View Full Version : Pocket legends idea?

07-28-2015, 06:28 AM
Hey everyone, I know you've read this thread thousands of times but I'm bore of not having any updates but I'm reassured by all the players thy have stayed loyal and I think would definitely return if it came back alive wth updates so here is my idea:
There could be a vote a community vote on let's say two different stages so 1st one is the most likely this is because a certain amount of votes for the option of paying a monthly fee that's pretty small but enough to five sts a decent income as well as platinum income to the point where it's profitable to bring back updates.
Then the 2nd let's say stage requires more people to vote for pl to come back and agreeing to paying a fee and if its substantially more then the fee could be less than the first option as there may be more people which means more money from the monthly fee and platinum for all then that want to get 77 as fast a possible :).
Sorry that I haven't explained it as well as I would of liked but I'm in but of a rush.
Thanks for reading and I hope you like the idea.

07-28-2015, 08:55 AM
The game has had its prime and fame now let it rest in peace

07-28-2015, 08:56 AM
From that i understood all have to pay a fee to play PL??
you mean the non-plat user can't play?
if it doesn't meant that please define it and if it does then there is no big difference in AL and PL

and yea. Not again STS has stopped updating and that's it

07-28-2015, 09:51 AM
I'm sorry that you have the hope of improving PL.
Let it go.

07-28-2015, 10:34 AM
Yeah I ment I small monthly fee to actually play which I know has a lot of problems with it but I would mind paying a little for new caps new events and all that and yeah you can say let it rest in peace blah blah but as long as the game produces profit it can go on and with a fair monthly price which could also have special offers like membership buy 3 months get some platinum free with it and also platinum offers in game also so there's 2 different ways of income for the game one which is always there and platinum which would provide extra. Like they said AL is bringing in more money and pocket legend just stopped making I'm guessing profit anymore so they let it go so it could easily be revived but at a cost.

07-28-2015, 11:58 AM
The game isn't going to receive anymore updates just let it be. They can't go back on the definite statement justG made

07-28-2015, 12:29 PM
Yes they can easily if it mean substantial profit which I think they would get from doing this so stop thinking its a beg with no idea to revive the game it's an actual possibility if people would be up for paying a monthly small fee as its a mobile game to get great content and prosper further.

07-28-2015, 12:32 PM
Yes they can easily if it mean substantial profit which I think they would get from doing this so stop thinking its a beg with no idea to revive the game it's an actual possibility if people would be up for paying a monthly small fee as its a mobile game to get great content and prosper further.

They will never make substantial profit in pocket legends it's simply too outdated and people would rather play new games with individed attention and updates

07-28-2015, 12:37 PM
The thing is though it could easily with updates that would be unexpected say even if they did the white dragon event and advertised and even if they adde staking which was a popular thread idea a while back and if it's outdated they bring it back a game can last for years seen as its on chrome il say look at run escape and WoW they've lasted longer than 5 years and even 07 scape wasn't that outdated so they moved on to rs3 but people liked old so they brought that back all it takes is community votes on ideas for the game.

07-28-2015, 04:24 PM
Can you please stop these kinds of threads, idk how many times they should tell you. If you didn't get it, you're pretty dumb.

07-28-2015, 05:26 PM
The thing is it's not begging them to bring it back or anything unlike all the other threads this actually has a way of reviving the game but tbh all the complainers and oldies that quit probably would be discouraged after hearing have to pay to play. So are you dumb?

07-28-2015, 06:19 PM
I would love a comeback as much as the next guy but PL becoming subscription based is highly unlikely and is not practical for neither the consumers or StS. If im gunna pay for a sub i might as well go start up WoW :D

07-28-2015, 07:16 PM
Warlords of Draenor why not

07-28-2015, 11:46 PM
Where is that Gif With Jim Carrey saying no means no?

07-28-2015, 11:52 PM
Hey guys,

Since the topic of future updates has been addressed in multiple threads this year, I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread down.

The decision to cease development on the legacy titles was not an easy one. The legacy titles are very near and dear to our hearts - as is our community.

Please read Justg's post here:
