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View Full Version : I love the elevators at Spacetime Studios

04-20-2011, 02:20 PM
Call me a little kid, but I love elevators that are a big box of mirrors. Spacetime Studios sports just such elevators. You can stare off into infinity, drool dripping from your open jaw, your brain churning on the possibilities just... around... that... next... corner...



04-20-2011, 02:21 PM
My god...it's full of stars.

Adctually I just got a headache looking at that.

04-20-2011, 02:23 PM
Wow, sneaky Sam... You managed to hide your face ;)

04-20-2011, 02:24 PM
awesome... i've always loved that illusion.

04-20-2011, 02:27 PM
I read an article somewhere where they said these mirrors would help claustrophobic people, because of the sense of a bigger environment.

Anyway, cool pic :)

04-20-2011, 02:29 PM
Wait...I think I see a bearded, psychotic-looking, armor-wearing developer type in the backgroud shouting about something and waving a sword around. Best watch your back.

04-20-2011, 02:31 PM
looks just like the elevators at some sea cruise companies, I remember on the second day of our trip there was a very bad weather and 2 of the elevators had broken mirrors....

10 chocolate chip cookies for random thread from the devs we need to know the human side of STS.

I read an article somewhere where they said these mirrors would help claustrophobic people, because of the sense of a bigger environment.

Anyway, cool pic :)

It wouldn't help my wife she is just afraid of them. Once made me walk 9 floors up the stairs ><

04-20-2011, 02:39 PM
Very cool picture. Can you take a picture of the supercomputers next? :D I really want to see your multi million dollar equipment. :D

04-20-2011, 02:51 PM
Nice pic and caption... :)

04-20-2011, 02:55 PM
can u guys make me a elevator for me lol just like that one

04-20-2011, 02:55 PM
Wow very upperclass
not short of a few dollars then

04-20-2011, 02:57 PM
Always reminds of this trick they use in movies eg Indiana Jones and the Arc of the Covenant: It's cheap and just as good as CGI for creating space/size. ;)

04-20-2011, 03:05 PM
That's trippy as hell.

Bet that elevator leads down to Eagle Eye! :D

04-20-2011, 03:25 PM
I wonder what would happen if it was a room of just mirrors nothing else just pure mirrors no other color how awsonme

04-20-2011, 03:30 PM
I wonder what would happen if it was a room of just mirrors nothing else just pure mirrors no other color how awsonme

If you would be completely surrounded by mirrors, wouldn't that just be... dark? ;)

04-20-2011, 03:38 PM
I wonder what would happen if it was a room of just mirrors nothing else just pure mirrors no other color how awsonme

You've obviously be Bruce Lee getting bloody kicking Han's *** in Enter The Dragon! (Note to self gotta lay off the movies... :o)

Edit: Maybe Aliens is better movie ref?!

04-20-2011, 11:17 PM
Hmmm right so thats for.when the devs come in each morning so they can look deep into their own reflection and question whether they are doing the 'right' thing keeping quiet about B* as they feel the guilt for not letting their fans know about the progress. As the floors flash by they cant escape their own eyes staring at them questioning why? Surely just a little info wouldnt harm anything, this is the land of the free, they would become the hero, the one who breaks free from tyranical rules and brings the people what they want. The one who lights the spark of the next great mmo frenzy and brings happiness to the masses. That person 'you' will be the one who steps forward (using a fake name is fine) and brings happiness to so.many in need.

......so anyone else think the loco.Cinco guy was trapped in this elevator for like 4 hours???

04-21-2011, 05:09 AM
^Classic! Maddog. :D

Here you can see an alien (peacock blue skinned-creepy) in this pic at top of the screen... just coming around the corner: Resolution is not great but he's also in the concept pieces and vids in the preproduction footage:


Also the fire-turret animation is pretty darn neat. Now hand me that flame-thrower already!

04-21-2011, 05:10 AM
I like the elevator too ;)

04-22-2011, 01:38 PM
Stuck at an airport with no PL .........
Calheri looked again at the digital time display and thought about what this day would bring. ‘The same routine’ he thought as he swung out of the bunk and rubbed his scarred and aching legs, stretching, he walked over to the view window of his personal cabin on Lone Star 12 and looked out at the darkness.
‘Comms’ he muttered to the voice recognition as he surveyed the breakfast selection. ‘Spacetime update’ he added as he selected a plate of Skyre Pie and turned to look at the vid screen. Browsing through the entries he came across his mission record and frowned at the minimal amount of information displayed. ‘No change’ he thought. He had been held awaiting further orders for what seemed like an eternity now, checking daily for an update from his recruiter Daniel Veloper. The delays were beginning to test his patience and everyone in the station knew Calheri with a bad attitude was an incident waiting to happen.

He had been recruited from the ‘K battalion’ also known as the volunteer 1000th Advanced Engineering battalion. His team had become the best at finding new ways around Scorn technology, often using the basics of the alien technology for UCDF’s own weaponry. His achievements in the field had led to his new position as senior Sci-tech Ops specialist.

