View Full Version : Elite Hauntlet [The concept of Raids]

06-22-2015, 03:17 PM

A raid is a type of mission in a video game in which a number of people attempt to defeat a boss monster or consecutive series of bosses.

The idea behind the "Elite Hauntlet" consist in bringing famous mmorpg pc games concept of "raids" to Arcane Legends. The goal of the elite hauntlet is to make players challenge themselves by looking for the ultimate team that can reach the highest boss possible while they profit from doing so thanks to the extremely good loots they will find during the process.

My idea is simple, i would like STS to introduce a elite map that recompensates every endgame player depending on the effort they put. The difference between this new elite zone and the current ones is that: It's difficulty scales from X to the highest the best farmers will set. So the Elite Hauntlet can exceed the level 46 elite maps in terms of difficulty.

Each instance will start just like a normal hauntlet run with Everyone waiting outside of the red wall. Everytime the boss is killed and the instance is completed everyone in the party gains 1 hauntlet token and the closed door at the end of the hauntlet will open granting access to the next instance, increased in difficulty by 1 level.

Each death will cost 1 ankh in order to continue playing, in case a dead player choses to respawn for free he would be teleported to the beginning of the Elite hauntlet and confined there. In order to be released his team has to complete the instance.
If the whole party dies and respawns for free they will be confined at the beginning of the instance and then sent back to the towns they joined the Hauntlet from.

ANKHS RESTRICTION(Survivability over Speed and Damage)
In order to prevent the elite Hauntlet from turning into a Ankh feast and be able to create runs where:
a) Mixed parties are greatly rewarded
b) Unwanted high armor gear are needed
c) Best team build and strategy is rewarded and not best ankh trigger finger and deepest pockets.

Each member of a team Ankhs counter will be turned to "10" at the beginning of only the first instance (LV44)
At the beginning of the successive instances each member will receive additional ankhs.
When the raid ends and every runner is taken to the town they joined from their ankhs counter will be restored to it's initial value.
Hopefully this will create a situation where everyone would be careful not to die and tanks and sorcerers will once again play a primary role in elite farming.

As they journey through the hauntlet the party would be given special bonus for each room they successfully complete. These bonuses are only granted if the party meets certain conditions:

LV 44
1st red wall: +20armor +50 HP (A WAR must be in the party)
2nd red wall: +20 damage (A MAGE must be in the party)
3rd red wall: +2% crit (a ROGUE must be in the party)
1st red wall: +80armor +200HP
2nd red wall: +35damage
3rd red wall: +8% crit

These bonuses will be insignifcant at lower levels but extremely useful when the team exceeds the difficulty of normal elites for: survivability and the time it will take for them to clear an instance. Also it will help promote cooperation between the 3 types of classes in AL.

A teams position on the Elite hauntlet LB is primarily based on the highest level reached and secondarily on the amount of time it took them.

The guaranteed reward granted for completing each instance depends on the level of difficulty of the instance. The gold payout for killing each boss will cover the cost of the pots used to complete an instance while leaving a little extra for the teams effort.

LV 45: HC + 10K G + ANKH
LV 47: HC + 20K G + 4 A + AF + 200H & M POTIONS
LV 48: HC + 25K G + 5 A + AF + 300H & M POTIONS
LV 49: HC + 30K G + 6 A + AF + 400H & M POTIONS
LV 50: HC + 35K G + 7 A + AF + 500H & M POTIONS
LV 51: HC + 40K G + 8 A + AF + 600H & M POTIONS
LV 52: HC + 45K G + 9 A + AF + 700H & M POTIONS


The core idea of the elite hauntlet is to grant everyone with the drops worthy of their efforts. So the loot table of each boss depends on the Level of difficulty of the instance.

Each level of difficulty grants a chance at a group of selected items plus items of the instances already completed :

LV 49:
LV 50:
LV 51:
LV 52:

The arcane fragments are a guaranteed reward for killing instance boss from LV46 upwards. They would be used to purchase from an arcane vendor a particular item(arcane Chromosome) needed to craft a NEW arcane rarity pet. The cost of a arcane Chromosome is 1,000 arcane fragments.

