View Full Version : Trade suggestion

05-27-2010, 06:37 AM
I think trade is sweet!

Maybe a suggestion, the down arrow when there's more than four items or more pages. I think it's a little close to the confirmation check box. I mean I haven't had it accidently accepted.... Yet. But there has been times where I feel like I will. It's just incase say your showing all your items and so and so doesn't want to buy the pink tiara.. at the bottom. I don't think it would be fun removing one at a time and put them back in again just to be safe from the confirmation button. I just feel that if I scroll down I might hit it since my thumb is big, and it u can see if your pressing the box or down arrow.

But I guess you gotta be pretty dumb if u accidently hit it. Just a suggestion. Other than, no problemo with trade.

Maybe the arrows could switch sides?
