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04-22-2011, 05:55 AM
Sorry Samyhayne didnt see you posted this a few minutes ahead of me!

04-22-2011, 05:56 AM
Interesting. Although, maybe this particular problem won't happen again... but it will crash again. And again. Because it's a computer, and computers do that from time to time. Even Ferraris get flat tires.

04-22-2011, 06:00 AM
Sorry to say, but you as well as your friend are just too naive and stupid. Guess that's how you two could be friend. LOL

at least i have friends. :)

04-22-2011, 06:02 AM
Guys complaining and fighting wont solve anything... Sojust wait out like everybody eles

04-22-2011, 06:07 AM
I beg to differ. The servers will be up when one of you knocks the other unconcious. Now, fight for our amusement!

04-22-2011, 06:07 AM
How long do we have to get our items out of the cs? Or will the shutdown temporarily put a hold on all our sales? I just don't wanna lose my gold too.

04-22-2011, 06:12 AM
Items disapear after one month.

04-22-2011, 06:25 AM
Items disapear after one month.

Jeez I hope the game won't be down that long.

04-22-2011, 06:25 AM
Just out of curiosity, I have seen server crashes like this before with other games, and I know data recovery can be difficult sometimes. Have the Devs mentioned anything about the possibility that they might have to do a roll back to a previously cached copy of the server? I am half way through 54 and I would hate to get set back to a lower level, especially now that Wisdom Elixers cost 10 plat instead of 6k gold.

04-22-2011, 06:37 AM
Wow still down. Those bitches must have melted to the floor. If so we got a long wait and nothing saved Uh oh....

04-22-2011, 06:40 AM
Do you need your daily fix or something! ;)
Personally yes, yes I do

04-22-2011, 06:42 AM
Whoever is doing the fixing please take your time... I love this game just as much as anyone else but they need to make sure this will not repeat itself.

04-22-2011, 06:43 AM
Update 6:00 AM Central on 4/22 - Happy Earth Day! We've monitored through the night, but Pocket Legends remains down. We will let you know as soon as we have more input. In the meantime, here's some reading if you are interested: What We Can Learn From Amazon’s Cloud Collapse (http://mashable.com/2011/04/22/amazon-cloud-collapse/)

I understand there is no one to blame, but that does not change the fact that the game is not working and the customers are suffering. Owning my own business I understand that and always put the customer first!

04-22-2011, 06:46 AM
And personally I could give 2 sh!ts about the cloud issue. I got my own problems. I just want to play. Now fix the dam thing. Cuz because it is free does not mean I have not dumped a bit of cash on this game......

04-22-2011, 06:46 AM
The most latest news?

04-22-2011, 06:46 AM
I understand there is no one to blame, but that does not change the fact that the game is not working and the customers are suffering. Owning my own business I understand that and always put the customer first!

So what are you suggesting they do? Storm the Amazon Castle with torches and pitchforks? They have provided constant updates on a situation currently outside their control and apologized repeatedly. Sheesh.

04-22-2011, 06:46 AM
Day 2 of boredom

04-22-2011, 06:49 AM
I understand there is no one to blame, but that does not change the fact that the game is not working and the customers are suffering. Owning my own business I understand that and always put the customer first!

Take away GCD and we'll call it even..?:D

04-22-2011, 06:53 AM
Was really hoping this would be back up by now. This is the longest most boring watch without PL.

You wouldn't happen to be an Air Traffic Controller, are you?

04-22-2011, 06:53 AM
Personally yes, yes I do

Yeah, I need to get the rest of those dang yeti snowballs so I can get that quest over with. :rolleyes:

(Hiya, Zygota!)

04-22-2011, 06:59 AM
PS: Just to be clear, the :rolleyes: was directed at the quest, not at any posters. I've been jonesing for PL like 'most everyone else. (Yes, I'm old.)

04-22-2011, 07:04 AM
And personally I could give 2 sh!ts about the cloud issue. I got my own problems. I just want to play. Now fix the dam thing. Cuz because it is free does not mean I have not dumped a bit of cash on this game......

