View Full Version : respec due to new global cooldown

04-22-2011, 07:24 AM
I don't necessarily like the global cool-down, but I did a workable respec that I enjoy playing. I use both root+thorn wall coupled with both screams. I hit with the blast shot which brings damage down low enough for either enchantress or warrior to AoE most monsters. I also self buff with health regen, focus, and evade. I'm gonna add another attack, probably blinding shot as I gain more skill points.

04-22-2011, 08:01 AM
what ive been doing is
- Focus+Evade
-Thorn Wall (wait for a mage to combo with lightning)
-Shattering scream+Blast shot (Cruel Blast Combo)
- spam remaining skills

But for bosses ive been doing:

-Thorn Root+Blinding shot+break Armor
-Shattering Scream+Blast shot
-Thorn wall

It works for me in the sewers =]

04-22-2011, 09:45 AM
Stull, I've been doing the same. For the most part, I just try to follow a bear now. When I get surrounded, I fire off Avian Scream, followed by the combo, then root anything still alive. I really wish AS had more range, but it is still the only stun we have.

04-22-2011, 01:54 PM
Stull, I've been doing the same. For the most part, I just try to follow a bear now. When I get surrounded, I fire off Avian Scream, followed by the combo, then root anything still alive. I really wish AS had more range, but it is still the only stun we have.

It is very difficult to have one sequence of skills for every situation. You really have to look at who is in your party and what tactics are being used and adjust your skills to allow for the most effective team work. For example, if your party is being lead by a good bear who is beckoning clumps of mobs to a wall, you want to allow this to happen before using a schattering scream/blast shot combo. You get more mobs caught by the aoe damage this way. If there is a mage in the party, you want to use thorn wall on the beckoned mob very early because most mages use lightning as a first main aoe attack since it has the shortest cool down and can be used again quickly. By thorn walling early, it ensures the lightning attack is a nature strike combo (one of the most powerful group damage attacks in the game). If there is no mage you will want to use both your schatter/blast combo followed by avian scream as it can be a powerful aoe attack as well on groups. The break armor, blinding shot, and repulse shot also do a lot of damage but only target individual targets, so you would use those very early (if you get in front of the bear) or very late after the aoe attacks on the group of mobs to pick off survivors. Spamming skills just doesn't maximize your bird's true abilities to do lots of damage very fast.

On individual mini-bosses and bosses, you want to use break armor very early as it allows the trailing attacks by party members to hit. It also can stack with other birds and can quickly reduce a mobs armor to where everyone is able to land effective attacks. Thorn root reduces dodge and is good for this as well. Blinding shot reduces the mobs ability to hit you back. Thorn wall is good for the combo with lightning, and your combo as well. Remember, your job isn't just to damage the boss, but to also debuff so that the rest of the party can do damage as well. Repulse shot should be reserved for moving mobs either toward a wall or away from you. Or it can be used to keep a target pinned to a wall. Using it randomly can cause as many headaches for party members as a bear who just stomps everything or a mage who uses firestorm without any thought as to blowing the group of mobs all over a room. Also keep in mind that your blast shot can often take down enemy mana shields (exception that comes to mind is the keeper) so make sure that you use blast shot on those bosses that have shields early and often so your teammates can land damage as well.

Focus and Evade should be activated every time they cool down to keep your buffs active as much as possible (assuming you are in combat or about to enter combat).

So think about what each skill does and how it compliments the others in your party. Don't try to make one sequence fit every situation. No mage -- then thorn wall becomes less important as there will be no nature strike (although it is still a good aoe attack on groups). No bear beckoning groups, use your single attacks to pick off individual targets until you have enough aggro to bring a group around your chacter to then use your aoe attacks. The key to being a really good bird is knowing whick skills to use and where.

04-23-2011, 03:00 PM
Doubletime: very true. First part of any map with a new group is mostly spent trying to get timing down for the most combos. With mages, I will usually lead with thorn wall if it is ready. With bears, it really pays off to study their timing and try to adjust yours accordingly. With other birds, its nice to alternate your roots.

04-24-2011, 05:15 AM
I do like to wait and see what the bears do and adjust my play-style to them. The nature combo with a mage sounds pretty cool, can't wait to set that up!

04-24-2011, 09:17 AM
Also if a bear uses hell scream after nature strike you get a mega combo lol.