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View Full Version : Looting Arcane and Mythic on Lock crates is not the same as before

07-23-2015, 03:51 AM
Did you guys feel happy every time you loot arcane times?

For me no.. you spend 1-2m Gold for buying Ren lock Crates and you get 1 arcane item.. toor , maridos worse case shard worth 600-800k..
Looting arcane items this days are its like looting legendary gears..
you will break even with gold and lose a lot of plats..
So do you still want to open ren crates?

STS should add something wort opening crates. not its not worth it.. arcane is cheap...

You buy 1,700 plats for 100 USD and get what 2-3 arcane that will wort what? 3-5m? your 100USD is = to 3-5m if lucky..

before if your lucky you looted 1 arcane item sam, arcane maul if lucky shard 1 arcane loot will make you jump all over the place.. 1 item you can earn 20-100m gold...

LOL now its all trash...

07-23-2015, 03:54 AM
best get farmin then...

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07-23-2015, 05:24 AM
Did you guys feel happy every time you loot arcane times?

For me no.. you spend 1-2m Gold for buying Ren lock Crates and you get 1 arcane item.. toor , maridos worse case shard worth 600-800k..
Looting arcane items this days are its like looting legendary gears..
you will break even with gold and lose a lot of plats..
So do you still want to open ren crates?

STS should add something wort opening crates. not its not worth it.. arcane is cheap...

You buy 1,700 plats for 100 USD and get what 2-3 arcane that will wort what? 3-5m? your 100USD is = to 3-5m if lucky..

before if your lucky you looted 1 arcane item sam, arcane maul if lucky shard 1 arcane loot will make you jump all over the place.. 1 item you can earn 20-100m gold...

LOL now its all trash...

I don't think Sts invented crate so you can over charge ppl , it was intended for upgrading your personal toon

07-23-2015, 06:05 AM
The relative value of your real money is higher than ever. Only the absolute numbers are different. The only difference is that platwhales can't control the market and inflate prices.

07-23-2015, 06:27 AM
The relative value of your real money is higher than ever. Only the absolute numbers are different. The only difference is that platwhales can't control the market and inflate prices.
No the relative value of our real money is lower than ever. You lose both gold and your own cash opening locked. The risk is huge because you can't sell items anymore to break even. I would say the 'attractiveness' or relative value of spending money is rock bottom. We lose our liquidity, gold, and actual cash by opening.

Absolute value of a number describes the distance from zero, and opening locked you almost always go negative in both game gold and your cash.

Economics 101

07-23-2015, 06:44 AM
No the relative value of our real money is lower than ever. You lose both gold and your own cash opening locked. The risk is huge because you can't sell items anymore to break even. I would say the 'attractiveness' or relative value of spending money is rock bottom. We lose our liquidity, gold, and actual cash by opening.

Absolute value of a number describes the distance from zero, and opening locked you almost always go negative in both game gold and your cash.

Economics 101

As tons of others mentioned, opening locks isnt the only way to convert plats to gold, although most "plat whales" will see it as the only option while neglecting other surefire ways to convert plat to gold. How can you blame anyone else if it is your own fault for taking a gamble?

07-23-2015, 06:48 AM
As tons of others mentioned, opening locks isnt the only way to convert plats to gold, although most "plat whales" will see it as the only option while neglecting other surefire ways to convert plat to gold. How can you blame anyone else if it is your own fault for taking a gamble?

Was only clearing up jazzy's misuse of economic and mathematical vernacular not debating the best way to convert plat to gold.

07-23-2015, 07:06 AM
As tons of others mentioned, opening locks isnt the only way to convert plats to gold, although most "plat whales" will see it as the only option while neglecting other surefire ways to convert plat to gold. How can you blame anyone else if it is your own fault for taking a gamble?
How do u think f2p people get the game all? U do realize programmers don't work for free right? Smart piss off all the people that make the game possible that's genius! Candy just said what anyone with half a brain knows even if they don't spend real money... there's zero reason to now which doesn't suggest much future for the game. You can't get something from nothing.

07-23-2015, 07:17 AM
The people who make the game possible are the developers.

The people who ensure the survival of the game areus the players.

There is a reason to spend money, not as good as it once was before but still the people wanting to spend will spend.

Good luck with that. Never cease to show the failures of some education systems. Maybe devs can feed their kids air.

Runel Joseph Ruiz
07-23-2015, 07:31 AM
for sure there will be new items in ursoth, as some developers said that new items are coming in the next big update.

07-23-2015, 07:50 AM
Yeah, I think the sudden price drop of shard and fossil caught the developers off guard. That's probably one of the reasons for the double teeth week, to boost the price back up a little. But the best thing you can do is vote with your dollars. If you don't like the prize, don't buy. But as others have said, I'm sure other items are coming soon enough. Maybe you will be able to loot that new squirrel pet from locked.

07-23-2015, 08:08 AM
Level 46 Mythic gears are coming. The price of the locked crates and also the value of opening them will certainly go up.
Meanwhile, I am spotting many threads of this kind where people are telling STS that something must be done about the price of arcanes.
Well, STS know what they are doing. They have been revolving on MMORPG market for quite a while. When they sense that people are quitting due to lack of satisfaction, they'll do something. Like this 2x teeth event.
And if they aren't doing anything, Then probably there is no need as well. The gap between Plat buyers and F2P players shouldn't be large as hell.

07-23-2015, 08:21 AM
Yeah, I think the sudden price drop of shard and fossil caught the developers off guard. That's probably one of the reasons for the double teeth week, to boost the price back up a little. But the best thing you can do is vote with your dollars. If you don't like the prize, don't buy. But as others have said, I'm sure other items are coming soon enough. Maybe you will be able to loot that new squirrel pet from locked.

They always struggled with the loot table algorithms.

I went from never dropping shard/fossil in a year to several at a time.

Wonder if they replaced the old mythic helm/body and all old arc weapons with shard and fossil in the loot tables. That would explain the market flood of said items.

07-23-2015, 08:22 AM
The way i see it is who cares if an item that was worth 50m months ago is now only worth 3m? All the items prices items have dropped from what they once were. This is GAME money. If all prices drop and the most valued items are 5m then just let the economy adjust accordingly. It will all equal out over time.

07-23-2015, 08:31 AM
Theres jusy too many supply and less demand, make the supply cheap and risk crashing everything. Only this time us with 5-15m gold kinda benefitted. Who wouldve imagine nekro for 6.5m(at some point) maybe rengol lock loot matrix was bugged upon release.

Might i ask, some of you are maxxed out 46 with probably 50m+ on stash. So whats up with these plat : item value : lock content rant?

07-23-2015, 08:48 AM
No the relative value of our real money is lower than ever. You lose both gold and your own cash opening locked. The risk is huge because you can't sell items anymore to break even. I would say the 'attractiveness' or relative value of spending money is rock bottom. We lose our liquidity, gold, and actual cash by opening.

Absolute value of a number describes the distance from zero, and opening locked you almost always go negative in both game gold and your cash.

Economics 101

Was only clearing up jazzy's misuse of economic and mathematical vernacular not debating the best way to convert plat to gold.

Thank you very much for the correction. However you are only right about the mathematical definition of "absolute number" ;). As for the relative value, what I meant is well beyond economics 101. I won't embark on a journey to explain here though. We could have a long talk with pms with you would insist nonetheless. In simple words though: the return in items (arcane and mythic), which are otherwise unobtainable via farming, per currency unit spent (real world money) is much higher than ever before :) Hope this explains my point of view.

I understand yours about breaking even and you are right, but this is only under the assumption that you would farm nothing yourself and buy the crates in order to pop them . In this case you might be right. This is however a niche market.

