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View Full Version : PvP - Enemy Health Bars

05-26-2010, 11:05 PM
What do you guys think?

05-26-2010, 11:07 PM

Sounds good.

05-26-2010, 11:18 PM
Let us see the health bar!

05-26-2010, 11:47 PM
Yes. Yes. Yes.

05-27-2010, 10:59 AM
Please. It makes the game more tactical.

05-27-2010, 11:04 AM
i mean i would of thought this feature would have been implemented on release, but please add it, i go toe to toe with a warrior sometimes and just wonder what health hes at so i can judge the situation, if im doing no damage to him hes got evasion up, (i know you can see dodge dodge in the scroll combat text but its tedious)

please add it asap

05-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Yes please! :D

05-27-2010, 11:34 AM
Initially i thought not seeing the health bars would be a cool idea, but it just doesn't work. Maybe if the graphics of your character changed as it took damage it would be ok, like being blood stained or having broken chicken wings and what not, but i doubt thats happening.

Let us see the enemy health bars please.

05-27-2010, 12:10 PM
Lol someone voted No just to be different.

05-27-2010, 12:20 PM
Yes please, I would like to beable to attack the weaker player insted of it being a gamble.

King Richie
05-27-2010, 12:28 PM
diz that was me lol

05-27-2010, 12:31 PM
Shun the non-believer!


King Richie
05-27-2010, 12:32 PM
lol i wana it to be a suprise

05-27-2010, 01:04 PM
lol i wana it to be a suprise

We don't support personal 'opinion' or whatever you call it. Get out!


05-27-2010, 02:09 PM
For the record, You should only be able to see the health bar of your target, not the whole team u are fighting at the same time.

05-27-2010, 02:25 PM
I think this question has been answered.

05-27-2010, 03:11 PM
For the record, You should only be able to see the health bar of your target, not the whole team u are fighting at the same time.

I was just going to mention that. If a player wants to assess the situation and which target is most vulnerable, he should have to individually target each enemy.

05-27-2010, 05:47 PM
No. .

05-28-2010, 11:56 AM
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco

05-28-2010, 12:01 PM
booo! lol

86.21% of us disagree =(

05-28-2010, 12:04 PM
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco

Well, that's disappointing. I would totally like to be able to know at what perfect moment to blast shot a ho.

05-28-2010, 12:14 PM
I'm more interested in just knowing that I'm making progress. Auto attacked bear with snipers bayou bow for 30 seconds and nothing happened....had to regen my mana than spam skills just to kill him. He never attacked it would be nice to see if he was at 100 the whole time, or very slowly going down or what.

Also save the combos for the final hit for effect would be fun :P

05-28-2010, 12:16 PM
I'm more interested in just knowing that I'm making progress. Auto attacked bear with snipers bayou bow for 30 seconds and nothing happened....had to regen my mana than spam skills just to kill him. He never attacked it would be nice to see if he was at 100 the whole time, or very slowly going down or what.

Also save the combos for the final hit for effect would be fun :P

I have that problem to, use my bow and hit someone for a minute and apparently not deal a point of damage. Then they turn around, do the ice storm fire combo and I instantly die if im lucky. Normally it is an archer who just turns and one shots me.

05-28-2010, 12:35 PM
I'm more interested in just knowing that I'm making progress. Auto attacked bear with snipers bayou bow for 30 seconds and nothing happened....had to regen my mana than spam skills just to kill him. He never attacked it would be nice to see if he was at 100 the whole time, or very slowly going down or what.

Also save the combos for the final hit for effect would be fun :P

this is what i mean, shooting someone down not knowing what health they are at is a very bad direction to move. the tactics involved in this game should be revolved knowing the other class and knowing their buffs, lets say you fight a archer, you wouldnt attack him when hes got evasion would you? this is the sort of thing im saying, not knowing what the other is doing or what health he is at makes the game more like spam buttons until the other is dead than about tactics

although since everyone dies in 2 seconds anyway i suppose my logic is flawed :/

but the majority want health bars to be shown, at least implement it and then see if anyone complains after

05-28-2010, 12:39 PM
Long live democracy!

