View Full Version : 1.2.1 Requests

05-26-2010, 06:20 PM
I'm gathering a list of client fixes for 1.2.1. I'm going to try to expedite the App Store review process. I won't be submitting until next week (after the server merge). I'd like a list of client issues that should be addressed.

Here's the list so far:


PvP frame rate (or frame rate in general)
Ghost object stays around a lot longer than it should when a player logs out


PvE targeting
Crash after joining team
Keyboard can't backspace when previous text is longer than now allowed
Quickchat should have a 2 second cooldown to prevent spamming
Jerky rotation
Some framerate improvement, but still needs work
Virtual joystick art showing up on the results screen
Stuck and have to back out if choose team screen shows up on results screen
Display number of storage slots for stash (inventory now shows on live)
Add list of players on other team to hud


King Richie
05-26-2010, 06:30 PM
Crash after joining team happens when u press replay and then u spam a team button like if i press join team red more than 3 times the app crashes !

It happens on any map
Any team
All the time ! =) hope this helps

05-26-2010, 06:52 PM
I'd rather see full games on the list. Label them full and bump them to the end of the list or something, but don't make them invisible. Currently, People think no one is playing the game rather than it is so busy they can't find an open game.

05-26-2010, 06:59 PM
I'd rather see full games on the list. Label them full and bump them to the end of the list or something, but don't make them invisible. Currently, People think no one is playing the game rather than it is so busy they can't find an open game.

I agree a hive of activity of games being played is good.

The targetting - anything to soup this up will/should dramtically improve the sense of gameplay and control for a player's attack options.

05-26-2010, 07:05 PM
Crash after joining team happens when u press replay and then u spam a team button like if i press join team red more than 3 times the app crashes !

It happens on any map
Any team
All the time ! =) hope this helps

It did! It's fixed for the next client update.


05-26-2010, 07:12 PM
Keyboard can't backspace (need more info)

The macro text chat is what is having the problems. There are four lines to edit, but it seems that I can't edit them at all. It won't allow me to backspace the text that is already there, and it also won't let me add any letters/words to the macros. Hope this helps you with the "need more info" question! If you need any more info on it, PM me.

05-26-2010, 07:41 PM
What device? 3gs seems to work fine.


05-26-2010, 08:17 PM
Itouch 2g

Also, was just experimenting. The third macro line will edit just fine. I don't know if it was because that it was the shortest line or what. My other macros are much longer and won't edit at all. Idea: Could it be the macros that had small run offs on the chat screen that are having the issues?
Someone else who is having this problem check to see if your short macros will work, but not your longer ones. Also check to see if it is just the third line that can edit.

05-26-2010, 08:34 PM
i highlighted the whole thing at once, then pressed delete.
it worked for me, i dont know.
you might as well try it
worked for all 4

05-26-2010, 08:39 PM
PVP Suggestion- show everyone's health bar
Apart from X has joined team red there's no indicator of who your playing against (or even how many) or their life points.

05-26-2010, 08:43 PM
Hey devs great work keep it up but you guys need to make pvp more faiir!! Honestly I think any kind of bow char has a total advantage it seems everytime I play pvp not only do I have to face like 4 archers at once but the knock back stun effectiveness is rediculus I can't even last more than 5 secs with one of them and I'm a hybrid archer warrior stricktly str too , there is no reason they should be doing so much damage I mean I love a challenge but this is beyond that. Please spacetime I'd like you to truly take a look any kind of archers affect and hopefully youl see the advantage as I do. I think the pvp is great overall it just needs a few minor touchups. Thanks alot devs keep up the great work !

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-26-2010, 09:56 PM
Give the purple helmets more armor?

05-26-2010, 10:59 PM
Jittery when panning (fps issue).

05-26-2010, 11:49 PM
I don't think it's an Fps problem. My Fps is fine when this occurs. Just The rotation messes up.

05-26-2010, 11:57 PM
The panning thing is a bit strange - doesn't happen after rebooting my phone, but almost always after it's been on for a few days.

05-26-2010, 11:58 PM
I figured out a good way to get the panning glitch "as stated in my thread" is to go to a packed full towne then join anther game. Almost always works.

05-27-2010, 12:29 AM
If someone leaves a pvp match, disallow them to rejoin until the match is over. I'm tired of ppl ghosting. Yes, there are still issues with pvp, but please do something about ghosting and exiting games before deaths, because as of now, they can reenter with full health and mana. I understand ppl will leave- it's a phone game- but don't let it be an advantage.