Starting from Lv 48 the arcane chromosome can be a direct lucky drop from a boss. This combines the idea of always working towards a fixed goal with the normal concept of farming for a particular item as we know already.

It is important the efforts of the best of the best are recognized right away by all arlorians as soon as they are sighted so each member of a team would be granted titles for reaching certain levels of difficulty

LV 47: "Raider"
LV 50: "Excelsior"
LV 51: "Dungeon Master"

Thoughts, critics and corrections are all welcome, ty for reading mooooooooooo :O


Al is the best
06-22-2015, 03:21 PM
Amazing. You have this well thought out. I second the idea, I'd love an in game challenge (heads up sts, future dev here.)

06-22-2015, 03:24 PM
Generally good idea, i support the idea of a kind of "play until you die hauntlet"
But i reeeeally don't agree with the level system and the loot.

Oh, and this could be the mythical lower hauntlet

06-22-2015, 03:25 PM
Very nice idea!

+1 for this

06-22-2015, 03:31 PM
Perhaps it should be the fabled Lower Hauntlet? :>
All in all, great idea, I'd love to see STS implement something to farm with things that are actually worth running for...

06-22-2015, 03:37 PM
Generally good idea, i support the idea of a kind of "play until you die hauntlet"
But i reeeeally don't agree with the level system and the loot.

Oh, and this could be the mythical lower hauntlet
To be honest lol i don't know how to handle the level and loot part, thats just a random result highly subjectable to change. What is certain though is that the loot has to be worth striving for cause the raid will be longer and tougher than normal elites.

06-22-2015, 03:40 PM
Problem is would this only cater to those people with the best gear who can reach those higher levels?

06-22-2015, 03:42 PM
To be honest lol i don't know how to handle the level and loot part, thats just a random result highly subjectable to change. What is certain though is that the loot has to be worth striving for cause the raid will be longer and tougher than normal elites.

Maybe instead of the "levels", have the hauntlet just continue with the bosses/mobs increasing in difficulty but with better loot respectively?

06-22-2015, 03:59 PM
This sounds like so much fun! Great idea!!!

06-22-2015, 04:00 PM
Problem is would this only cater to those people with the best gear who can reach those higher levels?

Yes XD it's because Raids are the hardest part of a game they offer the best gears. :)

Maybe instead of the "levels", have the hauntlet just continue with the bosses/mobs increasing in difficulty but with better loot respectively?
Waves? I think its a great idea too XD

PS: Levels and the concept of going through the doors were taught as cool down periods for the team between a room and another and were based on how the hauntlet map currently is but it can change of course

06-22-2015, 04:19 PM
i want it!
or any wave-based party challenge at all.
there should be probably some limit on ankhs or they should be disabled at all, so it s about the best mixed party teamwork.

06-22-2015, 04:44 PM
if someone use free respawm he can join again but after that lvl/wave is completed would be coller

06-22-2015, 05:43 PM
i want it!
or any wave-based party challenge at all.
there should be probably some limit on ankhs or they should be disabled at all, so it s about the best mixed party teamwork.

I like that, putting a cap on ankhs or other restrictions (like potion restrictions that was mentioned in another thread?) might make it a REAL challenge, ane make mixed parties desirable.
Could be really interesting.

06-22-2015, 06:39 PM
I love the Idea! Sometimes the players forget that this game is a MMOPRG and PvE is a vita point in this game ( Talking about everyone just care about PvP ), this would bring the fun that AL really need, can be some restrictions as "PhoenixPrime" said:

- Potions restriction.

- Anks Restriction

Also would be a really great idea for upgrade our "Skills" at battle!, Just saying n.n

06-22-2015, 06:43 PM
I'm not sure I understand the reward system, but it seems like one of those "arcane players get arcane rewards" things. We need to figure out a way to close the wealth gap, not increase it.