05-28-2010, 12:45 PM
Showing active buffs and power-ups is a different story - obviously. You can tell when a character has the "Evade" or the "Rage" buff on them because of effects in-game.
These effects (and others like them) will continue to be visible whenever you play :)

- Cinco

05-28-2010, 01:20 PM
why not make it specific to certain arenas?

then let people play where they want?

05-29-2010, 05:16 PM
Hmm, I got it wrong, think Cinco is correct due to the smaller numbers involved. That's true.

05-29-2010, 06:34 PM
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco

well, attacking the weakest is part of the strategy.
in most other multiplayer games, if someone wants to win, they go after the weakest on the other team.

05-30-2010, 06:24 AM
well, attacking the weakest is part of the strategy.
in most other multiplayer games, if someone wants to win, they go after the weakest on the other team.

I agree attacking the weak & injured is my preferred plan. It makes sense to thin-out the enemy's team, but in other MMO's you have probably many more players ie using another metaphor from Nature, there's "safety in numbers"!

But small groups in PL's the weak would be singled out too easily with no time to fall back.

05-30-2010, 09:20 PM
Well, that's disappointing. I would totally like to be able to know at what perfect moment to blast shot a ho.

This is how I feel about health bars. But I understand that with the smaller arenas , it would be too easy to target people with low health.

Still it's part of the strategy involved. Whether to run or not. When to pursue...

06-03-2010, 01:57 PM
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco

Le sigh.
Its just so exciting to have to completely ignore anything with a plate shield and most warriors while going in circles only targeting the enchantresses and archers without evasion up..... whilst only being effective with cooldowns up.

Again, targeting should show an enemies health bar, I can't think of an mmo that doesn't do this. Or at the very least implement a graphic change for a character at half health. Maybe some blood showing or something?

06-03-2010, 02:48 PM
I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.

It's unfortunate you're so strongly against this Cinco.

I feel like PvP should be as strategic as possible and less about randomness (crit, hit, and dodge add randomness). When it comes to competing against other players, making the match about who makes the best move rather than who makes the luckiest move just seems better to me. If players are going to be rated on their Kill / Death ratio in PvP then they should be given the tools to work towards this rather than depending on luck. The reasoning that players will leaving an instance when see their hit points are low doesn't seem like a sound argument against exposing hitpoints because I think players who are going to do this will do it regardless since they know that the next AE (or whatever) will kill them anyway.

Just my thoughts.

06-03-2010, 03:48 PM
Well, I think hiding enemy health is more strategic than showing it. It means people need to focus and remember who the target was if they lose LoS, get clumped up, die and come back, etc. It means you have to actually watch what is going on with players in the game rather than watch bars. Not that I don't like games with bars, just saying, it does have its merits that make it more than 'random'.

PS - Hiding bars gives a lot of fights that whole, "WHY... WON'T... YOU... DIEEEE!!!!!!!" feeling. Which is pretty epic.

King Richie
06-03-2010, 05:26 PM
Oh im soooooo happy that your not allowing it ... THANK GOD !! i luv the surprise but i would love if you even showed the health of the targeted enemy so u know when to hit them with the BS

06-03-2010, 06:16 PM
Honestly i may disagree with not seeing a targets health bars, but at least cinco and the gang are actively developing the game.

06-03-2010, 06:23 PM
For sure, yes.

06-03-2010, 08:17 PM
Wait, I didn't even notice that Justg was the one that posted this poll. Why would one dev ask us whether or not we want a feature, and then another dev come and completely refute it?

06-04-2010, 03:25 PM
The idea was probably up for consideration and JustG wanted to run it by us, to get player feedback. Cinco didn't see the thread and after his evaluation decided against it. Hence popping in late in the forum discussion.

Of course, I'm just guessing.

01-11-2013, 12:54 PM
Bump, what happened to this? What do you guys think of this today?

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

The reason STS didn't implement this is described above, but what about making it as in PVE? Let the health bars be hided until you attack your target. Enemy health bar would make it much more easier to strategic use the right abilities against that target and also gives a bit more thinking into PVP. Would be nice if STS could discuss this question again after almost two years!

