View Full Version : Been for while and never introduced myself

04-21-2011, 09:18 AM
Hello all pl players, devs and anyone else. :)

Yeah i been around for while, actually whole year just registered to forums 2months later when i started to play.
It's been nice to see how this game/community grows and got to say we have come far away from old times.

My ingame names are: smileman (mage), Evilsmileman (bear) and Evildarkfader (bird)
See ya all in game, since i wont use forums so much, just sometimes checking whats going on and are all the old farts still around ;)

04-21-2011, 09:34 AM
Hey! Glad to see you still playing! I think I have you added and seen you around in-game :)

04-21-2011, 09:35 AM
Hey! Glad to see you still playing! I think I have you added and seen you around in-game :)

Yeah im there everyday, i wont reconize you with name wrap. (and have no idea is it your ign or not)

04-21-2011, 12:05 PM
Hey buddy welcome to the community. Ask any questions you have and we will do our best to help. Wraps main ign, well the one I see him on is usually Wrap, great guy btw.

04-21-2011, 12:20 PM
Joannaline here! not really new to the game but to the forums... i have been playing for almost 2 months now and i got
55 pally (hybrid lvl 51 gear)
55 birdy (sewer king set and gemstone set)
55 crayzee eyed bear (poo poo gear... wasn't rich enough :( )
and 51 bowchantress (death set) (for farming the fever's pink hard *** lvl 51 droppings.) : ) ewww....

my secret in leveling so fast ????
i've been playing like 8-9 hours a day at work lol ... what's the best job in the world? one you get paid to play for... hehe... oh yeah and lotsa plat too. i'm thinking about getting the 2000 plat package to 56 2 of my chars... seems like 1000 plat can get you from 55-56 in no time...maybe my calculations are off and someone could help me save some money ?

.which one should 56? drop me a rec. IMO bear and birdy.

04-21-2011, 12:34 PM
Joannaline here! not really new to the game but to the forums... i have been playing for almost 2 months now and i got
55 pally (hybrid lvl 51 gear)
55 birdy (sewer king set and gemstone set)
55 crayzee eyed bear (poo poo gear... wasn't rich enough :( )
and 51 bowchantress (death set) (for farming the fever's pink hard *** lvl 51 droppings.) : ) ewww....

my secret in leveling so fast ????
i've been playing like 8-9 hours a day at work lol ... what's the best job in the world? one you get paid to play for... hehe... oh yeah and lotsa plat too. i'm thinking about getting the 2000 plat package to 56 2 0of my chars... seems like 1000 plat can get you from 55-56 in no time...maybe my calculations are off and someone could help me save some money ?

.which one should 56? drop me a rec. IMO bear and birdy.

Why is this here? Jokin :P gj in lvlin those .... But in anyways try twinking at low lvls! It wont disapoint u ! :) hf

04-21-2011, 12:38 PM
hi (read my sig)

04-21-2011, 12:41 PM
lol what's the point in twinkeeing? pvp? and then what? do you get anything for having high pvp rate? does the game set up so that a lvl 35 twink battles a lvl 56er? or is it 35 on 35?

04-21-2011, 12:43 PM
Hey Darkfader. Played with you yesterday (EvilSmileMan) when our Founders Helms were shiny and new. I too have never introduced myself and keeping with my modus operandi of lurking, I think I will tack onto your thread. I have been here from early on never felt the need to post. So many knowledgeable people. What more could I add?? :p

04-21-2011, 12:44 PM
Welcome to the Party that is the Forums :)

04-21-2011, 12:46 PM
Hi, and welcome all. If only Amazon could get their servers up and running again, I could be playing with you guys :)

04-21-2011, 12:58 PM
Hey buddy welcome to the community. Ask any questions you have and we will do our best to help. Wraps main ign, well the one I see him on is usually Wrap, great guy btw.
haha it's pretty ironic welcome someone to community where he been longer memeber than welcomer itself, but yeh thanks and i know all i need and have no questions about this game. :)

Hey Darkfader. Played with you yesterday (EvilSmileMan) when our Founders Helms were shiny and new. I too have never introduced myself and keeping with my modus operandi of lurking, I think I will tack onto your thread. I have been here from early on never felt the need to post. So many knowledgeable people. What more could I add?? :p
Yeah, i have kept long time without posting anything. Got to game some more and shine together when servers are up. :)

Welcome to the Party that is the Forums :)
Thank you! :) woot admin welcome^^

Hi, and welcome all. If only Amazon could get their servers up and running again, I could be playing with you guys :)
We will sure, patience is virtue.

04-21-2011, 01:02 PM
We will sure, patience is virtue.

Feels more like torture right now ;)