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View Full Version : Eye Floaters/problems already :/

04-27-2011, 12:21 PM
For the past few months.. I see eye floaters (appearance of spots and string floating around) followed by bad2x headache.. then last night when I was sleeping.. I can feel a pain n my right eye.. idk why.. anyway.. my doctor said its not normal so.. Im thinking of either quit playing or lie low -> stop boosting kills.*

This is what I get for killing too much, playing too much. When I woke up in the morning.. at 7 or 9 am I play already until I go to bed by 12 am. I am so much addicted to this game thats why.. I am positively sure that theres no way Im quitting this game.

I will see eye specialist next week or d week after.
I need help deciding what to do.. coz all my life of playing Pocket Legends.. all I do is boost kills.. I am not really fn of pinks or pvp..so I just hang out n Balefort Castle for now and play from time to time.. itz sucks! My eyes are failing me.

04-27-2011, 12:24 PM
I sort of had the same too. Do your eye sockets hurt? Like when you shut your eyes, move your eyes up and down, side to side?

More sleep should definitely help, also playing in a lit environment too. I don't think its eye-friendly to be looking at a bright flashy screen in a dark room.

Get better soon :)

04-27-2011, 01:21 PM
You should take a break every 1 Hour of 10-15mins from looking at any screen or book. It allows your eyes to relax. short-field vision means the muscles that dilate or contract your iris around the pupil are actually "working" so that's why you strain your eyes from too much close-vision work/viewing eg watch a tv from further back or a computer from further away... it all adds up. When you relax and take your vision away from the screen look into the middle or long distance, best if you have a window to look outside from or even get a breath of fresh air (take a walk etc). I'm naturally antsy so I need get up a lot when I sit down and this helps my eyes too! Plus best to give it a rest when you eyes are tired anyway esp. not before bed in the evening and the morning too.

But look after eyes: health is #1 PL is #2... !

04-27-2011, 01:27 PM
Play max 1-2 hours pr day .. And go see a eye specialist..

1. Health
2. Friends/Girlfriends/Boyfriends/Family
3. Sleep
4. PL...

04-27-2011, 01:30 PM
^ What he said. Video games are cool and all, but aren't EVERYTHING. Certainly not worth the pain you are going through.

04-27-2011, 02:00 PM
Its been scientifically proven that refresh rates are so fast now. That it does not effect the eye. However, try playing while looking at a scenic environment. For example. I play on my balcony. So I can look out into the beach. This way my eyes don't get stressed. This also may be a dominant/recessive gene showing up. Screens can't harm the eyes anymore however. We have advanced far beyond that point.

04-27-2011, 02:05 PM
Its been scientifically proven that refresh rates are so fast now. That it does not effect the eye. However, try playing while looking at a scenic environment. For example. I play on my balcony. So I can look out into the beach. This way my eyes don't get stressed. This also may be a dominant/recessive gene showing up. Screens can't harm the eyes anymore however. We have advanced far beyond that point.

My doc also says the iPhone couldn't have caused my problems. But part of me is still skeptical (not the part that loves my iPhone and can't imagine giving it up).

04-27-2011, 02:40 PM
I hate eye problems! Definitely see doctor to rule out retinal detachment. Good luck!

04-28-2011, 01:55 AM
Thanks guys!