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View Full Version : Anybody tried Order & Chaos yet?

04-27-2011, 08:44 AM
Just snagged it last night, totally a WoW Clone, but seems pretty fun so far.

But nothing will replace PL <3

04-27-2011, 08:50 AM
^ Guessing you are Canadian, then?!

Could you explain how the UI works, how combat works

eg that boot is that the movement pad? Can you fight and move atst?

Anything informative, plz!

eg what you like/don't like...


Here's pricing (http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/Various/Order+%26+Chaos+Online/news.asp?c=29408) so far:

The first three months' subscription comes free with your first log-in. After that, Order & Chaos costs 99c per month, $1.99 for three months, or $2.99 for six months. [...] Order & Chaos is only live in Canada at the moment, with worldwide availability to be confirmed.

04-27-2011, 08:53 AM
Well now that it's in the US App Store I am going to purchase it and give it a whirl. I just need to confirm with Apple that when subscribing for more membership for Order & Chaos that it will take from my Gift Card balance first and not my Debit Card.

Other than that it looks great, price point is nice and cheap $0.99 = 1 month, $1.99 = 3 months, $2.99 = 6 months (Best Deal).

04-27-2011, 08:56 AM
How did I not know this was out already? Anyway, I'm not paying 6.99 for it. I'll wait till a lite version come out or it goes on sale (which it likely will). Let us k ow how it is, though!

04-27-2011, 09:11 AM
I bought it!! Omg it's a great game.
This game is a must buy. This game feels like vanilla wow in aspect.
Toons name is...


I forget what server I'll have to check. All I know it starts with the letter "a" and last word is forest.

04-27-2011, 09:45 AM
Ya this game looks unreal, some actual competition for PL. Not even gonna buy it tho....i can see myself wasting to much money on it. Plus its a monthly fee after the 3 first free months, only a dollar but still lol.

04-27-2011, 10:05 AM
Well ATM im in class sO I'll Post a full review when I get home later. But so far it's amazing. We start with what looks to be 3 free months

Moarpewpew what race did you pick? My order chars name is Zojak. And chaos is Axim

O&C is a legit WoW in your pocket. :p

Anywho back to writing notes :(

04-27-2011, 10:06 AM
Yeah, just saw the subscription info. Not a fan of monthly fees bc then I'll feel pressure to play. 6.99 is a bit much without being able totry it for free first. Hoping they'll offer a free trial period. Other than that, 2.99 for 6 mos isn't too bad.

04-27-2011, 10:08 AM
Well ATM im in class sO I'll Post a full review when I get home later. But so far it's amazing. We start with what looks to be 3 free months
Moarpewpew what race did you pick? My order chars name is Zojak. And chaos is Axim
O&C is a legit WoW in your pocket. :p
Anywho back to writing notes :(

Cool, txs Zojak...

04-27-2011, 10:09 AM
darkspore is amazing... better than PL if i dare say. as of yesterday when it came out XD

04-27-2011, 10:09 AM
Also. I'm on that forest server too. Let's make a PL guild!

04-27-2011, 10:19 AM
I'll buy it when gameloft proves themselves. So far PL has treated us to constant updates and fixes, while gameloft usually dumps their games.

I can see how it might be innicially better than PL since is IS gameloft we are talking about. Their starter content always makes you believe the game might go somewhere...

04-27-2011, 10:23 AM
Not a big fan of being totally reliant on Wifi, I like how I can play PL anywhere on 3g.

Wow, that darkspore game looks right up my ally. superss can you provide me with a little more info. Do you keep a hero/champion and lvl him up, or is it new every time you play? Also, can you play on 3g?

Edit: awww dude, it's not even a mobile game!

04-27-2011, 10:27 AM
I just got it.

Initial impression was that they were trying to squeeze as much as they could into the UI, didn't like it.

Exactly like WoW too, not a big fan there.

And if I'm not mistaken, you only get to choose 3 hotkeys for skills? Even the main supposedly Auto-attack button is for jumping, your real auto attack you have to hotkey into one of your three slots, leaving you 2 for skills.

Chat is bad too, constantly popping in and out of your screen when something new appears, and so hard to actually try and chat while playing.

9 bucks wasted and PL > O&C IMO. The UI in itself already makes me want to stop playing, it's like they forgot that we're actually playing on devices and not on PCs.

04-27-2011, 10:30 AM
Elly. Hold and rotate the skill bar. It's like a wheel. Theres actually about 9 buttons PLUS the side panel u can put skills and pots on

04-27-2011, 10:34 AM
Elly. Hold and rotate the skill bar. It's like a wheel. Theres actually about 9 buttons PLUS the side panel u can put skills and pots on

I see, but that brings in my other dislike for the game, its all the swiping on all these small options.

I'd understand for Infinity Blade, you have the entire screen to swipe away on, but the essence of an MMO, IMO, is quick and strategic playing. The swiping on skills alone puts the introduction of GCD close to nothing when it comes to slowing down game play.

I think PL spoiled me, they've just made the UI so easy to use and fun to play.

04-27-2011, 10:45 AM
I definitely agree PL has spoiled us all. And I'm ok with that :D

Also I agree PL is better but I still want to give o&c an honest try before I give up on it :). It's defs not a game type for everyone that's for sure. But I'd still like to make a small guild there for PL players to join and play together in. Until it's time for B*

04-27-2011, 10:48 AM
True, O&C is new after all. I'm frankly just disappointed. O&C was much anticipated, even though it was from Gameloft, and all this hype that built up makes it seem very overrated now.

