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View Full Version : GoA role: Idea beta tester?

04-25-2011, 12:57 PM
Let's be honest: some of your recent specialty item ideas have not been popular, no matter what you do. As developers, your choice is law in the game of course... But wouldn't it be much easier to introduce something if it has been passed thru and looked at from a players point of view too? Tweakes suggested, issues with public attested, already discussed?

Not only could it help you guys at STS have easier transitions for radical updates, but could also let us GoA do what their status implies: help the community.
Even we can be caught a little off guard by sudden changes, but given the chance to talk it out before you guys throw it on us we can more easily mediate forum rage and fears.

Maybe the GoA populace is too small right now, but it will grow.
Best method to implement this would probably have to be private areas to the forum, only viewable if you set your status from senior member to Guardian.

04-25-2011, 01:03 PM
My take on it is that STS is moving too fast.

All the tell tale signs are there: GCD, Vanities that change, Unfinished dungeons showing up... to name a few. Needs to slow down, can't please everyone and releasing things too quick leads to double backing and quick fixes.

Don't get me wrong it is a great game. I am just thinking that perhaps the release process needs to slow down a bit. The more content the more opportunities for mix ups. Just my 2 cents.

04-25-2011, 01:08 PM
My take on it is that STS is moving too fast.

All the tell tale signs are there: GCD, Vanities that change, Unfinished dungeons showing up... to name a few. Needs to slow down, can't please everyone and releasing things too quick leads to double backing and quick fixes.

Don't get me wrong it is a great game. I am just thinking that perhaps the release process needs to slow down a bit. The more content the more opportunities for mix ups. Just my 2 cents.

Don't forget the bald mages ;)
Just trying to lighten the mood!

I agree, though. Lots of big changes in such a short amount of time. Lots of mixed messages coming through, and I, for one, am not sure what to make of any of it.

04-25-2011, 01:15 PM
The bald mage was hilarious though ;)

04-25-2011, 01:16 PM
The bald mage was hilarious though ;)

Sinéad O'Connor FTW! lol

04-25-2011, 01:30 PM
RE: Content-delivery:

Don't forget that the devs technology allows them to add things very rapidly and equally respond to feedback very rapidly with updates... might explain why they roll things out and get real-feedback straightaway and then act on it over the next 24/48Hrs. Sure the devs slip up here and there but faster pace > slower pace imo for mmo is better (so long as game performance is kept high ~ servers down was out of their hands)

OP: I definitely think you guys should be "in-the-know" or some-such as you are dependable players for feedback not just vocal players! :D

04-25-2011, 01:36 PM
RE: Content-delivery:

Don't forget that the devs technology allows them to add things very rapidly and equally respond to feedback very rapidly with updates... might explain why they roll things out and get real-feedback straightaway and then act on it over the next 24/48Hrs. Sure the devs slip up here and there but faster pace > slower pace imo for mmo is better (so long as game performance is kept high ~ servers down was out of their hands)

OP: I definitely think you guys should be "in-the-know" or some-such as you are dependable players for feedback not just vocal players! :D

true, they can pretty quickly reverse or fix things. but there are problems that they cant as easily fix without there being a strong reaction.
if the devs take away the newly acquired shields for example...
when people get frustrated they quit. while a few players quitting means little, saving them means a lot. if we could calmly explain the pros and cons to radical changes like the stat change, the global skill cooldown, who knows? we might have less threads getting locked and less rage posts everywhere. (have you checked out the facebook page? ugh)

04-25-2011, 01:42 PM
The bald mage was hilarious though ;)

Any screenshots? I missed out.

04-25-2011, 01:48 PM
Any screenshots? I missed out.

I posted one under one of the devs' threads that was posted right after the Easter event came out.

04-25-2011, 01:49 PM

This should be it... ;)

04-25-2011, 01:53 PM

This should be it... ;)

Ah, there it is! Forgot I created a new thread for it lol.

04-25-2011, 02:13 PM
Let's be honest: some of your recent specialty item ideas have not been popular, no matter what you do. As developers, your choice is law in the game of course... But wouldn't it be much easier to introduce something if it has been passed thru and looked at from a players point of view too? Tweakes suggested, issues with public attested, already discussed?

Not only could it help you guys at STS have easier transitions for radical updates, but could also let us GoA do what their status implies: help the community.
Even we can be caught a little off guard by sudden changes, but given the chance to talk it out before you guys throw it on us we can more easily mediate forum rage and fears.

Maybe the GoA populace is too small right now, but it will grow.
Best method to implement this would probably have to be private areas to the forum, only viewable if you set your status from senior member to Guardian.

Well said, I agree

04-25-2011, 02:17 PM
Well said, I agree

first person to comment on the actual idea beta testing topic, even if short lol

04-25-2011, 02:22 PM
first person to comment on the actual idea beta testing topic, even if short lol

I was attempting to add to your idea by saying the content seemed released too fast therefore needs more testing. I guess I forgot that bit. lol

04-25-2011, 02:30 PM
I don't know how beta testing would work without a separate set of servers, whether or not patch changes are compatible if everyone is not on that patch level, but I strongly encourage STS to think about beta testing. I imagine the Join button messup could have been caught that way along with the other issues already mentioned. If only I lived in Austin. I would totally apply to STS to work on their quality control.

I did beta testing for Battle for Wesnoth when it was first being released. I believe Apple supports up to 100 accounts that can be identified/licensed in an app that is delivered outside of the normal iTunes method.