07-23-2015, 09:12 AM
Don't you still get a thrill when looting arcane items? I know I do

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07-23-2015, 09:48 AM
No the relative value of our real money is lower than ever. You lose both gold and your own cash opening locked. The risk is huge because you can't sell items anymore to break even. I would say the 'attractiveness' or relative value of spending money is rock bottom. We lose our liquidity, gold, and actual cash by opening.

Absolute value of a number describes the distance from zero, and opening locked you almost always go negative in both game gold and your cash.

Economics 101

You always went negative in cash, because you are paying to obtain virtual items. This has not changed. It's only perception that makes something virtual worth a dollar figure, and that perception is in the eye of the beholder.

07-23-2015, 10:10 AM
Get to farmin.there are so many ways to make gold now that it isnt even funny.sorry that buring $100 bills wont make you a bazzilionaire anymore,but farming your butt off will! I love the new system as i am a hardcore farmer.Especially during events! I know some ppl dont have the time to farm nd such but you can still make a couple mill a whole lot faster by opening locked.i have still to loot an arcane from these new rengol crates LOL. then again iv only opened about 175 chests...my luck was always HOORRRIBLE opening locked .that is why i would rather farm for hours on loot that is guaranteed rather than a stiff kick in the butt from ren'gol chests.im not saying i dont spend money as my plat history is almost 40k now....i just buy way less nowdays due to having my chest rates nerfed ! (Least thats what i keep telling myself) huhu xD :banana:

07-23-2015, 10:27 AM
Let A = Amount of Plat you spend.
Let Va = Value of that plat.
Let X = time in minutes
Let P = Amount of plat other players spend.
Va = 1/(x=-5∫x=5X*P)

Hmm, gotta work on my mathy type things. Anyway, the point is the value of each plat spent is inversely related to the total amount of plat spent. Extreme example, if only one person spent plat then the plat items would be worth hundreds of millions. If EVERYONE spent plat, the plat items would be worth, give or take, liquidation.

07-23-2015, 10:35 AM
I imagine if the prices is as high as last season, there will be a lot of people don't want to invest their time trying to gather 20-100 mil gold just to be competitive in this game and their options only quit this game. This present prices just give majority of players hope to be competitive in this game and keep them playing this game.

07-23-2015, 12:47 PM
What is amount of time doing in that equation.... Your math type thingy looks broke to me.

And there you have it, why low prices are good for the majority and why it was eventually going to happen.

In addition to avikk and Newcomx's comments, I do agree that it was going to eventually happen. If all the plat buyers got maxed out when prices were that high, no one would want to buy those items because it was virtually impossible for a f2p to reach those goals. So those shards and fossils would just sit in cs and then the price would go lower as they got undercutted eventually ending up to the prices we have atm anyways. Basic business. So i dont see why plat buyers are complaining about it

07-23-2015, 12:52 PM
What is amount of time doing in that equation.... Your math type thingy looks broke to me.

It is the amount of time surrounding when you spend your plat. Easy example there is if you buy ankhs to sell. Players that bought ankhs to sell three months ago have much less effect on the price you can sell your ankhs at then players that bought them around the same time as you.

Edward Coug
07-23-2015, 01:01 PM
How do u think f2p people get the game all? U do realize programmers don't work for free right? Smart piss off all the people that make the game possible that's genius! Candy just said what anyone with half a brain knows even if they don't spend real money... there's zero reason to now which doesn't suggest much future for the game. You can't get something from nothing.

Strategy, strategy, strategy.

When the Ren'gol expansion first came out, did plat users not make a ton of gold by popping locks? The same will be true if they have the patience to save plat for Ursoth locks. You have to open strategically now. Or use plat on other things like luck elixirs.

07-23-2015, 02:36 PM
Is broke.

Your equation is missing a lot of elements.

Plat is also affected by the release of content by the developers... Whenever a new event comes out plat value up up up... New expansion, plat related weekends.

How is time surrounding? I would say its affected by time of the year.

Atleast that would be my opinion as an Arlorian. I don't have any economics degrees, I was a science student(in the loosest meaning possible for that term). Plus I've only been studying the economy of AL for about a year or so so I'm still a newb.

OK, how about Va = math type thingy + entropy

07-23-2015, 03:04 PM
Im over it, the era of the plat players has come to an end.

07-23-2015, 03:17 PM
Im over it, the era of the plat players has come to an end.

Well if plat spenders stop how will the game survive? Remember sts need plat spenders to pay the cost..nothing is for free now.. They need to pay the man power..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-23-2015, 03:23 PM
How do u think f2p people get the game all? U do realize programmers don't work for free right? Smart piss off all the people that make the game possible that's genius! Candy just said what anyone with half a brain knows even if they don't spend real money... there's zero reason to now which doesn't suggest much future for the game. You can't get something from nothing.

This analysis is flawed and I'm tired of hearing it. A completely free-to-play player who is active very much supports game development and STS financially, by being a consumer of auction house /trade window products like elixirs, vanities, event energies, gear and eggs from crates, etc etc. The active farmer, be they no-plat or moderate plat usage, is integral to the game economy, creating the necessary demand for plat purchased commodities. To accuse working/middle class players of wanting "something from nothing" is misleading.

Just as in the real world, extreme divisions of wealth are socio-economically unhealthy. A thriving working/middle class is good for the game.

07-23-2015, 03:24 PM
Eh I got wild hair opened 5m of large Ren locked.

3 shards
7 mythic bodies
1 mari
About 5 of those pink eggs, some jewels, and pink junkers
4 fang, one lunar, one ruby

What the heck is up with the shard drops???? They rain no matter what.

07-23-2015, 03:47 PM
The two sides are not agreeing on one thing. The game needs both F2P players and plat-spenders.


The plat-spender sinks his/her money into the game in hopes of a head-start in the game relative to the other players. He/she funds the game keeping it alive. The F2P player is not a free-rider as some might think. They are just as important because they exist as the market that buys the mythics/arcanes the plat-spenders loot. What good is supply with no demand? And vice versa. On a similar note, the majority of the plat-spenders' PvP kills probably come from F2P player deaths (Food for thought).

There are misconceptions about both sides. Many plat-spenders believe F2P want everything cheap while F2P players believe plat-spenders want an absolute advantage with everything. Not everything is so black and white.

Both want the longevity of the game, it's just a matter of opinion on how to reach it. In the hey-days of the game, I'm sure STG's profits soared with all of the plat-spending, but at one point or another they will have to try to reel in the disillusioned F2P players (because of the wealth disparity).

All in all, the game needs both sides. The game would die without money but it would also die without players.

07-23-2015, 04:10 PM
Eh I got wild hair opened 5m of large Ren locked.

3 shards
7 mythic bodies
1 mari
About 5 of those pink eggs, some jewels, and pink junkers
4 fang, one lunar, one ruby

What the heck is up with the shard drops???? They rain no matter what.

So you did break even after all. In fact you almost tripled your the gold invested in crates. Sounds great ;)

07-23-2015, 04:12 PM
So you did break even after all. In fact you almost tripled your the gold invested in crates. Sounds great ;)
Can't sell the armor at all.

07-23-2015, 04:16 PM
Can't sell the armor at all.

Really? Why is that? Genuine question... I don't get it.

07-23-2015, 04:20 PM
Really? Why is that? Genuine question... I don't get it.
People don't want the Mage and war ones. I'm using the Rogue one it's better than imbued once gemmed.

07-23-2015, 04:29 PM
People don't want the Mage and war ones. I'm using the Rogue one it's better than imbued once gemmed.

Oh, I see. Well I haven't compared the stats for the mage and warrior one, but I have seen some mages and warriors in those in camp. If they are that bad maybe sts should buff them. Many rogues seem to use the rogue one. I personally sold my imbued, bought lvl 46 legendary potency set and never looked back :)

07-23-2015, 06:34 PM
All this conflicts between plat spender or free player, that's why I like clash of clans even that is very boring game.

