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07-21-2015, 12:17 AM
I began playing this game over 2 years ago, fiercely playing for the first year, then slowly but surely my interest began dying down. The reason why, is what I've only just recently realized.

Back then, the gameplay was so new and fresh to me. It seemed so cool, coming from a past with no internet for the first 17 years of my life, to be able to play a game with people not in the same room as I am. Meeting new players and seeing real, intelligent life through pixels a programs. Knowing that every movement is a human gesture, there is human thought behind everything I see, all the way around the globe, in the palm of my hand. Being able to hack-and-slash my way through brackenridge with someone in indonesia was the coolest thing ever.

Before April of 2013, I considered myself a hardcore gamer. Being able to complete nearly any game within a week. Walking into AL, I had the same mindset. Reaching level 30 within a month, I thought I was among the elite of the elite. But then, I went into end game. Last year, shortly upon elite tindirin release, I went into elite tindirin solo. I died 5 times and still didn't make it through the first mob. Is this hardcore gaming? I had no idea. I did the best I could as a busy young adult to catch up to those high-class hardcore players with no luck. My determination diminished faster than a happy meal for a fat kid. I realized I've went months without touching my xbox 360 console. Have I outgrown video games?

For the past year, I've only ran elite maps less than 10 times, solely because I just don't have the energy to run around dying and respawning. I have wasted countless amounts of cash only to be adding fuel to a fireless pit of ash. After really only one year of hard work, and another year being laid-back, my assets total only around 5m. I've recently gone back into the game with a determined mindset of fiercely playing, but then my will died down after 5 minutes. When the game grows in favor of those very well geared, the casual gamers get left in the dust.

Once the novelty of the primitive gameplay diminishes, what is there to keep me glued to the game? The storyline appears nonlinear, optional and fragmented. I don't understand the main quest of the game, if there even is one? It appears more of a discover this, complete that, complete that again, and again, and again, and again; over and over again. There is no direct goal of the game, no recurring element or enemy. To quickly put it, the story sucks!

So if it's not the story and if it's not the gameplay, what's keeping me in the game. Player competition? I WISH! Again, as a busy young man, I don't have the time tk dwindle away farming the same hard maps multiple times a day to be able to compete with those with all the time in the world. Nor do I have the money to spend to plat-whale myself to the top. So I cannot compete with other players.

So what is keeping me in the community? Aha!! The community! I've met so many cool people here. But now, I have other ways of keeping in touch with everyone. So, I've decided to take a break from AL. Possibly for a month or two to rebreathe and let the gameplay possibly become a novelty again, or likely never to return at all for the reason that I have no point to waste my time in AL anymore.

All in all, here's my review of AL as a long-time player:

Gameplay: 5/10. Classic button mashing combat and running around with others. Smoothe animations and overall the combat makes sense. Amazing sorcerer skill graphics. Sorcerer gameplay is still exciting for me, too bad they can't compete with rogues. The direction of the game depends too heavily on the hard-hitting mobs. Dodging one-hitting attacks takes no skill as there is no way to control yourself from getting killed, redzones feel bugged as the lag prevents players from getting out of the way in time. After a while, the game grows dull, but so does every other game, so its really not cause for concern.

Graphics: 9/10. Great graphics for a game that runs smoothly on virtually any device. Stunning visuals give the environments such a lively spectacle. As a mobile mmo, the graphics are surprisingly outstanding!

Story: 2/10. The storyline is far from immersive. While the overall idea can be picked up from the environments and enemies (goblins vs humans, blue things vs black shadow things, orcs vs gnomes), the game severely lacks an overall goal. The storyline appears fragmented and repetitious. Explore this, kill these things, explore that, kill those things, etc. Nothing runs together and it appears as a absent-purpose game.

Social Interface: 10/10. AL makes it so easy to meet new people. Compared to other mobile mmos I've played, communicating with others seemed to be a headache, and meeting new players seemed impossible. AL knocks sociality right out of the park! Friends, organizable parties, and simplistic guild structure, this is clearly an mmo.

07-21-2015, 12:41 AM
I keep asking my self Why I stay. The amount of time and effort put into this game is too much to throw away. I'm going to play AL untill the time comes to call it quits. And then I shall quit hardcore gaming forever :)

~ Life goals ~

07-21-2015, 01:20 AM
I keep asking my self Why I stay. The amount of time and effort put into this game is too much to throw away. I'm going to play AL untill the time comes to call it quits. And then I shall quit hardcore gaming forever :)

~ Life goals ~

I think about that too, but then I also think about how much more time I would waste if I stayed and quit later. And at least I would be leaving on my own terms, rather than when everything dies once STS has given up.