Come on now... dont be ignorant! Theres nothing anyone can do the PL Devs cant do anything about it and amazon is working on fixing it...

04-22-2011, 07:08 AM
And personally I could give 2 sh!ts about the cloud issue. I got my own problems. I just want to play. Now fix the dam thing. Cuz because it is free does not mean I have not dumped a bit of cash on this game......

I like and share the same point of view! WOOT~

04-22-2011, 07:11 AM
Good morning PL players today is gonna be a good day! Pl will hopfuly be up and running and all the ignorant ppl that play will be back to booting ppl they don't know instead of maybe making a good friend, I'm not a booter I'm all for spreading the wealth and helping ppl become better players with better equipment cause if they can't hold there own in a group then there no help to anyone. So u booters pls help the weak and unfortunet get better gear. Thx and feel free to friend me or boot me my toons name is Matamurman I'm a bear, I'm pretty good at tanking I can hold my own I'm not the best but I'm workin on it, thx STS for making a great game for us to enjoy . Can't wait to play

04-22-2011, 07:12 AM
Wow the rate of post here is record breaking! View rate is too high! Hope pink rate too!!! Pink pink pink! :) Keeper!! Omg im missing PL!

04-22-2011, 07:13 AM


They said another day or 2 to fix....

04-22-2011, 07:20 AM


They said another day or 2 to fix....

I think the "another day or two" reference was to the PSN...at least I hope so :p

04-22-2011, 07:22 AM
Good morning PL players today is gonna be a good day! Pl will hopfuly be up and running and all the ignorant ppl that play will be back to booting ppl they don't know instead of maybe making a good friend, I'm not a booter I'm all for spreading the wealth and helping ppl become better players with better equipment cause if they can't hold there own in a group then there no help to anyone. So u booters pls help the weak and unfortunet get better gear. Thx and feel free to friend me or boot me my toons name is Matamurman I'm a bear, I'm pretty good at tanking I can hold my own I'm not the best but I'm workin on it, thx STS for making a great game for us to enjoy . Can't wait to play

I Totally agree with you and i believe the whole booting system is pointless.. I understand that you might want to boot someone so that a friend can join, but They should just make Private Slots that reserve a spot for a friend. Therefore there is NO real point to Booting. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

04-22-2011, 07:31 AM
I hate pie.I really hate pie
I hate pie.

another day or two to fix...

04-22-2011, 07:31 AM
My 2 cents. I am pretty sure the devs are even more angry than anyone on the board. They just released a huge fix that will help retain players, the join function. This downtime will cost them significant coin. They were probably planning an exciting Easter theme. All in all I am happy as my bird has his party hat on and is enjoying his rest with all of the other characters in alien oasis. I hear it's movie night tonight in forest haven.

04-22-2011, 07:33 AM
Really so all info lost for charaters y this cant hapen hafe way too 55 man pls dont loose info

04-22-2011, 07:34 AM
They should just make Private Slots that reserve a spot for a friend. Therefore there is NO real point to Booting. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

You can password protect a zone instance you create to prevent people from joining that you do not want in, and only allow friends in. I think the booting system was most useful for those times you would see a low level toon (I have seen as low as level 1) join a game in Alien Oasis, or the Sewers. There is no point in having a toon that low in an instance that high. They can not contribute any real DPS, and it isn't like it gets them more XP. I think they recently fixed that by putting a minimum level requirement on zones. Another reason booting is good is for the poeple who join parties and then seem to go AFK, not to mention when you get someone who is just being a down right jerk.

04-22-2011, 07:34 AM
I Totally agree with you and i believe the whole booting system is pointless.. I understand that you might want to boot someone so that a friend can join, but They should just make Private Slots that reserve a spot for a friend. Therefore there is NO real point to Booting. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

Sorry to say we live in a society where speed and effectiveness is primary.

04-22-2011, 07:35 AM
Let's not give up hope now. It could be fixed in a day or 2, or i could be fixed in an hour or 2.