07-23-2015, 07:16 PM
Interesting thread. As far as the "relative value" discussion, there are just too many angles. What is more valuable to you? For people who already have a lot of money, time may be of more value. If you base it on pure amount of gold in game, then it is probably at the bottom, who knows, it can sink lower. In terms of reaching end-game goals and objectives, it's pretty much even because before the chances were lower but hitting that big jackpot could get you there. Now, the drop chances are higher so you can obtain more items, thus the gold valve will be lower since there is more supply.

If you skimmed through the threads over time it was the people who spent money on this game and got absolutely nothing that ended up quitting in disgust. Of course there are people who quit because they felt hopeless competing against plat whales or just plain got bored of the game; but these people don't affect revenues like the plat buyers. So sts addressed the issue that was affecting their best interests. Was it the best way? It is hard to say as it is currently in motion and a wild ride for everyone. I don't see any many threads of people threatening to quit so I guess it's working.

07-23-2015, 08:31 PM
If you skimmed through the threads over time it was the people who spent money on this game and got absolutely nothing that ended up quitting in disgust. Of course there are people who quit because they felt hopeless competing against plat whales or just plain got bored of the game; but these people don't affect revenues like the plat buyers.

How non-plat buyer don't affect revenues? They buy locked opener items for gold, that's the reason why plat spender keep opening crates, because the demand. If the prices is too high, reasonable non-plat player will quit because they can see their future in this game will never be competitive. So, to who locked opener will sell their items? To another locked opener? Most of them already have everything. If the locked opener see that lesser demand because of lesser player playing this game, they stop opening locked and at the end stop buying plat. That's how non-plat buyer affect revenues.

07-23-2015, 08:33 PM
How non-plat buyer don't affect revenues? They buy locked opener items for gold, that's the reason why plat spender keep opening crates, because the demand. If the prices is too high, reasonable non-plat player will quit because they can see their future in this game will never be competitive. So, to who locked opener will sell their items? To another locked opener? Most of them already have everything. If the locked opener see that lesser demand because of lesser player playing this game, they stop opening locked and at the end stop buying plat. That's how non-plat buyer affect revenues.

Yes, plat-spenders are the producers and F2P are the consumers. The Supply and the Demand, respectively.

07-23-2015, 09:24 PM
How non-plat buyer don't affect revenues? They buy locked opener items for gold, that's the reason why plat spender keep opening crates, because the demand. If the prices is too high, reasonable non-plat player will quit because they can see their future in this game will never be competitive. So, to who locked opener will sell their items? To another locked opener? Most of them already have everything. If the locked opener see that lesser demand because of lesser player playing this game, they stop opening locked and at the end stop buying plat. That's how non-plat buyer affect revenues.

Let me put it this way. It hurts STS as a company much more to lose a spending customer than a non-spending customer. Most of the F2P players come and go, and then there are the hardcore gamers. There are enough of these two types of F2P players to support the in-game economy. Your example is an extreme where the F2P players will cease to exist, which will NEVER happen.

07-23-2015, 09:40 PM
Let me put it this way. It hurts STS as a company much more to lose a spending customer than a non-spending customer. Most of the F2P players come and go, and then there are the hardcore gamers. There are enough of these two types of F2P players to support the in-game economy. Your example is an extreme where the F2P players will cease to exist, which will NEVER happen.

The fact is many players quitting ALREADY happen in the last season, can you see it? Last season I'll be lucky if I see more than 10 of my friends or guildmates online.

STS is hurt if they cannot create balance between supply from plat buyer and demand from non-plat buyer which is the key of sustainable revenues. It is not about which side more important.

07-23-2015, 10:40 PM
As I think Energizeric said, STS has changed the plat model to gear more towards low-to-moderate plat spenders, rather than relying on a handful of plat whales to support them. This is, in fact, a much better way to do things.

1) The game has way more moderate plat players than whales. Previously, these people would spend their $50/month or whatever, and get 0 return because the odds of getting something decent were so low. This would be extremely discouraging, and they were hesitant to spend money on the game again.

2) Now they are seeing reds coming in. The reds may not be worth 100m gold, but at least they are making a couple of mill and/or getting geared. This is encouragement to them and means they will likely be more willing to spend money again.

3) For STS, this is a much more secure model because it means the game is not relying on keeping 4 or 5 people happy, in order to pay the bills. They are no longer susceptible to ultimatums of "if you don't do what we want you'll lose your income".

If those 4 or 5 quit before, they may have been screwed. By making spending more attractive to those without "unlimited funds", they have a much larger clientele, which means much more security.

6) Also, the numbers add up. You have 5 people spending $500/month each or 100 people spending $50/month, with the latter, you're looking at a much greater income potential and less risk.

07-24-2015, 07:23 AM
Well if plat spenders stop how will the game survive? Remember sts need plat spenders to pay the cost..nothing is for free now.. They have to pay the man power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Someone actually understands what makes the game go!
Watch the prices of all crates fall now... Its already run out of steam off expansion bump. Honestly I could care less... I'll get what I need / want. I really just care about guild and friends now. I have changed my spending on the game drastically and I know I'm not the only one. You reap what u sew. Development of AL seems to have already seriously fallen off with only a couple people doing everything now...it used to be a team of people. Hats off to carapace for staying on it. At least the bug fixes are appreciated.

This has been great for me... I don't have to spend anything anymore!

07-24-2015, 08:55 AM
Someone actually understands what makes the game go!
Watch the prices of all crates fall now... Its already run out of steam off expansion bump. Honestly I could care less... I'll get what I need / want. I really just care about guild and friends now. I have changed my spending on the game drastically and I know I'm not the only one. You reap what u sew. Development of AL seems to have already seriously fallen off with only a couple people doing everything now...it used to be a team of people. Hats off to carapace for staying on it. At least the bug fixes are appreciated.

This has been great for me... I don't have to spend anything anymore!

If you don't want to spend anymore, that's fine and good. But please stop demeaning all the players who don't have endless funds to toss into a game; their money is worth just as much as yours. This repeated statement by a few posters, that if a small minority of players (whales) stop spending, that will mean "nobody" is buying plat, is both insulting to the rest of the player base, and ridiculous.

07-24-2015, 09:16 AM
Someone actually understands what makes the game go!
Watch the prices of all crates fall now... Its already run out of steam off expansion bump. Honestly I could care less... I'll get what I need / want. I really just care about guild and friends now. I have changed my spending on the game drastically and I know I'm not the only one. You reap what u sew. Development of AL seems to have already seriously fallen off with only a couple people doing everything now...it used to be a team of people. Hats off to carapace for staying on it. At least the bug fixes are appreciated.

This has been great for me... I don't have to spend anything anymore!

Just because you dont/wont spend any more money opening lockeds doesnt mean the prices will fall drastically, even if youve opened like 50k+ to this date or whatever. One plat whale cannot speak for the rest of the population in the game. No one said you had to spend money in the first place. As serancha said, even if moderate plat buyers spend a little bit of money now and then, it is just as good as your money even if youve spent a lot.

07-24-2015, 01:10 PM
Reading posts where a couple of huge plat spenders speak in the name of everyone who ever spent money in this game is getting very tiring. It feels like certain players are under the impression that they and they alone have kept this entire game afloat for its 3 years of existence and nobody else has been devoted enough or enjoyed the game enough to support it with real money. This is simply not the case.

Also quite offensive, are the sweeping statements that imply that everyone who is happy with the current state of play must be a child, immature, or unwilling to part with a "respectable" amount of money so their opinion and gameplay experience doesnt matter as much anyway.

As for players who choose to play for free, and why they might matter...

If free to play players were not valued, or encouraged, then spacetime would just have made a subscription game, where only players willing to shell out a certain amount of cash would even have been allowed in.

Remember that every player is a potential paying customer, either now or in a future Spacetime venture.