Runel Joseph Ruiz
07-21-2015, 01:43 AM
well i just realize the same thing, i have no idea why i got addicted with this game. well anyway i'm having fun so who cares.

07-21-2015, 02:22 AM
That is almost exactly what i am going through o.O
Just to pick up the game and start playing seems like a chore to me; but i cant just part with the game that kept me occupied over 6 months.
I guess its just that the novelty of it wore off in my case.
I doubt ill come back to AL, but i hope i feel like doing so again

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

07-21-2015, 02:54 AM
I'm still logging in everyday, with the hope of feeling the same like I did 2 years ago.
When I actually felt happy.

07-21-2015, 03:12 AM
Here comes a chain reaction of " game sucks because... "

07-21-2015, 03:29 AM
Im not really a hardcore player, doesnt play 10 hours a day (2-3h minimum) and still immersed with PVP each time the experience is always different. IDK about others but still good for me.

07-21-2015, 03:38 AM
Here comes a chain reaction of " game sucks because... "

Nobody's saying the game sucks, it's just it's not as good as it used to be. Everything is just slowly dying with time, just needs refreshing. Completely taking away this crappy no-skill-required skill system and giving it the Pocket Legends' tactical skill system would today revive PVP. It would become less about how much the person has spent on their character since its all about wealth.

A game you've got real skill with is a game you'd much rather play, in my eyes..

07-21-2015, 04:08 AM
Nobody's saying the game sucks, it's just it's not as good as it used to be. Everything is just slowly dying with time, just needs refreshing. Completely taking away this crappy no-skill-required skill system and giving it the Pocket Legends' tactical skill system would today revive PVP. It would become less about how much the person has spent on their character since its all about wealth.

A game you've got real skill with is a game you'd much rather play, in my eyes..

U sure nobody is saying game will die because various reasons ? I keep hearing same people contradicting with themself. One year ago " why we can't loot shard " nowadays " why i have so much plats? and everything in a game which I invested my money "

First of all nobody gives a crap if one person or two spent $ cause we all did afterall. We supported the game aswell. I can't quite understand how my money werent important at some point and their money still are? But if they have everything in a "dying game " they have to be butthurted. Their ego was up in the sky... Now they are "mortals" like everyone else. I'm not reffering to Op. Hope i make it clear.

If wallet warriors have a problem with boredom they should find other activities in AL or take their big pockets and move to another game. How about a hobby? How about some fresh air?

Although STS should try to have a better communication with us. Not just a weekly post. I don't know why the most important jewels have a low drop rate than others? Why i m lagging? When comes ursoth event? Before elites or after? Are we going to need nythic belt at all to craft mythic set? How about orcslaying. I don't have to guess this things out. But i promise i will talk with my personal fortune teller.

07-21-2015, 05:06 AM
Simply put I agree with op. Yes al economy is improving, but what is the improvement for? Everything seems way more repititive then any other mmo. I auit for s long time duemto economy/real life issues, I come back economy is different but overall al is still the same. I think CoC is goin be the next big thing and after awhile people will move on. Sts is nowhere near what it had during the pl/SL reon of its years and unless they change it.......

07-21-2015, 06:03 AM
I give 5/10 to gameplay aswell.Poor skill sistem...and warriors :apologetic:
But for the story i give 7/10.Indeed,it does not have a main goal.It has FOUR main goals:
1.Kill Lord Mardrom before he conquers Arlor
2.Find out what's up with the Gleipnir...
3.Kill Lord Rendtail for what he's done to Arlor
4.Kill Korgar Goretusk and avenge the town of Garetta

If AL's story would have ONE main goal,for example,let's say to kill Mardrom's twin,the only thing people would do is to wait until that time comes.
And the quests in AL are mainly based on kill this,kill that, kill that one aswell.What are we? Paid assasins?
We need more secondary quests,and NOT based on killing bosses.About discovering,investigating misteries.Such as the quest available from King Dude's statue at the beggining of the game which lets you know why Rutger betrayed you and his men... and the Dark Secret quest which debunks an old conspiracy theory about Uller trying to kill Vili...
You don't even read the quests do ya?
Back to the topic,i don't think the story is great,but i think it's good enough for AL to become a good MMO.
If you really want to see the main story,i made a post about it 2 weeks ago.
And one more question:what would you do to improve AL's gameplay and story?
Thanks for reading.

