View Full Version : Leeching has been addressed, what about...

04-19-2011, 04:34 PM
....higher-levels in lower-level dungeons being jerks? I've run into this a bunch lately on my baby chars and it just happened twice more with two different people today. First instance, I'm in Fathom doing the Skeller quest. I solo the dungeon up until just before the last room. A level 46 mage arrives and catches up. Then proceeds to stand there doing nothing while I solo the boss and finish the level. I saw them back in town turning in the quest. They then popped into the next quest I was in and proceeded to run the level, passing me and dragging everything along in their rush to get the boss. A level 30 mage did the same thing later in Lost Expo. Really? It's that much bother to, you know, actually play the game?

C'mon, guys. You want to do the quests, fine. Try playing like a normal human being. You might actually meet some up-and-coming good players and you won't end up getting booted by my 55 when you level up and try to join one of my games. ;)

04-19-2011, 05:00 PM
Never happened to me.

04-19-2011, 05:59 PM

04-19-2011, 06:01 PM
Can't, that's the point. I'm talking about public games where lower-levels get XP and work on quests. It'd be nice if higher-levels that want to finally get around to getting their quests done would build their own game (really, I'm pretty sure a level 46 mage can solo Fathom just fine), but based on their playing, I don't think they're bright enough to figure out how to build a game.

04-19-2011, 06:15 PM
Stuff like that can happen with any level players. I don't think it's level-specific. I do think it's strange the the higher lvl player stood by and let you do all the work, but that can be anyone -- just lazy players.

And if people are doing a quest, it's not uncommon to leave when they get what they needed.

Not sure why you can't boot them, though?

04-19-2011, 06:32 PM
I'll check and verify it off the quest "go to" button, but say I'm doing "Frosty Trooper Blades". I go use the portal in LE, as I just did to verify. Another player entered after I soloed the first 2/3 of the game and I checked--there is no boot button. Nada. No bootage possible.

ETA: Just made a game via the quest "go to" button. Again, soloed most of the level before another player entered and, again, no boot button. I didn't think there'd be one since they're "public" games. Anyone can join, no one is really host and no one made it per se.

04-19-2011, 06:37 PM
I'll check and verify it off the quest "go to" button, but say I'm doing "Frosty Trooper Blades". I go use the portal in LE, as I just did to verify. Another player entered after I soloed the first 2/3 of the game and I checked--there is no boot button. Nada. No bootage possible.

Yeah the go-to button is annoying, IMO. I've suggested they put a second button next to it -- "go to -- host" so you can host a new game.
Just like a low lvl might click "go to" for convenience, the higher lvls going back and doing quests click it for convenience as well. They didn't ask to join your game (usually).
The best option, until they change it, is to use the button to see where you need to go and then host your own game.

04-19-2011, 06:50 PM
I don't even see the fun in letting some low level do all the work, it would take forever :D I've seen the rushing-for-my-objective before, and have to admit that it can be really annoying. If I were you, I would get my quest, host the room were you need to complete it in and boot any obnoxious players. It's a failsafe way to stress free gaming IMO ;)

04-19-2011, 06:58 PM
Lol! Yes, Les, I know I can make games. I was posting more on behalf of the voiceless newbies who don't know there's a forum, let alone how to make a game. And if they have to constantly make games to do quests, how are they ever going to find friends? Are they supposed to solo everything? It was meant more along the lines of, "Hey! You may be higher-level for the area you're in, but think about the other people you're playing with a little" combined with "If you're being a jerk rather than just thoughtless, well, actions have consequences. Not every low-level you play with is new here." Think of it as a PSA: "Stop and think--are you being a jerk? Stop it." :)

04-19-2011, 07:16 PM
Lol! Yes, Les, I know I can make games. I was posting more on behalf of the voiceless newbies who don't know there's a forum, let alone how to make a game. And if they have to constantly make games to do quests, how are they ever going to find friends? Are they supposed to solo everything? It was meant more along the lines of, "Hey! You may be higher-level for the area you're in, but think about the other people you're playing with a little" combined with "If you're being a jerk rather than just thoughtless, well, actions have consequences. Not every low-level you play with is new here." Think of it as a PSA: "Stop and think--are you being a jerk? Stop it." :)

Like I said, I made a suggestion in the past.
The "go to" button is not ideal atthe moment. Until (if) they fix it, there really isn't much else to do but host your own game. What are they gonna do? Prevent higher level players from entering a lower level map? That's absurd.

04-19-2011, 07:28 PM
Like I said, I made a suggestion in the past.
The "go to" button is not ideal atthe moment.

Neither is the "Join" button, ZING!

04-19-2011, 08:08 PM

Nightarcher has booted Xiaic for reason: [Error://Game_Is_Biased_Against_You_Sorry]

Love it night. I'll have to use it :p


Lol! Yes, Les, I know I can make games. I was posting more on behalf of the voiceless newbies who don't know there's a forum, let alone how to make a game.

I think you were the one who told me there was a forum...


04-20-2011, 12:28 AM
Leechers happen.

My level 17 did lots of soloing, clearing to Smash-o-Lantern while level 50s waited at the lobby.