In addition, every customer paying or not has the potential to either rave about the game in real life, or grumble that its pay to win and sucks unless you can spend $10,000. I know which image I'd rather have the majority promoting. Negative publicity doesn't attract a ton of paying customers.

07-24-2015, 04:14 PM
The fact is many players quitting ALREADY happen in the last season, can you see it? Last season I'll be lucky if I see more than 10 of my friends or guildmates online.

STS is hurt if they cannot create balance between supply from plat buyer and demand from non-plat buyer which is the key of sustainable revenues. It is not about which side more important.

I guess your so-called friends/guildmates are quitters. Most of my friendlist is still around and thriving and guild still over 600 members.

07-24-2015, 10:00 PM
I guess your so-called friends/guildmates are quitters. Most of my friendlist is still around and thriving and guild still over 600 members.

Good for you, but not for other majority of players before who complaining that a lot of their friends quit/offline before this season start. You can see it in this forum thread or maybe you choose to ignore the thread.

07-24-2015, 11:14 PM
Did you guys feel happy every time you loot arcane times?

For me no.. you spend 1-2m Gold for buying Ren lock Crates and you get 1 arcane item.. toor , maridos worse case shard worth 600-800k..
Looting arcane items this days are its like looting legendary gears..
you will break even with gold and lose a lot of plats..
So do you still want to open ren crates?

STS should add something wort opening crates. not its not worth it.. arcane is cheap...

You buy 1,700 plats for 100 USD and get what 2-3 arcane that will wort what? 3-5m? your 100USD is = to 3-5m if lucky..

before if your lucky you looted 1 arcane item sam, arcane maul if lucky shard 1 arcane loot will make you jump all over the place.. 1 item you can earn 20-100m gold...

LOL now its all trash...
I will tell u the solution, dont open locks!

Let locks farmers farm farm farm till the price drop of the ren lock

No 1 open locks from the plats users and u will the see arcane pets price increase so high and rengol locks prices drop

Dont waste your money and your plats, just save them for now till prices are ok

07-25-2015, 08:41 AM
This morning I had a nice chat with my two friends blade and meteor and we were discussing our first red pets and how long it took us to get them. Mine was Sam and it took me a little over six months to aquire it by dedicated farming in elite zones. This was previous to when sts did events and such. I payed 21m for my Sam and do you have any idea what a sense of accomplishment I felt after working that hard to buy the pet? I felt so proud and that I truly earned this and was ready to be 'arcane' in the game.

Let's look at today's population. They can auto level to 41, the economy is so depressed that with a simple week in downloading the game and farming locked they can have max gear. The sense of working hard to earn items is gone, and the same people want it even faster. They complain about jewels not dropping fast enough, they complain that the tooth drops have been nerfed, hell the outrage that you could not auto craft an arcane ring and a nekro and there was a five day wait omg the horror.

The balance of both quality items in both locked and as boss drops are the key to keeping the economy alive. Right now we are in a rut, an arlorian depression. We have a fresh group of players who now expect instant gratification and an older population of remembering the days of farming Mali and hiding during the third wave praying they didn't die like a nub.

I actually think the disparity isn't plat vs. free player. It's veterans vs. new players.

Now we are dependent on events because the rest of the game has gone stagnant. Why isn't there any refreshed loot in elites and why are they not scales yet? The game dynamics of Arlor have changed immensely and many of you don't know what you missed.

The point here is that we all have the same vision, to have fun and have lots of opportunities to farm and make gold. Opening locked is just one piece of the puzzle. Do you think we earn all our gold off locked? Heck no. I made millions off tind elites when they dropped that was my bread and butter to buy my first Sam.

I wanted to discourage any further threads regarding plat vs free players on the forums. We are hung up on the wrong thing. We are stronger together pushing for better game quality and better loot tables in all zones and locked.

Thanks for reading and let's blow up the suggestions section of items we want to see dropping!!!!!

07-25-2015, 08:59 AM
So very very true

07-25-2015, 09:07 AM
I agree as well.

07-25-2015, 10:14 AM
"Veterans Vs. new players"

Thats hit me right in the hearth :3

07-25-2015, 10:17 AM
I actually think the disparity isn't plat vs. free player. It's veterans vs. new players.

+1 I totally agree!

07-25-2015, 10:42 AM
When the question, "What was your favourite season in AL?", is asked, the answer by veteran players is almost always season 2 or 3. The reason season 2 and 3 were so popular was because it was before inflation and there was no gear gap. The very best gear was 1-3 damage better than the next best gear in season 2. Mythic helms came out in season 3 and were still only 7 damage better than the legendary.

Until the Mythic helm came along, there was no gear that cost more than 900k, and the benefit to using plat was that you could get elixirs and vanities - which were non-tradeable. Hammerjaw was the only arcane pet, and did not give the owner a large advantage over those using legendary pets. Yes, it was stronger, but people could still compete well if they didn't have it.

I believe STS is moving closer to that model again, where prices are not out of reach for anyone who is not a crate popper or plat farmer. I believe this is a good move on their part, since there is nothing more discouraging than an item that gives a 100+ damage increase over the next best item, that you will never be able to obtain, either by farming it or trying to farm enough money for it.

If the price is so high that there is no way to get the money (before the item is outdated) without popping crates, it is no longer a F2P game. It is then pay-to-win.

It's not realistic to expect people in a mobile mmo to play for several hundred hours in an effort to earn enough gold for something that will be obsolete before they ever get the money together. It's also not right to give that huge an advantage to spenders in a game that is marketed as F2P. Because then it is no longer F2P at all (and yes, I speak as a non-whale plat user).

I believe that the instant-level-to-41 thing was a very bad idea, but for the rest? I can't see much wrong with it. The lower prices just mean your gold is worth that much more. After all, getting 25K from a crate in today's economy would be the equivalent of getting 250k from it a year ago.

07-25-2015, 10:55 AM
I mean the fact that we will now be limited to three maps and they haven't taken the time to scale elites or revitalize new drops kills the game. Am I the only one completely bored by this idea? To grind our mythic set with three maps is not something that I desire. Scale the old elites, improve the loot, even make components for the new drop all over arlor.

07-25-2015, 11:04 AM
When the question, "What was your favourite season in AL?", is asked, the answer by veteran players is almost always season 2 or 3. The reason season 2 and 3 were so popular was because it was before inflation and there was no gear gap. The very best gear was 1-3 damage better than the next best gear in season 2. Mythic helms came out in season 3 and were still only 7 damage better than the legendary.

Until the Mythic helm came along, there was no gear that cost more than 900k, and the benefit to using plat was that you could get elixirs and vanities - which were non-tradeable. Hammerjaw was the only arcane pet, and did not give the owner a large advantage over those using legendary pets. Yes, it was stronger, but people could still compete well if they didn't have it.

I believe STS is moving closer to that model again, where prices are not out of reach for anyone who is not a crate popper or plat farmer. I believe this is a good move on their part, since there is nothing more discouraging than an item that gives a 100+ damage increase over the next best item, that you will never be able to obtain, either by farming it or trying to farm enough money for it.

If the price is so high that there is no way to get the money (before the item is outdated) without popping crates, it is no longer a F2P game. It is then pay-to-win.

It's not realistic to expect people in a mobile mmo to play for several hundred hours in an effort to earn enough gold for something that will be obsolete before they ever get the money together. It's also not right to give that huge an advantage to spenders in a game that is marketed as F2P. Because then it is no longer F2P at all (and yes, I speak as a non-whale plat user).

I believe that the instant-level-to-41 thing was a very bad idea, but for the rest? I can't see much wrong with it. The lower prices just mean your gold is worth that much more. After all, getting 25K from a crate in today's economy would be the equivalent of getting 250k from it a year ago.
The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

I mean, I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm disheartened by only having three maps to use for new mythic set grind.