04-22-2011, 07:38 AM
You can password protect a zone instance you create to prevent people from joining that you do not want in, and only allow friends in. I think the booting system was most useful for those times you would see a low level toon (I have seen as low as level 1) join a game in Alien Oasis, or the Sewers. There is no point in having a toon that low in an instance that high. They can not contribute any real DPS, and it isn't like it gets them more XP. I think they recently fixed that by putting a minimum level requirement on zones. Another reason booting is good is for the poeple who join parties and then seem to go AFK, not to mention when you get someone who is just being a down right jerk.

i suppose your right on that, but there should be some kind of way to keep hosts from booting people for no good reason

04-22-2011, 07:41 AM
Sorry to say we live in a society where speed and effectiveness is primary.

How is this relevant? a "noob" cant join a high campaign, Therefore everyone in a game should be around the same Lvl. And if you're gonna farm then make a passworded game.

04-22-2011, 07:41 AM

04-22-2011, 07:43 AM
after reading some comments in Facebook I have come to the conclusion we have some really ignorant players who play this game. Its just too hilarious reading those comments. No wonder they disabled posting on the wall temporarily. I must of read 50 comments asking if the server was up while others were complaining and saying they were quitting. Unreal.

04-22-2011, 07:47 AM
I have nothing constructive to add, so in tru STS form....I'm gonna say it anyways. I do believe Amazon should be punished! The rejects at Amazon should read their own books like: Networking For Dummies and/or possibly Cloud Computing For Dummies. A proper punishment for these people would be to make them dress up as toons from Pocket Legends and let us control their moves...kind of like LARP meets Tron. STS could make their money back by letting people place bets (like the movie Running Man) on who is going to survive to the next dungeon. Your thoughts?

04-22-2011, 07:51 AM
after reading some comments in Facebook I have come to the conclusion we have some really ignorant players who play this game. Its just too hilarious reading those comments. No wonder they disabled posting on the wall temporarily. I must of read 50 comments asking if the server was up while others were complaining and saying they were quitting. Unreal.

They all migrated to the chat....I lost count on how many people asked if the servers were up yet. I was waiting for the inevitable comment of.. I paid a lot of money and if this isn't fixed...I'm not playing...I can now understand why God wiped the Earth a few times to start over.

04-22-2011, 07:51 AM
How is this relevant? a "noob" cant join a high campaign, Therefore everyone in a game should be around the same Lvl. And if you're gonna farm then make a passworded game.

What if you want a mage and you get a bear? What if the other player is wearing armor that will make him die at any instance he is getting atk. I personally like till have the boss killed asap. I want my pinks fast, i'am sure the tanker doesnt want to tank all day long on one boss. I can see what you mean buy taking away the boot system but it just isnt practicle. I've myself have been booted a ton of times. I never take it personal. I havent ever booted anyone, but I do enjoy games in sewers with lvl 54 pluss all Dex.

04-22-2011, 07:52 AM
You can password protect a zone instance you create to prevent people from joining that you do not want in, and only allow friends in. I think the booting system was most useful for those times you would see a low level toon (I have seen as low as level 1) join a game in Alien Oasis, or the Sewers. There is no point in having a toon that low in an instance that high. They can not contribute any real DPS, and it isn't like it gets them more XP. I think they recently fixed that by putting a minimum level requirement on zones. Another reason booting is good is for the poeple who join parties and then seem to go AFK, not to mention when you get someone who is just being a down right jerk.

Well said. I don't know how many times I've joined a game in the catacombs and see someone join about halfway through. We get to trash heap and low and behold, the person is hanging out by the wall in the ooze room.

04-22-2011, 07:54 AM
i suppose your right on that, but there should be some kind of way to keep hosts from booting people for no good reason

Unfortunately "no good reason" is very subjective. There just isn't a way to do it.

04-22-2011, 07:55 AM
What if you want a mage and you get a bear? What if the other player is wearing armor that will make him die at any instance he is getting atk. I personally like till have the boss killed asap. I want my pinks fast, i'am sure the tanker doesnt want to tank all day long on one boss. I can see what you mean buy taking away the boot system but it just isnt practicle. I've myself have been booted a ton of times. I never take it personal. I havent ever booted anyone, but I do enjoy games in sewers with lvl 54 pluss all Dex.

