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View Full Version : Wow xD

04-29-2011, 07:07 PM
I am not a BIT angry at all. I truthfully, find things like these hilarious. Im always hearing about these things, but... its never happened to me until today as said in the title. Just a fair warning to people who dislike things like these.. and it seems hes a forumer too, so just.. a warning Lol.
If i misunderstood Celtic, just post. I personally find this a very immature act, just wondering WHY this is commited. btw, this is the "Boot party before boss" act ;D

04-29-2011, 07:24 PM
lol thats pretty funny

04-29-2011, 07:26 PM
Wow make a private game....personally i hate those kinds of ppl.

04-29-2011, 07:28 PM
Wow make a private game....personally i hate those kinds of ppl.

i agree with major, I people just decide to boot people when they join why not just make a game that's locked. Really isn't that difficult

04-29-2011, 07:29 PM
Report it, this would fall under the category of "ruining other players experience". Especially if he's done that to more people.

04-29-2011, 07:40 PM
;D I dont really care personally, im all for just finding your own game. I was originally not going to post the screenie, but because I saw this guy on the forum looking for a guild I decided to :-/ I also just want him to explain himself because the others might have been pissed.

04-29-2011, 07:50 PM
Pfft. Kids ;D

PS id report him. I'm sure you know the email;)

04-29-2011, 07:52 PM
Pfft. Kids ;D

PS id report him. I'm sure you know the email;)

Why report? D: i dont think he deserves a ban imo :-/ just want him to explain himself, public shame is punishment enough ;)
Ohhhohohohoho.. i know the email VERY well :D

04-29-2011, 07:55 PM
Don't just report for yourself, it's for all the other people he did or will do this to also :)

Just saying, we would report if we were you :p

04-29-2011, 07:55 PM
Don't just report for yourself, it's for all the other people he did or will do this to also :)

Just saying, we would report if we were you :p

Ahaha i forget about the others. Alright. ;D

04-29-2011, 08:11 PM
I'm guessing that the devs have already seen this thread anyways.

But still ... wow. At the very least, after the few minutes that it took to get through the level, the host should give everyone a fair chance at a good drop.

04-29-2011, 08:27 PM
I'm guessing that the devs have already seen this thread anyways.

But still ... wow. At the very least, after the few minutes that it took to get through the level, the host should give everyone a fair chance at a good drop.

yeah ;D But im just wondering what the motive was :-/
1. Its harder to solo
2. Drop rate is the same -__-
3. Maybe he wants a challenge?
4. We sure didnt piss him off so idk..
5. Maybe he wanted to annoy us.. D;

04-29-2011, 09:11 PM
I actually find this situation funny as well. I laugh, might report and then I'd ignore. And talk to the others to play in a nicer game. LOL

So funny.

I'm always confused by people like this. I just can't believe their gaming experience is that fun for them, but oh well, it's their choice. I just make sure I never play with them again.

04-29-2011, 09:30 PM
He is a Looohooosehhherrrr!

04-29-2011, 10:18 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I will never join one of his games.

04-29-2011, 11:17 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I will never join one of his games.

Np, but dont get confused with the other dude with the name celtic in front of it LOL

04-30-2011, 10:52 AM
guys i warned u in another thread about celticspride... hes a jerk.. just avoid him and let him play solo..
btw. reported him also for booting while bossfight

04-30-2011, 11:31 AM
wow.. kids yea ! What a noob.........

04-30-2011, 12:24 PM
Lol as if ur calling for a perma band and u don't even know me keep anything u have to say about me to urself. I could careless if there r 5 or 1 going into a boss battle. U think I'm stupid I know booting people before the boss don't boost pink drops but getting rid of people that don't know how to play or r rude to other players or my friends that's a bootable cause u mad I booted u honestly its cause u weren't doing anything besides auto attack and talkin smack so that's the reason plus my friend personally asked to clear the team. The worst team I ever experienced and that is a reason to ban them for ruining mine and my friends gaming experience I get booted from games I don't go crying on the forum and another thing lol they shouldn't ban me for life for booting people no they should ban me cause I give awayto much gold and pinks and help out the new peoples I'm rude right I think dont think so I warned u all multiple times u thought it was funny seeing me dying I thought it was funny watching u all go. U laughed at me so I wanted the last laugh. A warning is a warning most people just boot without cause. I'm glad this post came to my attention cause I would have never have know i was being talked about if it wasn't for a my friend. Thank you for ur time and I hope that all that replied has read and now understands my side and no the immature part was u guys all egging me on to boot "go ahead do it" I did and apparently it was to funny to some. No hard feelings from me tho if I see u join my game again I'll give u the chance to redeem urself and help me out. I hope y'all have a good day.