04-25-2011, 02:37 PM
Running the ideas through to us an having a separate server for us to try out on. I like

04-25-2011, 02:50 PM
its not exactly asking for a server, just to see what ideas sound like, on paper/forum page

04-25-2011, 03:01 PM
Or just let me design an item or two :) or three.. Or four. Maybe 5

04-25-2011, 03:05 PM
its not exactly asking for a server, just to see what ideas sound like, on paper/forum page

More like a think-tank... Re: Those shields, just read up on those and actually THAT would be a prime sorta example imo to pass the idea over you peeps first. Although chinese whispers is always a problem... and ppl pestering you because they heard you knew all sorts of whacky suggestions: "I'll give you xy&zee if only you'll... you can even hint it... you never told me anything!" :D

STS: You've got to anticipate the reaction of the "have nots" and "the haves" and not change the terms of the gift after announcement because of the former only to be back to square one with the latter! ;)

04-25-2011, 03:10 PM
A section of the forum for GoA. Yes. A group to run ideas by, the GoA. Yes. Play testing by Guardians. Yes.

We all continue to do those other things that made them pick us, because that's how we roll, but these additional ideas, which the devs HAVE discussed, are awesome.

What d'ya say, devs? You know we playtest prety hard. We can give you some awesome feedback for B* or for the Caves you accidentally showed us (that still has two levels under construction, LOL). We can tell you how people will react to some rewards ideas. Stuff like that.

But if you do, devs, be sure to add a few of the constantly complaining people so you can have a good sample base.

04-25-2011, 03:22 PM
testing (debugging) game is not that FUN as you think, you will get bored very quick unless you really like doing that and of course you get paid, I used to do that for a online game company years ago

especially doing that at least you have some relevant skills, not to mention that some of GOA are just like 16 years old kids. If you were developer, would you let your game to be tested by that group of people!!

that's why they are hiring people who meet (have) the specific requirements!!


04-25-2011, 03:38 PM
j46g629h, like I said, this idea is in the discussion phase already with the devs.

I don't know what range's quote has to do with this. You are conflating two connotations of the word "equal", anyways. Nobody is saying that being better at giving feedback means that others are not equals. These two ideas are very far apart. One of the requirements to being GoA is to give constructive feedback. That means simply, to the devs minds, they already know they won't have to deal with ragequit tantrums and such.

I'm almost certain this idea will get executed, anyways.

04-25-2011, 03:44 PM
I don't have much of an opinion on this. I think it can work fine as long as the GoAs aren't afraid to speak up if they diagree with a move the devs are making. Also, as long as they're able to differentiate between what's good for them and what's good for the community as a whole.

04-25-2011, 03:49 PM
j46g629h: But it is constructive to see if the GoA can do anything more & discuss that: Could be just a sounding-board or more? I don't see any harm in that. Good for you for testing, you should explain it and help ppl understand the requirements of what makes a good tester?! ;)

04-25-2011, 04:28 PM
I'm fine with people who usually provide constructive feedback and help other people either on the forum or in game and I'm pleased to have them too :D
that's why they have been given the title as GOA or shield whatever. It is just a reward for what you have done, that's it.

what I wanted to say is all the forum members (including GOA) can discuss any ideas, updates, issues, feedbacks rather than limit to a small group of people
anyway, I just realised that I read the title wrong, I thought it was beta tester which giving a separate server for them to test lol

04-25-2011, 04:28 PM
Granted I'm new, it would be nice to put even more use to our titles :)

Even just on paper/forums, i think the collective experience of the GoAs would be able to speak for the community pretty much. I also know that most of us aren't afraid to speak up, just in a less violent manner :p not that anyone here is violent... If so, that's what PvP is for!

04-25-2011, 04:34 PM
Or just let me design an item or two :) or three.. Or four. Maybe 5

Can one of those be a potato? Potato helm perhaps? :P

04-25-2011, 04:35 PM
^Something like the shields I think could have been a good idea to talk to GoA. However more general game development etc, I'm not so sure... To have as wide a sample as possible is best albeit the GoA are a special sample, hehe! Although having your own beta server as j46g629h thought, lol I won't stand for that:

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"

Tsk! ;)

04-25-2011, 04:36 PM
Really on the fence about this, because it might give GoA's an unfair advantage if there was testing. It is similar to the moderator suggestions before. The only way a moderator can be impartial is if they don't play the game, and since no player would want to quit the game to be moderator, the only solution is the one they have, which is employee moderators. Would you want to be a tester if it meant giving up your account?

04-25-2011, 04:38 PM
I'm all for this idea. GoA are players that represent our community and are very trustworthy. I would love them to be our "speaker of the house" for us.

This could solve alot of people crying about changes an allow the game to run smoothly.

04-25-2011, 04:40 PM
Really on the fence about this, because it might give GoA's an unfair advantage if there was testing. It is similar to the moderator suggestions before. The only way a moderator can be impartial is if they don't play the game, and since no player would want to quit the game to be moderator, the only solution is the one they have, which is employee moderators. Would you want to be a tester if it meant giving up your account?

Yeah, that's my only fear. We already saw a stink about the Comm/PL shields not being the absolute best for twinking (compared to the original Gratitude shield). So I fear the temptation sometimes may be too strong to give advice that benefits them personally, rather than benefitting the entire community. I'm not saying that any of the current GoAs would do that, but there is that temptation and very real possibility.

04-25-2011, 04:40 PM
As I understood the OP it's mostly about having a sub-forum for devs to check a few things with GoA first... I think the beta thing was further down the road idea... wasn't it?! :D

04-25-2011, 04:47 PM
good idea would be cool :D