View Full Version : Ker'shal or Elon Gun or Frost Gun?

06-22-2015, 10:47 AM
I have a PVE mage with a Ker'shal right now. I like the HP boost from the weapon, but hate that I stop, face the monsters, and aim, which is really hard to do when you're trying to RUN.

So I've been trying to decide if I should 'downgrade' from an arcane weapon to a mythic.
I like how the frost gun can freeze enemies, but apparently the elon gun proc is really nice too.

Does any one have any of these weapons? Did you move to it 'from' any of the other weapons listed above? If so what convinced you to change?

Would really hate to change over to the gun and then find out that the Ker'shal was best afterall!

Again, I only do PVE, no PVP, plus I've been doing a lot of Elite/Planar maps lately.

Thanks for any info you can provide.

06-22-2015, 12:11 PM
I have a kershal for my mage and u dont have to aim to hit enemies. It may seem like that because of the way it fires but u still auto hit enemies. As for the other guns idk but i will say that the kershal gives better overall stats,

06-22-2015, 12:53 PM
I have a kershal for my mage and u dont have to aim to hit enemies. It may seem like that because of the way it fires but u still auto hit enemies. As for the other guns idk but i will say that the kershal gives better overall stats,

I love the HP boost from ker'shal, but it seems like I have to aim it. When I'm running it doesn't seem to hit anything behind me.
Then again maybe it is because there is more than one monster and it is just hitting the closest one. I'll need to test this and see what happens if I'm running away from just one monster (my mage spends a lot of time running!).

06-22-2015, 05:26 PM
I tried doing some more testing, and it seems like the auto target only works when I am not moving. If I am moving and attack it doesn't hit them, even if only one mob there, it won't get hit unless I am facing it.
If I charge the KerShal then the flare will hit them, but I'd rather use that time to charge up my ice or clock, 8^).

06-22-2015, 06:19 PM
elon gun is the best weapon atm, it roots and buff armor and auto aim as mentioned

06-22-2015, 11:05 PM
I moved from kershal to elondrian gun and I can say that I like gun more than kershal,
You'll lose about 150-200hp but gain 150 armor wich are (In my opinion) better.

The proc is very nice and the skill damage is higher for gun than kershal even if it show almost same damage in your stats.

Hope this helps you ^^

06-24-2015, 07:09 AM
My squishy mage very much likes the though of more armor.
I also like having freeze/root, which is why I started considering the guns (well that and the ability to not have to aim).

I'm seriously leaning towards the elon gun right now. I hate giving up all those nice special effects from Ker'shal, but I need to increase my survivability right now!

06-28-2015, 09:48 AM
Kershal is outdated, the mythic guns far outstrip it. But between the two guns -

I'm an Elondrian guy. I've tried out frost gun and I easily prefer the Elon. The two are pretty much identical except for procs and gun attacks; the frost giving a groundbreaking 1 int higher than Elon I believe.

Procs -

Elon clearly shines here. It actually has TWO procs, one on the gun attacks which 100% of the time whether u hit a target or not increases your armor by 30 for 5 attacks. Then you can keep using auto attack to sustain your 150 armor boost which is hugely helpful. The frost gun procs a chance to slowdown which stacks which is helpful... When it procs. In PvE it's 100%, but pets like breeze and a mages clock will perform better.

The Elon's root proc is amazing, even post-nerf; it no longer roots through stun immunity. In PvE, it's practically life saving. It roots almost all the mobs in your pull and applies a giant 25% armor debuff.

Next season mythic weapon may be better though.

07-16-2015, 02:30 PM
I have owned all 3 weapons and here is my opinion:

Firstly, the damage on all three weapons is about the same. The stat sheet shows the Kershal has better hp and stats but if you look at the skill damage, the mythic guns both have better damage ranges.

In my opinion, it really comes down the the procs. The kershal proc is completely useless. The Elon gun has 152 armor buff and root which causes 25% debuff on opponent. The Frost gun has freeze. I'm currently using the frost gun but I think I am going to go back to the Elon gun and here is why. The frost gun hardly ever freezes in pvp and when it does, it's not for very long. The Elon gun has a nice long root duration that can hold a tank in place and visually shows you that they're being rooted/debuffed--this is a time that you need to unload all of your skills and try to do some damage. In addition, it has a nice 152 armor buff, which is huge. I can imagine 152 is more than 10% for most mages.