04-30-2011, 12:27 PM
Noob lol lvl 55 brosif

04-30-2011, 12:40 PM
Ricciets lol u got a dirty mouth man that's y i booted u among other things. I ain't a jerk but again when my friends personally write to me In The middle of a boss fight saying ur being mean to them well u gots to go sorry avoid me all together lol u mad too that's good I'm glad cause the way u treated my friend I don't want u in my games. U know why u were booted lol...Here's the kicker the little girl she was very upset. I'm rude think again. I have no hard feeling towards u but just think when u post or write to someone think it out. I'm a father to a little girl and boy so I take offense when little peeps write and then call me in the middle of a boss battle again really hurt ur rude and by somebody with less skill then the 12 yr old she does good for her age better than u did and u still knocked her down a peg that was just mean and uncalled for.

04-30-2011, 12:57 PM
Giayuan lol im sorry as if u didn't request a ban but this other posters did and ur the one who got booted that shows some compassion honestly whatever the reason I was booted for I would be mean to the person I'm very surprised not u but these other people want a ban but not u. Ur a bigger person than anyone else that replied to this post. Everyone is ban happy I dont write emails to Spacetime for the countless rude comments and really bad stuff said to me privately that's constitutes a booting I move on And play another game giayuan I think ur the same in that aspect. i seriously died alot with a full team lol everyone was sitting back watching me take the hits I was seriously first everytime and I would be by myself for at least 30 seconds my thought was if im going to die or kill by myself and not be revived then mine as well do the map myself worst case scenario. I apologize but I did warn u guys maybe not u personally but the group I did give a heads up to.

04-30-2011, 01:01 PM
You know, this is the stuff that makes me go for the Lakers, eh?

04-30-2011, 01:07 PM
You know, this is the stuff that makes me go for the Lakers, eh?

Trolllolololol, damn straight!

Edit: check ur pms

04-30-2011, 01:09 PM
Trolllolololol, damn straight!

Let's go Lake Show!

04-30-2011, 01:13 PM
This is a reply to celticspride super long post. My device cant reply to that long of a post :p

thats why we have private games dude.

04-30-2011, 01:19 PM
Lol as if ur calling for a perma band and u don't even know me keep anything u have to say about me to urself. I could careless if there r 5 or 1 going into a boss battle. U think I'm stupid I know booting people before the boss don't boost pink drops but getting rid of people that don't know how to play or r rude to other players or my friends that's a bootable cause u mad I booted u honestly its cause u weren't doing anything besides auto attack and talkin smack so that's the reason plus my friend personally asked to clear the team. The worst team I ever experienced and that is a reason to ban them for ruining mine and my friends gaming experience I get booted from games I don't go crying on the forum and another thing lol they shouldn't ban me for life for booting people no they should ban me cause I give awayto much gold and pinks and help out the new peoples I'm rude right I think dont think so I warned u all multiple times u thought it was funny seeing me dying I thought it was funny watching u all go. U laughed at me so I wanted the last laugh. A warning is a warning most people just boot without cause. I'm glad this post came to my attention cause I would have never have know i was being talked about if it wasn't for a my friend. Thank you for ur time and I hope that all that replied has read and now understands my side and no the immature part was u guys all egging me on to boot "go ahead do it" I did and apparently it was to funny to some. No hard feelings from me tho if I see u join my game again I'll give u the chance to redeem urself and help me out. I hope y'all have a good day.

That was a headache to try and read, ever try punctuation marks?

Edit: if he was so bad why did you wait until the end of the level before the boss to boot? Or even riccits for that matter...

04-30-2011, 01:20 PM
That was a headache to try and read, ever try punctuation marks?

I just skipped it.
I read the first sentence, and I was like, ROFLMAO, screw this.

