View Full Version : Twink guide

04-18-2011, 10:31 PM
Twink guide
Level 10 twink - okay usually people will buy platinum and get the 4 item pack in the archer section for their gear if they are a dexbear or dex anything because it has a good armor piece helm talon and shield. If you are not a dex twink and say you are a mage you would probly go with the toyman wand and an ornament. Another thing dex twinks use is a snowball launcher. In my opinion dexbears are the best twink ill explain why and its because they have alot of hp and rage.
Dexbear spec- rage, stomp, and mega slash you have to max rage and the ither 2 skills are optinal because its really your choice.
Mage- all up to you i know you need lightning and the fire wave skill.

Level 15 Twink- Usually the player is again a dexbear because of hp and dmg again.
Items used for dexbear
Snowball gun
Talon with wing
Lvl 10 item pack items
Usually crafted armor
Any helm
Skills rage, stomp, and mega slash once again you have to max out rage and other skills are optional i prefer stomp.
Mage- usually same exact as lvl 10 users but lvl 15 gear.
Level 20 twinks
Dexbear - usually has lvl 20 archer 4 pack or lvl 20 snowball gun and sometimes a ring. Max rage stomp mega slash and put two points in iron blood so you get 16 armor extra and that actually benefits quite a bit.
Mage - i know they use lightning frostball fire wave and mana shield they also use wands and shields.

I would continue u but its 11 pm gl hope to pvp with you and if i made a mistake tell me.