View Full Version : Still having skill not working glitch

04-19-2011, 08:39 PM
didn't they say they fixed it? Still having it where I'll click it repeatedly, and it will only momentarily flash and no do anything.

04-19-2011, 08:53 PM
No it has not been fixed yet but STS is aware of it. I'm sure it will be fixed fairly soon.

04-19-2011, 09:00 PM
I'll ask the techy type folks tomorrow and see if there is an update I can let you know about.

04-19-2011, 09:01 PM
I'll ask the techy type folks tomorrow and see if there is an update I can let you know about.

Awesome, sounds good, def gets annoying at points lol. Thx Samhayne!!

04-19-2011, 09:07 PM
I could've sworn in that news box on the main page is said they fixed it...

lemme check

EDIT: don't see it in the patch notes on the forums, but I thought it said something along the lines of "We fixed the problem where a skill's cooldown timer did not display correctly, showing the skill to be ready when in fact it was not"

Maybe I'm just losing it...

04-19-2011, 09:10 PM
I remember reading that G said they had no luck reproducing this bug or glitch.

04-19-2011, 09:22 PM
I remember reading that G said they had no luck reproducing this bug or glitch.

Hmm, if so, can anyone experiencing this flicker glitch list what they were doing when the bug shows up? Class, skills you are trying to use, your ping, your device type, anything else that might be useful to reproduce it?

04-19-2011, 09:23 PM
Maybe I'm just losing it...

Probably :eek:




04-19-2011, 09:32 PM
I use an iphone4. I am experiencing this problem where my skills don't register. It happens all the time with all my skills, in PvP and in PvE. I mainly use a bird, and my ping is usually fine. Today, while farming vyxnar in Shadow Cave V, my evade skill wouldn't activate at all, as well as others, but this one was made most salient to me at the time since I was being ganged by 2 djinns and vyxnar himself (due to fail pulling lol).

04-19-2011, 09:37 PM
In the case of buffs, try checking your buff bar when it won't work.

I've never experienced a skill (buff or attack) not working at all. The glitch lies in the skill not going into it's actual cooldown even after it's been activated.

So for buffs, you might have actually used it already and its working, but the skill just isn't cooling down which gives the impression that it hasn't worked at all. This usually happens when you do 2-3 skills consecutively and as quick as possible.

Could be wrong, but I've been trying to reproduce it myself too, and I never get a skill not activating if its the first one I use. But when I go Rage > Iron Blood > Evade, the Evade skill icon is still showing it can be used, but when I click it nothing happens. Although when I look at my buff bar, my evade buff is there.

After timing the actual cooldown of Evade (30 sec), I use it again, and it works. Skill icon coolsdown.

04-19-2011, 09:45 PM
After timing the actual cooldown of Evade (30 sec), I use it again, and it works. Skill icon coolsdown.

CD is 30 seconds + the GCD cooldown

They CD for spells doesn't start until after the GCD is up.

irt me losing it: Last week I confused a Sandy and a Jordan with each other... one's a girl and one's a boy. I've known them for years. but it took me at least 20 minutes to figure it out...

04-19-2011, 09:46 PM
In the case of buffs, try checking your buff bar when it won't work.

I've never experienced a skill (buff or attack) not working at all. The glitch lies in the skill not going into it's actual cooldown even after it's been activated.

So for buffs, you might have actually used it already and its working, but the skill just isn't cooling down which gives the impression that it hasn't worked at all. This usually happens when you do 2-3 skills consecutively and as quick as possible.

Could be wrong, but I've been trying to reproduce it myself too, and I never get a skill not activating if its the first one I use. But when I go Rage > Iron Blood > Evade, the Evade skill icon is still showing it can be used, but when I click it nothing happens. Although when I look at my buff bar, my evade buff is there.

After timing the actual cooldown of Evade (30 sec), I use it again, and it works. Skill icon coolsdown.

Elly, you might be onto to something, good sir. I'll pay attention next this happens to see whether the the buff did take affect, although I am fairly certain this wasn't the case :/. Either way, I'll keep you posted.

04-19-2011, 09:50 PM
CD is 30 seconds + the GCD cooldown

They CD for spells doesn't start until after the GCD is up.

irt me losing it: Last week I confused a Sandy and a Jordan with each other... one's a girl and one's a boy. I've known them for years. but it took me at least 20 minutes to figure it out...

Too much farming Otu! :p

Elly, you might be onto to something, good sir. I'll pay attention next this happens to see whether the the buff did take affect, although I am fairly certain this wasn't the case :/. Either way, I'll keep you posted.

Yeah I initially thought it wasn't working at all. Then I noticed a lot of dodges on my bear, which brought me to my buff bar. It might be "hidden" too, especially because of mage buffs. I've had countless times my Evade buff doesn't show on my bar because I have the 2 mage buffs on, Rage, Iron Blood, and Taunt, and there's a maximum of 5 icons on the buff bar if I'm not mistaken.

Let the devs know, Rax :)

04-19-2011, 10:04 PM
If anyone comes up with a reliable way to reproduce this behavior, please do let us know.

04-19-2011, 10:09 PM
I was asking around about it, and it seems to always be the skill that is mapped in the lower left of your skill buttons. It only happens for my 3 chars on that button, and my friends who had it told me the same. So it might not be skill-class-device related, but position related instead. It doesn't happen always though which could make it difficult to reproduce.

Anybody else who can confirm this?

04-19-2011, 10:14 PM
I was asking around about it, and it seems to always be the skill that is mapped in the lower left of your skill buttons. It only happens for my 3 chars on that button, and my friends who had it told me the same. So it might not be skill-class-device related, but position related instead. It doesn't happen always though which could make it difficult to reproduce.

