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View Full Version : THE ENCHANTED TREE INN - A tale from Forest Haven (a roleplay thread)

04-22-2011, 12:03 AM
I decided to start a thread in the style of roleplay storytelling.
Basically a text based world where players can interact outside the game but remain fully immersed in character. A continuous story about a little world called pocketlegends and its inhabitants.

Please feel free to join in and add to the story for you are already a part of its history.
When posting please follow the in-game protocol relating to content etc annd please stay in character at all times, please include a little background on your characters roots in your first post so that our players and followers can fully relate to you.
Welcome to my your world, the journey has begun.

As the sun rises over the world of Alterra -
A new day dawns in the town of Forest Haven .
Forest Haven is a small humble town on the outskirts of the Dark Forest.
It offers a warm welcome to many a passing traveller, although its resources maybe basic, it is a town that will have something to offer anyone who enters.

One such traveller is "Leonadritia" , a young cub who has been brought up by a race of felines adept in the arts of magic and healing.
He is young and has much to learn about his arts and the world he is about to discover.
Raised by his parents to respect all that he encounters, be it friend or foe. To be honest at all times and to assist others whenever the need arises.
"Respect that which you know, study the things you dont yet know and learn from what you think you know.".... the words of his father echoing inside his head from their last conversation.
For Leonadritia was maturing now, he was now old enough to set out on his journey and discover his calling in his homeworld of Alterra.

He had packed his travel bags light but with all the relevant items to begin his adventures, his checklist double checked by his mother. " dont forget your staff " his mother kept saying, " it was your fathers and his fathers, your grandfathers..." she would constantly remind him. Ah, the Witch' Forest Fire staff, a greqt little staff for a cub of his age, its a lightweight staff that offers many added attributes to its bearer and had helped many a novice progress their skills.
Clean clothes, lightweight robes that offered not much protection against the elements- tho this matter not too much for Leonadritia as he was already getting used to controlling them, he could already root someone to the spot with an ice spell or knock would be attackers flying with fire.

It had been 6 long months on the road for Leonadritia, a long time alone. The first time he has been away from home. He can still see their faces as he says his goodbyes, his father looking proud and at the same time trying not to show hes upset at his sons decision to embark on this journey. His mother crying tears of both happiness and sorrow - happy that her son is becoming a man and sorrow that shes not there to protect him on his travels.
Oh how he misses them.........
Just then the forest starts to open up and he finds himself on a path.
The path is well trodden as if many many people have traversed it, years of trudging carved into the landscape, a beaten track the marks of many journeys.
After a mile or two he happens across a signpost - "Forest Haven" is carved into the old wooden boards.
He enters the town and is taken aback by its beauty. Street vendors , a blacksmith, stores, many travellers and adventurers from all of Alterras regions. "At last." He thinks, " Im here."
And so our tale begins...........

________________ THE ENCHANTED TREE_______________

Having spent an entire season in Forest Haven, Leonadritia decides it his time to set up home.
He calls upon the friends he has made, to help him build an Inn, a place where any wanderer may rest their weary heads, a place where friendships can be made, stories can be told and legends will be born, a communal hub that anyone can call home.
An outpost offering warmth and shelter to all and any occupants in the lands of Alterra.
He finds a spot on the outskirts of town, another season is spent felling trees and sourcing supplies, the townsfolk - a godsend assisting with his needs, winter turns to spring, spring now nearing summer, blood sweat and tears - many sleepless nights and finally, finally it is finished, two more screws and the sign above the door is hung......
Heart of the community.

He steps back and admires his creation.....
A small construction, built from timber of the Dark Forest - black in its colour strong and versatile, thatched roofing adorns its crown like a golden avatar shining hope into the lands. He enters through saloon style doors crossing the floor past many tables and benches to the central bar.
He stands behind the bar and pours the first ever pitcher, places it onto the oak bar and eyes the door awaiting the Inns first visitor...............

04-22-2011, 12:44 AM
Enter Kallima...

Weary from battle seeking shelter and respite from her journey, she orders a stout ale to quench her thirst. The elven Mage looks up to find memories of home and its comforts in the eyes of the fellow innkeeper; the enchantress known as Leonadritia nods as if reading her mind and beckons her to have a seat and rest her listless legs.

Grateful, Kallima obliges, and sensing the need for news from her fellow kinswoman, begins her tale.

The forest is deep of creatures undead, the stories are all true. There are goblins wreaking having in Ursan Weald. Elven shamans betraying their kind in pursuit of dark powers, have breached castle walls. The swamps, once thriving with all natures creatures are littered with Crocs wielding powers they once knew naught. My adventures have taken me from the haven of warmth into the bitter cold of a Lost Expedition. In my hunt to discover the origin of these abominations the truth was found in the alien undergrounds. You could call it an oasis of unspeakable evil. Alas, in my flight to find shelter i sought an escape route in the sewers of Balefort, but my hopes of an easy travel back were crushed as I climbed down. Ungodly apparitions of animated slime wield the power once only possessed by fire-gods. Bandits are plentiful but a fallen prince remains urging others to continue onward. Heeding his advice, myself and the allies I meant along the way are now returning in groups, continuing the recruit. These allies should be on their way momentarily, the bears who tank and take massive damage, the avian archers, expert in wielding bows and dealing blows of epic proportions. I must rest now and be ready for them, to heal and resurrect those weary wounded soldiers bravely fighting to restore our world. After all, the battle continues and we must relieve those left in the trenches ready to return home, if only for a moment.

