View Full Version : Rosefaded-To Better Arlorians in Al<3

06-21-2015, 07:59 PM
Everyday we wake up, open our eye's to the world. Some judge, some don't. Anyways this is my point of view in which all should take to heart.
Doesn't matter if your rich or poor you all still have a purpose of being. When I get on the forums everyday I see judgement thrown all around & no equality. Look at it from a poor man or womans view-Can't buy what they want, but they're alive and hold true a purpose as the rich. Poor make choices in life or in game. They put their heart & soul into every ounce of their existence. They provide for their families best as they can. They do their best to stay afloat. Now put this thought into the game. When I was starting out I didn't care for the fancy vanities or top notch gear. All I cared for is doing my best & helping others any way I could. If I had some gold I would give to someone who needed it the most. I set goals & dreams like all do. I strived for all I could do. In my experience of playing mmo's Ive seen more poor players do good compared to rich. Case & point im not saying rich people are bad & im not judging them. Im stating my view as me being on both sides of the pendulum of free player & plat player. Now for rich man or womans view-Riches are great & all, but they dont buy you happiness like love or family or friends give. Looking at a rich person you shouldn't judge them. You don't know...they could've been poor before & just worked hard as I stated before. They could've gained that gold or it been a gift from a friend. I've seen & given plenty of generosity. It's the generosity which makes the world so beautiful. You never know what could happen in a day or centuries to come. Always something to live for, strive for weither your rich or poor. You shouldn't judge on these premisises or any of the sort. Blind man can teach you more than greed can. Deaf woman can show you beauty in her eyes for color and picture she holds dear. So with these words Arlorian's I ask you to see how I do. Don't judge. Accept yourself & others. Make friends, a pt guild etc..& enjoy the aspect of this virtual plain. Someday you could be rich or poor. Just use what you have to make the world a better place-<3Rosefaded Knight of Trinity Knight's Guild<3
& just so you know im a plat buyer, but I share my wealth & knowledge. How I was raised. I use to be poor...still am in many ways, but I help others with what I have. Let these words seep into your mind
Add me if you'd like. I welcome new friendships & bonds<3

06-21-2015, 08:15 PM
True true :) a year ago me and my friend Queendex left our guild to form our own just from scratch and with very little experience. Over the months the guild grew and we made a family who grew with us, laughed with us and stood by us :) a year later the players i started out with in my old guild are now all rich and got these op gears and pets yet never did i get jealous. In my head i just told myself "you dont know what you're missing out on" :) . As they got rich in gold i got rich in friends, and i would never trade that friendship for anything. Weapons, gears, and even pets these days expire, but friendships wont :) and we will carry that friendship with us till the day we leave the game :) thats what makes his game great imo, the social aspect of the game and its community. Touched so many people yet still so many to reach :)

06-21-2015, 08:25 PM
Add me in game
Ign: Rosefaded
I share the same aspect. Friends are special, more rare than any object or currency. They stay as the gears currency & any other thing fade to black.

06-21-2015, 08:32 PM
Gear and stats stay in game, but friendships can carry on beyond the game. Even "Arcane" is an inadequate word to describe those bonds.

06-21-2015, 08:56 PM
Add me in game
Ign: Rosefaded
I share the same aspect. Friends are special, more rare than any object or currency. They stay as the gears currency & any other thing fade to black.

I do have you added on both my toons! ^_^ and ive hung out with ya on test server as Pxrnocreep! ^_^

06-21-2015, 09:44 PM
Omg Cx that was you bro 0.0 I took screen shots and made funny memes :3 was an amazing fun day man

06-21-2015, 10:25 PM
If only everyone thinks like that :/ many of my friends have quit because of those who care more abt riches than people (scammers -_-) and those who are still in game, like me, farm together everyday but hardly got rich... i just hope that my friends would come back next event/expansion and become rich together someday :/

http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/chandra7plav/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_1428811885348_zpsxpktgrgj.jpg (http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/chandra7plav/media/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_1428811885348_zpsxpktgrgj.jpg.html)

06-21-2015, 11:15 PM
Dont lose hope Bedmaster. Add me I farm normal & Elites ^-^
Ign: Rosefaded
Partys are better with friends :D

06-22-2015, 05:04 AM
It is nice to make friends and play the game with them along the way.

