View Full Version : Goretusk gored quest bugged???

07-20-2015, 02:50 PM
So im working on the quest GORETUSK GORED and ive killed.him numerous.times all while having the quest active and ive never actually completed the quest....ive abandoned the quest and reaccepted multiple times and for some reson its not working...has.this happened to anyone else? Whats.the fix.for.it if it has? Ty all in advance

07-20-2015, 02:53 PM
Prolly shouldve put this in the bug section as well sorry about that...can a mod move and maybe let me know whats going on here please ;-)

07-20-2015, 04:18 PM
Update: so i ended up finishing the daily quest for gems and abandoning the orc helm quest.leaving no active.garetta quest and i than accepted the goretusk quest and FINALLY completed it....yaaay problem solved....now to go take.some Tylenol for this headache this caused lol