04-30-2011, 01:27 PM
Lol I wasnt writing so u fools would understand I was explaining to the person who started the post maybe I should put punctuations if it helps u read better bud. Its not my fault u have a short aytention span smoke a joint or something maybe help with ur m.r. "i don't expect u to get that" and I hope ur lakers make it to the finals too and then we can hoist the trophy in front of them again. Don't hate because I got the boot button just watch out what u say peeps

04-30-2011, 01:30 PM
Lol I wasnt writing so u fools would understand I was explaining to the person who started the post maybe I should put punctuations if it helps u read better bud. Its not my fault u have a short aytention span smoke a joint or something maybe help with ur m.r. "i don't expect u to get that" and I hope ur lakers make it to the finals too and then we can hoist the trophy in front of them again. Don't hate because I got the boot button just watch out what u say peeps

MM...the Lake Show...never loses.
Remember '10? When Kobe was better than Kobe Version 0.8?
Lake in seven. Anytime. Anywhere. The Celts will lose to Miami anyway.
Right, back to PL..

05-01-2011, 12:34 AM
Sorry to have to bump this thread back :-/ But thanks for clearing yourself. My clearance time :D *cracks knuckles*
1. I wasnt saying anything -__-
2. Auto only? What do I gain from that?
3. I joined halfway into the game and did absolutely nothing but walk to the place where there are many fire grates and witness you die over and over again. I just played and did what I could to help. In fact, one time, I revved you, but you spawned from entrance.
4. Just cuz your lvl55 doesnt mean you arent a noob, NO INSULT MEANT, just saying.
5. Woops, forgot to add :D If you dont like dying, try not rushing right into the mobs? :O idk, its common sense, but right now you know :-/ the worlds a bit crazy.

EDIT: reread your posts, I didnt mean to hurt ANYONES feelings. Just saying you COULD have ruined game experience for the other 2, and you know perfectly well that i dont care, at least i hope you do. And really... if i played pve horribly.. how can you survive really?

Btw, dont think of me as an immature brat complaining about a tiny game experience "ruin". I just wanted to warn others who might actually get offended, and yes, waiting for you to respond. thanks again =)

05-01-2011, 01:21 AM
Lol I wasnt writing so u fools would understand I was explaining to the person who started the post maybe I should put punctuations if it helps u read better bud. Its not my fault u have a short aytention span smoke a joint or something maybe help with ur m.r. "i don't expect u to get that" and I hope ur lakers make it to the finals too and then we can hoist the trophy in front of them again. Don't hate because I got the boot button just watch out what u say peeps

If I join your game and you boot me before boss, that's a report, so you better watch what you do if you want to continue playing this game. If you really wanted to play that badly by yourself make a private game, which by the sounds of it you can't really do because you die over and over. Also, people tend to listen and respect you more if you use at least a few punctuation marks, tends to not let sentences run into eachother and make everything more clear as to what point you are trying to get across.

05-01-2011, 01:31 AM
Giayuan lol im sorry as if u didn't request a ban but this other posters did and ur the one who got booted that shows some compassion honestly whatever the reason I was booted for I would be mean to the person I'm very surprised not u but these other people want a ban but not u. Ur a bigger person than anyone else that replied to this post. Everyone is ban happy I dont write emails to Spacetime for the countless rude comments and really bad stuff said to me privately that's constitutes a booting I move on And play another game giayuan I think ur the same in that aspect. i seriously died alot with a full team lol everyone was sitting back watching me take the hits I was seriously first everytime and I would be by myself for at least 30 seconds my thought was if im going to die or kill by myself and not be revived then mine as well do the map myself worst case scenario. I apologize but I did warn u guys maybe not u personally but the group I did give a heads up to.

AHA quadruple post LOSER

05-01-2011, 04:21 AM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhhhhhhhhh hhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! lMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2011, 06:41 AM
Ricciets lol u got a dirty mouth man that's y i booted u among other things. I ain't a jerk but again when my friends personally write to me In The middle of a boss fight saying ur being mean to them well u gots to go sorry avoid me all together lol u mad too that's good I'm glad cause the way u treated my friend I don't want u in my games. U know why u were booted lol...Here's the kicker the little girl she was very upset. I'm rude think again. I have no hard feeling towards u but just think when u post or write to someone think it out. I'm a father to a little girl and boy so I take offense when little peeps write and then call me in the middle of a boss battle again really hurt ur rude and by somebody with less skill then the 12 yr old she does good for her age better than u did and u still knocked her down a peg that was just mean and uncalled for.

i dunno wich drugs u smoke but better stop it..
i never played with u jerk and u just booted another guy bcz he wanted to pull queen. is that a reason to boot?? i asked why u did such stupid bcz we would need him for queen and then u booted me!!
i didnt say anything to your friends!! and i didnt say anything dirty or rude!
you are a liar and a troll of PL. i really hope u get permabanned soon!