What kept me playing was the fact that it took a long time to earn items. Not have them handed to me in a week.

Somewhere between current and the plat farm insanity would be ideal.

07-25-2015, 11:10 AM
The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

I mean, I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm disheartened by only having three maps to use for new mythic set grind.

What kept me playing was the fact that it took a long time to earn items. Not have them handed to me in a week.

Somewhere between current and the plat farm insanity would be ideal.

Don't be so sure yet about maxing gear in a week xD. The new level 46 mythic set will definitely be a grind which I hope so to be. For those with max gear now really don't mean anything yet cause it's still preseason.

07-25-2015, 11:21 AM
The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

I mean, I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm disheartened by only having three maps to use for new mythic set grind.

What kept me playing was the fact that it took a long time to earn items. Not have them handed to me in a week.

Somewhere between current and the plat farm insanity would be ideal.

If take along time to earn items, then the price also will go high because of the rare supply. This is happen last season and drive a lot of free-players quit because they can't compete by investing "reasonable" time to play this game without disturbing their real life time. I think STS don't want that, that why they make this new system, to keep players and invite more people playing.

07-25-2015, 12:03 PM
I mean the fact that we will now be limited to three maps and they haven't taken the time to scale elites or revitalize new drops kills the game. Am I the only one completely bored by this idea? To grind our mythic set with three maps is not something that I desire. Scale the old elites, improve the loot, even make components for the new drop all over arlor.

I am pretty sure elites are scaled. Firstly the dot left of the health bar is blue, which implies that they are the same level as the character (lvl 46). Secondly they certainly hit much harder than before. In the last 2-3 months before the expansion I did a lot of solo elites. Mostly in planar tombs and tindirin, but also in all other maps. Although I did not have arcane ring and nekro planar tomb 1 boss could not one hit me with his fireball, nor could planar tomb 2 boss with his charge attack, neither could the shamans in tindirin. Now with 400 more armour and about 430 more health (rogue class 2030 armour, 5200 health) I get one hit by all of those. Further the mobs in planar tombs are much harder for sure. Before the cap I could just tank a group of 3 skeletons and 2 vines with maridos. Now this is nearly impossible and I have to use nekro.

P.S. I have been doing planar tombs daily solo for more than a month before the expansion on a daily basis and I have done it solo since it arrived on a daily basis just for the challenge. Further I have farmed 1 dragonite bar after the expansion. That is what my comment is based on.

I fully agree about the drops. Farming those old maps just to get lvl 40-41 epics and legendaries is not exactly motivating one to farm more

07-25-2015, 12:52 PM
i think those suggesting to scale old elites are referring to all elites, not just the ones currently scaled (shuyal, planar tombs, tindrin, glintstone mines). So brakenridge, ydra, dead city, kraken, & nordr elites would also be scaled to level cap.

Serancha made a sound proposal about this on another general discussion thread (sorry i can't make a link on the STS forums app, but it's well worth finding and reading.) Dalmoney has made a similar suggestion earlier as well and there is a very interesting discussion between them in the thread i just recommended.

Sorry this isn't quite on-topic as to the OP but but i just wanted to clarify what people mean when they say "scale old elites". It is relevant however as to what will keep the game alive and interesting.

Last season it seemed to me there were two different games...an upper class with extreme stats and middle class with decent, viable, strong stats..i didn't expect to able to attain an arc ring or nekro, the shard and fossil were too difficult to obtain. But i worked on my gear, upgraded my mythic armor, super gemmed my talismans, and built up my stable thru the very good event pets. The planar pendant (essetially an arcane level item) was a great system and I'm happy to have achieved that. Now it's great to to have been able to craft nekro for my mage, buy maridos for rogue, & craft an arc ring for both. After all, i farmed the parchments for nekro so a fossil should be within reach or the parchments quest is pointless. I've been an active player since since tarlok (dec/13).

the gap in gear/player division was too large last season.

As for the OP and the excitement of looting an arcane, i opened a bunch of crates i farmed during a double odds for mythics/arcanes weekend last year. Looted a singe egg. it was pretty exciting. worth about 16-18m at the time. about the same as a full grand elon gun which is what i traded it for. eventually i could've farmed up enough for the elon as I've made a more off farming/merching from events but still the prices for top end items were too high, too exclusive. eventually i got myth daggers for rogue cause the bows were too pricey. (and i have a twink which sucks up gold--not complaining tho, the daggers are awesome ) i just plateau-ed at a point with lack of options for farming. So the new system is better in general i think. the best items should be obtainable thru in-game work. farmable items like dragonite bars or arcane parchments should allow the active player to accessibly purchase their crafting compliments in the auction house.

I would caution people about using "us and them" constructs such as plat vs non-plat or veteran vs non veteran. such schemes oversimplify.

having said that, veteran players are an important voice and i have gained so much knowledge about the game through their many contributions to these forums.

hopefully the game will thrive it's what we all want. Peace, cheers and gl out there!

07-25-2015, 02:45 PM
Arcanes cheap because some users keeping golds like 200m and thereisnt gold in game and golds are going to in game items/potions/feeds and locks giving only 5k gold so theres enflasyon in game

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07-25-2015, 02:54 PM
What if i told you opening locks is still the fastest easiest way to get fully geared? Its true you won't make as much bank as before but gold does have greater value now.

07-25-2015, 03:18 PM
I actually think the disparity isn't plat vs. free player. It's veterans vs. new players

I don't think this ever needed to become an "us vs them" issue, regardless of who anybody wants to define as the "us" and the "them."

There is no group of people in this game who are inherently superior to any others, and sensing a disparity when we are all on more equal footing than we have been in a long time, comes from certain players who feel that for some reason they have more rights than others. Searching for what it is that sets some players apart making them more worthy or more valuable than others is the problematic mindset here.

A new expansion just came out, and the game is evolving to meet the needs of a diverse player base. Of course veterans will have prior knowledge of the game, and the experience, social connections, and most importantly the skill that will in most cases allow them to better capitalise on what will be/is on offer, which is a natural product of learning more the longer you play.

Aside from that; every player, no matter which boxes we put them in, deserves to be able to play the game as an active participant and develop their toon to the same extent if they are motivated to do so. Its the start of a new expansion- its not fun to be a perpetual straggler, and there is no reason why newer players, or free players, or whoever, should be forced to lag 6 months behind right now.

To me, its nice that so many players are being given the opportunity to start the elite phase on the expansion on equal footing and with the same fighting chance to start working on the -current- in game goals, which will be the new mythic crafting quests.

The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

Additionally... surely this same problem presents itself if for example one was able to spend extreme amounts of money on the game, acquire millions and millions from looting mega OP eggs/gear only available in lockeds and then buy their way immediately to that max gear and beyond?

07-25-2015, 03:28 PM
The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

I mean, I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm disheartened by only having three maps to use for new mythic set grind.

What kept me playing was the fact that it took a long time to earn items. Not have them handed to me in a week.

Somewhere between current and the plat farm insanity would be ideal.
I don't get what are you trying to say. You already had max gear b4 expansion. Why do you pretend to speak for the rest of the community when you say there is nothing to do after getting to that point. Maybe you can tell us what to do after getting maxed out since you still played after u did.

I think serancha has a better point of view here. It's not realistic for someone to spend 6+ months of farming just for a piece of equuipment in a mobile mmo. I actually spent all last season working on other achievements with the gear i had instead of grinding and it was a good choice. I managed to keep a more than positive kdr in tdm and get the lb banner using a mythic pet, no inbued and seldomly using a borrowed bonesaw mainly because most of the players were average geared like me. The only times i farmed was to get pet feed.

Now i farm more than ever because i can see myself getting those shiny pets and items and because gold actually has some value.

