View Full Version : Lock Rengol Crate display bug?

07-10-2015, 02:26 PM
I am not sure if it is a display bug but I was doing my daily quests for rengol and happened to loot a lock from a random mob. The display looked like a massive rengol crate and I was pretty excited to see it. Suffice to say it turned out to be a normal rengol lock. Did the last content update change the appearance of all rengol locks or was this indeed a visual bug?

07-10-2015, 04:15 PM
I am not sure if it is a display bug but I was doing my daily quests for rengol and happened to loot a lock from a random mob. The display looked like a massive rengol crate and I was pretty excited to see it. Suffice to say it turned out to be a normal rengol lock. Did the last content update change the appearance of all rengol locks or was this indeed a visual bug?

Thats what they look like now i guess

07-10-2015, 04:15 PM
At a glance, I could see how one could mistake a Large crate for a Massive crate. If you have a screenshot, feel free to post it. The data seems to be correct from what I am seeing. Each crate has its own icon and drop graphic. The graphics are identical to what Remiem posted in her Sneak Peek post last month (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?238565-Rage-of-the-Ren-gol-Sneak-Peek-Ren-gol-Crates).

I'm not saying you didn't see what you did, but I don't see an issue right now and would need more information to look into it further. If this occurs again, feel free to let us know.

07-13-2015, 08:10 AM
Sorry Fib, it was indeed a normal rengol lock. Just wasn't use to the new drop visual.