I'm in my guild just because of this and most importantly because of two other people - Candy and Fade.

These guys accepted me how I am, no matter what I am, I can't ask for more. Our guild is beard friendly :)

This lovely pairing of two souls trusted me heavily, made me an officer of the guild, ran with me through maps and help me improve and become a beast of a warrior. I switched toons and even recently Candy had offered to borrow me a mythic bow until I raise the gold for one. I thought what an amazing gesture and to trust me like that. Also I think Candy gets my humour while others look around scratch their heads and go WTH did he just say.

We also have some of the coolest officers in game like Idealarc (she is an amazing person and there should be more people like her in this world), Usazasaara is a lovely person, Root and Sak are pretty legit, Mithrandyrr is one awesome guy and is willing to help me ingame at anytime. The new bunch of officers are pretty cool too and perhaps I'll get to know them even better during Rage of Rengol.

Last but not least...Preseason or the tank formerly known as OWT. We had some major father and son type chats in the game.

If you're a hater, you'll be hated and life is empty and worth nothing if you cannot feel the love. The greatest person on this Earth is one that smiles and brings smiles to people's faces and accepts that this world is diverse and there will always be people that are different in looks, colour, creed and beliefs, we all are human at the end of the day and we all have feelings.

Peace and cya all in Arlor.

06-22-2015, 07:34 AM
It is nice to make friends and play the game with them along the way.

I'm in my guild just because of this and most importantly because of two other people - Candy and Fade.

These guys accepted me how I am, no matter what I am, I can't ask for more. Our guild is beard friendly :)

This lovely pairing of two souls trusted me heavily, made me an officer of the guild, ran with me through maps and help me improve and become a beast of a warrior. I switched toons and even recently Candy had offered to borrow me a mythic bow until I raise the gold for one. I thought what an amazing gesture and to trust me like that. Also I think Candy gets my humour while others look around scratch their heads and go WTH did he just say.

We also have some of the coolest officers in game like Idealarc (she is an amazing person and there should be more people like her in this world), Usazasaara is a lovely person, Root and Sak are pretty legit, Mithrandyrr is one awesome guy and is willing to help me ingame at anytime. The new bunch of officers are pretty cool too and perhaps I'll get to know them even better during Rage of Rengol.

Last but not least...Preseason or the tank formerly known as OWT. We had some major father and son type chats in the game.

If you're a hater, you'll be hated and life is empty and worth nothing if you cannot feel the love. The greatest person on this Earth is one that smiles and brings smiles to people's faces and accepts that this world is diverse and there will always be people that are different in looks, colour, creed and beliefs, we all are human at the end of the day and we all have feelings.

Peace and cya all in Arlor.

This is how I see your guildhall :D

06-22-2015, 08:08 AM
This is how I see your guildhall :D

Exactly! :)

06-22-2015, 08:28 AM
I never know what it feels like to have a 100M in stash and maxed out already.
If only everyone were used to giving...

06-22-2015, 10:44 AM
imo, mmo's should have two different ways to be played:
1) either you spend the time playing to get what you want, or
2) you spend the money to get what you want.

So, if you have more time than money you can spend time grinding and loot the gear you want or if you have more money than time you can spend the money to get your gear.

STS's greatest shortcoming is not recognizing this fact. In AL, to get the best gear, you have to have both money and luck. I quit when the mythic bows came out. They gave 70 more damage than the legendary. There was no way I'd be able to compete in PvP without one and there was no way I'd be able to afford one no matter how much I grinded through the maps. It's my personal belief that if I play a game enough I should have a good chance of looting or otherwise affording the best gear. That's not possible here.

mmo's need both plat players to support them financially as well as free players to give a player base to keep the plat players. After you reach end game and hit the pay wall here you either have to pay up and hope you have good luck, quit, or be content to play end game without PvPing.

06-22-2015, 11:22 AM
It is nice to make friends and play the game with them along the way.

I'm in my guild just because of this and most importantly because of two other people - Candy and Fade.

