But what about old players who got bored with their main and want to lv up alternate character quickly? Now they will have to grind through like a noob again. So if devs want to control skills of players in the game or prevent power leveling for noobs, they could perhaps limit this to main character. Only when a new player's char reached lv55 under new rules. Then can they be allowed to use their alternate to gain access to any maps they want to.

To make things simple, apply the level cap on all the characters that any noob create and not on the alternate of players who already owned a lv55 character.

04-19-2011, 01:44 AM
im 55 1/2 and im not gonna spend 1 platinum anymore, all of this is unfair . but hey its sts game so let them do what they want with it, ill be online sometimes but im really not gonna play that much.
my opinion is they now want the big money and change everything.
i dont like the shield , the elixers and the gcd. this game is officialy a money maker.

04-19-2011, 03:10 AM
I do not have problems with these updates; my use of EXP elixirs is scarce (mostly evolving my mage from 45 to 50), because my first goal is to play, not to evolve. I'll miss the Armor/Damage pots, they are useful when a team decimates just before boss - I'll get used to invite friends.

It is clear that a remodulation of entire business model of PL is running; a neat understanding of the reasons behind is beyond our possibilities, because we don't have any detailed data of how STS gets revenues from the game. The only prevision I made is: the model is likely to change again, after economic impact evaluation by STS.

04-19-2011, 03:10 AM
they NEED to change this atleast make elixirs avaliable on elite level caps. no one would ever get 55-56 on 3 character D: badteee has on 4 characters..
they have always been avaliable with in game money i think this should not be changed ...

04-19-2011, 03:21 AM
We understand this is not a popular decision. The elixirs are about to undergo an upgrade, including more persistent ones. We'll be making a range of them, and are considering bringing back gold for the lower-powered ones.

so basicly ur just trying us out, see what we think then change it back, by now u should know people get angry with these decisions.
u guys know how to make a good game so why not continue doing it, what u guys are doing now is change this change that, im pretty anoyed by it .
feel like a test bunny.

sorry to say the last 3 updates are full with things we dont like (or even hate)and u want us to stay???
man i even willing to buy plat or say pay 5,- a month for playing the game but im not gonna spend another platinum on this game as it is now!
please sts come to ur senses and restore this game that was once fun, ur kilin it now!

04-19-2011, 03:22 AM
they NEED to change this atleast make elixirs avaliable on elite level caps. no one would ever get 55-56 on 3 character D: badteee has on 4 characters..
they have always been avaliable with in game money i think this should not be changed ...

i will get without any elixiers...

04-19-2011, 03:33 AM
i will get without any elixiers...

3-4 times like some people? be my guest

04-19-2011, 03:46 AM
3-4 times like some people? be my guest

3 times if the cap is still 55 for another month..
actually bear is locked to L52. already lost 10-20k xp probably due to L51 farm. dunno if i unlock him or not...

04-19-2011, 04:30 AM
Well Cinco has been SCREAMING how he wants to make the game more challenging. Restricting the use of elixirs would help do so. More challenging to play, more challenging to level up.

Yes, these same devs who introduced pots and elixirs into FN after nearly a year of it being impossible to use pots/elixirs, now wants to make it more challenging.
The same dev team that nerfs every campaign that offers any kind of challenge to the players, wants to make it more challenging.
Sorry, but I don't buy it.

04-19-2011, 09:33 AM
all these updates are blatant attempts to try to make more money.

omg!!! Heaven forbid!!!

04-19-2011, 09:46 AM
I'd be happy if they made the standard 5-minute pots purchasable by gold again, but I don't really have a problem with the xp pots being platinum only. There are sections of the game where it goes beyond "challenging" and straight into "frustrating-to-the-point-where-your-device-might-get-thrown" territory without tank pots (Overlord, for one). But you don't *need* to level up fast. I've used, maybe, three xp pots on Rauen. Even with playing a number of baby chars, I'm over halfway to 56--I'll get there when I get there. Speeding through leveling isn't something you need to play the game, it's an optional extra and optional items always seem to cost money. ;)

04-19-2011, 09:54 AM
Yes, these same devs who introduced pots and elixirs into FN after nearly a year of it being impossible to use pots/elixirs, now wants to make it more challenging.
The same dev team that nerfs every campaign that offers any kind of challenge to the players, wants to make it more challenging.
Sorry, but I don't buy it.

Oh, so you DON'T think they are trying to slow down data consumption rates??

04-20-2011, 10:26 PM
Bumping this thread, love you guys' points and ideas, its what ive been thinking. Still hope devs will update quicker.. if they end up changing this after spring break, i swear ill dunk my iphone LOL.