This may need some tweaking to provide proper rewards to those willing to earn it, to prevent exploitation and avoid making the overly rich even richer. However, anything that provides a challenge is a good idea in my book.

06-22-2015, 08:01 PM
I would like things more along the line of people starting out with the same gear gifted by the Hauntlet, and you get better and better gear along the way. Then the top level prize is say an arcane shard. None of the gear which drops will remain with you after the run, but the tokens, pots, ankh, arcane shard etc. will.

06-22-2015, 08:29 PM
Very cool idea!

This might also be a perfect opportunity to implement a 2-1-1 party make up requirement to even enter.

I didn't see it mentioned, so sorry if it was suggested, but I'd like to see a limit on the ankh revives - say maybe 10 per party member per run? or something that would force a party to rethink teamwork and strategy to move on, rather than throw plat at success.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-22-2015, 09:48 PM
Great idea soph really great!

I would like things more along the line of people starting out with the same gear gifted by the Hauntlet, and you get better and better gear along the way. Then the top level prize is say an arcane shard. None of the gear which drops will remain with you after the run, but the tokens, pots, ankh, arcane shard etc. will.

And THIS ^ totally perfects the idea! I mean it was already a great idea but this addition really perfects it.

It would ressemble something like at the very very start when you join AL... the way you have no gear and you just wear what you acquire along the way, and when you loot excess or an epic which you see improves the stats of a random mage in the map with you you just gift it to him.

It would encourage party mentality both in order to complete each round, and in ensuring that all dropped gear was distributed correctly to the various party members.

It should be designed so that warriors mages and rogues were all required at some point during the run (perhaps each door has a mechanism to get through or to open which can be handled by only one of the classes).

And I love the idea of this being the lower hauntlet!

06-23-2015, 01:06 AM
The feedbacks are very useful tyvm. XD

I added some bonuses that might incentivate bringing wars and mages and discourages making 3rogues+1mage or 3rogues+1 tank parties.

There are 2 ideas i would like to address:
Potions and ankhs restrictions: i cant add this because my idea of raids is to continuosly increase the level od difficulty of the runs so at a certain point it does becomes a ankh and pot feast but that is when the gauranteed reward of potions, gold and ankhs comes handy, to cover up the cost. Those players who will adventure there to farm and not hunt for glory can bail out before reaching the extreme points. The ankhs feast levels will be just for those setting records. (I suppose lv50+)

Same Gear at start of hauntlet: Lol this is difficult to handle cause i like the idea but imo when you play an mmorpg you have to start from point A and develope your character to point Z. The elite Hauntlet grants arcane items cause its extremely difficult and meant for the players at point X, Y or Z. The players at those point didn't get there by chance but went through hours of gameplay, farming at less difficult dungeons, farming crates (lol people ewwww when they think of farming crates nowadays), pvping, trading or simply spending huge amount of money.
Another thing is that if everyone is given same gear, those who had better gears will complain, those who had worser gears won't run other elites anymore but just this and they wont go through a normal developement( the process that gets you from farming lockeds to the day you are able to farm elites and fund the runs)

MOooooo :)

06-23-2015, 03:49 AM
So you want to farther the gap?

06-23-2015, 04:11 AM
first of all +1 for those great ideas. Keep it going!!

second where do u buy ur weed? cuz its some pretty good stuff aight? jk jk :P

gj sophie i always love ur threads :)

06-23-2015, 06:18 AM
first of all +1 for those great ideas. Keep it going!!

second where do u buy ur weed? cuz its some pretty good stuff aight? jk jk :P

gj sophie i always love ur threads :)
High Society effect lol Come and see for yourself. XD

Dex Scene
06-23-2015, 07:24 AM
I love this idea.
I would love to fight levels after level.

if the room is small it would be better.
It would be more fun if rooms could be like Skeleton medley bard quest. Players stand in middle. Waves coming one after one...