05-27-2010, 02:04 AM
respawn pvp safety zones unaccessible by opposing team.
no screen spamming of kills or people joining and leaving game joining teams, leave it all in the chat box please!!!!!!!

i really don't know how you can fix the lag :( but im sure it'll all be figured out sometime.


05-27-2010, 06:09 AM
show pvp enemy's health when targetted

05-28-2010, 01:43 PM
For anyone having the 'can't backspace' problem - it's because the text is too long for the field. You can work around it by doing a select-all, cut, and then it will behave normally.

05-28-2010, 02:02 PM
Targeting is a must!

05-28-2010, 02:17 PM
I'd love to see the respec button moved, or a confirmation popup added. I haven't used one accidentally, but I know other players who have. Personally, I was being so careful when adding Int during my last one, and aiming toward the top of the button, that I accidentally added a couple points of unwanted Dex.

05-28-2010, 02:32 PM
Respec was moved in today's content update.

05-29-2010, 09:14 AM
Yep. Add me in for the Targeting request. It makes some fights way more difficult to deal with because you can't change targets. Enemies always shuffle, in this game, so normally the auto-target set by the attack button targets an enemy with which you don't want to target. Mostly because the one that is in formation to spot you and attack you, is someone else. Then you're knee deep in enemies you can't even attack because you can't target them.

Now if there's an exploit reason for removing the ability to manually target, I would say one workable solution is to allow players to disengage their current target. Kind of like a stop attack, stop target function, so they can start attacking again with the next auto-target. That'll help alleviate the issue of being stuck, not able to target the nearest threat when the original target decides to move on its way (and your character can only attack that one), and the new big threat is now upon you. A disengage ability would allow a new attack to start and target this better threat now that it's the new closest enemy.

05-29-2010, 09:57 PM
Yep. Add me in for the Targeting request. It makes some fights way more difficult to deal with because you can't change targets. Enemies always shuffle, in this game, so normally the auto-target set by the attack button targets an enemy with which you don't want to target. Mostly because the one that is in formation to spot you and attack you, is someone else. Then you're knee deep in enemies you can't even attack because you can't target them.

Now if there's an exploit reason for removing the ability to manually target, I would say one workable solution is to allow players to disengage their current target. Kind of like a stop attack, stop target function, so they can start attacking again with the next auto-target. That'll help alleviate the issue of being stuck, not able to target the nearest threat when the original target decides to move on its way (and your character can only attack that one), and the new big threat is now upon you. A disengage ability would allow a new attack to start and target this better threat now that it's the new closest enemy.

Tapping on your character will untarget. As mentioned earlier, PvE tap targeting is broken, but it works as intended for PvP.


05-30-2010, 12:33 AM
1) I agree that touch targeting needs to be at the top of the list of fixes.

2) Some of the lower bosses are too strong since the update. Short yeti boy boss Lil Bill has always been an easier boss. For a lvl 35, he's no problem. Now, he's crazy dead zombie can't be killed strong. FIVE high lvls playing and we ALL died instantly. Seriously, he's like frogmar used to be...

05-30-2010, 02:56 AM
Tapping on your character will untarget. As mentioned earlier, PvE tap targeting is broken, but it works as intended for PvP.


Thanks. That's a helpful solution, for now.

05-30-2010, 03:58 AM
Add a new skill to the enchantress. Teleport only for the fact you can farm easier do not make this skill usable in pvp mode or anything because that would definately be unfair. I also believe teleport would be a awesome skill because it can lead to new extremely godly armors for different chars that can allow them to teleport aswell, these equipment can also be sold in the store for a fair but decent amount of plat which in turn profits everybody. We get the joy in teleporting and you get the joy of making money from just that one skill :) thanks I really hope you consider this keep up the great work.

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-30-2010, 04:47 AM
Can you reduce the screen spam in PvP ? Please ?

That's insanely important for me and I'm sure for other PvP'ers aswell.

Leave it all on the chat, I don't care who joined, who left, or who killed who.
I need to see what my opponent does, what he casts, and how to counterattack.

Kinda hard when you have XXXXX HAS JOINED TEAM RED straight across my screen. :)

05-30-2010, 05:23 AM
Being able to continue running away while being attacked instead of stopped with every attack it would make sense if it was a critical hit that stops you.

Trade. This person wishes to trade with you. Accept or decline. It's a real pain when someone trades with you from the other side of the map. And ofcourse to prevent trade spams. Once a decline is made it is a 10 second cool down before trading again

Need new level cap. Alot of us are getting bored. New weapons. And I mean bring abunch!

