View Full Version : Pricing Idea that Will Blow Your Mind

05-26-2010, 01:53 PM
I was gonna post this in the other thread, but I thought it deserved it's own topic since it might get a lot of discussion.

I know that changing to a per-month/year/lifetime scheme would annoy some people that have spent a fair amount of money already so here's my idea...

If you have spent $5-10 on this game, you get a couple months/half year free. If you have spent $10-$20, you get a year free. If you have spent $20+ or whatever, you get lifetime. Also, then you could move the pricing scheme to $2-3/month, $10-$15/year, and $20-$30 lifetime (or something like that). I think many people would be very happy doing that. :) And when you download the game you could get like, a week free (which is enough to get addicted, imo, but not enough to max out everything for casual people, especially once more updates like guilds, player housing, and pets are out).

And then vanity items. Those prices cover all basic gameplay, all expansions, all pvp, a lot of character slots (3+/server free), a lot of stash, a lot of item slots, a couple respecs etc. But for special things like more respecs, more char slots, more stash, more item slots, and customization could be a little bit more. Not a lot, but a little bit. Because you don't need those things to enjoy the game completely, but if you want them you can still get them.

tl;dr: the cake is a truth.

Hope this helps. :)

05-26-2010, 01:55 PM
I think this is an alright idea but... pay by month usually ties you in too much, and at moment i think everyones happier buying what they want when they want, and have more control over what they are spending.

05-26-2010, 02:12 PM
I personally like it the way it is, I hate memberships too. I think people should leave the prices to Spacetime, they are a business so they know what's best for the company and it's players.

05-26-2010, 02:18 PM
the app store introduced a whole new concept of pricing that has been wildly successful. 1-3$ purchases. as americans we dont care about 1-3$. who cares if thats a weeks wage in some countries. here it wont even buy you a pack of smokes. This is also a gateway drug to the 9.99 19.99 and 29.99 sales. I think to myself, "look im already gonna be spending these 1-3$ on an off, i should just buy the 29.99 plat pack and get a BULK DEAL (OMG COSTCO)" This really works and PL is making use of that.

05-26-2010, 04:41 PM


But good points, too.

05-26-2010, 05:01 PM
I wish this idea came to life, for my own benefits, but in reality, it shouldn't. Why? If you have deadlines (I get a week free when I DL the game) I rush that week and do as much as I can for free. After I spend x amount, I do the same thing. This causes a type of seen or unseen chaos that can ruin many MMOs. A steady, easy-going, cash flow and economy is a necessity to any game that survives. From a financial view, if I spend $20 on the game and get a lifetime free, heck, I'll spend $20. If I get hooked, they company might lose at least $100 from me within the next few years I play. Multiplay that by everyone else who is hooked and you're losing thousands upon thousands of dollars to a silly mistake. I just don't see it as a decision that the company will be willing to make.

05-26-2010, 05:07 PM
Current system is a win.

05-26-2010, 05:10 PM
NO NO NO! That is the main reason why I'll NEVER play WOW or have a gold Xbox live membership. If there's a monthly fee for a PHONE app, I think it will stop people from playin the game, no matter what "perks" you get for the membership. I know the Devs need money to eat, but comon, this isn't a PC game. I would rather place my hard earned money on a plate and eat it rather than pay to play. That's my opinion, don't hate, we all have our opinions and truth be told we all have something else in common, and most time they all stink...

05-26-2010, 06:43 PM
Stop whining about prices... Everythings fine as is. Cut STS some slack..

05-26-2010, 07:36 PM
.......... To Be Continued

05-26-2010, 10:02 PM
.......... To Be Continued

What in the world are you talking about, lol.

05-27-2010, 04:20 AM
If I get hooked, they company might lose at least $100 from me within the next few years I play. Multiplay that by everyone else who is hooked

This is it. At point of purchase (micro purchases) keeps things ticking and exciting and fresh and is proportional to how much further down the rabbit hole you are ready to go with this game. Keeps the spending bug happily plied also!

First time I've used this fremium system but really have to say I like it, especially as the devs are always giving feed-back, communicating and have a nice line-up ahead because they are keen to see what players MOST want to get stuck into next with their next in-game purchase. Over 6-12 mths can see a tidy little profit trickling STS's way if people continue to dicate what they want next in sufficient numbers.

05-27-2010, 09:15 AM
What in the world are you talking about, lol.

There's never a time when she's making any sense
don't mind her lol

05-27-2010, 02:06 PM