04-22-2011, 12:55 AM
An elf crashes through the door, followed closely by a Mage called kallima, frantically trying to heal her. Upon examimation, she has a fever, but the gemstone wand she has is untouched, niether is her companion scathed, but spamming heal in an attempt to keep her alive. Next comes dozens of burglars, thief's, and aliens, all attacking the door. It is all that leonadritia can do to stop the door from collapsing, trying to save the two mages. Then they hear a familiar sound of twaangg, and all feel relieved, until they hear a deep, deep growl. Gggggggggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. .

04-22-2011, 01:19 AM
A flash of brilliant light, a surge of lightening and a blast of fire flash through the inn....then silence. The three inhabitants stand still...alone...no mobs of bandits...no movement whatsoever...questioning the silence. The doors to the inn open slowly, cautiously. A battleworn mage steps into the dim light, eyes searching for clues of welcome from the three. A smile from Leonadritia assures her that nothing greets her here but a warm fire, much needed ale and friendship.
"My name is Karmakali" the young mage offers.
"I have traveled far to answer the call to fight for Alterra."
Karmakali takes a seat with her new friends and begins the story of her journey from the underground world that she has been forced to take refuge in. Her story of battling for survival in the dark recesses that lie beneath the Balefort castle are sad reminders to all of the world that has been lost to them since Alterra was overcome by the axis of evil that now rules.
As the four sit warming themselves before the great fire, sharing stories of battle, hardship and survival, a plan begins to form...

04-22-2011, 01:46 AM
Bandits, crocs with strange powers, treacherous shamen, fallen princes and even aliens - " oh my " sighs Leonadritia, eyes wide with both excitement and fear, hastily he fetches more pitchers and dressings to tend his new found comrades wounds - these battle hardened warriors reciting events from lands not yet known by their host.
" Such adventures, such tragic truths you speak off." He is in awe off the veteran soldiers, hardened frontline loyalists battling such immense odds in the sake of a free world.
" rest now, rest now and tell me more, tell me what can be done here to aid the call."
"What is this evil" he ponders " i never imagined things had gotten so out of hand in Alterra?" He thinks to himself whilst making his guests as comfortable ad he is able.

04-22-2011, 03:15 AM
Then in walks yet another enchantress, and enquires what the ruckus was all about. She introduces herself as BlazeMystic and that she has travelled very far in order to buy potions as she cannot seem to find them anywhere else that stocks these life and mind affirming properties. She puts her gemstone wand and bracer away and explained that she was just readying herself to battle and cast her favourite spell called Firestorm, but ever since she stashed away her favourite shadow armour and equipped herself with the much sought after mega mage armour, her firestorm spell has weakened considerably and finds herself missing many of her foes due to the low hit % rate. She also appears a little saddened because ever since the winds of magic changed, she can no longer spam her skills. She appears perplexed and acknowledged her recent difficulties as she was recently awarded with the prestigious crown of persistence from the Fallen Prince but now feels like a beginner again as she attempts to gain control of her powers from the shifting mist of the outer ethos. Nevertheless, she is above all an enchantress and her heart is full of determination to succeed as a powerful mage. She explained that she has spent many months acquiring the skills needed to face the many problems that the beautiful world of Alterra is troubled with. But foremost before battle again commences, she asks politely whether can she have a pint and rest her weary legs.

04-22-2011, 05:36 AM
Suddenly from out of nowhere came a blood curdling mind numbing nosebleed of a penguin scream, shattering all the windows of the bar, followed by the unmistakeable blast of a highly skilled arrow. Everyone was left with weird contortions on their faces, covering their ears, trying to stop their brains from oozing out. "What an unholy, focused cruel blast that was..." someone muttered (hey, have you heard a penguin scream before? Not a pretty sound, I tell ya!).

Just when everyone thought it was safe to uncover their ears, a raspy, fingernails-on-chalkboard kind of voice came out, "Anyone wants to go hunting for aliens out in the desert?"

"What on earth, Ticklefeather! You ruined my windows! And you gave us all migraines!" yelled out Leonadritia.

Sheepishly, Ticklefeather grinned and said "Sorry....."

"No! Don't speak!" Kallima grimaced. "Just point."

Ticklefeather raised a questioning eyebrow and pointed westwards....