Dex Scene
06-23-2015, 07:28 AM
Also make sure People who stay dead for 10 seconds, they get redirected to spawn room just to prevent leechers

06-23-2015, 08:02 AM
Yes XD it's because Raids are the hardest part of a game they offer the best gears.

But this is only targeting a small amount amount of the population of al who actually have the top gear

Maybe if this boss was scaled on a average of all the players stats in the party/room so everyone can participate

06-23-2015, 10:53 AM
But this is only targeting a small amount amount of the population of al who actually have the top gear

Maybe if this boss was scaled on a average of all the players stats in the party/room so everyone can participate

Depends what you intend with top gear. If you can farm current tombs then you should be able to run it. That is the lowest level of challenge i think any map that would drops arcane items should require.

06-23-2015, 01:34 PM
i still think some kind of limitation of ankhs pots and lix is needed to make this work. otherwise it s just about who has the deepest pockest. timed leader boards are limited to the one run of one map, this is endless (in theory) and needs another limit.

benefits: mixed parties are rewarded (we don t need another 4 rogues ankhfestival).
but even better: the not so popular high armor gear gets a good use for all classes, refreshing the market.

06-23-2015, 01:52 PM
Make the arcane fragment legendary so everyone don't get the achievement points, overall a terrific idea and sts should implement this.

The rewards however are a bit too generous, I'm sure if implemented sts would refine the loot table and gold drops.

For those who are addressing the issue about it rewarding the top players, why not? You struggle to get to the top and when your at the top it does get boring and people at the top need challenges too. Anywho top tiered gear will be more or less buyable by platinum so those who are lazy but have deep pockets can join the elite.

06-23-2015, 02:08 PM
For those who are addressing the issue about it rewarding the top players, why not? You struggle to get to the top and when your at the top it does get boring and people at the top need challenges too. Anywho top tiered gear will be more or less buyable by platinum so those who are lazy but have deep pockets can join the elite.

As I am a rogue, I will explain from a rogue perspective, however this Applies to the other classes too, but with lower prices for Items and harder to farm.

The reason why we don't need another thing that rewards top players is because, atleast for rogues, there are 4 "tiers" of rogues right now.

The rogues with elon/frost bow (almost all have 20 millions plus at hand and a ton of Items worth more than my account)
The rogues with mythic daggers
(Second tier, rich, but not very Common, as the daggers are not a huge stat-boost from the next tier)
The expedition bow/planar daggers
(The tier I am currently in, have pretty much any amount of gold from 0-5 million)
The Newly capped
(Wear whatever they have from leveling)

Okay, so the problem here is the gap between these, as from being the best geared, with alot of cash, you need to have like 10m+ gold at LEAST, while the next COMMON tier (expedition bow/planar daggers) basically could have like 200k
And to recieve ANY gold at all with the non-existant farming today and the slowly sinking market,
You have to be a multimillionare that can merch huge things, Which, needless to say,is kind of hard while owning 200k.

THAT, lazies and gentlemen, is why we don't need another Way for rich people to Earn Money, because as it is we "poor" people will never be "tier 1" anyway, unless we open a lucky locked.

06-23-2015, 02:09 PM
Very well thought out idea! Few tweaks here and there and you're onto a winner.

Maybe add in some varieties of mega lix like the goblin lix (HP/SHIELD/DAMAGE) with varying durations like 1hr, 3hrs, 6hrs and 12 hrs. Purchasable via plat and tradeable, also rare boss drop. I seen this in dungeon hunter 4 except the rare boss drop.

06-23-2015, 02:12 PM
Depends what you intend with top gear. If you can farm current tombs then you should be able to run it. That is the lowest level of challenge i think any map that would drops arcane items should require.

Fair point bud I'd only see geared people reaching the most higher tiers maybe if you join the room everyone gets the same gear and it's more teamwork, skill and communication dependant. I must admit I am a fan of the whole idea as a whole tho

06-23-2015, 02:13 PM
As I am a rogue, I will explain from a rogue perspective, however this Applies to the other classes too, but with lower prices for Items and harder to farm.

