View Full Version : My gears for my lvl 56 bear...effective or not?

07-22-2015, 01:58 AM
So these are the sets I want on my bears, please comment on each set and what classes they are effective on.
* L56 sm
* L56 obedience
* L56 BT mace and bunny, rest is RS
P.s: Which set is best for ffa?

07-22-2015, 10:31 AM
So these are the sets I want on my bears, please comment on each set and what classes they are effective on.
* L56 sm very effective
* L56 obedience very effective
* L56 BT mace and bunny, rest is RS very effective
P.s: Which set is best for ffa?
You could be using crappy l51 sewer gear and still make it very effective
Any set will do for ffa, even that crappy l51 sewer set

07-22-2015, 12:25 PM
Pretty sure you have asked us before.

Basically any helm armour and shield you equip between levels 51-56 with a big top or sm mace is going to be extremely effective because of that ridiculously op damage.

Bt mace and bunny is great for birds and other bears, obedience set is great for any class if you know bear ranges very well, and sm is for basically anything since 92% hit is still almost a guarantee to hit beckon, even if blinded.

07-22-2015, 03:22 PM
Changing between those sets is more effort than killing the person with the set you're wearing.
Just stick with SM, its nice

07-22-2015, 03:51 PM
Stick with SM. But I honestly prefer using Custom Recurve bc people can't complain about the OPness of SM on behrs.