View Full Version : Ankh & respec scrolls in ren lock crates

07-23-2015, 03:45 AM
STS or to whom it may concern!

Please can guys change the Ankh and respec scrolls coming from ren luck into kits so the lock openers can sell it.
Its very annoying to get respec and Ankh and it will be useless. I got 900 Ankh and 500 + respec on my toon.

So what does STS what us to do? Respec Daily? 1 reason we dont open lock because our toon is already at its limit. every time we got another Ankh it wont save anymore because Max is 1,000. Or maybe STS want us to die 1000 times before we open ren lock crates again. and respec every single day.

Really STS you need to remove to replace them into KITS.

07-23-2015, 03:53 AM
I agree but I doubt they'll do that since it'll lower their income from people only buying ankh and Respec kits for plats.

07-23-2015, 04:03 AM
when you reach 1,000 ankh and you still open ren lock and you looted another ankh your ankh wont go up or your wont get added because you already reach the limit of 1,000k ankh... STS should make this into kits instead of auto stash or auto use... they should gave the lock openers freedom if they wana sell it or use it... unlike now its kind of force use.. because its auto stash.

Thesaint Bermudez
07-23-2015, 04:05 AM
yeah already have max both of them.. :(

if i can repack it to make it gold..

07-23-2015, 05:34 AM
Trust me they won't make it trade able the only thing they would do is make it liquidable

07-23-2015, 06:17 AM
It should be tradeable because its already >>>payed<<<.

Or increase the limitation of ankhs up to 2000 if soo many drop by opening Locks.

Its all Money that goes to waste if I reached limit.

Either increase it up to 2000 or make it tradeable.

07-23-2015, 06:25 AM
What do you do when you have too many ankhs?

That's right you go use them.

Another reason not to change the form of these drops is t will kill the market for those who spend plat on kits and ankhs to get some gold.

Im a tank even if i elite 24/7 i wont be able to use all 900 in 1 month. when i open 100 lock i got 100-200 ankh's... i suggest they would make it a kit or trade able onces... rather than go to waste just because you already reach the limit...

07-23-2015, 06:37 AM
The locked loot is deplorable. It really is a mess. Lunar? Fang? Lol.... Then how about those 25% class lix. It goes beyond the ankh and respec scrolls. Right now I have over 600 respec... Lol.

07-23-2015, 07:41 AM
It won't be a waste if you help a few players with their APs and elites. Feel good factor is different for everyone I guess. Soon there will be new elites, which will be uber tough... Anytime you want to use up 5 ankhs per revive constantly hit me up.

I don't see why ankhs should be removed, they have been a part of drops for quite a while. Speaking as a f2p player it would be welcome to us, since it will only be driving prices lower for ankhs and kits. Then there will not only be people complaining about locks but about how buying kits and ankhs with plat is not worth it.

Well it will be more usefull if they will make it into kits or trade able rather than go direct to your inventory! Also im a tank with 3k armor do you ill use 1k of it? even if new elite will come out tank dont die that fast in elite runs.

07-23-2015, 10:50 AM
Im an f2p player, still I'd support this.
Actually, I was thinking that even before I read this post.
They should produce 5-ankh or 10-ankh mini kits that would only drop from locks. This way, the market could stay quite stable.
Can't say the same thing about Respec scrolls though. Those are used even less than Ankhs. Making those tradeable would actually crash the market.

07-23-2015, 02:48 PM
The locked loot is deplorable. It really is a mess. Lunar? Fang? Lol.... Then how about those 25% class lix. It goes beyond the ankh and respec scrolls. Right now I have over 600 respec... Lol.

Seeing the 25% class loot drop is like a slap in the face, I actually flinch when I see one of those now.
I would rather get higher end legendary stuff than all the old mythics that continue to drop.

07-23-2015, 03:06 PM
i am a huge supporter of every type of consumables in crates instead of pink gear eliminating every need to farm elites. but who needs class loot elixier, really? or old myth pendants? and further, we re at a state of game where everyone already has every skill he needs, no matter which class. skillwise, i doubt this game was designed to go beyond 36. where are the hard choices to make now? in that light, respecs are pretty useless, for endgamers at least. and for ankhs, yes, at least a tank with near 2,7- 3k armor can t use them up.
all in all crate loot needs to be revised badly to make them worth opening again. not with game changing items, but with small consumables which ensure it s worth the plat.
(or try super rare vanities or give us the option to buy them with crate tokens)

07-26-2015, 01:16 AM
Really STS you need to make this Ankhs trade able its 970/1000 if i loot 3 more from ren crates its 1000/1000 then the rest will be waste.

07-26-2015, 07:41 PM
Ok, would you like 3 epic items instead?

07-26-2015, 10:51 PM
yes, I agree about tradable ankh from lock. Maybe it can make ankh kit cheaper, everyone will be happy (maybe). I can't imagine 1000 respec, so i can say nothing about that :D

07-30-2015, 04:35 AM
Well GG :) STS listen after all...

07-30-2015, 06:59 AM
No your wrong the ankhs/respec scrolls are not already payed for. When you open locks ur paying for a chance at an arcane/mythic item aswell as other possible loot. When you buy kits your paying directly for those kits. Why should kit buyers be screwed over because people gamble for arcane items and cry about it when they get other things and cant make gold? Heres an idea. Stop opening locks and go farm something for once in ur life. I know the pay to play life is hard.
Much harder than it is for f2p. Get over it

Then how do u open those locks? Do you have a magic key or do you plat farm? When you use plat u payIng anything directly or indirectly doesn't matter because money is used anyway.

Nevertheless stg found a solution on next update no more ankhs or respec drops from locks anymore.

07-30-2015, 01:23 PM
Hey guys! :)

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