These guys accepted me how I am, no matter what I am, I can't ask for more. Our guild is beard friendly :)

This lovely pairing of two souls trusted me heavily, made me an officer of the guild, ran with me through maps and help me improve and become a beast of a warrior. I switched toons and even recently Candy had offered to borrow me a mythic bow until I raise the gold for one. I thought what an amazing gesture and to trust me like that. Also I think Candy gets my humour while others look around scratch their heads and go WTH did he just say.

We also have some of the coolest officers in game like Idealarc (she is an amazing person and there should be more people like her in this world), Usazasaara is a lovely person, Root and Sak are pretty legit, Mithrandyrr is one awesome guy and is willing to help me ingame at anytime. The new bunch of officers are pretty cool too and perhaps I'll get to know them even better during Rage of Rengol.

Last but not least...Preseason or the tank formerly known as OWT. We had some major father and son type chats in the game.

If you're a hater, you'll be hated and life is empty and worth nothing if you cannot feel the love. The greatest person on this Earth is one that smiles and brings smiles to people's faces and accepts that this world is diverse and there will always be people that are different in looks, colour, creed and beliefs, we all are human at the end of the day and we all have feelings.

Peace and cya all in Arlor.
This is the nicest thing xo. You are one of the most fun and loyal people in this game and is why we keep on with Enigmatic.

To the op, the majority of the game especially the pve community is generous and laid back. We don't aim for riches just to gear up and help our our friends. I looted another fossil today and was like yay now I can fund the next guild contest.

What fun is this game if your friends don't gear up too? It's not. The handful of people who live to rip off others is truly the minority.

We run with all kinds of people legendary to arcane and I never even blink when I do it. I never inspect people and if they have ankh and at least a good icescale set it's good for me. Heck our best officer rocked a legendary mage for months and I swear he could own those vines on pt3 like nobody business.

The point is yes. Friends trump gear 100% and for me it always did. It's a game and always keep that in perspective and there are real people behind those devices. This game has brought me pleasure beyond my wildest dreams simply because of its community.

Being positive here and friendly in the game goes a very long way. (:You will get more satisfaction from forging friendships than being known as a jerk regardless of what you happen to equip that day.

06-22-2015, 11:25 AM
imo, mmo's should have two different ways to be played:
1) either you spend the time playing to get what you want, or
2) you spend the money to get what you want.

So, if you have more time than money you can spend time grinding and loot the gear you want or if you have more money than time you can spend the money to get your gear.

STS's greatest shortcoming is not recognizing this fact. In AL, to get the best gear, you have to have both money and luck. I quit when the mythic bows came out. They gave 70 more damage than the legendary. There was no way I'd be able to compete in PvP without one and there was no way I'd be able to afford one no matter how much I grinded through the maps. It's my personal belief that if I play a game enough I should have a good chance of looting or otherwise affording the best gear. That's not possible here.

mmo's need both plat players to support them financially as well as free players to give a player base to keep the plat players. After you reach end game and hit the pay wall here you either have to pay up and hope you have good luck, quit, or be content to play end game without PvPing.
Thank god they see this now. 100% return for Plat spent in expansion. You pop locks now you get coins to outright buy the new stuff. I am so happy you have no idea. No longer will you drop cash and come up empty handed. They did a true solid in this change come expansion. Yes mythic and arcane will be less, and they should be. It was out of control and lemme tell you I didn't like a bit dropping Plat packs and getting nothing. I figure for about 500 bucks we can gear up in expansion on a toon maxed out. My 15 grand + I've spent and never looted a single shard is pleased immensely by this.

06-22-2015, 11:44 AM
My 15 grand + I've spent and never looted a single shard is pleased immensely by this.

O.O out of interest what's your job? Lmao
That's like over 5 times my entire life savings :o

Dex Scene
06-22-2015, 12:14 PM
Friendship is the the best thing one can have in a game or in real life.
We can't choose who will and will not be our relatives but we can choose our friends.
A friend is one who accepts you the way you are.
A friend is one who sticks with you in bad times.
I have made some real good friends and I trust them with anything.
We even fight alot we still are together at the end.