Definitely not a game I'd recommend to players that go from PL to O&C, it made me appreciate PL much more. I'll wait for B* :p

04-27-2011, 10:58 AM
My biggest issue with it so far is the crazy high level cap. And the awful chat system. Well see how it goes when I get home tho

04-27-2011, 11:04 AM
My biggest issue with it so far is the crazy high level cap. And the awful chat system. Well see how it goes when I get home tho

cool, keep the f-b coming: Be even-handed: Is there anything that you think it does better than PL and anything worse? How about the combat/UI?? etc... :)

04-27-2011, 11:16 AM
Moarpewpew what race did you pick? (

Human!!!! Also I'll add you.

04-27-2011, 11:17 AM
I'll have to get back to you On that one. I don't get wifi at school so I can't play untill I'm home. But as for combat so far. It's exactly like a computer MMO. As a Mage you have a spell windup time for some spells. And some are Instant. Being a former WoW player and a current LotrO player it is nIce seeing some PC MMO style implimented into an iOS game. And I am Super happy they had a guild system right away. (the big thing PL lacks big time).

Once I play some more I'll make an official review thread and include some screenshots of good/bad things if I can :)

04-27-2011, 11:23 AM
Elly what server and side you on? I'm still downloading it so I have no clue on it so far. Looks way to slow though

PS for those that have your device jailbroken you can use my3g to make the game think it's running on wifi but don't know f this game uses to much bandwith unlike PL that uses very little.

04-27-2011, 11:29 AM
I'll have to get back to you On that one. I don't get wifi at school so I can't play untill I'm home. But as for combat so far. It's exactly like a computer MMO. As a Mage you have a spell windup time for some spells. And some are Instant. Being a former WoW player and a current LotrO player it is nIce seeing some PC MMO style implimented into an iOS game. And I am Super happy they had a guild system right away. (the big thing PL lacks big time).

Once I play some more I'll make an official review thread and include some screenshots of good/bad things if I can :)

Top dog. Btw your ign isn't related to:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCkgtRBgjGyB7WRUssBkPS66yF4Z0qR nVgKCkddGMF-ixXRaxNBg&t=1

04-27-2011, 11:32 AM
Elly what server and side you on? I'm still downloading it so I have no clue on it so far. Looks way to slow though

Orc Warrior, American.

Found it weird too, tried connecting to Asian server (since Oceania is probably closer to it), and I got a "You might lag" warning. :p

Found it way harder to play the WoW aspect on a device. It was insanely fun on a PC due to the mods you could get, different hot key abilities, etc, I'm just really disappointed with almost the entire UI of the game =/

Chat - Bad. Hard to type, hard to read, hard to do emotes, hard to even bring up the chat menu.

Combat - Seemed like WoW initially, maybe it'll get more interesting in the later levels and with a group

Customization - Seems minimal, aside from gear of course. The only thing that would differentiate is probably spells/talents, no mastery stuff, though I guess WoW has always been like that.

Camera - Seems standard. Swipe to rotate, pinch to zoom.

Premium Currency - I'm not sure how pricing will go, but you can buy direct gold for $$$. Hopefully it'll be as expensive as Plat>Gold here, or else, well you know.

I'd want to get into the game more, at least get to some serious game play, but honestly the UI just stops me. It'll take hours and hours to get to some serious game play, so I'd rather spend that time on PL. Lol

04-27-2011, 11:34 AM
Top dog. Btw your ign isn't related to:

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCkgtRBgjGyB7WRUssBkPS66yF4Z0qR nVgKCkddGMF-ixXRaxNBg&t=1

Lol nope :)

04-27-2011, 11:37 AM
-snip-Found it way harder to play the WoW aspect on a device. It was insanely fun on a PC due to the mods you could get, different hot key abilities, etc, I'm just really disappointed with almost the entire UI of the game =/
Combat - Seemed like WoW initially, maybe it'll get more interesting in the later levels and with a group
Customization - Seems minimal, aside from gear of course. The only thing that would differentiate is probably spells/talents, no mastery stuff, though I guess WoW has always been like that.

So the wheel is pretty clunky? Seems like a good idea on paper...

Can you move and fight atst?

Lol nope :) Gotcha ol Telly was the dawg back in the day ;)

04-27-2011, 11:40 AM
And For moving and casting it depends. If there's ca cast time then no. If it's instant cast then yes

04-27-2011, 11:41 AM
So the wheel is pretty clunky? Seems like a good idea on paper...

Can you move and fight atst?

The skill wheel? It seemed like a revolver, moves per click, you can swipe it softly once to click once, or try harder and you'd get 2-3 clicks. Found it confusing since you'd probably want to switch targets and need different skills. The buttons are small too =/

As for attacking and moving, I think the same thing as WoW applies, where you need to be facing your target. I was a warrior, so melee and it was relatively easy to fight since I can move around the target and attack. I wouldn't know on ranged/spells :)

04-27-2011, 11:45 AM
Coolio, thanks for the info. Like to keep tabs on the mmobile scene. :) I think PL combat is fun but it can improve a lot also..

04-27-2011, 11:58 AM
I see, but that brings in my other dislike for the game, its all the swiping on all these small options.

I'd understand for Infinity Blade, you have the entire screen to swipe away on, but the essence of an MMO, IMO, is quick and strategic playing. The swiping on skills alone puts the introduction of GCD close to nothing when it comes to slowing down game play.

I think PL spoiled me, they've just made the UI so easy to use and fun to play.

