View Full Version : Suggestion: Remove Diamond Jewel Drops From Ren'Gol Maps

07-29-2015, 02:24 PM
When I run the Ren'Gol maps, I get a single jewel drop once every 3 fully completed maps or so, if I am lucky. The problem is that when I've finally finished those 3 maps, the jewel I receive is a cracked diamond jewel 90% of the time. I personally feel (and I'm sure most of the game community would agree) that the diamond jewels are absolutely worthless to keep - they're nothing more than an inventory hog. STS did a great thing by removing the water and nature jewels - the other jewels people find worthless. How about removing diamond jewels from these maps too?

08-05-2015, 08:14 AM
remove diamond jewel from rengol (and water/nature/diamond in tindirin) pls

08-05-2015, 03:19 PM
+1. So disappointing to see a jewel drop then realise it's a diamond!