04-22-2011, 09:32 AM
"Such dramatic entrances " leonadritia thinks to himself as he hastily sweeps the glass from beneath his new guests feet, " and to think, I thought this was a safe shelter for comrades to meet and rest, it seems word of our intention is not yet clear?".
He fetches more pitchers and pulls the remaining splinters of Ticklfeathers bolt from the bar.

"Welcome friends, please, make yorselves comfortable" Leonadritia pulls out some chairs and beckons his guests.
" Oh my , where are my manners" he looks around the room at the tired faces of each and all of his guests and repectfully acknowledges a nod toward each of them,
"Welcome - this is THE ENCHANTED TREE, it is my humble home and it is also yours. Feel free to look around and please, please make yoursrelves comfortble, I have but one request of people entering here - simply put - respect all of those you encounter. If you enjoy your time here please tell your friends and rate us." He smiles toward them all and is pleased with his newfound friends.
"Now let us drink!" he raises a pitcher in the air and toasts" to those that have fallen, to those that fight, the friends we find and sadly lose on the way.... TO ALTERRA!!".
Unable to look away from the strange and impressive clothes being worn by Blazemystic he respectfully enquires " Excuse me friend. The attire you wear ,from whence it came?" For he has never seen such crafstmanship and has only heard tales of a place far far northeast, of blacksmiths and forgers and tailors with such skills. Pouring more Ale he cant help but stare Westward and ponder what awaits.

04-22-2011, 02:47 PM
"ALTERRA!" they all toast and continue to share their tales. Such adventures they recall, stories that will outlive them in childrens hearts for eons to come.

And so it was in Forest Haven that the sun began to set. The moon in all her glory illuminating the sky with her solemn gaze , rising slowly above the mountains of Oasis to the Northeast.

All this talk of troubled times leaves Leonadritia feeling cold and number. He steps outside to fetch more logs for the fire. Strange lights seem to be on the horizon over the skies of the Mountain Oasis- pondering to himself he conceides they must be related to the aliens that Kallima referenced.
"Do not fear young cub" the wors of his father sounding in his ears from memories of younger days.

He re-enters the inn and is releived to see some of his guests sleeping, fetching pillows and blankets he covers them to ensure their comfort.

"Kallima...... Kallima hhe whispers" not sure if she is asleep or just resting.
" Kallima,... I saw,.....lights in the skies over the Mountain Oasis, are these related to the aliens you spoke of? What perils await us there, how can we defeat an alien threat?"

He stokes the fire and tries to make sense of what these weary warriors have shared
" Oh Alterra, what is our destiny?........."

04-22-2011, 03:06 PM
- At this precise instant, a gruff voice answers "It is your destiny to free Alterra" A large ursan warrior ermeges from a dark corner in the bar. "My name is Conradin", he says, i have traveled from wyldwood to bring news to the elf queen. Goblin forces have made a stronghold deep inside the mountain and they are gathering forces. Already rock monsters fire demons and counless goblins look to destroy alterra. It is your duty to the queen, to take up your arms, and help the wyldwood rangers. Tomorrow I leave with a party of soldiers to fight back these cursed hordes. Scanning the room through eyes that had seen too much, he asked, "so whos with me?''

04-22-2011, 03:28 PM
While the sun still lay in slumber and the frost of night hung to the fingertips of the forest floor, blood-curling screams are heard in the not too far distance... The mages, still gripping their wands, awake, as if in a battalion line.

"Ah tah tah... Be still, my fellow forest friends." The warm glow of a smoking pipe illuminates the brow of a voice that is still, in shadows of the embering fire. "Two of my trusted companions, now as I speak, are keeping watch of this threshold from the nearer trees."

"And you are?" A mage asks, still gripping tight to her wand.

"Just a battle worn avian, in need of a warm meal, a cold drink and a good nights rest." Replies the tied voice. "My name is..."

The all too familiar sound of a battle horn, shortly followed by the scream of a fellow avian is heard!

"Well, my unnamed friend, looks like the comforts you seek will have to lay in wait for you."

"Yes, indeed... It seems the spilt blood of our adversaries will come before the fill of our bellies today!".....

04-22-2011, 06:11 PM
Disheartened by his lack of skills Leonadritia knows he would merely hinder these experienced few if he were to proceed with them. Hastily he gathers the various potions and weapons he has in his possession and drops them on the central table....
"Maybe some of this may help?..." he eagerly eyes the group?
They look down at the small horde and not wanting to hurt the inexperienced cubs feelings , they take some of the potions but leave the novice equipment and advise the cub to practice his arts while they are gone....

More scrrsms are heard ...closer now, Zombies perhaps, from the Dark Forest yet again catching an unsuspecting wanderer.......

04-22-2011, 08:13 PM
Leonadritia receives a small package from a wanderer known as "Yvonnel" , upon opening he finds a complete set of Bunny ears......." Wow!!!!" He exclaims..."such an unusual gift" he quickly passes them around and insists they all have the Inns first party in Honour of easter and as thanks to Yvonnel, "pitchers all round!!!!!"