05-30-2010, 05:46 AM
How about when you are adding a friend (like when you click "add new name") it has a drop down of the list of members, like when you send a message on forums. I would also like to see that when someone requests to trade with you, it goes up in the chat box, like a message. Also when you log in and see your player on the left, it can be laggy and you see parts of the player, but some parts are missing.


05-30-2010, 04:00 PM
I know there is the 2 second fix to deter spammers, and I'm grateful...
But is it enough and will it make the problem tolerable now?
I envision the same spamming except that now their messages will be every other... So instead of 3 spams in a row from One Fish and then 3 spams in a row from Blue Fish... Now will we have 1 spam from One Fish, 1 spam from Blue Fish, 1 spam from One Fish, ad infinitum?

Spamming annoys players a lot. Why can't you just create a specific towne that is designated for that and spammers are ONLY allowed to spam there? If we want to buy or sell something, we can go there if we want... Is that what the auction house will be? If so, can you hurry its inception?

Spamming IN games is a problem too now sometimes if there are new players. I played LOST today and this little twerp kept spamming the chat window selling purple weapons. Over and over. I finally quietly said that if he kept spamming, I'd leave the game. Since I was the only tank AND the only healer, he stopped spamming...

I understand spamming has its place. But could it maybe have its own place? :)

05-31-2010, 03:09 PM
Playing on a 2G ipod touch over a good wifi connection and my ping is almost always good. Ever since the 1.2 update i am having alot of problems with it being choppy during fights. It gets slightly better if i zoom in. To me it seems to only be a problem when there is a lot of movement on screen because when i am not around a bunch of enemies it is real smooth. But during fights my character jumps around and the attack, skill and pot buttons are slow to respond. Everything does work and appearently others dont noticed to much because i have gotten a few compliments while it was happening but from my perspective it sux. Has anyone else run into this problem. It is ruining this game for me and that sux because i love it ive had it about a month now and i can't stop playing it pls tell me if it is something i need to do or if it is something the dev team needs to fix pls hurry its killing me

05-31-2010, 04:06 PM
Spamming might also be able to be somewhat "filtered" by monitoring the previous message and not allowing the same message to be sent consequtively. I know this wouldn't completely block spamming... but it will slow down copy/pasters.

06-01-2010, 03:42 AM
The ability to continue moving when monsters are attacking you without stopping you continuously in your tracks. My biggest issue.

Bear stomp only stomps away 5 enemies max, other enemies won't be affected.

06-01-2010, 04:06 PM
Spamming might also be able to be somewhat "filtered" by monitoring the previous message and not allowing the same message to be sent consequtively. I know this wouldn't completely block spamming... but it will slow down copy/pasters.

Ogediah- great idea!

And what about spamming in games? It's getting ridiculous. And affecting gameplay:[

06-01-2010, 05:14 PM
I know I am probably one of many complaining about this but spam needs to be fixed. I think a good way to fix it is to make your macros only usable every 5 second or only be able to say 5 things every 10 seconds

06-01-2010, 05:32 PM
I know I am probably one of many complaining about this but spam needs to be fixed. I think a good way to fix it is to make your macros only usable every 5 second or only be able to say 5 things every 10 seconds

I think once the auction house is around it wont be so much of a big deal.

06-01-2010, 05:46 PM
I think once the auction house is around it wont be so much of a big deal.

i wonder how long that will be though!

06-01-2010, 06:10 PM
Being able to accept invites to games, instead of it just being a notification.

06-01-2010, 07:14 PM
the game actions like "joined a game" or "invited you" "wants to trade" should appear in the chat log too

06-01-2010, 07:48 PM
The new potions are a bad buy. I spent 3P on three- so 9P... 5 minutes is way too short. A potion doesn't even last through playing one level of Lost Ex. The potions should last for 15 to 20 min.

06-03-2010, 04:27 PM
I think once the auction house is around it wont be so much of a big deal.

yeah but until than i gotta deal with alot of spam the filter could be a quick solution

06-03-2010, 06:58 PM
lol and if you die it goes away they should last for a whole dungeon and there should be a rare postion increase of rarity % drops only for yourself

06-04-2010, 03:24 PM
The new potions are a bad buy. I spent 3P on three- so 9P... 5 minutes is way too short. A potion doesn't even last through playing one level of Lost Ex. The potions should last for 15 to 20 min.

I agree and suggest making them an inventory item instead of being activated on purchase

06-04-2010, 05:40 PM
For some reason every time when Im about to type to chat it laggs very bad