You make a valid point and i suppose i'm being a bit ignorant with saying they should remove booting.. but still i really don't like getting booted for no good reason! :(

waisted menkey
04-22-2011, 07:57 AM
Wow.. this got epic last night. Down 1 day after 365 isn't bad. That's less than a third of a percent. You all trippin. Think STS is butthurt? PSN being nuked is a majorly big deal. Way more than this silly game. Keep stuff in perspective guys. And to those who think STS should manage their own server farm... Why don't you fire one up for us... Oh, that's right, that's retarded.

All this is really doing is making people not trust the cloud. Sorry, I think I'll keep my harddrive...

04-22-2011, 07:57 AM
How is this relevant? a "noob" cant join a high campaign, Therefore everyone in a game should be around the same Lvl. And if you're gonna farm then make a passworded game.

I've seen PLENTY of lvl 55 noobs.

Also, there no guarantee that someone looking to farm has a farm team. So password protecting isn't really an option.

Honestly, its an online game where you are playing with thousands of people. Some people will have different approaches. If you get boot, just move on. Or start your own game and wait for people to join.

Dark Avenger
04-22-2011, 07:57 AM
You wouldn't happen to be an Air Traffic Controller, are you?

Lol, nope. In military standing front gate watch all night with about a total of 20 cars coming through in a 12 hour period...very boring...

04-22-2011, 07:58 AM
How about the people posting in a thread who's subject matter is completing irrelevant to the the title of the thread. This would be a great instance where a boot button would come in handy!

04-22-2011, 07:59 AM
I am having withdrawals.........must keep uninstalling and reinstalling until connection works!!!! ::stars at screen::

04-22-2011, 07:59 AM
How about the people posting in a thread who's subject matter is completing irrelevant to the the title of the thread. This would be a great instance where a boot button would come in handy!

You're right. I'm a loser.

04-22-2011, 08:03 AM
I had someone boot me and reason was don't know u and another one just said no, I've never booted anyone and ppl with crappy gear I give away any color items aslong as there an upgrade for someone. I do it cause they might be in my group again and play well but get get killed in a snap so I try to help them as much as I can, helping others get good dear helps me in the long run. I won't give items to low levels well not pinks but higher lvlz yes cause I know they play a lot it takes time to get to lvl 40 and up so ya ill help them so I and everyone else can clear zones and lvl up faster.

04-22-2011, 08:06 AM
How about the people posting in a thread who's subject matter is completing irrelevant to the the title of the thread. This would be a great instance where a boot button would come in handy!

i'm also a loser, but then again almost everyones posts are irrelevant because this thread posts updates on PL in the first post... so no one really should post at all..

04-22-2011, 08:07 AM
Wow.. this got epic last night. Down 1 day after 365 isn't bad. That's less than a third of a percent. You all trippin. Think STS is butthurt? PSN being nuked is a majorly big deal. Way more than this silly game. Keep stuff in perspective guys. And to those who think STS should manage their own server farm... Why don't you fire one up for us... Oh, that's right, that's retarded.

All this is really doing is making people not trust the cloud. Sorry, I think I'll keep my harddrive...

With all do respect, but I couldn't care less about the PSN network being down or being a major deal, it's this 'silly' game, as you put it, that I care about. So from MY perspective this is way worse than whatever could happen to any console network.

And you might want to keep these old floppy's too, in case your hard drive crashes o.O

/vent off

04-22-2011, 08:14 AM
I've seen PLENTY of lvl 55 noobs.

Also, there no guarantee that someone looking to farm has a farm team. So password protecting isn't really an option.

Honestly, its an online game where you are playing with thousands of people. Some people will have different approaches. If you get boot, just move on. Or start your own game and wait for people to join.