2 of my friends have quitted the game already. One is navzchuu and other is Wizzickle, an awesome guy who always stood for us. Helped me getting my first lepre. Always loaned me when he saw me working real hard and getting into no where.
I didn't know people could be trusted in here. He taught me.
He moved to clash of clans and I wish I had kept his twitter or some contact info.

I have lots of great friends who sticked with me since I was a nub level 12 mage. I had nothing. Big shout out to all TB BANISHED officers jennastick, juliet, dev, chaos, bazz, pira, ericachuu, mglis, mesa, caan, aero, triax, ciu, loky, ratr, caabatric, cherry.
So many good times together.
I can trust anyone of them blindly. I can give them all of my golds and gears and I know they will return it when I ask. Same with them. They trust me so much that they can even lend me their arcane ring or mythics if I ask.
If it wasn't for them I would have quitted thr game long ago.

Even when some of them are very inactive in game and all we still hangout alot in Fb and messengers.
The game may die but friendship won't.

I am making new friends too. Avikk esnabis are really nice people to hangout with.

Banished is over and I have joined Enigmatic. Hopefully Ill make some awesome friends here aswel.

06-22-2015, 12:22 PM
Guys I'm not appreciating myself but telling what a non plat player can be jst strive hard today I'm an average player got blood ruby,lunar a twink average warrior and got a breeze for sale lol and guys trust me on this I have a cleanclean character no record of even trying to scam and lil the worst thing I guessni did was that I sold my lock once to a mage for 1k when they were 10k each lol thinking that itvwas a useless thing my friend uyiaha(an indian like me) gave me big support in this game althoufh he didnt give me any loan or smthing like tht lollolbut told me many tjings bout this game wht im trying to say is if ur non plat dont compare youraelf to plat playera nd be jealous just focus more and more on pve not PvP
Don't do mistake like me of ruining ur kdr at pvp when this happened to me I decided to give sm pro players a challenge and made a warrior
One more thing which I learned was that if ur being called smtjing like spy on the guild who u served with ur whole heart... And get kicked after that trust me guys leave that guild bracket it will take u months like I took 3 months to fight my way back to my guild and was called spy again -.- I finally quit that bracket I went a little offtopic sorry for that
Just give ur time to farm gold for lepre first of all and the anything which can be rerolled gl!! :)

06-22-2015, 02:46 PM
Glad your all posting here & share the same kind thought
Friendships-Irreplacable, priceless value, truest of people, what makes life & games worth fighting for. Worth staying strong for no matter the plain of existence your in. Your you, im me, were all equal. Friendships live on<3

06-22-2015, 07:24 PM
I agree friendship is a tresure but when those same friends end up scamming you in the long run my 10m wep starts too shine more brighter when releasing revenge on those same old "friends" remember when you have something others want be very careful in who you trust I learned the hard way

06-22-2015, 07:37 PM
Wow, very inspiring. It's nice to hear kind, thoughtful, selfless words. And so many kind, equal posts! I am in awe. Thank you for your post (s)

06-22-2015, 07:48 PM
Hey Rose! this is a very lovely post thank you, I understand helping others is a good way of making friends. This game is not all about being rich and showing off... it is about having fun and make goals to acheive them. Thank you for your kindness

06-24-2015, 03:37 AM
^-^ Exactly Momo bro. You've known me since my low lvl days :D Never once did I let greed control my being. Friends matter more than any object or currency.
Literal example-If I was offered a mil in real life to forget my friends, I'd reject it. Friends are priceless. Nothing can replace my friends EVER. I'd rather be poor in life & rich in friendships. You Momo are the first true friend I had since I started Al. Thats why when you helped me to learn the ropes. Showed me my importance I repaid the kindness. Saw how hard you worked & doing so I strived to better Al for all. You had dreams, goals as did I. So I do my best to provide for my friends. Since our old days in guild "Im Blue" your goal was to get a Lepre. Soon as I got a fossil, I got you just that :) & everytime I get something you'll get something just for the kindness you showed me. That day I got the fossil I gave away over 6mil to random low lvls & friends. Shows money has no hold on me. Yeah people say I got Op gear & pets. Well I don't got them for show or cred so to speak. I got them so I can help my friends & randoms get stronger. Make those bonds. Show that with hard work & striving that anythings possible. So to all who read this "Never give up on your friends, theyre here to stay & never give up on your dreams" No one's perfect in this world, but we're ALL unique. Perfection in the world would mean their be no reason to strive or better yourself. So us being unique gives us all our own way of life. We are the ones who carve our destiny, our friends being there supports those possibilities. Words-Man & Womans strongest quality, what you use them for is the deciding outcome of who you will aspire to be.
<3Rosefaded Knight of Trinity Knights Guild<3
I welcome friendship ^-^
One thing in life I never want the world to lose.

