View Full Version : Drop standard or fortified jewels in elites..

07-28-2015, 04:04 PM
Why only cracked jewlels drop in elites atleast standerd or fortified or weak jewels should drop in elites...
This is just an idea cause for farmers jewells are farming items...
So they never use them for their personal use it will take a year for noble jewels come down to 200k-500k so why not a bit higher level jewels drop in elites.....
it will decrease the jewels price but increase the farming level ...
So farmers still can farm and peice also will be sufficient

07-28-2015, 04:07 PM
Damaged Jewels would be balanced, but the ones u're suggesting goes way too far.
Since the droprate for good jewels increased in Rengol maps I personally do not see a problem in the droprate anymore.

07-28-2015, 04:26 PM
No, that would bring the price down.

There is no need for an adjustment to the jewels dropping. This system does not intend for players to max out their sockets in less than a month. It's something to keep players busy. No one would liquidate stat or chaos jewels right? They are removable and resocketable, right? That means the supply of desired jewels would essentially never decrease.

Point is, prices will go down anyways. Right now, noble jewels are the hype because they are new, but that won't last for long. There will be complaint threads in the future about the jewels actually being too common.

09-30-2015, 01:10 PM
lol ikr ppl would be all like reduce the jewels even a lvl 5 has have of there invent filled up with them XD!