In PVE, I would say the Elon proc is the most useful because of the root debuff and again for survivability of the 152 armor buff. Guns are also easier to fight bosses because you don't have to think about aiming at the boss.

Kershal proc is 60 int for a pretty long time, i find it extreemly good as a proc that proc all the time (usually every 10-20hit).
the shadowflare is no proc, but a effect from charging kershal, something thats useless for all but pulling.

Imo as owner of elon gun and kershal is:
Kershal give crit! And hp and is mostly usefull on large grp of mobs.
elon gun gain some skilldmg and can run arround, mostly usefull on bosses that one hit. I use kershal 90% of the time in pve and dont pvp, but have tested and prefered gun in most situations.

07-17-2015, 12:51 PM
elon buff is nice for bossing i guess

08-03-2015, 07:07 PM
I would get all 3 lol

08-04-2015, 02:45 AM
Elon gun is best. You don't want to get near a boss in elites. Mobs, it's good to kite, keep in a safe zone and rooting them if possible.

11-17-2015, 10:10 AM
I have frost gun full eye

11-18-2015, 10:02 AM
Good choice, upgrading to a glintstone wisdom would be better but I guess the crit from 3 eyes stacks up in elite.

Crit doesn't stack after the first eye anymore but the stat stack is still nice...Think glintstone is better but really won't see big big big difference till next expansion like what happened in PL few weeks back with old end game sets vs new elite gear. Anyways just look at stats once in pvp (if you PvP) to see the decrease / increase vs pve stats. Not many people even notice PvP stats are effected differently by gear than in pve or at least my rogue is lol major decrease in damage, health, and armor while in PVP vs in pve stats are what they are in town...kinda floated off topic here n there but yeah :-)

11-20-2015, 11:10 AM
Crit stacks on eyes lol...whoever told u otherwise knows notthing.

It's the first eye that gives a bonus/additional crit which is only available on the first eye on your set. The eyes after that on your set give a reduced amount of crit.

Edit: your rogue will not get any elixir buffs in PvP. Elixir would be effigies, damage elixir etc etc.

They say loot elixir will give you better loot chances in PvP but it has never been proved.(jk, u don't drop items in PvP :P).

Your rogue will also receive no damage buff from pets or elixir or passives.

I know elixers do not work in pvp omg face palm face palm face palm

anyways here's what I basing the non stackability on. last I checked there wasn't an update and now seeing that they did do an update yada yada yada (read bottom of the post I shared the link to) so I'm wrong on that one lol What I should have said is: eyes dont stack AS MUCH crit after the first socket. My mistake! :-)

Nerfed eye thread- http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?192429-What-happened-to-the-Enchanted-Eye-of-Syrillax

11-20-2015, 11:13 AM
They say loot elixir will give you better loot chances in PvP but it has never been proved.(jk, u don't drop items in PvP :P).

man! keep that hush hush!! that's where the secret op gear drops in pvp zones ;)

11-21-2015, 08:46 AM
Awkay :/ didn't know it was a nott secret :<

You know I'm only joking hehe:-)

11-21-2015, 09:47 AM
Back to subject

Glintstone - like wit for armor and crit, high Dps and damage
Kershal - just want one since it's level 36 and arcane
Elon - heard the rooting is great (is it like time)
Frost- heard freezing is also great (better than ice)

With that said

I figure If Elon gun has root u could take out time for another skill :)

Same thing with frost gun for freezing

The glinstone proc any good?

Kershal I really want it.. that's all

I'm about to get kershal just want more info on best weapons.

Bagus Krisna Rachmanda
12-14-2015, 05:31 AM
elon gun is good if there eye gem

01-29-2016, 10:33 AM
I ought Elon of week ago and i felt it love with ths wepeon as i saw the proc doing his work . I got 3 Grand Glacial Gems so the dmg are good, nit a big difference between Frost