Wow I'm surprised to hear that. I actually prefer swiping. I like games that take advantage of the touchscreen and don't just put buttons everywhere. Actually, one of my main gripes with DD's UI is that to scroll through paws and pages of items and lists of stats, etc -- you have to press buttons instead of just swipe scrolling. I like that Gameloft games use touch scrolling. But still, waiting for more feedback before making a decision on this game. I think it will take some time to see how well Gameloft maintains it and whether they have any communication with the players. I don't think they're used to something like this, so will see how they approach it. They can't just catch and release with this one. They need to be able to hold onto their players.

04-27-2011, 12:04 PM
Wow I'm surprised to hear that. I actually prefer swiping. I like games that take advantage of the touchscreen and don't just put buttons everywhere. Actually, one of my main gripes with DD's UI is that to scroll through paws and pages of items and lists of stats, etc -- you have to press buttons instead of just swipe scrolling. I like that Gameloft games use touch scrolling. But still, waiting for more feedback before making a decision on this game. I think it will take some time to see how well Gameloft maintains it and whether they have any communication with the players. I don't think they're used to something like this, so will see how they approach it. They can't just catch and release with this one. They need to be able to hold onto their players.

I don't mind swiping, if only I could learn the swipe shortcuts for the emotes here on PL, I'd use them too. The swiping is just on a really sensitive part though, the skills. It was really hard enough to tap them without having to look at them because of the size (might be because of iPad, it's probably proportionate in the iPhone but hasn't been optimized for iPad yet?).

Remember how people were complaining when GCD came out that the emphasis of the battle shifted from the character/mobs to the skills instead? While waiting for the GCD to finish? I feel the same way here on the skill swiping, having to look for the skill that I want to do, then swipe to look for the next or so.

I really wish Gameloft luck too, since from what I've been reading and have experienced, they can't compare to the support we get here.

04-27-2011, 12:11 PM
I don't mind swiping, if only I could learn the swipe shortcuts for the emotes here on PL, I'd use them too. The swiping is just on a really sensitive part though, the skills. It was really hard enough to tap them without having to look at them because of the size (might be because of iPad, it's probably proportionate in the iPhone but hasn't been optimized for iPad yet?).

Remember how people were complaining when GCD came out that the emphasis of the battle shifted from the character/mobs to the skills instead? While waiting for the GCD to finish? I feel the same way here on the skill swiping, having to look for the skill that I want to do, then swipe to look for the next or so.

I really wish Gameloft luck too, since from what I've been reading and have experienced, they can't compare to the support we get here.

Ah I see how that can be a problem. And it's not just something you can get used to?
Maybe with enough feedback, they'll tweak it?

So far the reviews in the app store are all 5 stars. But it's just the first day. I'm waiting to see what people have to say after at least a week or two -- if they find any bugs, issues, etc and whether Gameloft fixes it quickly.

Also, do they have the ability to send quick patches through? I've seen with DD how awfully frustrating it can be to have to wait 2+ weeks every time they discover a bug. Even with PL -- the one time we had to wait for the join friends -- it made t hard to play. I doubt PL would have the success it has if they didn't have the ability to quick-patch. So if Gameloft has that and is on top of bugs and issues, they'll have a much better chance at success than if we have to wait weeks for any tiny change, like in DD (still waiting for 5.0 and the return of the ability to sell in between waves -- was promised like 2 mos ago -_-').

04-27-2011, 12:16 PM
Ah I see how that can be a problem. And it's not just something you can get used to?
Maybe with enough feedback, they'll tweak it?

So far the reviews in the app store are all 5 stars. But it's just the first day. I'm waiting to see what people have to say after at least a week or two -- if they find any bugs, issues, etc and whether Gameloft fixes it quickly.

Also, do they have the ability to send quick patches through? I've seen with DD how awfully frustrating it can be to have to wait 2+ weeks every time they discover a bug. Even with PL -- the one time we had to wait for the join friends -- it made t hard to play. I doubt PL would have the success it has if they didn't have the ability to quick-patch. So if Gameloft has that and is on top of bugs and issues, they'll have a much better chance at success than if we have to wait weeks for any tiny change, like in DD (still waiting for 5.0 and the return of the ability to sell in between waves -- was promised like 2 mos ago -_-').

Hmm, Gameloft would probably be put to the test when it comes to tweaking :)

I'm not sure on how quick they can patch through.. It did say "Checking for updates" when I was connecting to the servers though, but haven't experienced actually downloading a patch yet.

To be honest, I don't think the game will suit me with how I'm used to PL. :p They'd need a major rehaul on their UI for me to like it. Lol

04-27-2011, 12:16 PM
Ok made 3 toons all on the arcadia forest server
Echelon - human mage
Echelong - Orc warrior
Echelongx - Undead archer

I can't play yet and I have no idea how to add people -__- I will have to figure it all out later.

04-27-2011, 12:19 PM
I think I probably WOULD enjoy it, because I like many Gameloft games. But still, hefty price tag before getting to try it. I've bought many games based on the free lite versions -- it can only benefit them if they're confident with their product.

04-27-2011, 12:22 PM
I think I probably WOULD enjoy it, because I like many Gameloft games. But still, hefty price tag before getting to try it. I've bought many games based on the free lite versions -- it can only benefit them if they're confident with their product.

Very true. I initially looked for it on the Free section, it was when I couldn't find it that I noticed it was purchasable.

If it helps, you get the first 3 months from the moment you log on free though :p

04-27-2011, 12:25 PM
Man this game has a subscription plus runes and gold to buy.... and they don't even have a proper forum for a game like this only the gameloft forums and they suck. like Les said if they make updates like that have for DD this game is gonna go down the drain fast.