07-21-2015, 06:47 AM
I think it of us feel this is the last expansion for AL. For me it's my friends, like you that keep me logging on. I have the mindset to milk expansionsion for all that it's worth then exit on a high before it sinks to Pl status.

Also, playing a game for several years you get burned out regardless of the cool factor. Novelty wears off in all games.

07-21-2015, 10:27 AM
I think it of us feel this is the last expansion for AL. For me it's my friends, like you that keep me logging on. I have the mindset to milk expansionsion for all that it's worth then exit on a high before it sinks to Pl status.

Also, playing a game for several years you get burned out regardless of the cool factor. Novelty wears off in all games.

Had AL have been an offline rpg, I'd've been gone 2 years ago. What's kept me up and about is all of the great people whom I've met during my journey. When the game dies, we are left with memories and eternal friendship, all the pixels arent going to carry over. Ive always had the mindset to enjoy every moment like its the last. I didnt care about becoming top player, i just wanted to have fun. But with time, I grew more and more unsavory for the gameplay. Enigmatic has kept me logging on over the past 7 months. I have so much gratitude for you and fade for organizing the guild. Without you guys, I really wouldn't be here today.

07-21-2015, 10:33 AM
Here comes a chain reaction of " game sucks because... "

I'm not saying the game sucks, because ive enjoyed it, I know there are others who still enjoy the game. I'm just clarifying that I'm just not enjoying it anymore.

Edward Coug
07-21-2015, 10:52 AM
I began playing this game over 2 years ago, fiercely playing for the first year, then slowly but surely my interest began dying down. The reason why, is what I've only just recently realized.

Back then, the gameplay was so new and fresh to me. It seemed so cool, coming from a past with no internet for the first 17 years of my life, to be able to play a game with people not in the same room as I am. Meeting new players and seeing real, intelligent life through pixels a programs. Knowing that every movement is a human gesture, there is human thought behind everything I see, all the way around the globe, in the palm of my hand. Being able to hack-and-slash my way through brackenridge with someone in indonesia was the coolest thing ever.

Before April of 2013, I considered myself a hardcore gamer. Being able to complete nearly any game within a week. Walking into AL, I had the same mindset. Reaching level 30 within a month, I thought I was among the elite of the elite. But then, I went into end game. Last year, shortly upon elite tindirin release, I went into elite tindirin solo. I died 5 times and still didn't make it through the first mob. Is this hardcore gaming? I had no idea. I did the best I could as a busy young adult to catch up to those high-class hardcore players with no luck. My determination diminished faster than a happy meal for a fat kid. I realized I've went months without touching my xbox 360 console. Have I outgrown video games?

For the past year, I've only ran elite maps less than 10 times, solely because I just don't have the energy to run around dying and respawning. I have wasted countless amounts of cash only to be adding fuel to a fireless pit of ash. After really only one year of hard work, and another year being laid-back, my assets total only around 5m. I've recently gone back into the game with a determined mindset of fiercely playing, but then my will died down after 5 minutes. When the game grows in favor of those very well geared, the casual gamers get left in the dust.

Once the novelty of the primitive gameplay diminishes, what is there to keep me glued to the game? The storyline appears nonlinear, optional and fragmented. I don't understand the main quest of the game, if there even is one? It appears more of a discover this, complete that, complete that again, and again, and again, and again; over and over again. There is no direct goal of the game, no recurring element or enemy. To quickly put it, the story sucks!

So if it's not the story and if it's not the gameplay, what's keeping me in the game. Player competition? I WISH! Again, as a busy young man, I don't have the time tk dwindle away farming the same hard maps multiple times a day to be able to compete with those with all the time in the world. Nor do I have the money to spend to plat-whale myself to the top. So I cannot compete with other players.

So what is keeping me in the community? Aha!! The community! I've met so many cool people here. But now, I have other ways of keeping in touch with everyone. So, I've decided to take a break from AL. Possibly for a month or two to rebreathe and let the gameplay possibly become a novelty again, or likely never to return at all for the reason that I have no point to waste my time in AL anymore.

All in all, here's my review of AL as a long-time player:

Gameplay: 5/10. Classic button mashing combat and running around with others. Smoothe animations and overall the combat makes sense. Amazing sorcerer skill graphics. Sorcerer gameplay is still exciting for me, too bad they can't compete with rogues. The direction of the game depends too heavily on the hard-hitting mobs. Dodging one-hitting attacks takes no skill as there is no way to control yourself from getting killed, redzones feel bugged as the lag prevents players from getting out of the way in time. After a while, the game grows dull, but so does every other game, so its really not cause for concern.

