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View Full Version : PL Improvements - Phase I

04-30-2011, 12:57 PM
PocketLegends has single-handedly become the most popular mobile mmo to date after only a year in release. Sure it's not World of Warcraft and let's be honest, it's not really even that close either. There's also been a lot of drawbacks, fixes, glitches galore, and more, but still, even though we continue to play this game, we wonder how long it will last before something more astounding emerges elsewhere because we often realized that other then ctf, ah, and dungeoncrawling, the game could definitely rise to the top and be something more....soooo we wanted to help jumpstart that, but, of course, you are asking how could this game get any better? My friends and I sat down yesterday after farming some pwn-kills in the minidungeons and we came up with this list of suggestions:

- Guild System (Guild Ranks, Lvls, Maybe a Castle to Buy, Guild PvP)
- Bank System (store items and money)
- Party System (form groups before you go into battle so its not so random all the time)
- Player Homes (everybody needs a home!)
- Party-Vote Kicking (gets rid of those pesky players that just sit there, do nothing, and just leech on active player's xp and gold)
- Improved AH (we had trouble getting ahold and and actually finding items in it that we had purposely placed there plus the AH is good but could be more unique instead of so bland looking)
- Player Stalls/Selling (got something to sell? Just whip out your stand and sell it in your own player shop while you're afk)
- Improved PvP (you may or may not have noticed, but the pvp in this game is pretty suckish mainly because it's empty!!! Why? Because it's not fully available to most players unless you pay for Platinum and even then when we tested it out, it was still lacking! Make it available to everyone we say, and if you want more arenas and bonuses etc etc then charge platinum!!!)
- New Crafting System (I don't know about you, but, honestly, the crafting in this game blows majorly! You can find better gear in instances!)
- Mount's and Pets would be great! (maybe not fully worth it, but still great!)
- Gendered Classes/Races (we didn't like the fact that the races/classes were only an assigned gender! LAME!!)
- New Classes (this game could use at least 2-3 more new classes to balance it out!)
- Improved Dungeons (sure the game is tough for 1-2 players but when you have 5 or 6, the dungeons become super-easy to mow through so why not add in some difficulty levels or a party-default difficulty once it reaches a certain amount of players in the instance!)
- Store Locations! (idk about you guys but so far when looking to buy potions and what not, every single town i've been in inside this game confuses the hell out of me! there's no icons or item landmarks to show who sells what in the game from what i can see so half the time i end up guessing who sells what until i figure it out eventually which is nothing but annoying and a waste of time!)
- Improved Map (this goes along with store locations, it would be nice to see an actual map legend in the game so we can find stuff!)

Now of course, after reading this, there's going to be at least an unsaid amount of people arguing that this will cause problems, never happen, blah blah blah and that and this and this and that (always happens everywhere even if it's not us saying it). All we have to say to you that argue this is, it's not implemented, might not be, could be, it's really up to the company and the amount of players that request this along with telling you that you've now made yourself known as a noob in the mmo-world because only noobs and people that don't play games much would bring up that instead of taking the time to think about how to make things better for players in the future. Anyways now that we squashed that problem....read on.....

We had a few other gripes as well but this is just the major things that could be done hence Phase I and we're certain STS has something in store for this game in the coming days, and we definately don't expect much of this to happen overnight or even for a few months if at all but still alot of this or even similar things to be uniquely added would and could surely make this game purely astounding as long as it's done in it's own way!

Eventually we will be reviewing this game and all of it's aspects in our gaming community found here: GameGroove Gaming Community! (http://gamegroove.ucoz.net) We also follow several other games along with keeping track of game servers and other things!

Also, if you have a Guild/Clan we will give you hosting space on our site for your Guild/Clan Free of Charge! Contact Us for further info about it on our site!

04-30-2011, 08:19 PM
I actually like a lot of those ideas like the vote booting to make it more fair sometimes...one question what is AH

04-30-2011, 08:39 PM
Nice shill for your website.

Some of your suggestions are good (but have been repeatedly suggested before, none are groundbreaking and are carryovers from WoW), but STS has to balance the amount of content with size limitations placed by Apple to keep it as a "free" base app. Adding all of these would very possibly put them over the Apple .ipa size limit for free apps, as they have mentioned they already do a balancing act to keep adding new gear/campaigns/etc.

So before you come in calling people "noobs" (and only noobs call people "noobs", get real) for saying "this won't happen, or can't happen, etc" maybe you should try understanding STS a little better first.

04-30-2011, 08:57 PM
I have to echo Moog's response. Love the ideas, but already presented time and time again. Check the forums and am pretty sure you'll find threads of this. Anycase, Nice thread though :) Keep the ideas and community involvement coming. Good stuff!