The REAL meaning to the word "Noob" is New player. so if you're lvl 55 you can't be a "Noob". i understand that people use the term noob to address "slow" players but i'm just Bringing about the REAL meaning of the term "Noob" and quite frankly this term is used ignorantly nowa days and i almost HATE the term

04-22-2011, 08:17 AM
The definition of insanity: insanity is doing/ saying the same thing over and over again and getting the same results. So far I've read 55 pages of total insanity lol I'm. Loving it. It is what it is with amazon, it will be fixed when its fixed and I hate mating socks!

04-22-2011, 08:22 AM
The REAL meaning to the word "Noob" is New player. so if you're lvl 55 you can't be a "Noob". i understand that people use the term noob to address "slow" players but i'm just Bringing about the REAL meaning of the term "Noob" and quite frankly this term is used ignorantly nowa days and i almost HATE the term

From Wikipedia:
The word means and derives from newbie (as in new and inexperienced or uninformed),[9][12][14] and is used as a means of segregating them as less than the "elite," or even "normal," members of a group.

So, no not really only used for new players :)

04-22-2011, 08:25 AM
The REAL meaning to the word "Noob" is New player. so if you're lvl 55 you can't be a "Noob". i understand that people use the term noob to address "slow" players but i'm just Bringing about the REAL meaning of the term "Noob" and quite frankly this term is used ignorantly nowa days and i almost HATE the term

Lol definitions... Of course you can be new and lv55. Was called powerleveling.
Now of course it is a little harder to powerlevel... But players that don't interact with others and learn important concepts are still noobs.

Nobody cares if you are sensitive to terminology. Here, we reffer to Noobs as people who have spent time here, yet are still not aware of the basic facts. Thatthey should know better.
If I whent around calling every new player a noob... No. Players may have come from similar a mmo so already have basic teamplay and skill usage understanding.

The term for new players here is most safely newb, or newby.


I woke up today expecting it to be fixed. Lazy amazon workers lol

04-22-2011, 08:30 AM
The REAL meaning to the word "Noob" is New player. so if you're lvl 55 you can't be a "Noob". i understand that people use the term noob to address "slow" players but i'm just Bringing about the REAL meaning of the term "Noob" and quite frankly this term is used ignorantly nowa days and i almost HATE the term

Well that's a matter of opinion. In my book, the meaning of "noob" is someone that doesn't know how to play the game. Regardless of what level they are. And also, your level does not have any bearing on how long you've played the game. Just because you're level 55 does not mean you know how to play the game.

04-22-2011, 08:32 AM
JaytB, Arterra. Thank you.

JaytB btw, thanks for the sword. :)

04-22-2011, 08:32 AM
Well that's a matter of opinion. In my book, the meaning of "noob" is someone that doesn't know how to play the game. Regardless of what level they are. And also, your level does not have any bearing on how long you've played the game. Just because you're level 55 does not mean you know how to play the game.

I agree! Your level doesnt indicate at all the time you been playing the game. I have two characters both under lvl 40 and I´ve been playing this game soon 6 months.

04-22-2011, 08:38 AM
I Totally agree with you and i believe the whole booting system is pointless.. I understand that you might want to boot someone so that a friend can join, but They should just make Private Slots that reserve a spot for a friend. Therefore there is NO real point to Booting. (Correct me if i'm wrong)

I have to say.. I'm definitely guilty of booting when we were doing runs, for friends... If ive been spending hours with one group doing runs together, the someone slipped through before the friend did,I usually tell them we have a group and if they don't go on their own I have booted ... But now with the password, it really doesn't happen... But I'm also the person that will help level people (even if I've never seen them before), go to forest and say "happy Monday" and give out random items.. Doesn't make me a bad person... Just makes me someone who has a friend that I want to continue playing with. Ive made a lot of friends, I accept all requests unless the person has been rude in the towne to others... And love making new friends. I've been booted, but I don't write the person complaining, instead, I may tell them if they get an opening next time, please think of me.... I've had CLOSE FRIENDS tell me they are with a group.. Its a game.... I find somewhere else to go... That's why there are multiple rooms.....

04-22-2011, 08:41 AM
JaytB btw, thanks for the sword. :)

You're welcome :)

04-22-2011, 08:49 AM
The REAL meaning to the word "Noob" is New player.