Graphics: 9/10. Great graphics for a game that runs smoothly on virtually any device. Stunning visuals give the environments such a lively spectacle. As a mobile mmo, the graphics are surprisingly outstanding!

Story: 2/10. The storyline is far from immersive. While the overall idea can be picked up from the environments and enemies (goblins vs humans, blue things vs black shadow things, orcs vs gnomes), the game severely lacks an overall goal. The storyline appears fragmented and repetitious. Explore this, kill these things, explore that, kill those things, etc. Nothing runs together and it appears as a absent-purpose game.

Social Interface: 10/10. AL makes it so easy to meet new people. Compared to other mobile mmos I've played, communicating with others seemed to be a headache, and meeting new players seemed impossible. AL knocks sociality right out of the park! Friends, organizable parties, and simplistic guild structure, this is clearly an mmo.

First of all, this is a great write up. You put lots of time into this, and it's very well thought out.

The only part I take issue with is your take on elites. The difficulty of the elites was the only thing that kept me coming back. You didn't need top shelf gear to run planar. It was difficult but a ton of fun.

The problem for me, and the elite obsessed, is the lull while we wait for the new elite maps to be released. Sure, we can make a fortune by farming locks or running outdated elites, but I really need something new, especially now that my shiny new gear and the new level 46 cap allow me to breeze through anything the game currently has to offer. I'm a bit surprised the new elites haven't been released yet, but they will come. I might just take a break until then.

Zylx, if you never did master planar tombs, I highly recommend doing it now. It's a lot easier. Hardly anybody is running it anymore, but PM me, and I'll gladly run it with you (anything to avoid farming locks).

07-21-2015, 11:36 AM
It just feels like the devs don't care anymore, at least not about the players' view of the game.

They let a dev (stsgrump) monopolize the timed leaderboards for months on end, they take no action against people who dummy farm and exploit their ways up the other leaderboards, they keep ap's needed to get onto the top player board that were also heavily exploited (flag bots much?), and change flagging to make it take 5x longer to accomplish. Nobody has time for that, because that is NOT anyone's idea of gaming.

So essentially:

* there is no way to compete for most of the leaderboards due to lack of ToS enforcement (relying on players ratting others out is not the way to do things)

* there are no ap's that you can to work for once you have completed all maps and arena (work does not mean running back and forth in a room 10K times, nor does it involve things we would have done anyways, like killing 3 bosses and reaching level 46)

* they still have not implemented elite kills, elite kdr + elite kills leaderboard which would be an actually fair way to judge player skill / effort. Yet there are 2 separate stats and leaderboards for pvp - which is not even the main part of the game

* this expansion has half the maps of a normal one, with mobs that are only practical for rogues to kill and bosses that don't drop chests (wtf)

* bosses with the identical sounds to other prominent bosses in the game which just feels redundant

* instead of a troll boss, we now get troll mobs. Nobody likes trolls! We have had enough trolls to last a lifetime!

I have loved this game for a long time, but it gets harder and harder to log in. I have spent over 2 1/2 years in this game, and the last 6 months it has been almost impossible to keep going. The only reason I still log in is because of my guild and the friends therein. If I didn't have that responsibility and those people, I'd have been gone long ago. The game I played before this, I was in for 5 years and only left because the devs didn't care anymore and the game went to crap. I don't want to see that happen here after investing both time and money in the entity that is Arcane Legends.

I disagree with the OP's opinion that elites are too hard. Challenges are the only things that keep us going. It just feels like they think being stunned for 4 seconds so you can't escape a one-hit redzone is difficult. That's not difficult, because there is nothing you can do with any amount of skill to avoid the death.

07-21-2015, 11:40 AM
Ser the troll part made me laugh. My peeve is the freaking HORNS on vanity and gear. WHO WANTS HORNS?????? NOBODY!

Edward Coug
07-21-2015, 11:50 AM
It just feels like the devs don't care anymore, at least not about the players' view of the game.

They let a dev (stsgrump) monopolize the timed leaderboards for months on end, they take no action against people who dummy farm and exploit their ways up the other leaderboards, they keep ap's needed to get onto the top player board that were also heavily exploited (flag bots much?), and change flagging to make it take 5x longer to accomplish. Nobody has time for that, because that is NOT anyone's idea of gaming.