Ring and nekro totaled 100m last season it was totally out of reach for non plat spenders and this was hurting everyone who could never afford them because u would rarely get invited to fast parties if u didn't have them amd they would hunt you down in pvp.

I made plenty of rant posts and threads on forums about free to play not being a good description for this game along with some other fellow players and it seems like sts finally heard us.

People won't leave the game because they will get max gear you are the living proof of that but maybe some people who are suddenly not as "special" as before will.

07-25-2015, 03:34 PM
Who wants to play a game where everyone has the same stuff? If that's the case why even play? There's nothing to want anymore. With nothing to work towards except some easy grind and done. Not fun to me. I like combination of both some luck for hard to obtain things and some you just have to grind out. I don't want everyone to have same stuff and everything worth nothing... Just my opinion for there to be any reason to play.

07-25-2015, 03:41 PM
Who wants to play a game where everyone has the same stuff? If that's the case why even play? There's nothing to want anymore.
I do

I think what you meant to say is: Who wants to play a game where everyone has the same stuff as me? If that's the case why even play? There's nothing to want anymore.

Why did you play then? You already had all the stuff, what else was to want for you before?

07-25-2015, 03:49 PM
Who wants to play a game where everyone has the same stuff? If that's the case why even play? There's nothing to want anymore. With nothing to work towards except some easy grind and done. Not fun to me.

All the people playing who get their enjoyment from role playing games through progression of their own character.... this would currently be first farming xp to cap, then acquiring great items in preparation for the imminent next phase of character progression. It will then be followed by farming to craft the mythic set, and then by refining said set by working towards a good collection of noble jewels to enhance it.

Or perhaps the people who get enjoyment from seeing their friends and guildmates achieve great stats, because more members achieving great stats and highly useful pets will improve their pve efficiency as a whole group?

Definitely all of the people who are thrilled that the gold they had farmed and saved in dire conditions last season will afford them something great after all?

Basically all of the people you see wandering around proudly displaying their new mythic or arcane item or pet.

07-25-2015, 03:49 PM
There's no point in even trying to explain. Everyone have everything then. That's stupid. I never had everything before. I'm not going to apologize for being successful either. Just like the real world there's the haves and the have nots. The have nots will always want what the haves have... Its called life.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

07-25-2015, 04:05 PM
There's no point in even trying to explain. Everyone have everything then. That's stupid. I never had everything before. I'm not going to apologize for being successful either. Just like the real world there's the haves and the have nots. The have nots will always want what the haves have... Its called life.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Its not life.... it is a game, a way to absorb yourself in a fantasy world, slay giant orcs with your bow and arrow. Fantasy games makes things possible that are not possible in reality. (Though my neighbour IS pretty jealous of the purple unicorn I keep in my garden...)

The most important comparison to be making in terms of character progression, is your toon now compared to your toon a month ago, in terms of gold, stats, and skill.

Nobody is here to fulfill the role of the so called "have not" just so that some other player who has everything can stand next to him in town and show that they are the bigger man.

07-25-2015, 04:06 PM
No one is asking for economic equality. We don't want to instantly have the gear top players have. We want equal opportunity to obtain that gear. Now, players can obtain mythic/arcanes in a reasonable amount of time as long as they meet reasonable goals, instead of farming +100m gold for a ring.

Things are now attainable for everyone. Plat is a time-saver, not a necessity anymore.

07-25-2015, 04:12 PM
Its not life.... it is a game, a way to absorb yourself in a fantasy world, slay giant orcs with your bow and arrow. Fantasy games makes things possible that are not possible in reality. (Though my neighbour IS pretty jealous of the purple unicorn I keep in my garden...)

The most important comparison to be making in terms of character progression, is your toon now compared to your toon a month ago, in terms of gold, stats, and skill.

Nobody is here to fulfill the role of the so called "have not" just so that some other player who has everything can stand next to him in town and show that they are the bigger man.
Spot on dalmony, i could have never said it better than you!

07-25-2015, 04:12 PM
There's no point in even trying to explain. Everyone have everything then. That's stupid. I never had everything before. I'm not going to apologize for being successful either. Just like the real world there's the haves and the have nots. The have nots will always want what the haves have... Its called life.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I think anyone who can read pretty well understands what you are saying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2015, 05:43 PM
All the people playing who get their enjoyment from role playing games through progression of their own character.... this would currently be first farming xp to cap, then acquiring great items in preparation for the imminent next phase of character progression. It will then be followed by farming to craft the mythic set, and then by refining said set by working towards a good collection of noble jewels to enhance it.

Or perhaps the people who get enjoyment from seeing their friends and guildmates achieve great stats, because more members achieving great stats and highly useful pets will improve their pve efficiency as a whole group?

Definitely all of the people who are thrilled that the gold they had farmed and saved in dire conditions last season will afford them something great after all?

Basically all of the people you see wandering around proudly displaying their new mythic or arcane item or pet.

+1. Couldn't have said it better.

I have to say that for those us f2p players or small-to-medium plat spenders, getting arcane items and pets is far from an issue of getting bragging rights or for swaggering purposes. It's about doing Arena faster, finishing elite runs faster, being able to make previously difficult AP possible, being able to help guildies more, and dying less. The people you see with new arcane ring or pets are for the most part still not very rich, still wearing epic belt or a piece of last season's armor under ther their vanity, and every day they farm and do dailies for the next OP item or pet, not to get even or wage vengeance against people who have had these items since the previous seasons. But to get more prepared for the upcoming event, for the upcoming elites. That is all a lot of f2p and plat-minnows think about, really.

07-25-2015, 08:02 PM
In the last few years playing this game one thing I've learned is people will always complain about the economy no matter how good or bad it is.

Right now tho it's doing as good as season 4 and earlier was. Goals are obtainable and plat is only a time saver. There will be always be plenty of new mythic items that will be added to locked during events to keep the gamblers gambling and the farmers farming.

07-25-2015, 08:09 PM
The problem is that it's so easy to acquire the max gear that what do you do next?

I mean, I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm disheartened by only having three maps to use for new mythic set grind.

What kept me playing was the fact that it took a long time to earn items. Not have them handed to me in a week.

Somewhere between current and the plat farm insanity would be ideal.

That has nothing to do with locks though. You're talking about this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?238388-Scaling-of-old-elite-maps), now, which naturally I agree with. lol

Except that the devs decided to nix that, saying they have enough new content to keep us happy. Well, they don't seem to realize we want to play between events. 3 maps for over a year ain't gonna cut it.

07-25-2015, 08:45 PM
Hey, maybe we need this kind of gear because *gasp* new, better ones are coming... Also doesn't it kind of hint that the elite maps will be super duper hard?

07-25-2015, 08:54 PM
That has nothing to do with locks though. You're talking about this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?238388-Scaling-of-old-elite-maps), now, which naturally I agree with. lol

Except that the devs decided to nix that, saying they have enough new content to keep us happy. Well, they don't seem to realize we want to play between events. 3 maps for over a year ain't gonna cut it.

Three maps ftl.

07-26-2015, 01:53 AM
Three maps ftl.

Well, they don't seem to realize we want to play between events. 3 maps for over a year ain't gonna cut it.

I would suggest to stop complaining about what we get, STS is a small company, busy with their new Moba game. I have capped characters in 4 legends games and all of a sudden in the beginning of this year we were told that there will be no more updates in 3 of them. We can be grateful that they keep the servers going.
They promised us that they have exciting things for us in AL, so let's be optimistic. And always keep in mind that the end is inherent in the beginning.

