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04-20-2011, 05:28 AM
Well I belileve the new level min requirement to join a game is great market strategy.

This new system will force players to buy all campaigns to level up. Before players could skip campaigns that were a waste, example: skeller

But now you can not be power leveled so you must play those campaigns to receive max exp.

This will take effect after the free campaign deal goes away I'm may.

STS my hat goes off to your marketing team, very smart.

04-20-2011, 05:30 AM
Players no have to buy campaigns to level up because all FREEEEEEE! So they now get to level 56 free

04-20-2011, 05:31 AM
Players no have to buy campaigns to level up because all FREEEEEEE! So they now get to level 56 free

Until May 4th :p

I agree Moar, smart move. Though I think they went overboard a bit on elixirs bit. Just my opinion :)

04-20-2011, 05:32 AM
Players no have to buy campaigns to level up because all FREEEEEEE! So they now get to level 56 free

It's only free for 2 weeks I believe.

Edit: @ Elly

I think the devs are discussing a fix on elixirs. I heard cheap one may return for gold.

04-20-2011, 05:41 AM
Good on the devs; anyone who plays for the first time could decide that the game is really worth it after seeing how amazing it is on a mobile and be happy to chip a few plats into the dev's kitty. :)

04-20-2011, 06:39 AM
Wait, why would they have to buy Skeller? It's a bonus map -- you can level up without it. Or has something changed about the level requirements?

And yes, the level requirements were offered many times as a solution for powerleveling and a method of moneymaking for STS. I think we were all just surprised to see them put the level requirements and then make all the maps free (before we knew it was temporary).

04-20-2011, 06:46 AM
I don't think you have to buy Skeller, Frozen, or Shadow to level.

04-20-2011, 07:01 AM
Skeller was a bad example on my part. I should of said ao1.

04-20-2011, 07:04 AM
they also have another smart marketing idea by which....

a player that gets stuck through lets say lvl 39 and dungouens are no longer free he will wanna pay for the game and near the end (just before it ends) people will be buying elixers like mad trying to get to lvl 56.

04-20-2011, 07:14 AM
they also have another smart marketing idea by which....

a player that gets stuck through lets say lvl 39 and dungouens are no longer free he will wanna pay for the game and near the end (just before it ends) people will be buying elixers like mad trying to get to lvl 56.

I dunno about that. If I dungeon costs 10-20 plat, why wouldn't they just save their money to buy the dungeons and have them forever, rather than waste that and more on elixirs?
Also, do we know for sure yet that the people getting the maps for free right now won't be able to keep them after the two weeks are up?

04-20-2011, 07:15 AM
I dunno about that. If I dungeon costs 10-20 plat, why wouldn't they just save their money to buy the dungeons and have them forever, rather than waste that and more on elixirs?
Also, do we know for sure yet that the people getting the maps for free right now won't be able to keep them after the two weeks are up?

you never no the mind of the common oob they dont think ahead they just rush and then think and i doubt itll be free forever