So essentially:

* there is no way to compete for most of the leaderboards due to lack of ToS enforcement (relying on players ratting others out is not the way to do things)

* there are no ap's that you can to work for once you have completed all maps and arena (work does not mean running back and forth in a room 10K times, nor does it involve things we would have done anyways, like killing 3 bosses and reaching level 46)

* they still have not implemented elite kills, elite kdr + elite kills leaderboard which would be an actually fair way to judge player skill / effort. Yet there are 2 separate stats and leaderboards for pvp - which is not even the main part of the game

* this expansion has half the maps of a normal one, with mobs that are only practical for rogues to kill and bosses that don't drop chests (wtf)

* bosses with the identical sounds to other prominent bosses in the game which just feels redundant

* instead of a troll boss, we now get troll mobs. Nobody likes trolls! We have had enough trolls to last a lifetime!

I have loved this game for a long time, but it gets harder and harder to log in. I have spent over 2 1/2 years in this game, and the last 6 months it has been almost impossible to keep going. The only reason I still log in is because of my guild and the friends therein. If I didn't have that responsibility and those people, I'd have been gone long ago. The game I played before this, I was in for 5 years and only left because the devs didn't care anymore and the game went to crap. I don't want to see that happen here after investing both time and money in the entity that is Arcane Legends.

I disagree with the OP's opinion that elites are too hard. Challenges are the only things that keep us going. It just feels like they think being stunned for 4 seconds so you can't escape a one-hit redzone is difficult. That's not difficult, because there is nothing you can do with any amount of skill to avoid the death.

Very good points, but I strongly disagree with implementing a KDR leaderboard for elites. It would encourage cowardly, inefficient play, and nobody would want to park.

07-21-2015, 11:53 AM
Very good points, but I strongly disagree with implementing a KDR leaderboard for elites. It would encourage cowardly, inefficient play, and nobody would want to park.

Excellent point, thanks. Elite kills and leaderboards then (scaled elites only), no kdr needed. I find parking cowardly and a huge waste of time though - but that's just me.

Muhammad Rasyid Rahman
07-21-2015, 11:57 AM
"Knowing that every movement is a human gesture, there is human thought behind everything I see, all the way around the globe, in the palm of my hand. Being able to hack-and-slash my way through brackenridge with someone in indonesia was the coolest thing ever." Im from indonesia :)

I like your thought zylx, everyone has their opinion and their interest in something, or maybe they are lack of social in real world, so they like to play this game just because they got a loot of friendly people, or maybe not friendly at all. As you grow old you will vacuum or retired from this game, thats a must, because you wont play this game till you 50 years old or maybe till you have grandson, or maybe there is grandpa playing this game, but im not so sure. Im stating that you must not stick to video game forever, you must get to real life soon :) YOLO :banana:

07-21-2015, 11:57 AM
AL is a heavy grind, long way from a real mobile game.

I have grinded three Toons to lvl41, I am pretty sure that I wont level all of them to 46.

But it has been great two years. And continuing, maybe just not that intense as before.

07-21-2015, 12:38 PM
I disagree with the OP's opinion that elites are too hard. Challenges are the only things that keep us going. It just feels like they think being stunned for 4 seconds so you can't escape a one-hit redzone is difficult. That's not difficult, because there is nothing you can do with any amount of skill to avoid the death.

Let me clarify what I mean by the elites being a bit too difficult.

As a mid-geared rogue, I've noticed that if you don't have ample supplies of ankhs, you can bet you aren't going to get far in elite runs. For ankhs, you need gold/plat. When elites are made to challenge those at the top, those who aren't very rich nor very well geared will burn through ankhs like crazy. You lose gold faster than you gain it. The skill of the game appears to rely heavily on spamming potions to keep yourself from being 2-hitted. But is that really a skill? All the strategy of the game relies on pulling/parking. But how would you do that if mobs are one-two-hitting? I have absolutely no control over what attacks hit or miss. Sure, elites are possible, but they take a substantial amount of time to complete. I have wasted millions of gold on ankhs with absolutely nothing to show for it. How is that encouraging me to continue playing?

07-21-2015, 01:07 PM
Like i said in another topic before. There's really no skills involved in this game anymore when you can revived and use ankhs everytime you die. That's why i suggested the idea of limit the amount of Ankh being use in Elite maps, then you will see how skillful people really are.

And for the one who commented or will commented on this is mostly only care about how fast you can run elite. That part i already know, it's easy to run ANY ELITE FAST if you have Ankhs / Revived. It means there's no Skill involved at all....

Edward Coug
07-21-2015, 01:26 PM
Let me clarify what I mean by the elites being a bit too difficult.