Continuing the thread hijacking, I think of "newbie" as "new player." A "newbie" is someone who is new to the game and willing to learn. A "noob" is someone who is acting like a newbie, but shouldn't be.

Example. A lvl 50 elf facing Gold Fever the first time and asking me, "Why do I keep dying?" is a newbie and deserves my help. A lvl 55 bear who stomps right in the middle of a group of mobs "to separate them," after being asked not to, is a noob and deserves nothing except maybe a boot.

04-22-2011, 08:52 AM
computer clouds, omg, don't let me in the cloud.....

04-22-2011, 08:54 AM
From Wikipedia:
The word means and derives from newbie (as in new and inexperienced or uninformed),[9][12][14] and is used as a means of segregating them as less than the "elite," or even "normal," members of a group.

So, no not really only used for new players :)

well if you READ! what i said... it's original meaning is NEWBIE PLAYER....... and it is USED in other ways...

waisted menkey
04-22-2011, 09:00 AM
With all do respect, but I couldn't care less about the PSN network being down or being a major deal, it's this 'silly' game, as you put it, that I care about. So from MY perspective this is way worse than whatever could happen to any console network.

And you might want to keep these old floppy's too, in case your hard drive crashes o.O

/vent off

I appreciate that you could care less about PSN. The point was it's undoubtedly a larger customer base than this game. Everyone seems to be trippin so hard they can't realize the size/scope of the issue. If only PL was down, then rage on, but there's millions of people effected. I don't know this games customerbase (as I literally downloaded it the day before all this) but I find it very hard to believe we are the most effected individuals. And if none of it's related, I think the point is still valid.

04-22-2011, 09:08 AM
I appreciate that you could care less about PSN. The point was it's undoubtedly a larger customer base than this game. Everyone seems to be trippin so hard they can't realize the size/scope of the issue. If only PL was down, then rage on, but there's millions of people effected. I don't know this games customerbase (as I literally downloaded it the day before all this) but I find it very hard to believe we are the most effected individuals. And if none of it's related, I think the point is still valid.

See, although you are totally correct in that a) PSN is a much larger customer base than PL and b) even more correct that this is costing a lot of companies larger than STS a whole ton of money, you forget that 80% of people complaining about it being down, yelling at STS to "fixx teh problem!" and demanding "free plat" should be shot between the eyes with a Nerf gun until they pass out.

04-22-2011, 09:08 AM
Hey folks, let's please keep the discussion friendly. That's what Pocket Legends is all about.


04-22-2011, 09:11 AM
What does this have to do with the topic of the thread? Lol

04-22-2011, 09:12 AM
I can't believe how much I NEED PL!! :) this threAd is funny tho, it's like when a family is snowed in or during a power outage! No one can watch tv, Play on computer, so they ALLL have to talk to each other!! Haha

04-22-2011, 09:12 AM
Reminds me of that hacker movie with Bruce Willis when they decided to check out that major power plant node thingy...what was it called??

04-22-2011, 09:12 AM
Just woke up, nooooooooo.......!!!

04-22-2011, 09:12 AM

It's just... I NEED TO KILL STUFF! I just don't want to take it out on my cat again =^.^=


Peace V Don't pay any attention to me, I'm just venting... Nothing personal.

Edit: and I'm all game for storming the Amazon data center ;)

04-22-2011, 09:19 AM
So, If I have fly ability, then I will be more terrified to fly through clouds. :/

04-22-2011, 09:20 AM
I had someone boot me and reason was don't know u and another one just said no, I've never booted anyone and ppl with crappy gear I give away any color items aslong as there an upgrade for someone. I do it cause they might be in my group again and play well but get get killed in a snap so I try to help them as much as I can, helping others get good dear helps me in the long run. I won't give items to low levels well not pinks but higher lvlz yes cause I know they play a lot it takes time to get to lvl 40 and up so ya ill help them so I and everyone else can clear zones and lvl up faster.

I boot people all the time. I always host zones so i can boot. If i'm in a group of 30's, and a 50's player joins... boot. I don't need a hero destroying everything while the rest of us follow. It's not fun.