The reason why we don't need another thing that rewards top players is because, atleast for rogues, there are 4 "tiers" of rogues right now.

The rogues with elon/frost bow (almost all have 20 millions plus at hand and a ton of Items worth more than my account)
The rogues with mythic daggers
(Second tier, rich, but not very Common, as the daggers are not a huge stat-boost from the next tier)
The expedition bow/planar daggers
(The tier I am currently in, have pretty much any amount of gold from 0-5 million)
The Newly capped
(Wear whatever they have from leveling)

Okay, so the problem here is the gap between these, as from being the best geared, with alot of cash, you need to have like 10m+ gold at LEAST, while the next COMMON tier (expedition bow/planar daggers) basically could have like 200k
And to recieve ANY gold at all with the non-existant farming today and the slowly sinking market,
You have to be a multimillionare that can merch huge things, Which, needless to say,is kind of hard while owning 200k.

THAT, lazies and gentlemen, is why we don't need another Way for rich people to Earn Money, because as it is we "poor" people will never be "tier 1" anyway, unless we open a lucky locked.

I understand where you're coming from, the new expansion will provide for ur yearning for farming, these new lockeds will be in demand for a month or so and this is your time to farm.

06-23-2015, 02:19 PM
i still think some kind of limitation of ankhs pots and lix is needed to make this work. otherwise it s just about who has the deepest pockest. timed leader boards are limited to the one run of one map, this is endless (in theory) and needs another limit.

benefits: mixed parties are rewarded (we don t need another 4 rogues ankhfestival).
but even better: the not so popular high armor gear gets a good use for all classes, refreshing the market.

I understand what you mean Ard, the other face of the coin of ankhs & pots restrictions is that some teams might not be equipped with the best gears and might require more pots and ankhs than the number they are allowed to use. If not properly thought out restrictions would cut out a lot of players from reaching the levels necessary to drop arcane fragments & chromosomes.
On the other hand those players that can afford to burn their way to the top through a ankh and pots feast are probably rich, properly geared and prepared. So they would probably be also capable of staying under the ankhs and pots restrictions.

Conclusion: The overpowered & rich players ankhs and pots restriction was introduced for would be the least it affects while the less geared and poorer players that were supposed to be helped would be the most it affects.

I introduced some bonuses:

LV 44
1st red wall: +20armor +50 HP (A WAR must be in the party)
2nd red wall: +20 damage (A MAGE must be in the party)
3rd red wall: +2% crit (a ROGUE must be in the party)
1st red wall: +80armor damage +200HP
2nd red wall: +35damage
3rd red wall: +8% crit

This is just a suggestion no doubts there could be better benefits. The idea though is to give wars and mages the best bonus and make this bonus mandatory for any party to survive certain levels.

06-23-2015, 02:28 PM
As I am a rogue, I will explain from a rogue perspective, however this Applies to the other classes too, but with lower prices for Items and harder to farm.

The reason why we don't need another thing that rewards top players is because, atleast for rogues, there are 4 "tiers" of rogues right now.

The rogues with elon/frost bow (almost all have 20 millions plus at hand and a ton of Items worth more than my account)
The rogues with mythic daggers
(Second tier, rich, but not very Common, as the daggers are not a huge stat-boost from the next tier)
The expedition bow/planar daggers
(The tier I am currently in, have pretty much any amount of gold from 0-5 million)
The Newly capped
(Wear whatever they have from leveling)

Okay, so the problem here is the gap between these, as from being the best geared, with alot of cash, you need to have like 10m+ gold at LEAST, while the next COMMON tier (expedition bow/planar daggers) basically could have like 200k
And to recieve ANY gold at all with the non-existant farming today and the slowly sinking market,
You have to be a multimillionare that can merch huge things, Which, needless to say,is kind of hard while owning 200k.