As a mid-geared rogue, I've noticed that if you don't have ample supplies of ankhs, you can bet you aren't going to get far in elite runs. For ankhs, you need gold/plat. When elites are made to challenge those at the top, those who aren't very rich nor very well geared will burn through ankhs like crazy. You lose gold faster than you gain it. The skill of the game appears to rely heavily on spamming potions to keep yourself from being 2-hitted. But is that really a skill? All the strategy of the game relies on pulling/parking. But how would you do that if mobs are one-two-hitting? I have absolutely no control over what attacks hit or miss. Sure, elites are possible, but they take a substantial amount of time to complete. I have wasted millions of gold on ankhs with absolutely nothing to show for it. How is that encouraging me to continue playing?

When I started running planar tombs, the best thing I had was a blood ruby ring with grand gems - the rest of my gear was legendary. Breeze was selling for 700k, and planar chests were selling for 250k. I had no friends who ran tombs and was not in a guild. The most difficult part of the runs was not the runs themselves, but getting parties with my terrible gear and lack of name recognition. Yet, I loved it. I made lots of friends who were in the same boat, and we eventually mastered the levels and geared up. It wasn't easy (the Jarl ankh event helped), but I doubt I'll have that much fun in this game again.

The reason I share my story is just to offer a different perspective, not to pat myself on the back or tell you that you should have done something differently. There are many players who relish the challenge. That's the only reason we play. I highly recommend that you give the tombs a shot, now that they aren't as difficult. I love those maps, can't say enough about them.

07-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Doesn't anyone care about the story?
*nobody answers*
I won't blame you.Well especially you but...
The story of the game is made to be ignored.
How many of you do know:
-about the Cryostar and why it's very important?
-why did Rutger betray you?
-what is Bael's role?
-what is the "Dark Secret"?
-why did Karin "fall in love with you"?

Trimis de pe al meu GT-P5100 folosind Tapatalk

07-21-2015, 01:59 PM
I started this game as a very new player to the play style to pass time in school you know? So I started getting immediately addicted to PvP. I saw all these twinks and people looking super cool with cool KDR so I chose to become one of these twinks I did. I started off with a tank in level 18 with Abaddon (when it was 4m and Sam was well above 20). I then ended up making a new tank for better KDR etc and its the PvP aspect of AL that got me into this game nothing else.

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

07-21-2015, 02:14 PM
I keep asking my self Why I stay. The amount of time and effort put into this game is too much to throw away. I'm going to play AL untill the time comes to call it quits. And then I shall quit hardcore gaming forever :)

~ Life goals ~

Yo man, one day you just gotta close your eyes, feel it, and start gifting away. And when you have nothing but your naked toon to give away, you're good to go.

100% guarantee

07-21-2015, 02:20 PM
Allow me to share with you what I have learned about this game. In order to be successful in this game, you need to have several different toons available to play with. This game always has very limited windows of opportunity to earn a lot of gold and you need to be ready for it. First thing I want to say, however, is people need to stop trying to enter Elite maps and then complain it is too difficult in one sentence, and then in another sentence they say that they're not very geared. It's called "Elite" for a reason.

Back to what I was saying. These past several weeks have been excellent opportunities to earn a lot of gold. You can earn 100k per day, per toon, in 15 minutes by doing the Garreta daily quest. So, 300k if you do this on your war, rogue and mage daily. In 10 days, that's 3m gold. Another way to earn a lot of gold is simply to grind out km3. You can easily earn 500k per day with the prices of today. When the Rengol crates were first released, I was making over 1m per hour. Yes, 1m per hour for several days. BUT, you need to level up a mage and learn how to use it properly to make gold. If you are standing outside of Km3 with your warrior yelling, "PT," you are wasting time. I'm sorry but nobody decent will invite you.

I had to accept this harsh reality last season when I leveled up a rogue to 41. All of the gold was being made in the Arena and I could have sat around and complained to STS that warriors / mages don't get pt invites or I could have leveled up a rogue, which is what I did. I made millions in the Arena. I farmed there several hours per day and I looted many amulets. There is a possibility that the Arena will be refreshed with 46 Amulet or gear, so I suggest warriors and mages reading this, to consider what I'm saying.

The new maps that are coming out are rogue maps. Maybe 2 mage / 2 rogue but leaning towards 4 rogue. When elites come, there will be a small window to make a ton of money. I suggest, grinding KM3, making enough money to max out your rogue, so that you are ready to hit the jack pot when the new elites come out.