Anybody else who can confirm this?

Possible, though my Evade is on the upper right. Totally opposite :p

04-19-2011, 10:15 PM
I was asking around about it, and it seems to always be the skill that is mapped in the lower left of your skill buttons. It only happens for my 3 chars on that button, and my friends who had it told me the same. So it might not be skill-class-device related, but position related instead. It doesn't happen always though which could make it difficult to reproduce.

Anybody else who can confirm this?

Interesting. My evade happens to be be in the very bottom-left as well. It has happened with other skills, but predominantly with evade. This could be a coincidence since Elly reported the exact opposite. But still something to work with..

04-19-2011, 10:17 PM
This is what I mean by the skill icon not "cooling down" despite being activated :


As you can see on my buff bar, Rage is buffed yet my skill icon shows available. This isn't possible since that would mean I could constantly have Rage on. When I try to click Rage, nothing happens. It shows it's being clicked, but nothing happens.

I am able to use Rage again after 28 seconds that the buff came on, which is the actual cooldown of Rage.

I was able to reproduce Stomp as well, but it's hard to take a photo of stomp since there's no evidence it was used.

Stomp and Rage are in the upper right/middle of my map.

04-19-2011, 10:25 PM
Lol and to make matters more confusing it happens to me on my upper left skills. Only my evade and iron blood do it. Ping is fine. Around the 300 mark. And only on my iPad haven't noticed it on my iPhone.

04-19-2011, 10:26 PM
I got this today, I believe it happened right after getting through a lag spike. Playing my Mage, iPhone 4. My other spells would work, but BoV would not. I'd keep tapping it, it would just flicker dark for a millisecond or two, then back to its regular color. I tried it like 20 times, it wasn't registering at all -- the spell never took. I finally gave up, used some other skills, and it cleared itself up eventually. But it was quite frustrating. I've had it happen with other skills as well, but never for that long.

Edit: My BoV is second from the top on the left side.

04-19-2011, 10:36 PM
Rax and I just came from trying to reproduce it, and I think we both agree that it came from spamming the skill buttons.

It's happened to any of our skills in any area of the map, and happens when we spam buttons.

I think it's more evident on buffs since they have a much longer cooldown time, compared to damage skills which only have a few seconds.

Rax's Blast Shot / Break Armour wouldn't work, while my buffs got the same.

04-19-2011, 10:36 PM
I think I'll spend the rest of the night trying to figure this out, minus the 50 minutes from now. I have a hunch, but I'm not sure

04-19-2011, 10:40 PM
yes i had this problem my skill is were ellys mega slash is its like freezes says it got used then it doesnt then it does o.O but its on off its not constant

04-19-2011, 10:57 PM
I found how to reproduce it. I have two possibilities :

1. Two skills with the same animation use in rapid succession and only the first animation allows it.


2. Two skills with different animations used in rapid succession and only the first one shows.

I took a video, it shows how my skills sometimes don't work. I can't seem to find a way to constantly reproduce the bug, but this is the best that I've gotten.

There seem to be some skill combinations that cause it, while other combinations don't. I've found a couple for bears.

The first one is SMS > Stomp. Consecutive and quick use won't make stomp work.

The next is Crushing Blow > Vengeful Slash. Consecutive and quick use won't make Vengeful work.

Ping might be an issue, since I have roughly 300-500 ping, maybe, even despite me trying to tap quick and consecutively, it gives enough "delay time" in between tapping for it to work. But even then, there are instances in the video showing how some skills don't work.

Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DvB27ne72Y


04-19-2011, 11:10 PM
Nice work. I was coming on to post about this, but you already have a video up, lol. I was able to reproduce this as well.

04-19-2011, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the info folks, we'll look into it some more tomorrow.

04-20-2011, 12:50 AM
Found it...

When you lag and you hit multiple skills in the time your lagging, the last one will not show as cast. So if you cast two skill quickly within the times your phone talks to the server, the second one will have the glitch. I'm guessing the devs had a hard time reproducing it because they have no lag so close to the server. I'm guessing it came from spamming skills due to the fact they were so close together. I got this about 20 mins after my last post, but I was too busy ratioing to post :)

Edit: just read Kelly's post -- exactly

Lol.. auto correct made it Kelly, I like that :)

04-20-2011, 12:53 AM
yep it has definetly to do with lag and pressing skills even not restored

04-20-2011, 05:29 AM
Bit more time so time to clear it up:

Phone talks to srrver- tap s1- phone talks to server- tap s2 - phone talks to server
here everything is fine

Phone talks to server-tap s1-taps2- phone talks to server
In this situation the skill 2 will have the bug.

Phone talks to server-tap s1-tap s2-tap s3- phone talks trouble server
In this case the skill 3 has the problem

At least that's my theory...

04-20-2011, 06:18 AM
Hmm, if so, can anyone experiencing this flicker glitch list what they were doing when the bug shows up? Class, skills you are trying to use, your ping, your device type, anything else that might be useful to reproduce it?

Here you go Sam, here is a video from late last night doing a sewer run. The skills glitched within the first three minutes of the video (no need to watch the whole thing). I am using a Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S)

* The end of the video shows how to lure just the queen out of her room, in case any of you were having troubles.


I need to apologize to Mitsu, Mr.Wallace, Moog, and DoubleTime for my horrible gameplay in this video. I was too focused on having the phone within view, I was not really focused on the gameplay itself.

Otukura, if you wouldn't mind editing your original post (for ease of finding my video in this thread), I would appreciate it if you included my video

p.s. Probably one of the most fun teams to play with :)