View Full Version : Run Count Tally

04-23-2011, 12:37 PM
I am a very goal oriented PL player, and love saying, "I am going to farm 100 runs of Hideout tonight." But during the process, I always loose count, or forget to mark down what number I am on. In turn, losing my drive to finish my 100 runs.

I would love it if there were an option to set a counter to a certain number, lets say 100, and then as you complete the runs, it would count down to "0 left".

We could have a small portion of either the playing screen, or within the menu screen, that depicts what run you are on out of your goal. And you can click on the counter, and reset it to 0 completed, so you can change your goal if need be.

This is not a critical feature, just something that I would greatly take advantage of.

04-23-2011, 01:22 PM
It's a good idea, also have an option to reset # of runs per hr, day, month, or year :P