06-24-2015, 04:59 AM
Imagine those people that we read about in forum, where they've friended people over the course of weeks or months and then BAM they scam them. If a person scams in a game where items are just virtual, what do you think that person is capable of in the real world. That's some low life piece of dog poo right there.

Unfortunately some mothers do give birth to a-hats like that. They grow up like evil inside and then would not hesitate to rob their own brother/sister or even their own mother - yes the woman that carried the evil nasty sprog for 9 months in her belly! Go figure that shizzle out!

06-24-2015, 08:28 AM
Xorrior, I'd appreciate it if you keep my post positive. Theirs a reason auction & double check rule was invented for Al trade system, to prevent scamming. Look for trusting friends, buyers/sellers or use auction. Best advice can give. My post is to better Al for everyone bud, not slander it ^-^ So no hate plz

07-23-2015, 05:06 PM
More players like rose pls <3

07-23-2015, 05:41 PM
Big shout out to all TB BANISHED officers jennastick, juliet, dev, chaos, bazz, pira, ericachuu, mglis, mesa, caan, aero, triax, ciu, loky, ratr, caabatric, cherry.

U didnt capitalize my name !!!!
I can never trust you again .... (shuns)

I agree with everything said in Dex's post and Rose's post C=

07-23-2015, 08:17 PM
Ash :love_heart::love_heart:

07-23-2015, 08:47 PM
I appreciate that everyone <3

08-18-2015, 12:15 AM
^-^ Exactly Momo bro. You've known me since my low lvl days :D Never once did I let greed control my being. Friends matter more than any object or currency.
Literal example-If I was offered a mil in real life to forget my friends, I'd reject it. Friends are priceless. Nothing can replace my friends EVER. I'd rather be poor in life & rich in friendships. You Momo are the first true friend I had since I started Al. Thats why when you helped me to learn the ropes. Showed me my importance I repaid the kindness. Saw how hard you worked & doing so I strived to better Al for all. You had dreams, goals as did I. So I do my best to provide for my friends. Since our old days in guild "Im Blue" your goal was to get a Lepre. Soon as I got a fossil, I got you just that :) & everytime I get something you'll get something just for the kindness you showed me. That day I got the fossil I gave away over 6mil to random low lvls & friends. Shows money has no hold on me. Yeah people say I got Op gear & pets. Well I don't got them for show or cred so to speak. I got them so I can help my friends & randoms get stronger. Make those bonds. Show that with hard work & striving that anythings possible. So to all who read this "Never give up on your friends, theyre here to stay & never give up on your dreams" No one's perfect in this world, but we're ALL unique. Perfection in the world would mean their be no reason to strive or better yourself. So us being unique gives us all our own way of life. We are the ones who carve our destiny, our friends being there supports those possibilities. Words-Man & Womans strongest quality, what you use them for is the deciding outcome of who you will aspire to be.
<3Rosefaded Knight of Trinity Knights Guild<3
I welcome friendship ^-^
One thing in life I never want the world to lose.
I just read this it made me cry ... sorry that I didn't been on for a while, really busy in life <3 regards your friend momo

08-18-2015, 12:17 AM
Xorrior, I'd appreciate it if you keep my post positive. Theirs a reason auction & double check rule was invented for Al trade system, to prevent scamming. Look for trusting friends, buyers/sellers or use auction. Best advice can give. My post is to better Al for everyone bud, not slander it ^-^ So no hate plz
forum's Al trading system has good trades I saw a an offer for a dragon bar for 2.7-8 m cheap[emoji14]