We also have the Ursoth event coming. If it's anything like last time, it will require crafting 3 rengol crates for an ursoth crate. Again, you will need a mage to farm crates.

I guess my point here in short is that you need to have a mage and a rogue on hand so that you can capitalize on these small windows to earn gold with the appropriate toon. If you are not running your mage right now in KM3, you better get going, because you're already behind. Save that money and gear your rogue for when elites arrive, etc. etc.

I think you missed the whole point zylx was trying to say about elite map

07-21-2015, 03:06 PM
What's with the mid-geared thing? That was last season.

We currently have the choice of padded gear, or padded gear. Or if you'd prefer, you can get padded gear (or the equivalent in a different name). The crate bow is currently the best, and you can fully equip a toon with level 46 legendaries for under 500k. The epic belts are not that much worse than the mythic ones, so spending that 2m isn't even a complete necessity.

The gear gap has closed. There are no "haves" and "have-nots" anymore. Not when you can get an arcane ring AND a good arcane pet after a week or two of farming. The price of planar pendant recipes dropped to 80K yesterday, before some enterprising person bought them all in an effort to bump the price back up.

Edward Coug
07-21-2015, 03:33 PM
What's with the mid-geared thing? That was last season.

We currently have the choice of padded gear, or padded gear. Or if you'd prefer, you can get padded gear (or the equivalent in a different name). The crate bow is currently the best, and you can fully equip a toon with level 46 legendaries for under 500k. The epic belts are not that much worse than the mythic ones, so spending that 2m isn't even a complete necessity.

The gear gap has closed. There are no "haves" and "have-nots" anymore. Not when you can get an arcane ring AND a good arcane pet after a week or two of farming. The price of planar pendant recipes dropped to 80K yesterday, before some enterprising person bought them all in an effort to bump the price back up.

I'm sorry, but I have to agree with this. Before you had to be willing to put the time in to learning the elites to make enough gold to buy high end gear (and even when you did, you'd have to merch or invest your savings to be able to have any chance of being able to afford an arcane ring). But now, just farm locks hard for two weeks, and you can get just about everything you want.

As someone who worked their butt off for high end gear, you'd think I'd be unhappy with this development. I'm not. I'm thrilled the gap has closed. The only reason I'm bored is that the new elites haven't come out, so I have nothing to do.

I think the assumption that everyone bought their gear with plat and that high end gear was a requirement for end game farming needs to go away. It's just wrong. And so is implying that there was no skill involved in farming levels that you yourself did not farm because of extreme difficulty.

If only there were there were some sort of easier version of the levels where you just play casually without having high end gear, and a harder version of the levels that required better gear or a higher degree of skill. That way, both the casual and hardcore players could be happy.

07-21-2015, 07:14 PM
I still have the primitive feeling as I only started a month or so back, however after my 5 years of pl I lost interest.

I literally tried to force myself to like it.

I wanted to get addicted to it again.

But there was nothing to do since they stopped updating.

Unless sts can somehow keep coming up with new, non reskins then the player base will die out like a flame on wet tinder that isn't well maintained

07-21-2015, 07:21 PM
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with this.

You never need to apologize for agreeing with me ;) Are you Canadian, by any chance?

07-21-2015, 08:11 PM
I disagree! Agreeing with serancha should be a bannable offence.

Well obviously, but he still doesn't need to apologize.

07-21-2015, 10:33 PM
I'll be honest, I used to be super addicted to this game but unfortunantly lost interest ever since the Tindrin release. All I can say is this has been the most fun i have had on a video game ever. I'm really grateful I was able to stumble upon this game randomly and was able to play during the glory days (at least my glory days) of this game!

Any ways, I feel like we can't blame the devs too much for lack of interest people have shown in recent months. After all, they have been giving us alot of content with various difficulty, as well as stuff for people who do or do not spend money. I feel like the players of AL are just as much to blame due to those who abuse the system (plat farmer, dummy farmers, etc.). It also seems that no matter what sts releases, people are always constantly complaining, which gives people negative feelings towards the game. Also, my personal opinion is that the game used to be more fun when there was less people. Back when I began my adventure, I able to create a twink only spening a couple thousand and was able to have fun and get along with people. Now, I can spend several million on a twink and still do bad due to the high number of twinkers and frequent gangs. It used to be if you had a malison you were OP, now it seems like in every town there's a gazillion nekros and other arcane pets. I guess to me, this game has run its course and has seen its better day. Don't get me wrong, people still have fun and it can still bring some entertainment from time to time, but it seems that alot of players are slowing down.

