View Full Version : Help levelling pally

04-20-2011, 02:27 AM
Hi gang;

I was wondering if i could get a little guidance for levelling my mage, I have read Phacyde's excellent guide, but am still a little confused.
I am almost lvl 30 and I want to be a pally, to this point I have been mostly int playing a nuker, but find I die alot even to yellow conned mobs.

I was wondering what I should do to start playing/levelling as a pally, what type of gear should i look at wearing, and where should I allocate my stats and spells

Ultimately i want to be like the build below ( shamelessly copied from Pharcyde's guide )

thanks in advance, Love PL and The community :)

Paladin - Lvl 55 •Paladin's are basically Bears with Enchantress Spells
•Paladins use all Bear equipment
•Paladins have very high armor, dodge, Healthpool, and Healthpoint Regeneration
•Paladins have very high dungeon survivability
•BUILD: 173 STR, 105 INT - 139 STR 139 INT recommended!

04-20-2011, 03:08 PM
I suggest you look at your current build before committing to going to pally. Why are you dying? Is it because of your playstyle (ie "I like to rush in headfirst yelling LEEEEEROYYYY JENNNNKINS!"), or your build itself? If it's the playstyle, then maybe pally is for you. If it's the build, that can be fixed.

For example, when I was around your level I refused to put a point into mana shield, thinking I would rather increase my attack skills first. I got pwnd, and often. Finally I decided to try mana shield out. When I came under fire, I popped mana shield and voila: 9 times out of 10 I lived. Even a couple of points into blessing of vitality will increase your survivability. I also maxed out blessing of might as quickly as I could, which about doubled my damage (new players often do not recognize the power of this spell!). A dead mob is not one hitting me, after all.

If you do decide to go with pally, I suggest you hang on to your pure int until level 45 or 50, then make the switch. You can wear thoth gear at lvl 45, which is good pally gear. I used thoth gear and a Luminous Harpoon, which worked great. At level 50 you can wear rift gear for about 225k and I think 154 strength (less if you have stat increasing gear). That is a huge boost.

For skills, I think pallys should max nightmare quickly to help with their lower spell damage. Heal should also be maxed quickly, because it will be much lower (it takes the biggest hit from what I've seen). Then the attack spells and weakness. Blessing of Vitality is a good spell for a pally, but you do not have to max it fast because your armor will already be naturally high.

04-20-2011, 05:45 PM
thanks again :)

04-20-2011, 11:57 PM
I'm a lvl 55 FF Pally, if you want some in-game help I'll be more then happy to assist you. Add "Orcish" I'm available pretty much anytime so hit me up :)

04-21-2011, 02:10 AM
will do Orcish I am Sybilly in game thanks :)

04-21-2011, 02:39 AM
Level 40 is the lowest level it's worth going pally. You can get an alright setup using swamp gear. But the price, for how long you use it. Just ain't worth it.

04-21-2011, 07:16 AM
Level 40 is the lowest level it's worth going pally. You can get an alright setup using swamp gear. But the price, for how long you use it. Just ain't worth it.

Necrobane has a very good point about the Swamp gear being expensive because of PvP twinking at level 35. And considering, if you play a good bit, you can get you character to 45-50 in two weeks or less, spending a lot of money for gear at lower levels may not be the best idea. If you do decide to try a pally build, you may want to stick to the Frozen gear from the Snowpeak campaign until you get to AO1.

I also want to mention a point that a lot of people seem to miss about pally builds/dual spec verses pure builds. I have a level 56 dual spec mage. I can use strenth gear (prefer the Fury Fighter set) or I can use a intell setup (I prefer the Mega Mage set with staff). Pallys, even in the Sewer campaign, are very hard to kill because of the high armor, heals, and mana sheilds. However there is a huge drop in the amount of damage done by your character by skills. There is at least a 40pt-70pt difference in the damage done by my skills just using my strength gear and then switching to my intell gear. That is a big difference. You can not expect to singlehandedly take on groups of mobs and take them out as a good nuke mage can.

The difference between a pure mage and dual spec is even more pronounced. There is a huge difference in the damage (and hit percentage to a degree). Therefore, when you become a pally you lose the roll of major damage dealer and become a buff, debuff, heal, res centered character because you lack the firepower to take out huge mobs on your own. In groups they are very nice if they are the only mage. They can also tank and heal. I really enjoy using the pally, but with the lack of damage pots, you also have to undersstand your role and limitations -- and damage is a big change when going from a pure build to a mixed build.

As to how to spec -- you put enough Str. points in to equip items. Rest goes to intel for mana. Your goal is to get to 139 str/139 int with a set of level 45 pink booster gear for each str and int to allow you to equip the 55 items. For a good explination see Ellyidols guild to dual specing a bear -- the same principles and methods apply to dual specing any character.

04-21-2011, 07:50 AM
Thanks alot for all the help guys/gals
i'll play around a bit to see which type of mage i prefer, so far all int is a blast :) but i am interested in the pally as well