View Full Version : Suggestion: Imbued armors!

07-03-2015, 05:26 AM
Since Rage of Rengol is already live new gears had come. I see that some of the new gears (no gems/jewels) has better stats with imbued armors from the planar tombs. The diff is that the new gears are far way more easier to get than the imbued armors. I think it's not fair for those who farmed, grind, spent plats/millions of golds (for ankh kits, luck lix, etc.), invested their time and patience just to craft and get these imbued armors hoping that they could use it long term. However that is not the situation now.

If I may suggest if you could atleast make a quest to upgrade these imbued armors to give it a slightly better stats than the new armors now in order to regain its value. Bec. if it would stay like this people will no longer run planar tombs to farm for imbued armors which will make the armor obsolete. Personally, I wouldn't like that to happen especially bec. of the cool look of the imbued armor.

I also would like to suggest if you could put a button for diff tombs just like the button for PVP and ELITE MAP instead it's for Tombs- watchers tombs, kraag tombs and planar tombs for easier access!

I hope you could take this in consideration.

Thank You!

07-03-2015, 11:41 AM

Imbued armor sets are old news. If nothing new is better than the old, then what's the point in doing anything?

STS has a lot to make up in the gear gap this season, so scrapping the old crap and starting fresh is a good start.

But +1000 to adding a button for the tombs on the map

07-04-2015, 04:16 PM
I hope sts never has upgraded equip again unless it's from the same cap. Previous cap gear should never be upgradeable.

Edit: a good tip when buying new expansive gear: the gear will always lose value as better stuff comes out. Don't expect any new gear to remain the best for more than 6 months. If it does consider yourself lucky.