THAT, lazies and gentlemen, is why we don't need another Way for rich people to Earn Money, because as it is we "poor" people will never be "tier 1" anyway, unless we open a lucky locked.

i think you are spot on, and the reason i would love to see this mode is not for the rewards, but for the possibility of a mixed team reaching some leaderboard without grinding for days/weaks on an event.
the idea per se is great, but needs some refinements to turn it into something everyone can enjoy. maybe the rewards should be better at lower levels as another way to work their way up for new farmers, but at higher levels there s still a chance for really good things (see arena), but it s basically for the fame.

06-23-2015, 02:37 PM
Great idea... this has a lot of potential!

06-23-2015, 02:37 PM
Great idea, few pointers to add
-Everyone is limited to 10 ankhs per run...after that you 'can' get the next 10 ankhs, but at 10plat each...after 10 more, make it 20-30 plat and so on.
Advantage to plat players, but not hugely so.
Maybe have a random boss spawn ( like skratch in wt4) which could have the 'relfect' of alpha wolf or something similar to keep players on their toes and play smartly with skill, not spam and just gear based killing.
- Another idea to add to yours. Lets keep it more interesting. You cant access it directly. The only way you can access the dungeon/lower hauntlet is by dropping an altar like in goblin event "or" for 60-100 plat...and of course not more than 5 runs a day.
If you read these ideas, they are aimed to reduce the plat/non-plat discrepancy...a clear advantage to the plat guys, but same farmability for all, thats how mmo"s should work

06-23-2015, 02:39 PM
I an afford to burn their way to the top through a ankh and pots feast are probably rich, properly geared and prepared. So they would probably be also capable of staying under the ankhs and pots restrictions.

the ankh and pot restriction is necessary imho not only to filter rich from poor, but also to reward mixed teams.

pure rogue parties now happily spam ankhs in arena and will continue to do so.

now imagine you get only one ankh per level and f.e. 20 pots, dont you think:
a) mixed parties are greatly rewarded
b) unwanted high armor gear will be sought after
c) best team build and strategy is rewarded and not best ankh trigger finger and deepest pockets?

06-23-2015, 02:41 PM
As I am a rogue, I will explain from a rogue perspective, however this Applies to the other classes too, but with lower prices for Items and harder to farm.

The reason why we don't need another thing that rewards top players is because, atleast for rogues, there are 4 "tiers" of rogues right now.

The rogues with elon/frost bow (almost all have 20 millions plus at hand and a ton of Items worth more than my account)
The rogues with mythic daggers
(Second tier, rich, but not very Common, as the daggers are not a huge stat-boost from the next tier)
The expedition bow/planar daggers
(The tier I am currently in, have pretty much any amount of gold from 0-5 million)
The Newly capped
(Wear whatever they have from leveling)

Okay, so the problem here is the gap between these, as from being the best geared, with alot of cash, you need to have like 10m+ gold at LEAST, while the next COMMON tier (expedition bow/planar daggers) basically could have like 200k
And to recieve ANY gold at all with the non-existant farming today and the slowly sinking market,
You have to be a multimillionare that can merch huge things, Which, needless to say,is kind of hard while owning 200k.

THAT, lazies and gentlemen, is why we don't need another Way for rich people to Earn Money, because as it is we "poor" people will never be "tier 1" anyway, unless we open a lucky locked.

You can't make a elite farming map for mid low geared players that drops incredible stuff like arcanes and mythics. It would be exploited and overfarmed by the OP players, this is probably why all elites that drop the best stuff are automatically set to the highest difficulty possible. While you are still figuring how to go about it, the top geared players have already flooded the market with the items and made your gain laughable.

Again Top geared players would exploit this, they would run the maps faster than you, gather fragments faster than you and flood the market before you can put together enough tokens.

I am probably wrong but the only way i see a solution other than making everyone run maps with the same gear is Combining time+tokens+luck. In this case gears have a minimal influence. The more you run and luck you have the more tokens you get, just like how it currently works with teeths farming.
Time and luck(& demand ofc) is what keeps dragonite bars up. So IMO mid geared players should ask for more maps that allow a farming method similar to teeths farming while the top geared players deal with elites.