04-30-2011, 09:03 PM
Click the link in my sig about my suggestions
You can add these suggestions to your list, but make sure to credit me, after all, its copyrighted XD

04-30-2011, 09:45 PM
I dont really understand few points.

Bank system to store money and items? Hello where you have been??? There is stash in two different town.
- Improved AH?? Insert keyword what you are looking for and search, it's not that hard lol

05-01-2011, 02:41 PM
I actually like a lot of those ideas like the vote booting to make it more fair sometimes...one question what is AH

AH is your Auction House, it's the usual place to sell your stuff to random people and ATTEMPT to make money when you cant sell stuff via chat. It is found in the middle of the map in Balefort Castle.

05-01-2011, 03:21 PM
Nice shill for your website.

>> Thanks for the comment about my website.

Some of your suggestions are good (but have been repeatedly suggested before, none are groundbreaking and are carryovers from WoW), but STS has to balance the amount of content with size limitations placed by Apple to keep it as a "free" base app. Adding all of these would very possibly put them over the Apple .ipa size limit for free apps, as they have mentioned they already do a balancing act to keep adding new gear/campaigns/etc.

>>Yea of course they're not groundbreaking, but that's mainly due to alot of mmo's just recycling the same ideas instead of reinventing them and yes there's ways to reinvent things, it's been done before and it'll happen again. I won't lie though, I was unaware of the limited data to keep apps free although I did understand the data limitations in order to keep streams steady but I originally figured it was up to the developer of the app.

So before you come in calling people "noobs" (and only noobs call people "noobs", get real) for saying "this won't happen, or can't happen, etc" maybe you should try understanding STS a little better first.

>>I said that because there's always somebody or more that always always comes in and shoots down concepts but if it weren't for people pushing concepts to reinvent things then you wouldn't even have games like these or even other technologies because of people like that, that constantly remain close-minded about it. :P

I don't really find knowing STS much help either other then to follow info about games and new games, updates and company history. The problem that on the otherhand is that alot of Developers don't realize that the Developer to Player ratio is by far uneven and even though its always been that way, it tends to make things always unfair due to several complications when really they should go hand-in-hand and create respect and reward between the two. But sadly it never happens and obviously still hasn't been fully realized hence this is why companies rip people off, hence players pirate game software, the list goes on and on.

05-01-2011, 03:27 PM
I have to echo Moog's response. Love the ideas, but already presented time and time again. Check the forums and am pretty sure you'll find threads of this. Anycase, Nice thread though :) Keep the ideas and community involvement coming. Good stuff!

Yup Moog does have very valid points. I'm sure others do too.

05-01-2011, 03:28 PM
Click the link in my sig about my suggestions
You can add these suggestions to your list, but make sure to credit me, after all, its copyrighted XD

I will and thanks.

05-01-2011, 03:44 PM
I dont really understand few points.

Bank system to store money and items? Hello where you have been??? There is stash in two different town.
- Improved AH?? Insert keyword what you are looking for and search, it's not that hard lol

Let me clarify them then and yes i've been here all along, haven't gone nowhere. I don't really like the stash idea, it just feels boring, I think it would make more sense if you had it in a house for that. I was refering to a bank vault which would make more sense in a banking area/building to be more realistic either way. The AH just feels like it's missing something and when you are looking for something it's just seems hesitant. It's simplistic which is nice but also I fail to understand why the fees for it are so high for the hours you pay for. I guess it's nice because it makes you think before you post an item on auction but still it's very uneconomically balanced.

Come to think of it now that we brought that up, you made me remember another problem I was originally going to post....I've been wandering around in this game for quite a few levels and other than buying hp and mp pots inside instances I absolutely hate the way you have to play "find where's waldo" when you're looking for stores to buy things from, there's no signs, no icons, no nothing from what i've seen so far to even somewhat make it logical to find what you're looking for when looking for weapons, armor, potions, crafting supplies, etc etc...

05-01-2011, 05:41 PM
Check out http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?463-Technology-Roadmap (the technology roadmap), they are actually planning a lot of this stuff already.

Now of course, after reading this, there's going to be at least an unsaid amount of people arguing that this will cause problems, never happen, blah blah blah and that and this and this and that (always happens everywhere even if it's not us saying it). All we have to say to you that argue this is, it's not implemented, might not be, could be, it's really up to the company and the amount of players that request this along with telling you that you've now made yourself known as a noob in the mmo-world because only noobs and people that don't play games much would bring up that instead of taking the time to think about how to make things better for players in the future. Anyways now that we squashed that problem....read on.....
This kinda threw me off the topic. :(