View Full Version : Stanlee

07-09-2015, 07:34 AM
Hi sts! I have an issue with

- Stanlee's Happiness bonus specifically his 10% armor buff.
Im a lv. 3 twink with an armor of 178 without any pet while with stanlee it is 328. Obviously my armor was almost doubled. This is a huge problem for us in lv 2-4 twink bracket. There will be tons of unkillables.

- Trading and Gifting
We, lv 1-4 cant even trade with other peeps out there. Its also a big problem for us. Heres the case. When a certain big event is going on I usually buy 500-1k energy kits for my twink to compete lb but i cant directly receive all with my twink. I have to buy first all using my other toon then put them to stash then taking all from it.

- Farming Energies in bracket 1-9
Please consider us to take the first quest for unlocking watchers tomb levels so we can also fight mobs that are of the same lv with us especially for lv 2-4 twinks.

I totally appreciate you Devs on making lv 2-4 be able to respec skills but still im forward to on considering us lv 2-4 live like other low lvs out there.
More Power sts! Thanks alot!

07-09-2015, 09:36 PM
They seems to change the happiness bonus of Stanlee without informing the players.
Right now it grants 150 armor, not 10% any more.

07-12-2015, 06:13 PM
Dev comment, pls :)

07-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Sorry for the confusion here. Stanlee had an error in his happiness bonus description which stated he gave a 10% armor buff. However, the buff provided has always been +150 armor. That remains unchanged.