MOooo :)

06-23-2015, 03:06 PM
the ankh and pot restriction is necessary imho not only to filter rich from poor, but also to reward mixed teams.

pure rogue parties now happily spam ankhs in arena and will continue to do so.

now imagine you get only one ankh per level and f.e. 20 pots, dont you think:
a) mixed parties are greatly rewarded
b) unwanted high armor gear will be sought after
c) best team build and strategy is rewarded and not best ankh trigger finger and deepest pockets?

Yes, yes, yes. In this case the arcane items should start dropping from the first or second instance though in order to not cut out those teams that can not meet the pots and ankhs restrictions needed to reach instance 2, 3 ...... N. (Mid geared players that is)
I will edit later on but limit the restrictions to just ankhs.

06-23-2015, 03:10 PM
You can't make a elite farming map for mid low geared players that drops incredible stuff like arcanes and mythics. It would be exploited and overfarmed by the OP players, this is probably why all elites that drop the best stuff are automatically set to the highest difficulty possible. While you are still figuring how to go about it, the top geared players have already flooded the market with the items and made your gain laughable.

Again Top geared players would exploit this, they would run the maps faster than you, gather fragments faster than you and flood the market before you can put together enough tokens.

I am probably wrong but the only way i see a solution other than making everyone run maps with the same gear is Combining time+tokens+luck. In this case gears have a minimal influence. The more you run and luck you have the more tokens you get, just like how it currently works with teeths farming.
Time and luck(& demand ofc) is what keeps dragonite bars up. So IMO mid geared players should ask for more maps that allow a farming method similar to teeths farming while the top geared players deal with elites.

MOooo :)

Out of thanks, but have this: 134869

06-23-2015, 03:20 PM
Yes, yes, yes. In this case the arcane items should start dropping from the first or second instance though in order to not cut out those teams that can not meet the pots and ankhs restrictions needed to reach instance 2, 3 ...... N. (Mid geared players that is)
I will edit later on but limit the restrictions to just ankhs.

this i don t understand. pot and ankh restrictions to me mean f.e. every player has one ankh per level and 20 pots, just to keep the example. this is the maximum you can use, not the minimum you have to have. in best case this new mode would provide a new way to farm (with the jump to lvl 41 and pet crates stg somehow harmed low and mid level farming) maybe jewels, tokens, ..., could be in the loot tabld at lower lvls and fossil.,, at arena chances could be in it at higher tiers.

06-23-2015, 03:40 PM
this i don t understand. pot and ankh restrictions to me mean f.e. every player has one ankh per level and 20 pots, just to keep the example. this is the maximum you can use, not the minimum you have to have. in best case this new mode would provide a new way to farm (with the jump to lvl 41 and pet crates stg somehow harmed low and mid level farming) maybe jewels, tokens, ..., could be in the loot tabld at lower lvls and fossil.,, at arena chances could be in it at higher tiers.

Lol Login, try to run an elite map with 20 pots then come back here and give me feedbacks. XD

06-23-2015, 03:47 PM
Lol Login, try to run an elite map with 20 pots then come back here and give me feedbacks. XD

20 pots is an example for discussion. the thing is timed maps have a natural end because it s only one map. a survival mode needs another limit. and to answer your challenge i just built a high armor set and it itches me to take your challenge, i may post a vid, but thats another topic (i happily show you whats possible in arena).

06-23-2015, 04:24 PM
20 pots is an example for discussion. the thing is timed maps have a natural end because it s only one map. a survival mode needs another limit. and to answer your challenge i just built a high armor set and it itches me to take your challenge, i may post a vid, but thats another topic (i happily show you whats possible in arena).

I dont want both ankhs & potions to be the limits. Its too restrictive imo and would cut out a lot of midgeared /casual players that wont have the time to develope strategies with a random team they just put up through guild chat or those without op gears that can make them respect the ankh and pot limits regardlessly. Your idea is good if each team was made of a group of players that always plays together but my dea is to keep everything accessible more or less to all endgame elite farmers.