C o k e
01-11-2013, 01:52 PM
What do you guys think?

Yes Sir! :D

01-11-2013, 02:36 PM
No, I'm sorry but it's easy math to figure out roughly how much HP your target has left, and overall not very important unless you're running or targeting weak players, just suck it up and deal with it, we are trying to protect the weak players

01-11-2013, 03:09 PM
Bump, what happened to this? What do you guys think of this today?

The reason STS didn't implement this is described above, but what about making it as in PVE? Let the health bars be hided until you attack your target. Enemy health bar would make it much more easier to strategic use the right abilities against that target and also gives a bit more thinking into PVP. Would be nice if STS could discuss this question again after almost two years!

Man this si a 3 years old post!! :(

Please DO NOT NECRO old polls..

01-11-2013, 03:10 PM
No, I'm sorry but it's easy math to figure out roughly how much HP your target has left, and overall not very important unless you're running or targeting weak players, just suck it up and deal with it, we are trying to protect the weak players

True, but if you burst some damage there is a big delay of the damage showing up, so sometimes you can't see if you critted or not before 5 seconds or so...

01-11-2013, 03:12 PM
Man this si a 3 years old post!! :(

Please DO NOT NECRO old polls..

The post is old, but the topic is still current ;)

01-11-2013, 03:25 PM
The post is old, but the topic is still current ;)

if they didn't do it in 3 years, I don't think they will do so now :)

Moreover, adding it would ruin strategies. So it will never come out :)


01-11-2013, 03:30 PM
if they didn't do it in 3 years, I don't think they will do so now :)

Moreover, adding it would ruin strategies. So it will never come out :)


I was kinda thinking it was a good necro...

C o k e
01-12-2013, 07:17 AM
So when does this Poll end?

Sent from my Toilet

01-12-2013, 10:08 AM
Necroing old non-constructive threads is a different topic, but this topic is even valid today so the necro-er did a good job IMO.

01-12-2013, 10:11 AM

So that that random group of people won't ask ' hp? ' everytime after a fight.


01-12-2013, 11:20 AM

So that that random group of people won't ask ' hp? ' everytime after a fight.


Maybe also integrate so the level are visible so people don't need to ask what level you are before every fight? :)

01-12-2013, 11:24 AM
Maybe also integrate so the level are visible so people don't need to ask what level you are before every fight? :)

Yes yes thanks. :)

01-12-2013, 01:53 PM
Yes!!! I accidentally voted no though

01-12-2013, 02:44 PM
Yes!!! I accidentally voted no though


01-12-2013, 03:22 PM
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now :)

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco
For the record I also voted no per the reasons you stated.
I think some are voting yes from strictly a 1/1 standpoint, and I don't believe 1/1 go style wasn't the way the game was supposed to be played.

A compromise to suggest is to allow the dead to briefly see enemy HP. Before respawning of course.

01-12-2013, 03:35 PM
definitely yeah yeah !

01-12-2013, 09:24 PM
No. Then I can't validly say "good fight, full"

01-12-2013, 09:26 PM
I think some are voting yes from strictly a 1/1 standpoint, and I don't believe 1/1 go style wasn't the way the game was supposed to be played.

A compromise to suggest is to allow the dead to briefly see enemy HP. Before respawning of course.

Totally agree with that! But I think it would be better, instead of seeing the enemy's HP, to just have colors to indicate if the enemy's health was low or not, that way, it would still have a "thin shroud of mystery." EX: Green=75-100% Health left, Yellow=40-75% health left, and Red as 40% health left or below.

01-12-2013, 10:34 PM
For some specific reasons I disagree. Not showing the health bar i'm able to get in and out of combat. If they know my health is low obviously they're going to stay close and shut me down. I believe there not being a health bar makes the game's pvp more stratigically involved. On the positive side I would also know my opponents health and be able to stay in and shut them down. Has the thought of also showing mana come up? I havn't read the whole thread.

01-13-2013, 05:44 AM
Let there be an option in the Settings, which enables you to decide whether to show your health bar in PvP or not.
Win-win. :)