07-02-2011, 07:25 AM
Don't think this is the same situation that you all are talking about but it's very similar. Celticspride booted me at boss in stronghold because at the beginning he said he wanted to pull which I thought meant he wanted to gather. Everything was fine until we got to boss and he yelled at someone for trying to get boss (not me) but when I spoke up saying that they might have mistaken his statement, as I did, he booted me and used a few choice words including noob.

07-02-2011, 07:39 AM
Lol never saw this thread before. Fun read.

07-02-2011, 07:46 AM
hm, wow seems like a prick move. i havent been booted from a game since i've started but i'd be angry as hell if that was the reason i got kicked out

07-02-2011, 05:01 PM
LOL. I was wondering why this thread was up.

I love people who go, "I"m not a jerk!" and here's why, thus confirming to the world that they are...
Ah, fun and games.

07-02-2011, 05:05 PM
I say it one more time.

Let's go Lake Show! I'm done here. This thread is boring now. :(

07-02-2011, 05:14 PM
Why dont all you just be quiet. Theres nothing you can do about what celtic did anymore. If you wanna pout, please do so in a corner where nobody can see you. You dont know why celtic booted and now you know. People have a right to boot for whatever reason they want. If you dont wanna join celtics games, then go ahead. And celtic, there isnt any need to call people fools or anything like that. It would be all better if nobody replied to this thread if they are gonna call celtic stupid or a noob. I seriously doubt none of you want to be called what celtic was called (except noobmigo, of course :p)

07-02-2011, 05:24 PM
i dont think that its right to clear all and get booted before boss fight... and he had fun to do it...

07-02-2011, 07:23 PM
Lol noobmigo :) i still feel bad about that trade...:( sowwy :( anywho i cant believe this thread is still going... ZZzzz i posted on it like 2 months ago lol...i just say we say sorry to each other and move on with our lives. No need to get all hung up on one small problem...i mean really celtic u need to calm down buddy...3 words against 1? Ill go with the 3....also cuz i trust cereal. U dont boot someone becuz theyre not doing what u want. You just say please dont do that we want to try something else etc. etc. Then proceeding to boot someone because they said we need his experience which, well you probably do...one more body always helps in a boss battle. Lastly..i really dont get y u booted cereal...i mean "All u did was auto attack" wtf??? It's better than nothing even if he was...anyway im done...happy lives people :p

07-04-2011, 12:21 AM
In before the lock!!!

07-04-2011, 03:07 AM
I love celticspride cause I'm a fan of celtics :) {off topic}

07-04-2011, 03:17 AM
Lakers own celtics..

07-04-2011, 03:47 AM
He is a Looohooosehhherrrr!

People sure are mighty friendly around here! Gotta love Ace Ventura.

07-04-2011, 05:15 AM
This thread is a friggin zombie, ive seen it come back from the thread graveyard like 6 times now so can yall just drop it? flaming people and attempting to get others banned (which btw bans arent supposed to be discussed on the forums) isnt solving anything so if ur all as non-jerky as u say u r then get over it and enjoy the game :D

07-04-2011, 05:22 AM
lol threads over booting.. people tend to whine about anything nowadays. If someone boots me(and is rude abt it... reasons like full and srry r totally cool) I rmbr their name and boot them when they come to my game xD(at start that is).

Its a game chill and play whats up with all this hating.

07-04-2011, 05:29 AM
lol threads over booting.. people tend to whine about anything nowadays. If someone boots me(and is rude abt it... reasons like full and srry r totally cool) I rmbr their name and boot them when they come to my game xD(at start that is).

Its a game chill and play whats up with all this hating.

u didnt read. he boots after clearing all for a reason wich isnt a valuable one. just for fun.

07-04-2011, 05:53 AM
I see.. I guess I'd be pissed too but really what can come of these threads really.. one more for the devs to lock cuz of all the hate spewing about. Wheneva I join a random game I half expect a boot so I dunt care much.