He glanced at the picture of his family on the bed stand and, for a moment, allowed his thoughts to wander back to the good times they had together at Vega. The food dispenser churned out a lump of retextured protein with a wet squishing sound and Calheri returned back to the real world. A world very changed from Vega, his hand touched his forearm as he felt the reconstructive surgery wounds there and he cursed the Scorn for the first time since waking, he knew for certain it would not be the last time that day.
With the barely palatable food consumed he began his routine. Powering up the sim unit he reached across and flicked on the powerful AI computer. While the system hummed into life and began its diagnostics he began assembling his body armor, linking each piece to the sim unit as he progressed. Checking the Sim Safety on the blaster he programmed in the J17 exercise sequence and prepared for battle. The intense training conditioned his body and his mind for combat against the Scorn and their Riven cyborg allies.
A vid call some 4 hours later broke his concentration and he stepped out of the simulation, shedding the armor pieces as he wiped the sweat from his face. 'Accept' he shouted at the vid unit that was flashing the name D.Veloper.
'Cal, got some good news for you man' the younger man on the vid screen looked slightly concerned at the exhausted image of Calheri on his screen. 'hey that simulator isnt burning you out old man ?' He chuckled.
'just tell me you've got a ship DV, I came here to hand out payback to the stupid aliens not retire, kid' Calheri repied his voice sounding as always on the brink of anger.
' you got it chief, youve got a gate transport ready to fly in 5 with a team of 6, you will be given orders once you are through the gate and in the sector. Time to give them some hurt!' The young recruiter sounded pleased.

'they never experienced the kinda pain we will bring DV, you keep busy we're gonna need more troops, cause those alien gas sucking freaks are gonna get really pissy real soon' Calheri smiled as he grabbed his 'Go-bag' and headed for the door.

04-22-2011, 01:41 PM
I imagined being stuck in the mirrored elevator ;)

04-22-2011, 01:43 PM
One of my new life goals: ride in a STS elevator.

04-22-2011, 01:44 PM
I love those mirrors too. you can dance there and see yourself moving 100x times :D

04-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Nice hair;)

04-22-2011, 06:40 PM
One of my new life goals: ride in a STS elevator.

one of my old life goals: infiltrate STS offices.

Chosen of Diara
05-17-2011, 11:25 PM
Laugh humans and use mirrors to imagine your strength of numbers but it is hopeless you will be crushed like the ants on your decaying homeland, scattered into a thousand atoms as your squads and obliterated beneath our mighty fist

05-17-2011, 11:27 PM
Laugh humans and use mirrors to imagine your strength of numbers but it is hopeless you will be crushed like the ants on your decaying homeland, scattered into a thousand atoms as your squads and obliterated beneath our mighty fist

You missed a comma...

Chosen of Diara
05-17-2011, 11:42 PM
and doubtless your fellow humans hope your aim is as accurate as your grammatical eye Kingohurz, I look forward to facing you on the field of death as our weapons weave a tapestry of light, ending in a spectacular finale as your character drops to its death. Or maybe your attention to accuracy will unlock the secrets of our weakness's and aid you to developing stronger tactics. No matter Kingohurz you will perish before the majesty that is Diara

05-18-2011, 09:02 AM
Not such a cool elevator after having a few too many drinks at a business lunch though is it? Just saying....spinning and spinning and spinning....all 1000 of you spinning....

05-18-2011, 09:13 AM
Kinda reminds me of a scene in Inception or The Matrix.

05-18-2011, 02:33 PM
and doubtless your fellow humans hope your aim is as accurate as your grammatical eye Kingohurz, I look forward to facing you on the field of death as our weapons weave a tapestry of light, ending in a spectacular finale as your character drops to its death. Or maybe your attention to accuracy will unlock the secrets of our weakness's and aid you to developing stronger tactics. No matter Kingohurz you will perish before the majesty that is Diara

You, sir, are a straaaaaange character.

05-18-2011, 04:29 PM
My god...it's full of stars.
you read Athur C. Clarke's 2001.

05-18-2011, 04:30 PM
you read Athur C. Clarke's 2001.

I thought that it was pretty obvious ;)

05-18-2011, 08:10 PM
I've always wanted to see pictures of the legit building "Spacetime studios" got any?

05-19-2011, 04:30 PM
I thought that it was pretty obvious ;)
i dont know a lot of ppl who have read it.

05-20-2011, 09:35 PM
Very cool picture. Can you take a picture of the supercomputers next? :D I really want to see your multi million dollar equipment. :D
Hahahahahaha I like that idea!!! I want to know where my PL kids live at :) :)

05-20-2011, 11:16 PM
10 chocolate chip cookies for random thread from the devs we need to know the human side of STS

Totally agree lolthey are a major aspect as to why this is such a great game