View Full Version : Help on PvP Arena Level Cap

04-27-2011, 02:31 AM
I entered PvP with my level 25 alt. I thought it was the cap but I saw a level 30 and a level 23 mage. Isn't that a bit overkill? I mean a level 25 can host and a level 30 can join the other team.

This got me curious what is the level cap inside the arenas. If the host is level 25, a level 30 can join and not a level 31?

Thanks in advance.

04-27-2011, 02:35 AM
have the same problem on level 15. it can enter lvl 20 bears. they are dex/str with way more dps and armor than me, no way to beat em.. i would like to define myself the level limits when i host a pvp game

04-27-2011, 02:37 AM
have the same problem on level 15. it can enter lvl 20 bears. they are dex/str with way more dps and armor than me, no way to beat em.. i would like to define myself the level limits when i host a pvp game

Thank you for putting it in better definition. I thought I was the only one having a hard time figuring this out. A level 20 can definitely out damage/tank a level 15 of the same class.

04-27-2011, 07:35 AM
Pvp gap works between every five level. If host is leve 25, then within the 5level gap can join. For example,
Lv25Host= Lv20-30. Lv29Host=Lv24-Lv34.
host level minus 5= Min Lv to join
Host level plus 5= Max level to join.

Booting: if you are in a game where it's a one on one duel and someone jumps, and your the host, type /boot Username Reason. Or tell someone that's the host to do it if they want.

04-27-2011, 07:46 AM
Thank you for explaining. Is that the reason why you have a level 35 Char? You host with a level 30 and rejoin with your level 35? JUST KIDDING!!! Seriously, thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I wouldn't have guessed it any way.

04-27-2011, 08:10 AM
Highest DMG pvp gears are at 30-35. Twinks are best at 10-25 I believe.
Lv40mage gears don't do much difference from lv35 gears. Probably even 30. That's why I stick with lv35.
Being at level35 keeps the bashing from level25s calling you noob for killing them.. Fail. Lol.
Being at level30 gets you jumped by lv30+ hosts games. Fail. Lol.
Lv30 and Lv35 gears are the two main level gears in my opinion. A level25 can never own a level30. Level30 can lose or be tie with to a level35. (depends on fighting style. Like range person kiting a melee. If u get close to a level30 2h Mage, then it's either you spam or you die lmao.)

04-27-2011, 09:20 AM
Ok no wonder I was getting owned. I have to say, this is the best reply I've got. So I guess I'll have to level up my char to level 30 then. Thanks again.

Any other tips for PvP you like to share is welcome!!!

04-27-2011, 10:37 AM
Best pvp gear for level 30 chars:
Lv30Mage [Pally]: Conquer's Vyxnaar Helm, Iceberg Frozen Longsword,Iceberg Armor. Ring=Crystal ring of life.
Lv30Bird [WarBird]: Same as above except DMG ring.
Lv30Bear [DexBear]: Conquer's Vyxnaar Helm or Lv29- Dex Helm, Shivering Frozen Talon,Shivering armor, shivering snowbird wing. (DMG or hp regen ring)
other types get owned easily IMO.

04-27-2011, 11:49 AM
Wow you know your thing. Thanks for the tips. I'm going to get at it now.

04-28-2011, 03:09 AM
Also you might also wanna adapt to your opponent. Observing=key to winning. If he's a damage spammer, try to consume as less mana as possible while saving urself from the brink of dying and counter spam him.(for mages) lol

If your a bear, make sure you get the hellscream first. Whoever hellscreams first gets the good start. Then just pretty much copy his moves lmao. He'll be defeating himself >.>