07-26-2015, 07:17 AM
I would suggest to stop complaining about what we get, STS is a small company, busy with their new Moba game. I have capped characters in 4 legends games and all of a sudden in the beginning of this year we were told that there will be no more updates in 3 of them. We can be grateful that they keep the servers going.
They promised us that they have exciting things for us in AL, so let's be optimistic. And always keep in mind that the end is inherent in the beginning.
Yeah I'm not a nub to sts business model. I was sucked into pl when it fell. I'm past complaining but taking my sentiments and simply playing other games now. I log AL less than five minutes a day currently. (:

07-26-2015, 07:20 AM
And actually have recently found this totally amazing game that is Japanese and finally come over to usa. It's beautiful, I mean breathtaking. And you can have tons of skills and they still keep the ui clean by putting it on this rotating disc, so there are only four up but you can spin it up or down to reveal more of your skills. It has peaked my interest for now at least until elites come here.

07-26-2015, 07:22 AM
That's my cleric!

Oh wait I got off topic. Lol sorry. I'm just so excited about this new game, heh.

07-26-2015, 12:44 PM
That's my cleric!

Oh wait I got off topic. Lol sorry. I'm just so excited about this new game, heh.

Does the game encourage stat variety or just primary stat overload like AL?

07-26-2015, 12:56 PM
I would suggest to stop complaining about what we get, STS is a small company, busy with their new Moba game. I have capped characters in 4 legends games and all of a sudden in the beginning of this year we were told that there will be no more updates in 3 of them. We can be grateful that they keep the servers going.
They promised us that they have exciting things for us in AL, so let's be optimistic. And always keep in mind that the end is inherent in the beginning.

Not complaining about what we get, just asking to be able to use what we already have. All those maps going to waste is sad. The devs put a lot of work into those and now they just sit there unused. Players run them once for AP's and never go back.

Wouldn't the game be much more stimulating if you could farm all the elite maps for loot?

07-26-2015, 01:08 PM
Does the game encourage stat variety or just primary stat overload like AL?
I need to find the game forums and read how to play. I'm just sort of spreading out points as I earn them. So far it's been neat and I'm taking the time to enjoy being a nub. Lol. It's a lot more intense than AL but man the game engine is so nice. It is ginormous dl though.

07-26-2015, 01:33 PM

Steam punk hat vanity!!! Legit.

07-26-2015, 01:51 PM
off topic, actually not new game, its 2013 released
my newbie

07-26-2015, 02:47 PM
What's the game called?

07-26-2015, 02:49 PM
Fun thread. (:

AL is best though and has my heart.!!

07-28-2015, 07:10 AM
Fun thread. (:

AL is best though and has my heart.!!

Me too and it's also how I met Candy so you can understand why it's emotional for me as well! Great guild great friends and usually great community... until recently at least. Some of the attacks by a handful of people aren't welcome and just ruin things for everyone else. Also for new noobs trying to decide if they want to join our community it reflects terribly on all of us... just a thought. I've been around long enough to know how fun, interesting, and constructive Arlor and it's forums can be despite differences or disagreements . I've ironically found common ground with some people I've known for long time on the forums in a great way and, on the other hand, this thread has shown some true colors of some others which is disappointing but not surprising.
It's our guild and our strong friendships which keeps me logging on these days. I can't say enough how great of a group of tight, laid back friends we've become all in Arlor!

07-30-2015, 11:18 PM
Looks to me sts will be calling it quits soon on al after they can rack in as much cash as possible first. Just my opinion.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

08-01-2015, 05:26 PM
Did you guys feel happy every time you loot arcane times?

For me no.. you spend 1-2m Gold for buying Ren lock Crates and you get 1 arcane item.. toor , maridos worse case shard worth 600-800k..
Looting arcane items this days are its like looting legendary gears..
you will break even with gold and lose a lot of plats..
So do you still want to open ren crates?

STS should add something wort opening crates. not its not worth it.. arcane is cheap...

You buy 1,700 plats for 100 USD and get what 2-3 arcane that will wort what? 3-5m? your 100USD is = to 3-5m if lucky..

before if your lucky you looted 1 arcane item sam, arcane maul if lucky shard 1 arcane loot will make you jump all over the place.. 1 item you can earn 20-100m gold...

LOL now its all trash...

Since The Opening of The Village I have Bought the 1700 Plat 3 Times Now at £69.99 So what about $80.00 but still get the same amount of plat ( But I wont go into That) Ive also bought 165 Plat & a couple of the smaller Plat packs So Thats a whole lot of Plat for a few weeks And You say u got Toor I Wish !! All Ive had Is Maridos a couple of Arcane shards 950k and they have dropped again tonight, Lunar & 2 blood Rings Stanlee # 2 or 3 and Hax None of which are worth any more than 60K the items for my L46 Armour I have sold for 500 Gold as thats the going Rate Ive Opened 510 Ren Chests & a Few Massives & a large and I Bought about 12/14 Locks and again No Arcane Pets ie Toor or Golden Toor or Nekro I opened 50 Alone today all I got was the blood ruby and a stanlee after 50 Chests Ive Bought a Mythic Belt with 500 of my Tokens & I cant even get 1.4Mill for 500 Tokens Yet I see someone today selling 6 stanlee Pets & the same Person selling 8 Blood Rings .... I mean Unlucky Sorry Thats just not enough after spending this Kind of Cash Id at least Expect Toor or Golden Toor or Nekro But Noo. And Now after using 500 Tokens and being lucky too even make 1Mill on Belt I have too start all over again ....I would Be Happy Too Keep spending 100 Pounds a week on this Game But for what a few Shards and legend pets Even when I got Maridos it was after 430 Chests were opened.... Ive got 47 Re-Spects & 7 Damage Gems not even Superb or Noble Gems Green Gems in A So called Mythic Arcane or legend Chest.This is just not right Im Sorry But I just Feel like what a damn Slap in The Face Then You see people all running around with Nekro Buying more Nekros Toor, Arcane Pets ,Fossils shards and every other top Item who haven even spent a Penny of Real Money in the Game But Refuse too pay for items in Auction Then Hit you With Crazy Prices & wont spend their Pixel Money !!! This Is Definetky Back Too Front .... As I said I am willing too spend 100Pounds Sterling on this game a week But Come On You Gotta Show me Some Return.And as I had Plat I was Never getting Luck from Klass or the other guy so I have been buying my Luck Elixirs and I could farm using 3 Lucks in a row & get Ren chest As I dont drop legend items.Do they actually Drop ? anyways PLEASE...SORRY IF I seem like Im Moaning but im Upset and after anyone reads this if it was them & they are Honest They would be too,So Please STS Help Me Out Here,So I can Help The Game out by Keep Spending Real Money in The Game... Thank You

08-01-2015, 05:35 PM
Since The Opening of The Village I have Bought the 1700 Plat 3 Times Now at £69.99 So what about $80.00 but still get the same amount of plat ( But I wont go into That) Ive also bought 165 Plat & a couple of the smaller Plat packs So Thats a whole lot of Plat for a few weeks And You say u got Toor I Wish !! All Ive had Is Maridos a couple of Arcane items 2 Lunar & 2 blood Rings Stanlee # 2 or 3 and Hax None of which are worth any more than 60K the items for my L46 Armour I have sold for 500 Gold as thats the going Rate Ive Opened 510 Ren Chests and I Bought about 12/14 Locks and again No Arcane Pets ie Toor or Golden Toor or Nekro I opened 50 Alone today all I got was the blood ruby and a stanlee after 50 Chests Ive Bought a Mythic Belt with 500 of my Tokens & I cant even get 1.4Mill for 500 Tokens Yet I see someone today selling 6 stanlee Pets & the same Person selling 8 Blood Rings .... I mean Unlucky Sorry Thats just not enough after spending this Kind of Cash Id at least Expect Toor or Golden Toor or Nekro But Noo. And Now after using 500 Tokens and being lucky too even make 1Mill on Belt I have too start all over again ....I would Be Happy Too Keep spending 100 Pounds a week on this Game But for what a few Shards and legend pets Even when I got Maridos it was after 430 Chests were opened.... Ive got 47 Re-Spects & 7 Damage Gems not even Superb or Noble Gems Green Gems in A So called Mythic Arcane or legend Chest.This is just not right Im Sorry But I just Feel like what a damn Slap in The Face Then You see people all running around with Nekro Buying more Nekros Toor, Arcane Pets ,Fossils shards and every other top Item who haven even spent a Penny of Real Money in the Game But Refuse too pay for items in Auction Then Hit you With Crazy Prices & wont spend their Pixel Money !!! This Is Definetky Back Too Front .... As I said I am willing too spend 100Pounds Sterling on this game a week But Come On You Gotta Show me Some Return... PLEASE...SORRY IF I seem like Im Moaning but im Upset and after anyone reads this if it was them & they are Honest They would be too So Please STS Help Me Out Here,So I can Help The Game out by Keep Spending Real Money in The Game... Thank You
I understand and alright first off I got a 1700plat package and I got at least 7-8m off that one pack it really is not that hard if you use your head. Locks are a gamble as I have opened roughly 75 and gotten a maridos,and blood Ruby a long time ago.