04-27-2011, 12:26 PM
I hope they have patch-like updates of PL too. From what I've experienced, everytime Gameloft has updates for a certain game, you need to download the entire game again.

04-27-2011, 12:32 PM
I hope they have patch-like updates of PL too. From what I've experienced, every time Gameloft has updates for a certain game, you need to download the entire game again.

Yeah but that's because they are not MMO they shouldn't make updates like that unless its on the client side.

04-27-2011, 12:34 PM
Yeah but that's because they are not MMO they shouldn't make updates like that unless its on the client side.

Ah, didn't know that. Hopefully will change here then :)

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
Unfortunately for me, I have to pay my phone bill today lol ugh

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
I hope they have patch-like updates of PL too. From what I've experienced, everytime Gameloft has updates for a certain game, you need to download the entire game again.

That's usually the case with any game that saves your progress on your device rather than their servers. But with a true MMO, they really need to be able to do quick patches. If it's a single-player game it's not a big deal. But one little bug in an MMO can cause mayhem if it sticks around for too long.

I didn't know you have to buy other stuff in game as well. Is it for real cash or can you get them with in-game currency as well? And are they absolutely necessary or give an advantage over others who don't spend money?

I really want this to be a good, successful game. But I'm not looking for something to drill a hole in my wallet. I'd like to know before getting it whether I should expect to spend money besides the monthly fees. Any word on that yet?

04-27-2011, 12:39 PM
Can anyone that bought the game make a RedRyder char. On reserve for me so I can use it after I purchase? And like delete it by then?

04-27-2011, 12:39 PM
That's usually the case with any game that saves your progress on your device rather than their servers. But with a true MMO, they really need to be able to do quick patches. If it's a single-player game it's not a big deal. But one little bug in an MMO can cause mayhem if it sticks around for too long.

I didn't know you have to buy other stuff in game as well. Is it for real cash or can you get them with in-game currency as well? And are they absolutely necessary or give an advantage over others who don't spend money?

I really want this to be a good, successful game. But I'm not looking for something to drill a hole in my wallet. I'd like to know before getting it whether I should expect to spend money besides the monthly fees. Any word on that yet?

From my understanding, you can buy Gold, real in-game currency, for real cash. I'm not sure on how the pricing works for the game yet, if 100 gold would be a lot or just like the 160k for XYZ Plat here, but yes real cash = money in game.

There are also these Runes you can purchase, which I don't know what they do.

Can anyone that bought the game make a RedRyder char. On reserve for me so I can use it after I purchase? And like delete it by then?

Got it, let me know when you want me to delete :)

04-27-2011, 12:43 PM
Lol I hope we don't have to worry about reserving names.

04-27-2011, 12:45 PM
Lol I hope we don't have to worry about reserving names.

I noticed you can add capitalizations in your name too. Like LeSrIdEr. I wonder if Lesrider will differ from that. :p

04-27-2011, 12:47 PM
Err... That means two people can have the same name with diff caps? I hope not.
Do I need to ask someone to reserve Lesrider for me? Lol

04-27-2011, 12:48 PM
Ok add me,

Toons are...




Us server

04-27-2011, 01:35 PM
I'll try to catch you ig later if I can. And I'll figure out how to make a guild!

04-27-2011, 01:58 PM
Elly I downloaded it. Was my name available?

04-27-2011, 01:59 PM
waitin on star war old republic that wil be the death of my PL gaming

04-27-2011, 02:06 PM
Im downloadin now hope its good

04-27-2011, 02:10 PM
Here is why, currently, I still prefer Blackstar to all the others that either just came out or are coming out later this year;

1) There is so much unknown with a game/company dealing with World of Midgard. Yes, it looks great, but what else have they ever done to show they are capable of not just delivering a quality product, but also bring quality updates and customer service?

2) Gameloft ( Order and Chaos ) have a proven track record of horrid customer service, poor updates, and ignoring updates for months at a time on their games. No dedicated forum for their MMO. Their current forums get spammed like crazy by shoe ads among other things... if Order and Chaos got big, imagine how bad in-game advertising will get? Ever read Gameloft's forum? They have just one moderator responding to people and they are almost 100% copy and paste responses like "thank you for your feedback", and "thank you for your kind words".

3) We know how Spacetime treats us. We see the updates. They are proven. You know Blackstar is going to be just as good, if not better than Pocket Legends. Blackstar was the game they originally wanted to make on PC, when Pocket Legends wasn't even a thought in their minds. Blackstar is their baby and thus you know Spacetime is going to make sure the game is great and take care of it.

04-27-2011, 02:14 PM
You can only... Play this on wifi...


04-27-2011, 02:14 PM
Here is why, currently, I still prefer Blackstar to all the others that either just came out or are coming out later this year;

1) There is so much unknown with a game/company dealing with World of Midgard. Yes, it looks great, but what else have they ever done to show they are capable of not just delivering a quality product, but also bring quality updates and customer service?

2) Gameloft ( Order and Chaos ) have a proven track record of horrid customer service, poor updates, and ignoring updates for months at a time on their games. No dedicated forum for their MMO. Their current forums get spammed like crazy by shoe ads among other things... if Order and Chaos got big, imagine how bad in-game advertising will get? Ever read Gameloft's forum? They have just one moderator responding to people and they are almost 100% copy and paste responses like "thank you for your feedback", and "thank you for your kind words".

3) We know how Spacetime treats us. We see the updates. They are proven. You know Blackstar is going to be just as good, if not better than Pocket Legends. Blackstar was the game they originally wanted to make on PC, when Pocket Legends wasn't even a thought in their minds. Blackstar is their baby and thus you know Spacetime is going to make sure the game is great and take care of it.

I agree with everything you said. The best thing about PL is not the game itself but the customer service and the community. Aside from the fact that you can play for 5 min or 5 hours if you so chose. STS still has the best mixture for a true MMO. I do fear gameloft customer service and updates, since they have such a bad track record on those and MMOs depend on those to be effective.

You can only... Play this on wifi...


Not if you have a jailbroken device. I tried it on 3g and it works.

04-27-2011, 02:28 PM
I love Pocket Legends but Order & Chaos is also great. I'm a hugh wow fan and played from beta up until a few montha ago. Order & Chaos makes me feel like I'm back playing vanilla wow and that is a very good thing IMO. I'm sill really looking forward to Blackstar and it is a first day purchase for me. I'm not sure where I'm going to get the time but plan on playing all 3 PL, Order & Choas and Blackstar.

04-27-2011, 02:41 PM
edit: Varking thanks for info.

Anyone want to give their impressions of O&C yet? How's the combat, UI, PvP, PvE etc?? Txs.

04-27-2011, 02:43 PM
every game has to start first -.- . They said there are gonna be massive updates (new classes, new mounts, new dungeons, pets....................................)
you can play WOM 100% free (not like PL)

You will not be able to play 100% free. Maps will be buyable just like in PL.

I wrote an article about this game on the 4th of April and one of the things they said;

The plan is for the game to be free with an item shop but we will do the item shop development after game is done and playable with a few areas. Until the item shop is finished, the game will be free for 2 zones and then $1.99. We will try to add a new zone every 2 months until the currently planned 20 zones are all added.

So you get two zones and then you have to pay.

You can say there is going to be massive updates but the fact is with an unknown company you just don't know. Yeah they can pull through and have some awesome stuff in a month or two, or they could find out the game is too much for them. A free game that graphics intensive? They might have issues keeping the server up. Just looking up some of their names in Google I don't see any previous game experience on a professional level for them.

They also said open world PvP starts in the .... you guessed it!... Third zone. The first one you have to pay for.

04-27-2011, 02:48 PM
I just can't wait to play the game. Bad timing though when I have a 10 pg argument paper lol. Couldn't even play after the download finish due to the 1st draft lol. I'm down to play any mmorpg on iOS since the addiction PL started. TWOM grabbed my attention for months till PL took it back completely. Yslandia was a huge disappointment, and I hope this game will not disappoint. Can't wait to get on campus with it's glorious wifi :)

Longest bus ride everrrrrrrrr

04-27-2011, 02:58 PM
IMO it's well worth the wait. I've only played it o. My iPad so far and it was fantastic. I plan to play on my phone today to get some screenshots rolling though. And I'm going to create a guild :)

04-27-2011, 03:00 PM
If it's that close to looking like WoW...shall we take bets on how long it takes Blizzard to put the kibosh on the game. I could totally see this happening cause I could get into this game, pay way too much money and then they get shut down by Apple.

04-27-2011, 03:43 PM
Dude read the WOM forum >:(

I do. And the thing about charging 1.99 after the first Mao came from them. They also are new to websites as well since in the original beta test application they asked for your wow forum name instead of wom forum name.

The original emails they sent out said Hello there First name instead if your actual name and it said world of midgad instead of world of midgard.

04-27-2011, 03:47 PM
hmm might buy got a 25 dollar gift card hehe

EDIT: Wooooow i have a 2g ipod :(

04-27-2011, 03:50 PM
December release? That seems so far away.

And Varking, as much as I hate spelling/grammar mistakes (especially from professionals), it's not a reason in and of itself to condemn the game.

And anyway, wasn't PL STS's first game, too? WoM could still prove to have a dev team just as strong as STS's. But I haven been following anything from them, so can't personally say. I've been more interested in O&C.

04-27-2011, 03:53 PM
Oh so STS doesent make mistakes? Just check how many times another dev esits the post of other dev and when they said a date when a contest will end but we were already past that date. Also just check pocketlegends.com and worldofmidgard.com (make sure youxcheck on PC).

I never said they don't make mistakes. I'm saying this game is 3 to 4 months from beta and they finally got a site together and their milling list spells their own game wrong and their beta sign up asked for your Warcraft forum name instead of their own. Its a trend of just throwing stuff together and having to fix it later. It looks bad is what I am saying. How many games come out on PC claiming to be better than WoW and then flop? Be weary of this game. I interviewed them and I hope it turns out good but I wont get my hopes up.

04-27-2011, 03:54 PM
December release? That seems so far away.

And Varking, as much as I hate spelling/grammar mistakes (especially from professionals), it's not a reason in and of itself to condemn the game.

And anyway, wasn't PL STS's first game, too? WoM could still prove to have a dev team just as strong as STS's. But I haven been following anything from them, so can't personally say. I've been more interested in O&C.

What I meant was, which I clarified later, I couldn't find anything stating they had experience even making games, let alone mmorpgs. STS had roots in the mmo world before PL.

04-27-2011, 03:55 PM
Varking we will talk in a few months and i will laugh at you.

You will laugh at me for telling you to scale back your hype? I never said don't play it or that I won't, just that I wont get hopes up.

04-27-2011, 03:56 PM
December release? That seems so far away.

And Varking, as much as I hate spelling/grammar mistakes (especially from professionals), it's not a reason in and of itself to condemn the game.

And anyway, wasn't PL STS's first game, too? WoM could still prove to have a dev team just as strong as STS's. But I haven been following anything from them, so can't personally say. I've been more interested in O&C.

I think Varking is just saying from what he could find out (And he has made good efforts^) WoM sounds like all the Risk is still to be covered and there is nothing that strongly says it's balanced eg track-record (checks) etc. That said WoM does look real good so it's by no means a dead-beat, but either could surprise a lot of ppl or flop before it's even born... out of the mmobiles I've seen it looks one of the better ones but I know next to nothing about it...

04-27-2011, 04:55 PM
Right, so it costs 10g to start a guild in O&C, if anybody is ig and feels like contributing to the PL guild over there, feel free to mail donations to Zojak :)

04-27-2011, 05:02 PM
If O&C just copied the skill maps from PL, I would buy it. The game would be supah addicting to me, even more than PL if they just copied the skill maps.

04-27-2011, 05:04 PM
Varking isnt good at finding anything. Hes a hater. Look at the info that i collected http://worldofmidgard.wikia.com/wiki/World_of_midgard_Wiki

Its funny how because I don't want to hype the game like you, that makes be a hater. I said it at least two time now, I interviewed their team for my site, I just don't think we should hype it up saying it will make all other games look bad when all we have seen is some videos and they openly tell us the games first beta is going to be super buggy.

Maybe its just me and the fact I've been around mmorpgs for the past 13 years but I understand the difference between potential and reality. This game has the potential to outclassed all other mmorpgs, but that doesn't mean it will. You said you will laugh at be in a few months? Hopefully beta will start by then.

04-27-2011, 05:13 PM

I like order and chaos gameplay and mechanics more than PL. But I like PL community 100000000000 times more than the gameloft community.

04-27-2011, 05:14 PM
ooh i lied, its only 5 gold for a guild, and i've got it covered :)

04-27-2011, 05:15 PM
Anyways after you guys are finished with your bickering lol, add me in game:

Crimsonryder (hopefully RedRyder if ellyidol was able to preserve it for me)

04-27-2011, 05:18 PM
Requires a higher graphics then my crappy iPod can handle :(

04-27-2011, 05:20 PM
Varking isnt good at finding anything. Hes a hater. Look at the info that i collected http://worldofmidgard.wikia.com/wiki/World_of_midgard_Wiki

Awesome! Thanks for the link. They are really ambitious and that's great this could go places.

But agree also it's a bit soon to say one game is going to definitely >> the other game(s) so far. MMORPGs... they are always the same: Hype-Disappointment. Best just spread as much info as you can like the above link! That list is really good at giving an idea of what the devs want to include in WoM! Looks promising, bit of DAOC-touch to it actually.

Well back OT: Keep feeding-back on O&C... I'm saving up for B* so am very stingy with my cash right now!!

Edit: I see the busy Klemen helped put it together ;)

04-27-2011, 05:38 PM
Hey gents, could we refrain from the insults and keep things friendly, please?

It's ok to have differences of opinion; just agree to disagree. Thanks!

04-27-2011, 06:10 PM
Hey gents, could we refrain from the insults and keep things friendly, please?

It's ok to have differences of opinion; just agree to disagree. Thanks!

Not sure where I crossed the line but sorry if I did.

04-27-2011, 06:22 PM
Anyways after you guys are finished with your bickering lol, add me in game:

Crimsonryder (hopefully RedRyder if ellyidol was able to preserve it for me)

It says char does not exist. What server/race are you?

04-27-2011, 07:20 PM

I like order and chaos gameplay and mechanics more than PL. But I like PL community 100000000000 times more than the gameloft community.

It's talk like this that's making it really hard for me NOT to download the game. So SSH! :p

04-27-2011, 09:27 PM
I'm level 17 already.....

04-27-2011, 09:32 PM
Going to try this game out, I need a guild system!!!

04-27-2011, 10:06 PM
Here are some pictures of the in game purchase store stuff will have more pictures to come soon. I'm playing on an iPod Touch 4G

Subscription Pricing

Rune Stone (Premium Coins)

Prices of in game Gold

04-27-2011, 10:12 PM
Wow... Strange gold system. If 1 gold costs 99 cents, it must be really hard to farm...?

Can anyone be more clear on what runes buy? Are they 100% vanity items?

04-27-2011, 10:17 PM
Moar, added you on Tank with Ellyidol.

04-27-2011, 10:18 PM
Could anyone lock the name Tifarah? until they release for android? thanks :)

04-27-2011, 10:47 PM
Here are lots more pictures I took and I got to say..The game is FUN it is BEAUTIFUL it just takes some learning and getting used to. Oh by the way, don't have to pay extra *cough Pocket Legends* to choose a different race of character or OUR LOOKS of our characters.

Picture of my Human Warrior fighting a Rouge I passed by

Picture of my character fighting a Wolf (Not zerocool, my character is TearGod)

A big house I thought was cool

Inventory Screenshot

Equipment Screenshot

Attributes Screenshot

Talents Tree

Friends List

04-27-2011, 10:53 PM
Wow... Looks like a real proper mmo with people all just roaming around, killing random things at the same time. What's the population limit per server/instance?

Looks so good, I'm afraid it'll suck too much time from me lol.

04-27-2011, 11:02 PM
Wow... Looks like a real proper mmo with people all just roaming around, killing random things at the same time. What's the population limit per server/instance?

Looks so good, I'm afraid it'll suck too much time from me lol.
Not sure what the limit is but I noticed I guess to make it lag less when you enter new areas around the game/map characters & enemies load as you approach them its VERY smooth gameplay. Definitely give it a shot if you have the money I say.

04-28-2011, 12:00 AM
once i bouught this game can i download it on my ipad too i bought it for my iphone 4 at work but now i wanna play on my ipad

04-28-2011, 12:02 AM
once i bouught this game can i download it on my ipad too i bought it for my iphone 4 at work but now i wanna play on my ipad

Yes, it should have only charged you once.

04-28-2011, 01:59 AM
yea i got home from work an downloaded it for my ipad no charge .......cool i sure didnt wanna pay another 6.99 he he

04-28-2011, 03:01 AM
oh an another thing if you are jailbroke go to cydia an download 3g unrestrictor an you can trick it i was playin at work with out wi fi :)

04-28-2011, 05:35 AM
Moar, added you on Tank with Ellyidol.

Alright I'll add you when I log on.

Chuck norris
04-29-2011, 04:49 PM
Order and chaos is AMAZING!! It does cost $6.99 but its honestly, the best $7 game ever!! If you havent tried it play it but dont abandon PL.. PL is still an amazing game but order and chaos is new and hasnt veen updated much yet so you may not like it at first but hold on to the app it is still amazingly epic and i encourage thoose who can to buy it and join me.. If u read this and that is why you joined add me my in game name is "owner" but rememer i cant stress this enough lol.. DONT QUIT POCKET LEGENDS!

04-29-2011, 09:43 PM
In case anyone cares, I'm playing on Arcadian Forest server (low population atm so makes for MUCH better play). Name is Kavanah of course. And I even started a forum that you guys can gravitate towards if you wish! orderandchaos.freeforums.org


04-30-2011, 04:18 AM
Downloaded O&C this morning what a blast, differant from PL, not better just different, with all these new games coming for the mobiles, kinda wish winter was back so i would have the time lol

04-30-2011, 08:46 PM
They have a waterfall. :-/

04-30-2011, 09:05 PM
They have a waterfall. :-/

WaterfallS. Multiple.
I stopped playing pc mmos bc they were too addictive. I should have stayed away from this one ugh.

04-30-2011, 11:40 PM
Not even trying to butt kiss, but they'll lose the whole thing just based on their CS approach alone. I just read through their forum, and the PL devs have it all figured out; they KNOW how to deal with an MMO community. GL...not so much. They did say they have a dev team working on the game, though, so we'll have to see how it all pans out. GL is not known for regular game updates.

I like the money system a LOT more...something about scrounging up bits of copper that makes me very happy. Reminds me of Dragon Age...or D&D.

UI feels a bit cramped...and the graphics are not the greatest, considering games like Infinity Blade.

You guys can add me over there if you like. Name is the same.

05-01-2011, 12:49 AM
Tsarra, have you encountered any serious problems that need fixing?
Seems pretty bug-free to me.
Yeah, the chat features could use a bit of improvement and I wish we could quick-join friends.
But overall, they released a pretty solid game. There's just so much to do.
And they have an auction house (free to list, only charges 5% when it sells -- can even use it for extra storage if you're low on space. And it sends you your money/items via mail, so you don't have to go to to the AC to check on it. You only go there to list or buy items.)

And LOVING the guild feature. We're all having a blast chatting on the guild channel. Team chat is also great.

Sure, it could stand to be improved here and there. But the biggest problem I've encountered is that it's too addictive and there's no such thing as playing for "just a few minutes." :p

05-01-2011, 12:54 AM
I've got a very limited amount of time logged, as I've been doing this distributed computing thing with my computer lately and I've been kinda tweaking with it. Just got it yesterday...almost level 7. I've seen no glaring issues with it as of yet...seems fun and very customizable. Haven't joined a guild yet...I doubt there'd be much room for someone who just wanders around the countryside, anyway. Spending a lot of time exploring, TBH :P

I'm kinda miffed that I can't level myself up, but the skills and EQ will have to make up for it, I guess. They had better update it regularly. *grrrrr*

Edit: No dungeons is an issue...I hope they fix that.

05-01-2011, 01:00 AM
Eh, I spend more time than anyone exploring. Just ask Moog ;) I climb a lot of mountains, swim a lot. It's probably why I'm only lvl 16 after many hours logged. But I don't really care bc there's so much to do. It's not like you need to be level capped to enjoy the game.

Anyway, I can add you to our guild tomorrow. Is your char Tsarra?

05-01-2011, 02:01 AM
It is. Just got done doing a screenshot modeling show for my FB friends...will be on and off all night. On Arcadian Forest. :)

05-01-2011, 09:40 AM
I haven't bought the game yet because, although it's basic starting look is amazing and possibly better than PL...

1. Honestly, how often will they update it? It's GL. I've seen like 1 or 2 NOVA updates ever.

2. There's practically NO dev-player relationship. People are all complaining about server issues etc... Good luck with that.

05-01-2011, 11:42 AM
Great game and wicked on the iPad 2.

OC = wow type of game
PL = diablo type of game

Honestly with all due respect to PL.
I would really worry about this game.
It's a creeper in disguise that will take a portion of the pie.

05-01-2011, 12:17 PM
Eh, I spend more time than anyone exploring. Just ask Moog ;) I climb a lot of mountains, swim a lot. It's probably why I'm only lvl 16 after many hours logged. But I don't really care bc there's so much to do. It's not like you need to be level capped to enjoy the game.

Anyway, I can add you to our guild tomorrow. Is your char Tsarra?

Lol I've been doing a lot of swimming and mountain climbing as well! Its a shame you don't get special awards for the amount of time spent climbing and swimming. I only discovered how to use the teleport function today, but it seems you can only teleport one stop at a time. I like the exploring a lot but haven't had much experience of joining a team. It seems people just make a team for a specific purpose like killing a boss, then they move on independently again. Haven't a clue as as to how guilds work, but hopefully I'll be joining RedRyder's guild...

05-01-2011, 12:29 PM
I like pvp on PL alot more- and the user intface isnt as nice. I switch off between the two. I do love assassinating nokbs while invosible on my rogue tho.

05-01-2011, 03:20 PM
Looks like a nice game, too bad its not available on Android.

05-01-2011, 04:08 PM
a little help for beginners http://www.gamezebo.com/games/order-chaos-online/walkthrough

05-01-2011, 05:57 PM
Edit: No dungeons is an issue...I hope they fix that.

There are dungeons.

05-01-2011, 08:34 PM
There are dungeons.

SS or it didn't happen. :P

Me and Syl moved to a quieter server...it's the one on the bottom of the list. Less people all trying to complete the exact same quest at the exact same time.

05-08-2011, 05:00 PM
I use to be an avid PL player, but I stopped months ago for some unknown reason. I really hope the devs in O & C update the game frequently because this game has the potential to be phenomenal. I am a level 17 orc monk and I find it difficult to put the game down. The game is very customizable with many skill combinations/talent combinations. It also has a boat load of items. The character feature customization is nice and quests are really fun. The quests in this game actually serve a purpose which is money making. Also Legendary items in O & C = pink items in PL hardly drop. I have not seen one in the CS system on O & C. I really like that the best items are extremely difficult to find if not impossible. Towns are spaced far apart so I hope they add mounts. The two major things I hope O & C do are update frequently and fix higher level quests. I have heard complaints that some quests are in PvP zones which makes it impossible to do quests at a higher levels. Other than that I love this game and it was 7 dollars well spent. If you want to add me, my character name is FaMiiNe.

Edit: Lol looking at the next thread you guys seem way more experienced than I do. Ellyidol already reached 60 and Lesrider is 30. Thats my input anyway on the game play so far. Have you guys noticed any changes as you level up?

05-08-2011, 07:23 PM
I use to be an avid PL player, but I stopped months ago for some unknown reason. I really hope the devs in O & C update the game frequently because this game has the potential to be phenomenal. I am a level 17 orc monk and I find it difficult to put the game down. The game is very customizable with many skill combinations/talent combinations. It also has a boat load of items. The character feature customization is nice and quests are really fun. The quests in this game actually serve a purpose which is money making. Also Legendary items in O & C = pink items in PL hardly drop. I have not seen one in the CS system on O & C. I really like that the best items are extremely difficult to find if not impossible. Towns are spaced far apart so I hope they add mounts. The two major things I hope O & C do are update frequently and fix higher level quests. I have heard complaints that some quests are in PvP zones which makes it impossible to do quests at a higher levels. Other than that I love this game and it was 7 dollars well spent. If you want to add me, my character name is FaMiiNe.

Edit: Lol looking at the next thread you guys seem way more experienced than I do. Ellyidol already reached 60 and Lesrider is 30. Thats my input anyway on the game play so far. Have you guys noticed any changes as you level up?

yup great game! but use this Thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?25107-O-amp-C-IGN-database) to discuss O&C. its a bit disrespectful to keep up multiple threads on a competing game, so lets stick to the afformentioned (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?25107-O-amp-C-IGN-database) thread :) and for the record im already 35 :p but the guild im in has about 5 60's including Elly

05-08-2011, 09:46 PM
First PL was somebody now after the released of Onc, PL is nobody.

Lol man- cool it. PLis great and just as good (i think better) than OC. Did you come on here with the name Onc just to flame PL? I love OC too but jus cool it a little?

05-08-2011, 09:49 PM
Indeed preposterous.

You rant and complain like a toddler yet you worship Order and chaos like you never did now i see you writting on the walls of OnC forums. Why? Trying hard to be the best hyprocrite in the world?
I read most of your posts and i dare say your questions are always this stupid, if you dont even know how the UI works which is in everyone common knowledge will then heck, you dont even belong here.
I played in the US server Arcadian Forest but as soon as i felt your malodour presence i had to change server. You dont go around manipulating people and think your words weigh in a lot, in all truth is infinitesimal.

I urge you not to paint the walls on Onc with your corrupted attitude and writings, a group of us have had enough of you here and will not want others to feel your condescending demeanor. It was unanimous for this to be brought up and to how you procure the title "Guardian of Alterra" , i demand for a more complete scrutiny of this injudicious decision, your incompetence should be thoroughly investigated lest of repeat happenings.

As of now in this context take guardian for another word.
Curse of Alterra.

Stop it- your trolling is obnoxious.
Elly is a respected member of the com, who is extremely talented at OC and PL. Please stop being disrespectful.

05-08-2011, 10:43 PM
Stop it- your trolling is obnoxious.
Elly is a respected member of the com, who is extremely talented at OC and PL. Please stop being disrespectful.

Let him/her be, I'm flattered :rolleyes:

Thanks bro :)

05-29-2011, 03:36 PM
Just snagged it last night, totally a WoW Clone, but seems pretty fun so far.

But nothing will replace PL <3

Do you know when it releases on droid??

05-29-2011, 10:47 PM
Do you know when it releases on droid??

Unfortunately there is no mention of the game being supported on Android.

05-29-2011, 10:49 PM
im never gonna get this game cause it cost 6.99 just for the app and then you get charged a monthly fee for membership so imma stick to pl lol