Even though this game has seen its hard times, most people can all tell their stories of how much fun they had smashing monsters, killing nabs, and farming hardcore elites, and maybe even the fun they are still having. I've disapproved of some of the updates sts has dont over the past years, as have many others, but to me sts couldn't have done that much better of a job. I would just like to say thanks to all sts members for the fun we have had over the years and for the great game they provided for us!

07-21-2015, 10:44 PM
Doesn't anyone care about the story?
*nobody answers*
I won't blame you.Well especially you but...
The story of the game is made to be ignored.
How many of you do know:
-about the Cryostar and why it's very important?
-why did Rutger betray you?
-what is Bael's role?
-what is the "Dark Secret"?
-why did Karin "fall in love with you"?

Trimis de pe al meu GT-P5100 folosind Tapatalk

Allow me to answer.

1. Some type of Cryptonite or something i guess.
2. I ate his last twinkie.
3. To drop Flapjack and Mali eggs
4 . if i tell you, it wont be a secret anymore.
5. I saved her from golbins and rooks. She should be grateful.

07-22-2015, 03:41 AM
Allow me to answer.

1. Some type of Cryptonite or something i guess.
2. I ate his last twinkie.
3. To drop Flapjack and Mali eggs
4 . if i tell you, it wont be a secret anymore.
5. I saved her from golbins and rooks. She should be grateful.
4.It's a quest...not a Secret

Trimis de pe al meu GT-P5100 folosind Tapatalk

07-22-2015, 05:09 AM
I began playing this game over 2 years ago too, Im not really a hardcore player.

I use to play 1 hours a day (30mins for daily quest and the rest for farming auction) and still immersed with game features.

Im still logging in everyday for daily quest(600exp, story token & haunlet coin), currently L45, still have a week to cap.

07-22-2015, 06:35 AM
I have been playing since s4,and i still find this game interesting, especially after this expansion.
I farm everyday about 5-6 hours,but 3-4 hours in weekends cuz im just too lazy then -.-
And i do find the story of the game interesting.I rate it 7/10.
I don't know how you managed to give the story a 2/10.I think you don't read them.
Indeed,the quests are just kill that,kill this,and that just makes us some "paid assasins".But if you read them,you will learn the story of the game.
And it doesn't need a main goal.Cause if the final expansion comes out, let's say at the end of the next year,and it has the main goal with it,the only thing people would do is to wait until then.
But if you rated the story 2/10 without even reading the quests,that makes you a hater.
About the other points,yes,i totally agree with you.

07-22-2015, 11:58 AM
A dev should be thanking your posts instead of thanking OP, lol.

I'm all out of thanks or I would.

Edward Coug
07-22-2015, 12:07 PM
You never need to apologize for agreeing with me ;) Are you Canadian, by any chance?

Hehehe. No, but I am Midwestern. We apologize for everything, except perhaps breathing.

07-22-2015, 05:23 PM
Yeah I agree, most my friends are already tired of me complaining about this game honestly it's only them keeping me here, I used to play this game a lot like 10 hours a day now I play around 2 max. It's just sad to see this game become this

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07-22-2015, 06:11 PM
I think part of it is also the way the game has slowed down. When I started this game there was something new, however small- a new pet, a new vanity, every couple of weeks, and new mini content every month to keep us going mid expansion like the release of the "explore" map, PvP releases and updates, and the nordr mines, the first arena, new bosses added to arena, etc.

There was constantly either something new, or something just on the horizon to look forward to.

It looks like sts are trying to recreate that with the weekly events, and with this expansion being released in phases, with elites still to come and potentially a part 2 where a couple more maps are opened, and teasers coming massively in advance.

I guess for some players, it is just a case of the spell being broken during the past two ridiculously long expansions. Once a kid realises Santa doesn't exist, its pretty hard for them to get back that "magic" feeling they once had?

07-22-2015, 07:50 PM
Let me clarify what I mean by the elites being a bit too difficult.

--->For ankhs, you need gold/plat. <--
Or Klaas... You can hit Klaas up to 3 times a day. He is quite friendly when it comes to handing out ankhs it seems.
One of my chars has hundreds of ankhs, and they all came from Klaas. I use this character to store items that won't fit in the stash, but I also do daily quest and Klaas/Shazbot with him so end up with gold and goodies as well.

As for the Elites they are doable with just the old mythic armor and picking off mobs one by one, but it takes forever (like 45 minutes a map). So the level is probably just fine for them, the problem is that there doesn't really seem to be anything worth farming in them anymore.