View Full Version : Crazy slow framerates on ipod touch 1g

05-26-2010, 03:35 PM
I know it is probably because of my 1g,
but is there anyway you guys can try to smooth the framerate?
i dont know how many frames per second, but the picture on ipod sometimes updates once every 1-2 seconds. Unplayable.
ANd also, would deleting a lot of apps make the framerate go up? i have a bunch of random ones i dont really play anymore

edit: mostly during pvp
pve is not too bad, but it is still takes around 0.5-1 second for the screen to change at most times

05-26-2010, 05:50 PM
iPod Touch 1st gen. is not officially supported. I use one too, and emailed them about it when I started out because it is not listed in the supported devices on the app description page, yet I was able to download the app which normally isn't possible for an unsupported device. Anyway, I have not noticed this issue. I have had my first problems with the app crashing since PvP started (always during PvP), but that is not major. What are your settings for "high quality" and "anti-aliasing"? Turning them off might help,

05-26-2010, 05:52 PM
If it's jailbroken, theirs your problem.

05-26-2010, 08:12 PM
yup it is. had to get around the broken home button thing
but do jailbroken 2g devices have bad framerates too?

05-26-2010, 08:13 PM
and royce, where do you find the settings for high quality and anti aliasing? im gonna search cydia to see if theres anything that can help

05-26-2010, 11:55 PM
and royce, where do you find the settings for high quality and anti aliasing?

Hmm... It seems the anti-aliasing option disappeared recently. Anyway, the High Quality setting is found by going to the "Menu" tab, and then tapping "Options".