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08-01-2015, 07:58 PM
I understand and alright first off I got a 1700plat package and I got at least 7-8m off that one pack it really is not that hard if you use your head. Locks are a gamble as I have opened roughly 75 and gotten a maridos,and blood Ruby a long time ago.

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Well now the same person is just selling a Mythic Belt too & undercut me I give Up !! But what do u mean use your head if All I got was all L46 Armour and Helms which dont sell for more than say even 1000 But Thats Pushing it.. And Green Gems, Re-Specs Damage & loot luck with as i said the few reasonably good things & I have opened 510 Ren Chests & 12/14 Locks which gave me worse L41 gear & opened 5 times more than you, And Spent over 3 times more I mean yea buying Lepres and selling them too make cash which I have done ... but sorry the point was what I got out the crates for the Amount Ive opened Theirs noway I could have made 7-8 mill from what came out of mine... Shards are now hitting 950K Maridos it over 1mill So No not a Hope in hell could I have made 7/8 mill from the drops No matter how I used my Head unless it was to Magically Treble the good drops. Just Hoping Sts Have a Read at This and maybe Realise for 5330 Plat Its Not Enough !! When see others with the Best Arcane Pets and Selling more of them or as I said how can some peeps get so many drops from opening So Little ...But I shall Take Your Point On Board and Think About how too make more Gold..

08-01-2015, 08:01 PM
Well now the same person is just selling a Mythic Belt too & undercut me I give Up !! But what do u mean use your head if All I got was all L46 Armour and Helms which dont sell for more than say even 1000 But Thats Pushing it.. And Green Gems, Re-Specs Damage & loot luck with as i said the few reasonably good things & I have opened 510 Ren Chests & 12/14 Locks which gave me worse L41 gear & opened 5 times more than you, And Spent over 3 times more I mean yea buying Lepres and selling them too make cash which I have done ... but sorry the point was what I got out the crates for the Amount Ive opened Theirs noway I could have made 7-8 mill from what came out of mine... Shards are now hitting 950K Maridos it over 1mill So No not a Hope in hell could I have made 7/8 mill from the drops No matter how I used my Head unless it was to Magically Treble the good drops. Just Hoping Sts Have a Read at This and maybe Realise for 5330 Plat Its Not Enough !! When see others with the Best Arcane Pets and Selling more of them or as I said how can some peeps get so many drops from opening So Little ...But I shall Take Your Point On Board and Think About how too make more Gold..
The problem is you are waiting your plat opening locks try doing something else like let's say wait for elon event when it hits immediately buy energy kits sells those u will for sure make over 6m

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08-02-2015, 06:32 AM
The problem is you are waiting your plat opening locks try doing something else like let's say wait for elon event when it hits immediately buy energy kits sells those u will for sure make over 6m

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

Yep this is so true. You spent your plat gambling when you could have sold kits and made guaranteed gold. When you open locked expect to lose everything. That's what's most likely to happen. Bad investments can only be blamed on the spender.

08-02-2015, 07:50 AM
My mindset has improved greatly on this whole thing. Everything is cheap, so celebrate. You won't rake in millions and millions popping but nor do you need to. We all don't need to drop huge cash anymore. Spend less and still get what you want.

The only bad thing I see is all the people in pvp using their Nekro wrong. Someone needs to write a guide on 'how to nekro like a pro'.

08-02-2015, 10:39 AM
Ok Thanks Guys Basically Dont Spend a Penny of Real Money In A/L UnLess Their Is An Event.......
As Thats The Only Way Too Get AnyThing Half Decent...
Thanks Again... :hopelessness:

08-02-2015, 10:55 AM
Ok Thanks Guys Basucally Dont Spen a Penny of Rel Money In A/L UnLess Their Is An Event.......
As Thats The Only Way Too Get AnyThing Half Decent...
Thanks Again... :hopelessness:

Pretty much. Enjoy the f2p. More money in our pockets!

08-02-2015, 04:57 PM
Nonsense thread. Ive made over 30m in the last 2 days, so to put an end to all your cries arcanes rain only if ur lucky. The end of story.

Btw buying ice spirit vanity

08-03-2015, 03:38 AM
Nonsense thread. Ive made over 30m in the last 2 days, so to put an end to all your cries arcanes rain only if ur lucky. The end of story.

Btw buying ice spirit vanity
Well Woopie Doo for You !! So b/c you made 30Mill everyone else STFU ....
If you cant be Helpful or constructive Dont Bother Replying too a Thread ....

08-03-2015, 03:54 AM
yea, what really grates are the gold sellers... same amount of cash for 10mil... and, that's the nub of all this belly aching, Imo. No more manipulation of items that are far beyond ppls grasp without indeed resorting to paying cash for gold.

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08-03-2015, 04:03 AM
Nonsense thread. Ive made over 30m in the last 2 days, so to put an end to all your cries arcanes rain only if ur lucky. The end of story.

Btw buying ice spirit vanity
Lol don't be idiot is a legit post the game is pretty messed up jewels r spectacular failure and no moves by sts to tackle this issue, arcanes r worthless so if that's the case why on earth will anyone spend plats i.e money to open chests???
I won't spend a single dime no more.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

08-03-2015, 05:29 AM
Just spend a few sec thinking how luck works and tell me what i may think about your response? ^_^

08-03-2015, 05:32 AM
Yeah.. Yeah.. The game is messed up and me and my pals are raking in gold by popping locks. Jewel are meant to he that way, its a long time investment and not an overnight job.

08-05-2015, 03:53 AM
True, best way to do IMO is to farm the locks that you planned to open. As for my part, I did the same thing at first (i buy massives and loot few arcanes which is pretty much equivalent to the amount of money i spent to buy locks) and i found out that all i am doing is wasting plats without any returns. So the next thing I did is to farm ren locks, open 2 massives a day and gladly, ive been looting belts on them. I limit myself on opening locks and the rest of my plats are spent on renaming and other stuffs.

Quick tip, if you looted enough amount to get your profit back, stop it and never open a crate again. Base on experience :)

08-06-2015, 01:47 PM
True, best way to do IMO is to farm the locks that you planned to open. As for my part, I did the same thing at first (i buy massives and loot few arcanes which is pretty much equivalent to the amount of money i spent to buy locks) and i found out that all i am doing is wasting plats without any returns. So the next thing I did is to farm ren locks, open 2 massives a day and gladly, ive been looting belts on them. I limit myself on opening locks and the rest of my plats are spent on renaming and other stuffs.

Quick tip, if you looted enough amount to get your profit back, stop it and never open a crate again. Base on experience :)
Thank you for All your Help Guys Much appreciated ... As for the Post of just think of Luck Just think of Karma for a Few Secs .. You wont be Able too sit down for a Week when it comes round & bites you in the ...... :banana::banana::uncomfortableness: