View Full Version : A Better Inventory!!!

08-04-2015, 10:30 AM
A Better Inventory

Hello fellow arcane legends enthusiasts,

In the following post I would like to propose some ideas I have regarding ,primarily, the status of the inventory layout and how I think it could be improved. Some of these ideas may exist already, but my intent is not to claim them as my own just broadcast them. The ideas I will be addressing include Jewel reorganization and some difficulties with large inventories.

The Difficulty of a Large Inventory

Recently it has come to my attention how annoying it is to scroll through your inventory looking for a certain item, especially when its at the bottom of your inventory list. For example scrolling down 100-200 Class Loot elixirs to get to the Damage elixirs or
25% Loot re-roll elixirs. If you have opened Ren Gol crates then you know what I mean. I do realize that for some players this may not be an issue, but for those of us who make use of our 500 inventory slots this would be a night and day improvement.

There are several Ideas which I came up with that might help solve this issue the first one is allowing items to stack then show the quantity of items for example:

Current Layout
Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot

25% Loot Re-roll

New Layout
(4) Class Loot

(1) 25% Loot Re-roll

Another idea would be to make a sortable inventory with a simple simple up or down arrow to toggle direction for example:

Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot
25% Loot Re-roll

Toggled *(^)*
25% Loot Re-roll
Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot
Class Loot

Faster Item Deletion/ "Item Lock"

As requested by the community there should be a better way of deleting many items out of our inventory, at least not one by one. And furthermore there should be a way to protect valuable items from being deleted. Here are some solutions suggested by the community:

Faster Item Deletion

*Highlight item*/*select delete*/*confirm delete*---*Highlight item*/*select delete*/*confirm delete*---*Highlight item*/*select delete*/*confirm delete*

How many more times must we go through the slow process of liquidating hundreds of items out of our inventory?
The slow process players currently have for deleting unwanted items is very annoying to say the least. There needs to be a faster way to free up inventory space.

Possibly being able to "shift select" items would be a viable solution. By "shift select" I mean selecting an item, then scrolling down selection another item and all the items in between the two selections will be selected to either move/remove to storage or delete.(Possibly "Lock from deletion" could also be done with the selected items).

Alternatively, there could be a "delete all" button added if items/chests were allowed to stack(similar to the one used for gem essence)

Item Lock

As many of you know a faster way of deleting items means less time to look at what you are deleting. Which can lead to the liquidation of important items. A quick way to help players from deleting their valuables(smelly gear)and prevent accidental opening(arcane eggs) would be to add a Item Lock option to items preventing liquidation. Not only would this help the players, it would also free up valuable support time because players are prevented from accidentally opening/deleting items when they are "locked" .

Jewel Organization

Currently the way Jewels are organized right now is below standard in my opinion. The way I would like to see Jewels organized in my inventory is by their name first (fury,mind,lightning) then by their quality(damaged,Superb,Noble). Lets break down the reason why I think they should be organized this way. When I go looking for a jewel I first think "What type of jewel I want to buy?" then, based on my level and current gold I decide "What quality if jewel will fit my needs?" Antithetically, I would not decide if I wanted to buy a cracked jewel or a damaged jewel before I decide that I'm getting a fury type jewel. Another benefit with this type of sorting is you could efficiantly browse what you need for crafting higher tier jewels with minimal scrolling. here is an example of what it might look like:

Current organization Style

Cracked Fury Jewel
Cracked Fury Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Damaged Lightning Jewel
Damaged Mind Jewel
Damaged Mind Jewel
Weak Fury Jewel
Weak Lightning Jewel
Weak Lightning Jewel
Standard Fury Jewel
Standard Lightning Jewel
Standard Mind Jewel
Superb Fury Jewel
Noble Mind Jewel

New Organization Style

Cracked Fury Jewel
Cracked Fury Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Damaged Fury Jewel
Weak Fury Jewel
Standard Fury Jewel
Superb Fury Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Cracked Lightning Jewel
Damaged Lightning Jewel
Weak Lightning Jewel
Weak Lightning Jewel
Standard Lightning Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Cracked Mind Jewel
Damaged Mind Jewel
Damaged Mind Jewel
Standard Mind Jewel
Noble Mind Jewel

Edit: Easiest solution would be "Jewel Stacking"

Item Quick Swap

Have you ever been fighting a boss and just before the boss dies you want to switch to your Leprechaun pendant but its such a pain to hit Menu/Inventory/Necklace/Leprechaun Pendant/Equip, it is even a time consuming process to use the favorites option in the inventory menu.:uncomfortableness:

What if there was a button on the players screen that allowed to them toggle between specified equip favorites. The way players would define what gear they want swapped could be located in the inventory/favorites menu activation could be signified by an icon(lit up for selected transparent for not selected) example:


:emptiness: (Current Best)
:grey: (Smelly Gear)
:grey:(Ugly Clothes)
:emptiness: (Best w/Lep)

This player would be able to Toggle their Leprechaun Pendant with the touch of a convenient button!
So What do you think about these ideas? Do you like all, some, or some of none of them?Please post your thoughts!

08-04-2015, 10:41 AM
Just stack crafting materials and chests. That's the biggest pet peeve.

The best suggestion I can think of is an 'item-lock' option and a sell-all button. Lock your vanities, your crier, and your tabards and hit sell-all. Ta-daaa!

08-04-2015, 10:49 AM
Great idea Ebez, it would also help sts prevent items from being opened/sold accidentally.

08-04-2015, 10:56 AM

08-04-2015, 11:37 AM
Stacking is cool, but even with the new inventory model which, IMO, is kinda bad, I can fetch My lepre in under 5 seconds.
I play on ipad though, I don't know if it is a problem for smaller screens/computers?

08-04-2015, 11:40 AM
Great idea.
IMO it would be better if jewels would stack...

Trimis de pe al meu GT-P5100 folosind Tapatalk

08-04-2015, 11:42 AM
Well its good idea
I like mostly with lep switch

I'm so fresh

08-04-2015, 11:54 AM
Have you ever been fighting a boss and just before the boss dies you want to switch to your Leprechaun pendant but its such a pain to hit Menu/Inventory/Necklace/Leprechaun Pendant/Equip, it is even a time consuming process to use the favorites option in the inventory menu.:uncomfortableness:

What if there was a button on the players screen that allowed to them toggle between specified equip favorites. The way players would define what gear they want swapped could be located in the inventory/favorites menu activation could be signified by an icon(lit up for selected transparent for not selected) example:


:emptiness: (Current Best)
:grey: (Smelly Gear)
:grey:(Ugly Clothes)
:emptiness: (Best w/Lep)

This player would be able to Toggle their Leprechaun Pendant with the touch of a convenient button!
So What do you think about these ideas? Do you like all, some, or some of none of them?Please post your thoughts!

We have this already with loadouts. You can save up to 4 specific gear sets to switch between on a button click.

Go to Inventory and hit the Up/Down arrow beside your name.


08-04-2015, 12:05 PM
still, not as ezzzzzz as having said load out on main screen. and jewel stacking sounds excellent to me.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

08-04-2015, 12:13 PM
We have this already with loadouts. You can save up to 4 specific gear sets to switch between on a button click.

Go to Inventory and hit the Up/Down arrow beside your name.


My suggestion was to further extend the loadout menu to the players main screen with a button that could toggle multiple gear sets with 1 click.

08-04-2015, 12:15 PM
Its better to get a multiple delet option in inventory and for manage items i suggest a item type ption like we have in cs ..
And new craft station for jewels..
Like when we are in inventory ot will display same as it right now when you go to a specifide item type
Let you are on wepon folder you will get a option loke jewel craft station of epic arcane mythic and rare and comon..
It will short the whole inventory and you can use multi dlt option eassily from it

Dex Scene
08-04-2015, 12:32 PM
We also need another slot for keeping essences whether its a energy essence or arena bosses' or jewels.

08-04-2015, 12:41 PM
I also support the idea of a multiple item deletion, would be very helpful, but would also like to see things like chests stack in case the player is hoarding items like ren gol crates.

08-04-2015, 12:46 PM
+9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999.000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

This really needs to be looked at C=

08-04-2015, 03:42 PM
May I suggest something additional?

When deleting/selling junk. Could we have a quick way of deleting them? One way would be if you held down the "Sell" button it would sell everything in that tier category and item category.

For example, you are in the weapons category of the inventory and you have a lot of "common" tier weapons. You simply select/highlight a common weapon and hold down the sell button. Voila! All the common weapons in that category are deleted. This is so you don't have to keep selling each individual one.

When the old essences still dropped. We had an option to sell one or sell all. We should have had an option for other items too. I know system wants to give us something to do once in a while or before we log off but selling each individual item is annoying not fun. There has to be a "smarter" way.

08-05-2015, 12:18 AM
I always wondered why they didn't group the same items in the inventory like old essences. It is such a pain to scroll down through 200+ lockeds to open an elixir.

I wish they implement at least some of OP suggestions one day.

08-05-2015, 12:40 AM
I always wondered why they didn't group the same items in the inventory like old essences. It is such a pain to scroll down through 200+ lockeds to open an elixir.

I wish they implement at least some of OP suggestions one day.
Im hoping that this thread will catch sts's attention and that they take some ideas into consideration.

08-05-2015, 05:18 AM
May I suggest something additional?

When deleting/selling junk. Could we have a quick way of deleting them? One way would be if you held down the "Sell" button it would sell everything in that tier category and item category.

For example, you are in the weapons category of the inventory and you have a lot of "common" tier weapons. You simply select/highlight a common weapon and hold down the sell button. Voila! All the common weapons in that category are deleted. This is so you don't have to keep selling each individual one.

When the old essences still dropped. We had an option to sell one or sell all. We should have had an option for other items too. I know system wants to give us something to do once in a while or before we log off but selling each individual item is annoying not fun. There has to be a "smarter" way.

I agree a quick way of deleting items is a necessity, the best solution to this problem I... I have no idea. Although I do Like Ebezaanec's Idea for an Item lock(to prevent deletion) and a "sell all" option.

Another idea would be an option to select the first item, then scroll down and click the last item in the list of items you want to sell (like a shift select on a computer) then sell the items selected in the list.

08-05-2015, 05:31 AM
+11111 for this thread. totaly agree :encouragement:

08-05-2015, 09:31 AM
A thing to add too Is a Delete all button.

Like you can block the items you wanna keep and just delete everything not blocked.

Edward Coug
08-05-2015, 11:20 AM
A thing to add too Is a Delete all button.

Like you can block the items you wanna keep and just delete everything not blocked.

Adding to this:

Putting a piece of equipment in one of your preset load-outs should prevent it from being accidentally liquidated.

I recently liquidated my lep. Zzzzz

08-05-2015, 05:08 PM
Yes. Love it. Pls make it happen *_*

08-05-2015, 05:12 PM
Adding to this:

Putting a piece of equipment in one of your preset load-outs should prevent it from being accidentally liquidated.

I recently liquidated my lep. Zzzzz

Would like this. You can buy it back if you immediately realize, but what if it's a common/rare/epic item?
What if someone accidentally liquidates a black Heraldic (any references to actual players are unintended) and doesn't realize till a while later, after they've changed maps?
Wud love being able to "lock" an item to avoid it being liquidated. Pls make this happen too *_*

08-06-2015, 01:18 AM
tbh, all these simple, little suggestions have been suggested 1000+ times in the past and they would undoubtely make gameplay much more enjoyable. i just cant understand why sts would rather spend time on a hauntlet event that boring as **** and not lucrative, as opposed to something so simple and easy.
sts needs to rethink their ways of "improving" the game.

08-06-2015, 01:45 AM
Would like this. You can buy it back if you immediately realize, but what if it's a common/rare/epic item?
What if someone accidentally liquidates a black Heraldic (any references to actual players are unintended) and doesn't realize till a while later, after they've changed maps?
Wud love being able to "lock" an item to avoid it being liquidated. Pls make this happen too *_*

Actually, just contact support. They will return the deleted item yo your inventory. Deleted my Lepre three times, always got it back.

08-06-2015, 06:36 AM
I have updated the thread with some feedback/ideas from the comunity

08-06-2015, 10:24 AM
STS, make this happen... you have been shown an amazing solution to what many find an issue, this is also a community effort, considering the thread has been improved by other players ideas. I noticed G-M thanked this thread personally... I should hope this is implemented even before elites.

08-06-2015, 05:58 PM
STS, make this happen... you have been shown an amazing solution to what many find an issue, this is also a community effort, considering the thread has been improved by other players ideas. I noticed G-M thanked this thread personally... I should hope this is implemented even before elites.
Hopefully if enough people voice their opinion then maybe sts will implement the change.

08-08-2015, 09:05 AM
yea, let's face it... the inventory system is anasf

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

08-12-2015, 04:47 AM
keep this thread going so sts makes a change.

08-16-2015, 04:32 AM
Good Idea. :)

08-16-2015, 05:27 AM
Lock item feature would be the most useful thing...we all already deleted items by error.

08-16-2015, 11:06 AM
What I'd like to see is a separate delete window where you can 'check' items and delete them all at one go. Also a delete all of each rarity type, where an "Are You Sure?" dialog box pops up where you can uncheck items you don't want to liquidate.

Also crafting essences need to be stacked... (999) Unicorn Sugar, rather than
Unicorn Sugar
Unicorn Sugar
... Etc.

08-17-2015, 11:47 AM
What I'd like to see is a separate delete window where you can 'check' items and delete them all at one go. Also a delete all of each rarity type, where an "Are You Sure?" dialog box pops up where you can uncheck items you don't want to liquidate.

Also crafting essences need to be stacked... (999) Unicorn Sugar, rather than
Unicorn Sugar
Unicorn Sugar
... Etc.

The Item check is a good idea, and everyone agrees that jewels and chests sections need to have stacked items like old gem essence.