Personally i woud make everyone keep going till it reaches a point the team dies each time they are striked by a mob and decide on their own its better they bail out but i guess its probably too much. In other games i played that had raids there was a time or death limit in this case i think death is better.

How should i go about it?

06-23-2015, 04:45 PM
Personally i woud make everyone keep going till it reaches a point the team dies each time they are striked by a mob and decide on their own its better they bail out but i guess its probably too much.

this is spot on. i just don t want to see this point being reached after each team burned through *a lot of gold/money*. there must be a better way to limit this, otherwise, forget about gear and tactics, just spam plat/ankhs.

06-23-2015, 08:36 PM
Love this idea

06-23-2015, 08:55 PM
I dont know what say this thread but +1 and like xD

06-23-2015, 10:16 PM
What if the mobs/bosses scale to the damage of the party in some way, instead of player level? That way, there is the potential to have say 10 ankh and 50 potions benefit the OP party and the mid-range party equally?

The ongoing bosses/stages would continue to scale up equally such that the OP party and the mid range party could have an equal chance to advance to the upper stages?

This would allow the mid range group an equal chance to hit the LB as well.

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06-24-2015, 12:46 AM
this is spot on. i just don t want to see this point being reached after each team burned through *a lot of gold/money*. there must be a better way to limit this, otherwise, forget about gear and tactics, just spam plat/ankhs.

Each death will cost 1 ankh in order to continue playing, in case a dead player choses to respawn for free he would be teleported to the beginning of the Elite hauntlet and confined there. In order to be released his team has to complete the instance.
If the whole party dies and respawns for free they will be confined at the beginning of the instance and then sent back to the towns they joined the Hauntlet from.

ANKHS RESTRICTION(Survivability over Speed and Damage)
In order to prevent the elite Hauntlet from turning into a Ankh feast and create runs where:
a) Mixed parties are greatly rewarded
b) Unwanted high armor gear are needed
c) Best team build and strategy is rewarded and not best ankh trigger finger and deepest pockets.

Each member of a team Ankhs counter will be turned to "10" at the beginning of only the first instance (LV44)
At the beginning of the successive instances each member will receive additional ankhs.
When the raid ends and every runner is taken to the town they joined from their ankhs counter will be restored to it's initial value.
Hopefully this will create a situation where everyone would be careful not to die and tanks and sorcerers will once again play a primary role in elite farming.
Ankhs RESTRICTION added. I didn't say how many ankhs should be added cause it would all depend on how difficult the instances would be made.

06-24-2015, 07:29 AM
As I am a rogue, I will explain from a rogue perspective, however this Applies to the other classes too, but with lower prices for Items and harder to farm.

The reason why we don't need another thing that rewards top players is because, atleast for rogues, there are 4 "tiers" of rogues right now.

The rogues with elon/frost bow (almost all have 20 millions plus at hand and a ton of Items worth more than my account)
The rogues with mythic daggers
(Second tier, rich, but not very Common, as the daggers are not a huge stat-boost from the next tier)
The expedition bow/planar daggers
(The tier I am currently in, have pretty much any amount of gold from 0-5 million)
The Newly capped
(Wear whatever they have from leveling)

Okay, so the problem here is the gap between these, as from being the best geared, with alot of cash, you need to have like 10m+ gold at LEAST, while the next COMMON tier (expedition bow/planar daggers) basically could have like 200k
And to recieve ANY gold at all with the non-existant farming today and the slowly sinking market,
You have to be a multimillionare that can merch huge things, Which, needless to say,is kind of hard while owning 200k.

THAT, lazies and gentlemen, is why we don't need another Way for rich people to Earn Money, because as it is we "poor" people will never be "tier 1" anyway, unless we open a lucky locked.

This is a pretty accurate description of the rogue levels. I am lucky enough to have a frost bow right now, and I can tell you that there is one more tier. Those with arcane rings and/or nekro, that is a level I don't see myself getting to any time soon (not rich, just lucky), but there is definitely another boost in power from getting to that level.