Also, If i'm doing keeper with a bunch of players 46 and below, i boot anyone over 46 that joins. That forces the pinks that drop to be level 45, which are very valuable. The 50 pinks are almost worthless. So, when a 55 joins my 46 and lower keeper group... BOOT.

I guess i don't have to worry about a level 7 joining keeper and saying "please don't boot me". Those were my favorite, i will miss booting them.

04-22-2011, 09:20 AM

It's just... I NEED TO KILL STUFF! I just don't want to take it out on my cat again =^.^=


Peace V Don't pay any attention to me, I'm just venting... Nothing personal.

Edit: and I'm all game for storming the Amazon data center ;)

its alright i was getting a little out of hand myself.. sorry

04-22-2011, 09:22 AM
My friend just told me a very good statement. For all those who want to blame, don't blame sts or amazon but yourself. Because its your choice of choosing to play pl.

After examining the evidence and reading through your passive aggressive posts, I choose to blame Skyler84. I base this on nothing reasonable and if challenged will spout techno-babble, miss-use "case-study" instead of hypothetical situations (because we all know case-studies are, well, studies of actual cases...) and randomly attempt reverse psychology.

So there.

And my friend says I'm right, so that makes all the difference.

04-22-2011, 09:23 AM
Please be up by tomorrow... It's 10pm for me :( Tomorrow's easter
If it takes longer will we have more time to get the most from the easter event?

04-22-2011, 09:24 AM
Reminds me of that hacker movie with Bruce Willis when they decided to check out that major power plant node thingy...what was it called??

Look Who's Talking?

04-22-2011, 09:26 AM
Reminds me of that hacker movie with Bruce Willis when they decided to check out that major power plant node thingy...what was it called??

Are you thinking, die hard With a vengeance ( the most recent one ). Where they take :cool:control of most technology based systems.. They said it was like a "fire sale" in the movie.

PL you rock! Wish Amazon would get this issue fixed so we can play.

04-22-2011, 09:27 AM
Look Who's Talking?

Na, it was Live Free or Die Hard. Also known as Die Hard 4.0

04-22-2011, 09:30 AM
the amazon now has problem with some of EBS volumes and this results in data not being able to be send/receive from host to server. therefore the server is unable to send/receive data between client and server.


so in short just wait for xx hours. its won't be up for at another xx hours. its a 2 digit number but less than 20. guess it yourself.
lol dude please give it a rest.....

04-22-2011, 09:31 AM
Everyone just chill, it takes a long time for the PL team to hide all those Easter eggs.

Just remember, first to log in gets the eggs...

dan #1
04-22-2011, 09:32 AM
So does any one know how much longer

04-22-2011, 09:34 AM
Na, it was Live Free or Die Hard. Also known as Die Hard 4.0

Ohhhh yeah, THAT Bruce Willis movie about hacking. I was close, though! ;)

04-22-2011, 09:38 AM
Na, it was Live Free or Die Hard. Also known as Die Hard 4.0

That's right. I knew it was the most recent die hard movie. Just couldn't remember the title. Good movie.

Taps Foot, waiting Impatiently to be able to play

04-22-2011, 09:38 AM
(sneaks into Amazon and starts pressing reset buttons, cackling maniacally)

04-22-2011, 09:38 AM
For anyone with an iPad , dead space 2 hd is 0.99 and is pretty cool. Might help fill the time

04-22-2011, 09:40 AM
Servers where art though?!! Is PL even considering switching to a different host?

04-22-2011, 09:41 AM
Stupid amazon...

04-22-2011, 09:43 AM
Any games to pass my time with that anyone recomends

dan #1
04-22-2011, 09:43 AM
I was reading a artical yesterday and it said it woulb take 1 to 2 days to fix the problem

04-22-2011, 09:48 AM
So bored!!

04-22-2011, 09:50 AM
Thread closed.

Please see the new thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?24415-Game-Outage-Update-on-the-Status-of-Pocket-Legends&p=274118#post274118