View Full Version : Lvl 37 Mage : I suck at PvP. Help?

04-26-2011, 11:44 PM
Ok, I REALLY suck at PvP. I die within seconds. And tips and/or pointers?:confused:

04-27-2011, 12:24 AM
since any level can go in kinda hard being low level in their

04-27-2011, 12:25 AM
It's really ok once you get the hang of it. What gear do you wear? And if you don't mind sharing, what are your spells and your build?

04-27-2011, 12:47 AM
I might have some tips.

If your not very good at pve to, I'd get comfortable in using your skills by attacking mobs and bosses.
Also, pvping as a str Mage first might help you out a bit more because you'll have more armor, health, h/s, and dodge. Once you get used to pvp, then re-spec back to an int Mage.

In addition, look at the pvp Mage leaderboards and add the players on it. If you see them in town, (most likely balefort) ask them for further info and pointers.

04-27-2011, 06:39 PM
Add saulaocapary. I will try to teach you. If I fail, ask Icantspel

06-07-2011, 10:35 PM
first off. i know it can be frustrating but sometimes u gotta start at the bottom. Look at it this way you cant get any worst right? my advice to you is to just duel everyone your lvl and try to find someone who sucks as much as you do. When you find that person keep dueling, its easier to learn when your opponent makes just as many mistakes as you do.

visit my pvp blog if you need more help

06-07-2011, 10:51 PM
first off. i know it can be frustrating but sometimes u gotta start at the bottom. Look at it this way you cant get any worst right? my advice to you is to just duel everyone your lvl and try to find someone who sucks as much as you do. When you find that person keep dueling, its easier to learn when your opponent makes just as many mistakes as you do.

visit my pvp blog if you need more help

Heh... quoted from that link:

"Me: Hey, dude. Open up on that rogue with a fireball spell, so that Rogue wont be able to vanish and one-shot us.
Tard-Mage: I’m a Frost Mage….
Me: HaHa very funny, hurry up and toss that fireball he’s coming this way.
TardMage: I told you I’m a Frost Mage, why would I use a Fire spell?
Me: How much did your account cost on Ebay?
TardMage: *Dead*

06-17-2011, 12:27 AM
Lol epic teamwork

06-17-2011, 10:03 AM
Stay away from Debuffs at your lvl so leave them at around 1, Try focusing on heal and attack spells. Also Don't make the Ice lvls to high leave them both at like 1-2. Mana Shield should also be around 1-2. Revive should be at 1